- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/881
- Title:
- LVL global optical photometry
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/881
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the global optical photometry of 246 galaxies in the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey. The full volume-limited sample consists of 258 nearby (D<11Mpc) galaxies whose absolute B-band magnitude span a range of -9.6<M_B_<-20.7mag. A composite optical (UBVR) data set is constructed from observed UBVR and Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugriz imaging, where the ugriz magnitudes are transformed into UBVR. We present photometry within three galaxy apertures defined at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths. Flux comparisons between these apertures reveal that the traditional optical R25 galaxy apertures do not fully encompass extended sources. Using the larger IR apertures, we find colour-colour relationships where later type spiral and irregular galaxies tend to be bluer than earlier type galaxies. These data provide the missing optical emission from which future LVL studies can construct the full panchromatic (UV-optical-IR) spectral energy distributions.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/888/89
- Title:
- Lya galaxies in 3 CFHTLS overdense regions
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/888/89
- Date:
- 25 Oct 2021 10:16:31
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have carried out follow-up spectroscopy on three overdense regions of g- and r-dropout galaxies in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep Fields, finding two new protoclusters at z=4.898 and 3.721 and a possible protocluster at z=3.834. The z=3.721 protocluster overlaps with a previously identified protocluster at z=3.675. The redshift separation between these two protoclusters is {Delta}z=0.05, which is slightly larger than the size of typical protoclusters. Therefore, if they are not the progenitors of a >10^15^M_{sun}_ halo, they would grow into closely located independent halos like a supercluster. The other protocluster at z=4.898 is also surrounded by smaller galaxy groups. These systems including protoclusters and neighboring groups are regarded as the early phase of superclusters. We quantify the spatial distribution of member galaxies of the protoclusters at z=3.675 and 3.721 by fitting triaxial ellipsoids, finding a tentative difference: one has a pancake-like shape, while the other is filamentary. This could indicate that these two protoclusters are in different stages of formation. We investigate the relation between redshift and the velocity dispersion of protoclusters, including other protoclusters from the literature, in order to compare their dynamical states. Although there is no significant systematic trend in the velocity dispersions of protoclusters with redshift, the distribution is skewed to higher velocity dispersion over the redshift range of z=2-6. This could be interpreted as two phases of cluster formation, one dominated by the steady accretion of galaxies and the other by the merging between group-size halos, perhaps depending on the surrounding large-scale environments.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/696/546
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} emitters at z~4.86
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/696/546
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of a survey for Ly{alpha} emitters at z~4.86 based on optical narrowband ({lambda}c=7126{AA}, {Delta}{lambda}=73{AA}) and broadband (B, V, r', i', and z') observations of the Cosmic Evolution Survey field using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. We find 79 Ly{alpha} emitter (LAE) candidates at z~4.86 over a contiguous survey area of 1.83deg^2^, down to the Ly{alpha} line flux of 1.47x10^-17^erg/s/cm^2^. We obtain the Ly{alpha} luminosity function with a best-fit Schechter parameters of log L*=42.9^+0.5^_-0.3_erg/s and {Phi}*=1.2^+8.0^_-1.1_x10^-4^Mpc^-3^ for {alpha}=-1.5 (fixed). The two-point correlation function for our LAE sample is {xi}(r)=(r/4.4^+5.7^_-2.9_Mpc)^-1.90+/-0.22^. In order to investigate the field-to-field variations of the properties of Ly{alpha} emitters, we divide the survey area into nine tiles of 0.5x0.5{deg} each. We find that the number density varies with a factor of ~2 from field to field with high statistical significance. However, we find no significant field-to-field variance when we divide the field into four tiles with 0.7x0.7{deg} each. We conclude that at least 0.5deg^2^ survey area is required to derive averaged properties of LAEs at z~5, and our survey field is wide enough to overcome the cosmic variance.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/NewA/51.59
- Title:
- LY And photometric followup
- Short Name:
- J/other/NewA/51.
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a low-dispersion spectrum and two sets of CCD photometric light curves of the eclipsing binary LY And for the first time. The spectrum of LY And was classified as G2. We derived an updated ephemeris based on all previously available and our newly acquired minimum light times. Our analyses of LY And light curve minimum times reveals that the differences between calculated and observed minimum times for LY And can be represented by an upward parabolic curve, which means its orbital period is increasing with a rate of 1.88 (+/-0.13)x10^-7^days/year. This increase in orbital period may be interpreted as mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary component, with a rate of dM1/dt=-4.54x10^-8^M_{sun}_/year. By analyzing our CCD photometric light curves obtained in 2015, we obtained its photometric solution with the Wilson-Devinney program. This photometric solution also fits very well our light curves obtained in 2014. Our photometric solution shows that LY And is a contact eclipsing binary and its contact factor is f=(17.8+/-1.9)%. Furthermore, both our spectroscopic and photometric data show no obvious chromospheric activity of LY And.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/316
- Title:
- Lyman continuum LAEs and LBGs in SSA22 field
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/316
