- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/310
- Title:
- UKIDSS-DR7 Large Area Survey
- Short Name:
- II/310
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) is a large-scale near-IR survey which aim is to cover 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky. The survey is carried out using the Wide Field Camera (WFCAM), with a field of view of 0.21 square degrees, mounted on the 3.8m United Kingdom Infra-red Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii. The Large Area Survey (LAS) covers an area of 4000 square degrees in high Galactic latitudes (extragalactic) in the four bands Y(1.0um) J(1.2um) H(1.6um) and K(2.2um) to a depth of K = 18.4. Details of the survey can be found in the in the paper by Lawrence et al. (2007MNRAS.379.1599L)
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/319
- Title:
- UKIDSS-DR9 LAS, GCS and DXS Surveys
- Short Name:
- II/319
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) is a large-scale near-IR survey which aim is to cover 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky. The survey is carried out using the Wide Field Camera (WFCAM), with a field of view of 0.21 square degrees, mounted on the 3.8m United Kingdom Infra-red Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii. The project comprises five surveys (LAS, GCS, DXS, GPS and UDS). The Large Area Survey (LAS) covers an area of 4000 square degrees in high Galactic latitudes (extragalactic) in the four bands Y(1.0um) J(1.2um) H(1.6um) and K(2.2um) to a depth of K=18.4. This release 9 includes proper motions for a fraction (~1/6) of the sources. The Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) aims to survey ten large open star clusters and star formation associations, covering a total of 1067 square degrees in the five bands Z (0.9um), Y(1.0um) J(1.2um) H(1.6um) and K(2.2um), plus a second pass in K for proper motions, to a depth of Z=20.4, Y=20.3, J=19.5, H=18.6, K=18.6. This release 9 includes proper motions for a fraction (~1/4) of the sources. The Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS) aims to map 35 square degrees of sky to a 5-{sigma} point-source sensitivity of J=22.3 and K=20.8 in four carefully selected, multi-wavelength survey areas. The central regions of each field will also be mapped to H=21.8. The primary aim of the survey is to produce a photometric galaxy sample at a redshift of 1-2, within a volume comparable to that of the SDSS, selected in the same passband (rest frame optical). Details of the surveys can be found in the in the paper by Lawrence et al. (2007MNRAS.379.1599L), and at the UKIDSS Surveys site (http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html). The data described here represent a subset of the UKIDSS data, limited to the public data and most representative columns. In the "Byte-by-byte Description" below the original names of the columns are given as bracketed names.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/314
- Title:
- UKIDSS-DR8 LAS, GCS and DXS Surveys
- Short Name:
- II/314
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) is a large-scale near-IR survey which aim is to cover 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky. The survey is carried out using the Wide Field Camera (WFCAM), with a field of view of 0.21 square degrees, mounted on the 3.8m United Kingdom Infra-red Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii. The project comprises five surveys (LAS, GCS, DXS, GPS and UDS). The Large Area Survey (LAS) covers an area of 4000 square degrees in high Galactic latitudes (extragalactic) in the four bands Y(1.0um) J(1.2um) H(1.6um) and K(2.2um) to a depth of K=18.4. The Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) aims to survey ten large open star clusters and star formation associations, covering a total of 1067 square degrees in the five bands Z (0.9um), Y(1.0um) J(1.2um) H(1.6um) and K(2.2um), plus a second pass in K for proper motions, to a depth of Z=20.4, Y=20.3, J=19.5, H=18.6, K=18.6. The Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS) aims to map 35 square degrees of sky to a 5-{sigma} point-source sensitivity of J=22.3 and K=20.8 in four carefully selected, multi-wavelength survey areas. The central regions of each field will also be mapped to H=21.8. The primary aim of the survey is to produce a photometric galaxy sample at a redshift of 1-2, within a volume comparable to that of the SDSS, selected in the same passband (rest frame optical). Details of the surveys can be found in the in the paper by Lawrence et al. (2007MNRAS.379.1599L), and at the UKIDSS Surveys site (http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html). The data described here represent a subset of the UKIDSS data, limited to the public data and most representative columns. In the "Byte-by-byte Description" below the original names of the columns are given as bracketed names.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/778/127
- Title:
- UKIDSS+FIRST+SDSS red QSOs candidates
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/778/127
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a pilot survey to find dust-reddened quasars by matching the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) radio catalog to the UKIDSS near-infrared survey and using optical data from Sloan Digital Sky Survey to select objects with very red colors. The deep K-band limit provided by UKIDSS allows for finding more heavily reddened quasars at higher redshifts as compared with previous work using FIRST and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). We selected 87 candidates with K<=17.0 from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (LAS) First Data Release (DR1), which covers 190deg^2^. These candidates reach up to ~1.5mag below the 2MASS limit and obey the color criteria developed to identify dust-reddened quasars. We have obtained 61 spectroscopic observations in the optical and/or near-infrared, as well as classifications in the literature, and have identified 14 reddened quasars with E(B-V)>0.1, including 3 at z>2. We study the infrared properties of the sample using photometry from the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer and find that infrared colors improve the efficiency of red quasar selection, removing many contaminants in an infrared-to-optical color-selected sample alone. The highest-redshift quasars (z>~2) are only moderately reddened, with E(B-V)~0.2-0.3. We find that the surface density of red quasars rises sharply with faintness, comprising up to 17% of blue quasars at the same apparent K-band flux limit. We estimate that to reach more heavily reddened quasars (i.e., E(B-V)>~0.5) at z>2 and a depth of K=17, we would need to survey at least ~2.5 times more area.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/422/1495
- Title:
- UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey Pleiades members
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/422/1495
