- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/164/38
- Title:
- UV and FIR properties of nearby galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/164/38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This work presents the main ultraviolet (UV) and far-infrared (FIR) properties of two samples of nearby galaxies selected from the GALEX ({lambda}=2315{AA}, hereafter NUV) and IRAS ({lambda}=60{mu}m) surveys, respectively. They are built in order to obtain detection at both wavelengths for most of the galaxies. Star formation rate (SFR) estimators based on the UV and FIR emissions are compared. Systematic differences are found between the SFR estimators for individual galaxies based on the NUV fluxes corrected for dust attenuation and on the total IR luminosity.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/824/70
- Title:
- UV-FIR SED results of SDSS QSOs and their hosts
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/824/70
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this work, we present a study of 207 quasars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalogs and the Herschel Stripe 82 survey. Quasars within this sample are high-luminosity quasars with a mean bolometric luminosity of 10^46.4^erg/s. The redshift range of this sample is within z Herschel-SPIRE bands, the quasar sample is complete yet highly biased. Based on the multi-wavelength photometric observation data, we conducted a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting through UV to FIR. Parameters such as active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity, far-IR (FIR) luminosity, stellar mass, as well as many other AGN and galaxy properties are deduced from the SED fitting results. The mean star formation rate (SFR) of the sample is 419M_{sun}_/yr and the mean gas mass is ~10^11.3^M_{sun}_. All of these results point to an IR luminous quasar system. Compared with star formation main sequence (MS) galaxies, at least 80 out of 207 quasars are hosted by starburst galaxies. This supports the statement that luminous AGNs are more likely to be associated with major mergers. The SFR increases with the redshift up to z=2. It is correlated with the AGN bolometric luminosity, where L_FIR_{propto}L_Bol_^0.46+/-0.03^. The AGN bolometric luminosity is also correlated with the host galaxy mass and gas mass. Yet the correlation between L_FIR_ and L_Bol_ has higher significant level, implies that the link between AGN accretion and the SFR is more primal. The M_BH_/M_*_ ratio of our sample is 0.02, higher than the value 0.005 in the local universe. It might indicate an evolutionary trend of the M_BH_/M_*_ scaling relation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/898/166
- Title:
- UV to NIR obs. of SN 2019ehk
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/898/166
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 09:18:33
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present panchromatic observations and modeling of the Calcium-rich supernova (SN) 2019ehk in the star-forming galaxy M100 (d~16.2Mpc) starting 10hr after explosion and continuing for ~300days. SN 2019ehk shows a double-peaked optical light curve peaking at t=3 and 15days. The first peak is coincident with luminous, rapidly decaying Swift-XRT-discovered X-ray emission (L_x_~10^41^erg/s at 3days; Lx{propto}t^-3^), and a Shane/Kast spectral detection of narrow H{alpha} and HeII emission lines (v~500km/s) originating from pre-existent circumstellar material (CSM). We attribute this phenomenology to radiation from shock interaction with extended, dense material surrounding the progenitor star at r<10^15^cm and the resulting cooling emission. We calculate a total CSM mass of ~7x10^-3^M_{sun}_ (M_He_/M_H_~6) with particle density n~10^9^cm^-3^. Radio observations indicate a significantly lower density n<10^4^cm^-3^ at larger radii r>(0.1-1)x10^17^cm. The photometric and spectroscopic properties during the second light-curve peak are consistent with those of Ca-rich transients (rise-time of t_r_=13.4!+/-0.210days and a peak B-band magnitude of M_B_=-15.1+/-0.200mag). We find that SN 2019ehk synthesized (3.1+/-0.11)x10^-2^M_{sun}_ of ^56^Ni and ejected M_ej_=(0.72+/-0.040)M_{sun}_ total with a kinetic energy E_k_=(1.8+/-0.10)x10^50^erg. Finally, deep HST pre-explosion imaging at the SN site constrains the parameter space of viable stellar progenitors to massive stars in the lowest mass bin (~10M_{sun}_) in binaries that lost most of their He envelope or white dwarfs (WDs). The explosion and environment properties of SN 2019ehk further restrict the potential WD progenitor systems to low-mass hybrid HeCO WD+CO WD binaries.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/900/47
- Title:
- UV to NIR spectra of the QSO 2MASS J15165323+1900482
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/900/47