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the largest to date sample of hydrogen Lyman continuum (LyC) emitting galaxy candidates at any redshift, with 18 Lyman {alpha} emitters (LAEs) and seven Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), obtained from the SSA22 field with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. The sample is based on the 159 LAEs and 136 LBGs observed in the field, all with spectroscopically confirmed redshifts, and these LyC candidates are selected as galaxies with counterparts in a narrow-band filter image which traces LyC at z>=3.06. Many LyC candidates show a spatial offset between the rest-frame non-ionizing ultraviolet (UV) detection and the LyC-emitting substructure or between the Ly{alpha} emission and LyC. The possibility of foreground contamination complicates the analysis of the nature of LyC emitters, although statistically it is highly unlikely that all candidates in our sample are contaminated by foreground sources. Many viable LyC LAE candidates have flux density ratios inconsistent with standard models, while also having too blue UV slopes to be foreground contaminants. Stacking reveals no significant LyC detection, suggesting that there is a dearth of objects with marginal LyC signal strength, perhaps due to a bimodality in the LyC emission. The foreground contamination corrected 3{sigma} upper limits of the observed average flux density ratios are fLyC/fUV < 0.08 from stacking LAEs and f_LyC_/f_UV_<0.02 from stacking LBGs. There is a sign of a positive correlation between LyC and Ly{alpha}, suggesting that both types of photons escape via a similar mechanism. The LyC detection rate among protocluster LBGs is seemingly lower compared to the field.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/302
- Title:
- Lyman continuum leaking AGN in SSA22 field
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/302
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Subaru/SuprimeCam narrow-band photometry of the SSA22 field reveals the presence of four Lyman continuum (LyC) candidates among a sample of 14 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Two show offsets and likely have stellar LyCin nature or are foreground contaminants. The remaining two LyC candidates are type I AGN. We argue that the average LyC escape fraction of high-redshift, low-luminosity AGN is not likely to be unity, as often assumed in the literature. From direct measurement we obtain the average LyC-to-UV flux density ratio and ionizing emissivity for a number of AGN classes and find it at least a factor of 2 lower than values obtained assuming f_esc_=1. Comparing to recent Ly{alpha} forest measurements, AGNs at redshift z~3 make up at most ~12 per cent and as little as ~5 per cent of the total ionizing budget. Our results suggest that AGNs are unlikely to dominate the ionization budget of the Universe at high redshifts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/675/491
- Title:
- Lynds 988e JHKs and IRAC photometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/675/491
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Spitzer images of the relatively sparse, low-luminosity young cluster L988e (NAME [C86] L988 e CLUSTER in Simbad), as well as complementary near-infrared (NIR) and submillimeter images of the region.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/226/5
- Title:
- MACT survey. I. Opt. spectroscopy in Subaru Deep Field
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/226/5
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Deep rest-frame optical spectroscopy is critical for characterizing and understanding the physical conditions and properties of the ionized gas in galaxies. Here, we present a new spectroscopic survey called "Metal Abundances across Cosmic Time" or MACT, which will obtain rest-frame optical spectra for ~3000 emission-line galaxies. This paper describes the optical spectroscopy that has been conducted with MMT/Hectospec and Keck/DEIMOS for ~1900 z=0.1-1 emission-line galaxies selected from our narrowband and intermediate-band imaging in the Subaru Deep Field. In addition, we present a sample of 164 galaxies for which we have measured the weak [OIII]{lambda}4363 line (66 with at least 3{sigma} detections and 98 with significant upper limits). This nebular emission line determines the gas-phase metallicity by measuring the electron temperature of the ionized gas. This paper presents the optical spectra, emission-line measurements, interstellar properties (e.g., metallicity, gas density), and stellar properties (e.g., star formation rates, stellar mass). Paper II of the MACT survey (Ly et al. 2016ApJ...828...67L) presents the first results on the stellar mass-gas metallicity relation at z<=1 using the sample with [OIII]{lambda}4363 measurements.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/240/33
- Title:
- MaDCoWS. I. Catalog of z~1 galaxy clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/240/33
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey (MaDCoWS), a search for galaxy clusters at 0.7<=z<=1.5 based upon data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. MaDCoWS is the first cluster survey capable of discovering massive clusters at these redshifts over the full extragalactic sky. The search is divided into two regions-the region of the extragalactic sky covered by Pan-STARRS ({delta}{>}-30{deg}) and the remainder of the southern extragalactic sky at {delta}{<}-30{deg} for which shallower optical data from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey is available. In this paper, we describe the search algorithm, characterize the sample, and present the first MaDCoWS data release-catalogs of the 2433 highest amplitude detections in the WISE-Pan-STARRS region and the 250 highest amplitude detections in the WISE-SuperCOSMOS region. A total of 1723 of the detections from the WISE-Pan-STARRS sample have also been observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope, providing photometric redshifts and richnesses, and an additional 64 detections within the WISE-SuperCOSMOS region also have photometric redshifts and richnesses. Spectroscopic redshifts for 38 MaDCoWS clusters with IRAC photometry demonstrate that the photometric redshifts have an uncertainty of {sigma}z/(1+z)~0.036. Combining the richness measurements with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of MaDCoWS clusters, we also present a preliminary mass-richness relation that can be used to infer the approximate mass distribution of the full sample. The estimated median mass for the WISE-Pan-STARRS catalog is M_500_=1.6_-0.8_^+0.7^x10^14^M_{sun}_, with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich data confirming that we detect clusters with masses up to M_500_~5x10^14^M_{sun}_ (_M200_~10^15^M_{sun}_).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/493/931
- Title:
- MAD observations of {sigma} Ori
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/493/931
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Nearby young clusters are privileged places to study the star formation history. Over the last decade, the sigma-Orionis cluster has been a prime location for the study of young very low mass stars, substellar and isolated planetary mass objects and the determination of the initial mass function. To extend previous studies of this association to its core, we searched for ultracool members and new multiple systems within the 1.5'x1.5' central region of the cluster. We obtained deep multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) images of the core of the sigma-Orionis cluster with the prototype MCAO facility MAD at the VLT using the H and Ks filters. These images allow us to detect companions fainter by DeltaH~5mag as close as 0.2" on a typical source with H=14.5mag. These images were complemented by archival SofI Ks-band images and Spitzer IRAC and MIPS mid-infrared images.