Trumpler 16 is a well-known rich star cluster containing the eruptive supergiant {eta} Carinae and located in the Carina star-forming complex. In the context of the Chandra Carina Complex Project, we study Trumpler 16 using new and archival X-ray data. A revised X-ray source list of the Trumpler 16 region contains 1232 X-ray sources including 1187 likely Carina members. These are matched to 1047 near-infrared counterparts detected by the HAWK-I instrument at the Very Large Telescope allowing for better selection of cluster members. The cluster is irregular in shape. Although it is roughly circular, there is a high degree of sub-clustering, with no noticeable central concentration and an extension to the southeast. We estimate the total Trumpler 16 pre-main-sequence population to be >6500 Class II and Class III X-ray sources. An overall K-excess disk frequency of ~8.9% is derived using the X-ray-selected sample, although there is some variation among the sub-clusters, especially in the southeastern extension. X-ray emission is detected from 29 high-mass stars with spectral types between B2 and O3.
We present the deepest and highest resolution near-infrared imaging to date of cluster Trumpler 14 in Carina. Our goal is to identify and characterise the young stellar population of this massive cluster. We made use of deep and wide-field NIR images from NTT and VLT observations, that were sensitive enough to detect substellar sources at the distance to this cluster, and at high enough resolution (VLT diffraction limited) to fully resolve the core of the cluster crowded with O stars.
The aim of this paper is to quantitatively testify the 'small-scale sequential star formation' hypothesis in and around bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs). As a continuation of the recent attempt by Ogura et al. (2007PASJ...59..199O), we have carried out BVIc photometry of four more BRC aggregates along with deeper re-observations of two previously observed BRCs. Again, quantitative age gradients are found in almost all the BRCs studied in the present work. Archival Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera data also support this result.
This paper involves a data release of the observational campaign: Cosmicflows with Spitzer (CFS). Surface photometry of the 1270 galaxies constituting the survey is presented. An additional ~400 galaxies from various other Spitzer surveys are also analysed. CFS complements the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, that provides photometry for an additional 2352 galaxies, by extending observations to low galactic latitudes (|b|<30{deg}). Among these galaxies are calibrators, selected in the K band, of the Tully-Fisher relation. The addition of new calibrators demonstrates the robustness of the previously released calibration. Our estimate of the Hubble constant using supernova host galaxies is unchanged, H_0_=75.2+/-3.3km/s/Mpc. Distance-derived radial peculiar velocities, for the 1935 galaxies with all the available parameters, will be incorporated into a new data release of the Cosmicflows project. The size of the previous catalogue will be increased by 20 percent, including spatial regions close to the Zone of Avoidance.
The observations presented in table 3 were made by using the 1.03m Dall-Kirkham-type telescope (f/8.45) of Tuorla Observatory with a SBIG ST-8 CCD-camera and a standard V-band filter. Table 4 includes data (B-, V- , and R-bands) observed at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) on La Palma. Corrections for dark-current effects, additive effects (bias) and multiplicative effects (flatfield) were applied. Due to the relatively small field of view of the telescope separate frames of comparison stars were exposed for Mrk 421 and 4C 29.45. For the other objects normal differential photometry methods were applied. Exposure times with the Tuorla 1.03 meter telescope were between 60 and 240 seconds for objects brighter than 16 mag. For fainter objects, we have combined several exposures to achieve a sufficiently high signal to noise ratio.
We present the first release of Turin-SyCAT, a multifrequency catalog of Seyfert galaxies. We selected Seyfert galaxies considering criteria based on radio, infrared, and optical properties and starting from sources belonging to hard X-ray catalogs and surveys. We visually inspected optical spectra available for all selected sources. We adopted homogeneous and stringent criteria in the source selection aiming at reducing the possible contamination from other source classes. Our final catalog includes 351 Seyfert galaxies distinguished in 233 type 1 and 118 type 2. Type 1 Seyfert galaxies appear to have mid-IR colors similar to blazars, but are distinguished from them by their radio-loudness. Additionally, Seyfert 2 galaxies have mid-IR colors more similar to quasars than BL Lac objects. As expected from their spectral properties, type 1 and 2 Seyfert galaxies show a clear distinction when using the u-r color. Finally, we found a tight correlation between the mid-IR fluxes at both 12 and 22 um (i.e., F12 and F22, respectively) and hard X-ray fluxes between 15 and 150 keV. Both Seyfert types appear to follow the same trend and share similar values of the ratios of F12 and F22 to FHX in agreement with expectations of the AGN unification scenario. As future perspectives, the Turin-SyCAT will then be used to search for heavily obscured Seyfert galaxies among unidentified hard X-ray sources, given the correlation between mid-IR and hard X-rays, and to investigate their large-scale environments.