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a deep wide-field near-infrared survey of the entire Pleiades cluster recently released as part of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 9 (DR9). We have identified a sample of ~1000 Pleiades cluster member candidates combining photometry in five near-infrared passbands and proper motions derived from the multiple epochs provided by the UKIDSS GCS DR9. We also provide revised membership for all previously published Pleiades low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the past decade recovered in the UKIDSS GCS DR9 Pleiades survey based on the new photometry and astrometry provided by the GCS.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/426/3403
- Title:
- UKIDSS-GCS {alpha} Per members
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/426/3403
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a deep (J=19.1mag) infrared (ZY JHK) survey over the full {alpha} Per open cluster extracted from the Data Release 9 of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey Galactic Clusters Survey (UKIDSS). We have selected ~700 cluster member candidates in ~56 square degrees in {alpha} Per by combining photometry in five near-infrared passbands and proper motions derived from the multiple epochs provided by the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 9 (DR9). We also provide revised membership for all previously published {alpha} Per low-mass stars and brown dwarfs recovered in GCS based on the new photometry and astrometry provided by DR9.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/426/3419
- Title:
- UKIDSS GCS Praesepe members
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/426/3419
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Over the past decades open clusters have been the subject of many studies. Such studies are crucial considering that the universality of the initial mass function is still a subject of current investigations. Praesepe is an interesting open cluster for the study of the stellar and substellar mass function (MF), considering its intermediate age and its nearby distance. Here we present the results of a wide-field, near-infrared study of Praesepe using the Data Release 9 of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey Galactic Clusters Survey. We obtained cluster candidates of Praesepe based on a 3{sigma} astrometric and five-band photometric selection.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/431/3222
- Title:
- UKIDSS GCS Upper Sco members
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/431/3222
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a proper motion wide-field near-infrared survey of the entire Upper Sco (USco) association (about 160 square degrees) released as part of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 10 (DR10). We have identified a sample of about 400 astrometric and photometric member candidates combining proper motions and photometry in five near-infrared passbands and another 286 with HK photometry and 2MASS/GCS proper motions. We also provide revised membership for all previously published USco low-mass stars and substellar members based on our selection and identify new candidates, including in regions affected by extinction. We find negligible variability between the two K-band epochs, below the 0.06mag rms level. We estimate an upper limit of 2.2% for wide common proper motions with projected physical separations less than 15000AU. We derive a disk frequency for USco low-mass stars and brown dwarfs between 26 and 37%, in agreement with estimates in IC 348 and sigma Ori. We derive the mass function of the association and find it consistent with the (system) mass function of the solar neighbourhood and other clusters surveyed by the GCS in the 0.2-0.03M_{sun}_ mass range. We confirm the possible excess of brown dwarfs in USco.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/503/270
- Title:
- UKIDSS JHK photometry of W33A
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/503/270
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- W33A is a well-known example of a high-mass young stellar object showing evidence of a circumstellar disc. We revisited the -band NIFS/Gemini North observations of the W33A protostar using principal components analysis tomography and additional post-processing routines. Our results indicate the presence of a compact rotating disc based on the kinematics of the CO absorption features. The position-velocity diagram shows that the disc exhibits a rotation curve with velocities that rapidly decrease for radii larger than 0.1" (~250AU) from the central source, suggesting a structure about four times more compact than previously reported.We derived a dynamical mass of 10.0^+4.1^_-2.2_M_{sun}_ for the "disc+protostar" system, about ~33% smaller than previously reported, but still compatible with high-mass protostar status. A relatively compact H_2_ wind was identified at the base of the large-scale outflow of W33A, with a mean visual extinction of ~63mag. By taking advantage of supplementary near-infrared maps, we identified at least two other point-like objects driving extended structures in the vicinity of W33A, suggesting that multiple active protostars are located within the cloud. The closest object (SourceB) was also identified in the NIFS field of view as a faint pointlike object at a projected distance of ~7000AU from W33A, powering extended K-band continuum emission detected in the same field. Another source (SourceC) is driving a bipolar H_2_ jet aligned perpendicular to the rotation axis of W33A.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/892/91
- Title:
- UKIRT NIR and Spitzer MIR phot. in NGC 6822
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/892/91
- Date:
- 19 Jan 2022 08:59:33
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The nearby (~500kpc) metal-poor ([Fe/H]~-1.2; Z~30%Z_{sun}_) star-forming galaxy NGC 6822 has a metallicity similar to systems at the epoch of peak star formation. Through identification and study of dusty and dust-producing stars, it is therefore a useful laboratory to shed light on the dust life cycle in the early universe. We present a catalog of sources combining near- and mid-IR photometry from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (J, H, and K) and the Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0{mu}m and MIPS 24{mu}m). This catalog is employed to identify dusty and evolved stars in NGC 6822 utilizing three color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). With diagnostic CMDs covering a wavelength range spanning the near- and mid-IR, we develop color cuts using kernel density estimate (KDE) techniques to identify dust-producing evolved stars, including red supergiant (RSG) and thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) star candidates. In total, we report 1292 RSG candidates, 1050 oxygen-rich AGB star candidates, and 560 carbon-rich AGB star candidates with high confidence in NGC 6822. Our analysis of the AGB stars suggests a robust population inhabiting the central stellar bar of the galaxy, with a measured global stellar metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.286+/-0.095, consistent with previous studies. In addition, we identify 277 young stellar object (YSO) candidates. The detection of a large number of YSO candidates within a centrally located, compact cluster reveals the existence of an embedded, high-mass star formation region that has eluded previous detailed study. Spitzer I appears to be younger and more active than the other prominent star-forming regions in the galaxy.