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 09:27:00
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present detailed studies of the partially obscured quasar 2MASSJ151653.23+190048.2 with continuous broadband spectrophotometry from near-infrared (NIR) through optical to ultraviolet (UV). The NIR and optical spectra show strong broad emission lines, while the UV spectrum is dominated by a set of rich intermediate-width emission lines (IELs). These IELs, unshifted with respect to the quasar systemic velocity measured by narrow emission lines, share a common profile of about 1900km/s in FWHM, in contrast to the Balmer and Paschen broad emission lines of FWHM ~6300km/s observed in the optical and NIR. The intermediate width of these lines indicates that the emitting gas may come from the dusty torus region. However, the observed peculiar IEL intensity ratios, such as NV{lambda}1240/Ly{alpha}, indicate that the emitting gas has a very high density, up to ~10^13^cm^-3^. Such a high density is unusual for gas around the dusty torus region, except that we consider mechanisms such as shocks that can produce local ultradense gas. We speculate that these emission lines could originate from the shock region, possibly induced by the quasar outflow colliding with the inner wall of the dusty torus. If true, this may give us an opportunity to peep at the quasar outflows at the scale of the dusty torus that have so far been elusive due to the limited resolving powers of existing facilities.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/402/37
- Title:
- UV to radio SED of galaxies in Virgo cluster
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/402/37
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a multifrequency dataset for an optically-selected, volume-limited, complete sample of 118 late-type galaxies (>=S0a) in the Virgo cluster. The database includes UV, visible, near-IR, mid-IR, far-IR, radio continuum photometric data as well as spectroscopic data of H{alpha}, CO and HI lines, homogeneously reduced, obtained from our own observations or compiled from the literature. Assuming the energy balance between the absorbed stellar light and that radiated in the IR by dust, we calibrate an empirical attenuation law suitable for correcting photometric and spectroscopic data of normal galaxies. The data, corrected for internal extinction, are used to construct the spectral energy distribution (SED) of each individual galaxy, and combined to trace the median SED of galaxies in various classes of morphological type and luminosity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/234/25
- Title:
- Vanadium transitions in the spectrum of Arcturus
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/234/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We derive a new abundance for vanadium in the bright, mildly metal-poor red giant Arcturus. This star has an excellent high-resolution spectral atlas and well-understood atmospheric parameters, and it displays a rich set of neutral vanadium lines that are available for abundance extraction. We employ a newly recorded set of laboratory FTS spectra to investigate any potential discrepancies in previously reported V I log(gf) values near 900nm. These new spectra support our earlier laboratory transition data and the calibration method utilized in that study. We then perform a synthetic spectrum analysis of weak V I features in Arcturus, deriving log{epsilon}(V)=3.54+/-0.01 ({sigma}=0.04) from 55 lines. There are no significant abundance trends with wavelength, line strength, or lower excitation energy.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/134/2099
- Title:
- Variability of point sources in infrared
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/134/2099
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a list of 552 sources with suspected variability, based on a comparison of mid-infrared photometry from the GLIMPSE I and Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) surveys, which were carried out nearly a decade apart. We were careful to address issues such as the difference in resolution and sensitivity between the two surveys, as well as the differences in the spectral responses of the instruments. We selected only sources where the IRAC 8.0um and MSX 8.28um fluxes differ by more than a factor of 2, in order to minimize contamination from sources where the difference in fluxes at 8um is due to a strong 10um silicate feature. We present a subset of 40 sources for which additional evidence suggests variability, using 2MASS and MIPSGAL data. Based on a comparison with the variability flags in the IRAS and MSX point-source catalogs we estimate that at least a quarter of the 552 sources and at least half of the 40 sources in the subset are truly variable. In addition, we tentatively confirm the variability of one source using multiepoch IRAS LRS spectra. We suggest that most of the sources in our list are likely to be asymptotic giant branch stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/731/97