This catalog is a list of potential guide stars developed for a program to obtain more precise positions of objects in the IRC Two-Micron Sky Survey of Neguebauer and Leighton (1969). For each IRC source (col. 1), it gives: (col. 2) the identification of the star in the SAO catalog which is nearest, (col. 3) the great circle arc distance (in seconds) between the SAO star and the IRC source, (col. 4) the position angle (in degrees) of the IRC source relative to the SAO star, (col. 5) the plate number(s) of the POSS on which the IRC source appears, (col. 6,7) the approximate rectangular coordinates (in mm) of the IRC source on the POSS print area with respect to the Southwest corner, and (col. 8) the modified Luyten Palomar number. The POSS plate numbers given are for the red plates.
The catalog, giving sources of emission in the 2.2-micrometer region for more than 5000 stars, represents a systematic survey of the Northern Hemisphere for stars brighter than third magnitude. The survey was carried out with a telescope at Mount Wilson, California, having a 62-inch diameter and an f/l aluminized epoxy mirror mounted equatorially. Radiation at an effective wavelength of 2.2 micrometers was detected by a lead sulfide photoconductive cell cooled by liquid nitrogen. In addition to the 2.2-micrometer detector array, radiation at an effective wavelength of 0.84 micrometers was detected by a simple silicon photovoltaic cell. The catalog includes right ascension and declination (B1950.0), K and I magnitudes, number of measurements, V magnitude, spectral types, cross identifications to the numbering systems of the General Catalogue, the Durchmusterung catalogs, the Bright Star Catalogue, and star names.
We present two catalogs of radio-loud candidate blazars whose Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mid-infrared colors are selected to be consistent with the colors of confirmed {gamma}-ray-emitting blazars. The first catalog is the improved and expanded release of the WISE Blazar-like Radio-Loud Sources (WIBRaLS) catalog presented by D'Abrusco et al. It includes sources detected in all four WISE filters, spatially cross-matched with radio sources in one of three radio surveys and radio-loud based on their q_22_ spectral parameter. WIBRaLS2 includes 9541 sources classified as BL Lacs, flat-spectrum radio quasars, or mixed candidates based on their WISE colors. The second catalog, called KDEBLLACS, based on a new selection technique, contains 5579 candidate BL Lacs extracted from the population of WISE sources detected in the first three WISE passbands ([3.4], [4.6], and [12]) only, whose mid-infrared colors are similar to those of confirmed, {gamma}-ray BL Lacs. Members of KDBLLACS are also required to have a radio counterpart and be radio-loud based on the parameter q_12_, defined similarly to the q_22_ used for the WIBRaLS2. We describe the properties of these catalogs and compare them with the largest samples of confirmed and candidate blazars in the literature. We cross-match the two new catalogs with the most recent catalogs of {gamma}-ray sources detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Since spectroscopic observations of candidate blazars from the first WIBRaLS catalog within the uncertainty regions of {gamma}-ray unassociated sources confirmed that ~90% of these candidates are blazars, we anticipate that these new catalogs will again play an important role in the identification of the {gamma}-ray sky.
We observed two secondary eclipses of the exoplanet WASP-12b using the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The close proximity of WASP-12b to its G-type star results in extreme tidal forces capable of inducing apsidal precession with a period as short as a few decades. This precession would be measurable if the orbit had a significant eccentricity, leading to an estimate of the tidal Love number and an assessment of the degree of central concentration in the planetary interior. An initial ground-based secondary-eclipse phase reported by Lopez-Morales et al. (0.510+/-0.002; 2010ApJ...716L..36L) implied eccentricity at the 4.5{sigma} level. The spectroscopic orbit of Hebb et al. (2009ApJ...693.1920H) has eccentricity 0.049+/-0.015, a 3{sigma} result, implying an eclipse phase of 0.509+/-0.007. However, there is a well-documented tendency of spectroscopic data to overestimate small eccentricities. Our eclipse phases are 0.5010+/-0.0006 (3.6 and 5.8um) and 0.5006+/-0.0007 (4.5 and 8.0um). An unlikely orbital precession scenario invoking an alignment of the orbit during the Spitzer observations could have explained this apparent discrepancy, but the final eclipse phase of Lopez-Morales et al. (0.510^+0.007^_-0.006_) is consistent with a circular orbit at better than 2{sigma}. An orbit fit to all the available transit, eclipse, and radial-velocity data indicates precession at <1{sigma}; a non-precessing solution fits better. We also comment on analysis and reporting for Spitzer exoplanet data in light of recent re-analyses.