- Title:
- Variable AGNs in GOODS fields
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/731/97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We identify 85 variable galaxies in the GOODS North and South fields using five epochs of Hubble Space Telescope Advance Camera for Survey V-band (F606W) images spanning 6 months. The variables are identified through significant flux changes in the galaxy's nucleus and represent ~2% of the survey galaxies. With the aim of studying the active galaxy population in the GOODS fields, we compare the variability-selected sample with X-ray and mid-IR active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates. Forty-nine percent of the variables are associated with X-ray sources identified in the 2Ms Chandra surveys. Twenty-four percent of X-ray sources likely to be AGNs are optical variables and this percentage increases with decreasing hardness ratio of the X-ray emission. Stacking of the non-X-ray-detected variables reveals marginally significant soft X-ray emission. Forty-eight percent of mid-IR power-law sources are optical variables, all but one of which is also X-ray detected. Thus, about half of the optical variables are associated with either X-ray or mid-IR power-law emission. The slope of the power-law fit through the Spitzer IRAC bands indicates that two-thirds of the variables have BLAGN-like spectral energy distributions. Among those galaxies spectroscopically identified as AGNs, we observe variability in 74% of broad-line AGNs and 15% of NLAGNs. The variables are found in galaxies extending to z~3.6.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/267/515
- Title:
- Very cold C-rich circumstellar envelopes
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/267/515
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The paper develops a method for identification of very cold C-rich circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) in IR regions colder than region VII (i.e., larger value of IRAS flux ratio S25/S12), by reviewing the different criteria and by identifying C-rich CSEs in a sample of 228 bright IRAS sources. By using the results of OH surveys and catalogs together with the results of additional HCN/CO millimeter observations performed on critical classes of objects, a C/O classification is proposed for 94 percent of the sources with a good probability. It is shown that the low-resolution spectra by themselves are a reasonable and easy way to identify C-rich late AGB CSEs. For post-AGB object with cold CSEs, HCN and OH observations or visible/near IR spectroscopy are necessary.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/132/181
- Title:
- Very luminous IRAS galaxies spectra. II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/132/181
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spectroscopic observations of a sample of 73 very luminous IRAS galaxies (log(L_IR_/L_{sun}_)>=11.5 for H_0_=50km/s/Mpc, q_0_=0.5) from the 2Jy redshift survey catalogue were carried out using the 2.16m telescope at the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The observational data, including the optical images (extracted from Digital Sky Survey) and spectra for these galaxies, are presented in paper I (Wu et al., 1998, Cat. <J/A+AS/127/521>). In this paper, we give the spectral and morphological classifications for these very luminous IRAS galaxies (VLIRGs). We show that about 60% of VLIRGs exhibit AGN-like spectra (Seyfert 1s, Seyfert 2s, LINER-like galaxies). This fraction goes up to 82% for the ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) subsample (Log(L_IR_/ L_{sun}_)>=12.0). 56% of the VLIRGs show strong interaction or merging signatures; this fraction rises to 91% for the ULIRGs. These statistical results strongly suggest that interaction triggers nuclear activities and enhances the infrared luminosity. We find that LINER and a mixture type which have optical properties of both HII galaxies and LINERs could be at the transition stage from infrared luminous HII galaxies to AGNs; their main energy production is from starbursts as well as AGNs. Both infrared luminosities and Ha equivalent widths increase dramatically as nuclear separations between VLIRGs and their nearest neighbors decrease. There is little doubt that strong starbursts happen in the nuclei of VLIRGs. Assuming class 0 as advanced merger, we construct a simple merger sequence, from morphological classes 1 to 4 (with near or far companions), to class 5 and 6 (interacting pairs and mergers) and then to class 0 (isolated galaxies). Along this sequence, VLIRGs evolve from HII galaxies to AGNs.