- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/132/2409
- Title:
- Deep ATLAS radio observations of CDFS
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/132/2409
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first results from the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey, which consists of deep radio observations of a 3.7deg^2^ field surrounding the Chandra Deep Field-South, largely coincident with the infrared Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey. We also list cross-identifications to infrared and optical photometry data from SWIRE, and ground-based optical spectroscopy. A total of 784 radio components are identified, corresponding to 726 distinct radio sources, nearly all of which are identified with SWIRE sources. Of the radio sources with measured redshifts, most lie in the redshift range 0.5-2 and include both star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei. We identify a rare population of infrared-faint radio sources that are bright at radio wavelengths but are not seen in the available optical, infrared, or X-ray data. Such rare classes of sources can only be discovered in wide, deep surveys such as this.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/213/23
- Title:
- Deep Chandra obs. of the giant HII region N11 in LMC
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/213/23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A very sensitive X-ray investigation of the giant H II region N11 in the Large Megallanic Cloud was performed using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The 300ks observation reveals X-ray sources with luminosities down to 10^32^erg/s, increasing the number of known point sources in the field by more than a factor of five. Among these detections are 13 massive stars (3 compact groups of massive stars, 9 O stars, and one early B star) with log (L_X_/L_BOL_)~-6.5 to -7, which may suggest that they are highly magnetic or colliding-wind systems. On the other hand, the stacked signal for regions corresponding to undetected O stars yields log (L_X_/L_BOL_)~-7.3, i.e., an emission level comparable to similar Galactic stars despite the lower metallicity. Other point sources coincide with 11 foreground stars, 6 late-B/A stars in N11, and many background objects. This observation also uncovers the extent and detailed spatial properties of the soft, diffuse emission regions, but the presence of some hotter plasma in their spectra suggests contamination by the unresolved stellar population.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/725/2232
- Title:
- Deep NIR survey of the Pipe Nebula. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/725/2232
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new set of high-resolution dust extinction maps of the nearby and essentially starless Pipe Nebula molecular cloud. The maps were constructed from a concerted deep near-infrared imaging survey with the ESO-VLT, ESO-NTT, CAHA 3.5m telescopes, and 2MASS data. The new maps have a resolution three times higher than the previous extinction map of this cloud by Lombardi et al. (2006A&A...454..781L) and are able to resolve structures down to 2600AU. We detect 244 significant extinction peaks across the cloud. These peaks have masses between 0.1 and 18.4M_{sun}_, diameters between 1.2 and 5.7x10^4^AU (0.06 and 0.28pc), and mean densities of about 10^4^cm^-3^, all in good agreement with previous results. From the analysis of the mean surface density of companions we find a well-defined scale near 1.4x10^4^AU below which we detect a significant decrease in structure of the cloud. This scale is smaller than the Jeans length calculated from the mean density of the peaks. The surface density of peaks is not uniform but instead it displays clustering. Extinction peaks in the Pipe Nebula appear to have a spatial distribution similar to the stars in Taurus, suggesting that the spatial distribution of stars evolves directly from the primordial spatial distribution of high-density material.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/219/21
- Title:
- Deep NIR survey toward Aquila. I. MHOs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/219/21
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed an unbiased, deep near-infrared survey toward the Aquila molecular cloud with a sky coverage of ~1deg^2^. We identified 45 molecular hydrogen emission-line objects (MHOs), of which only 11 were previously known. Using the Spitzer archival data, we also identified 802 young stellar objects (YSOs) in this region. Based on the morphology and the location of MHOs and YSO candidates, we associate 43 MHOs with 40 YSO candidates. The distribution of jet length shows an exponential decrease in the number of outflows with increasing length, and the molecular hydrogen outflows seem to be oriented randomly. Moreover, there is no obvious correlation between jet lengths, jet opening angles, or jet H_2_ 1-0 S(1) luminosities and the spectral indices of the possible driving sources in this region. We also suggest that molecular hydrogen outflows in the Aquila molecular cloud are rather weak sources of turbulence, unlikely to generate the observed velocity dispersion in the region of survey.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/438/507
- Title:
- Degree of lopsidedness for galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/438/507
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We quantify the degree of lopsidedness for a sample of 149 galaxies observed in the near-infrared from the Ohio State University Bright Galaxy Survey (OSUBGS, Eskridge et al. 2002, Cat. <J/ApJS/143/73>) sample, and try to explain the physical origin of the observed disk lopsidedness. We confirm previous studies, but for a larger sample, that a large fraction of galaxies have significant lopsidedness in their stellar disks, measured as the Fourier amplitude of the m=1 component normalised to the average or m=0 component in the surface density. Late-type galaxies are found to be more lopsided, while the presence of m=2 spiral arms and bars is correlated with disk lopsidedness. We also show that the m=1 amplitude is uncorrelated with the presence of companions. Numerical simulations were carried out to study the generation of m=1 via different processes: galaxy tidal encounters, galaxy mergers, and external gas accretion with subsequent star formation. These simulations show that galaxy interactions and mergers can trigger strong lopsidedness, but do not explain several independent statistical properties of observed galaxies. To explain all the observational results, it is required that a large fraction of lopsidedness results from cosmological accretion of gas on galactic disks, which can create strongly lopsided disks when this accretion is asymmetrical enough.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/234
- Title:
- DENIS catalog of galaxies
- Short Name:
- VII/234
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new, extended and improved version of the provisional I-band catalog of DENIS galaxies. Galaxies not cross-identified with already known galaxies have been visually controlled using the DSS1 images and, occasionally, the coordinates were remeasured. The typical accuracy of coordinates is about 2". The typical error on I-band magnitude is about 0.2mag. The final catalog gives the most common names, the J2000 coordinates, the I-band magnitude, the diameter, the axis ratio and the position angle for about 43000 galaxies. It covers roughly 67% of the southern hemisphere. It is homogeneously sampled up to I=14.5 mag. The data are also available via the LEDA database.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/363/62
- Title:
- DENIS galaxies around 16h15m -30deg
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/363/62
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- From a visual inspection of J and K images obtained within the Deep Near Infrared Survey (DENIS) we detected 37 noteworthy galaxies near the galactic plane (|b|<15{deg}). Most of these galaxies are yet uncatalogued. They have either a large dimension (more than 1arcmin in J-band) or a position very close to the galactic plane (|b|<3{deg}). Some of these galaxies are simply not visible on the Digitized Sky Survey. Among them 15 galaxies are suspected to be spirals and could be detected from HI observations. Several large galaxies near the assumed position of the Great Attractor suggests that a concentration of galaxies may be present around the equatorial position: {alpha}_2000_=16h15m, {delta}_2000_=-30{deg}. An inspection of this field from the Digitized Sky Survey and from available 2MASS data confirms the presence of extragalactic structures.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/387/1
- Title:
- DENIS galaxies behind the Milky Way
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/387/1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A search has been undertaken at Lyon Observatory to identify, by eye, galaxy candidates at galactic latitudes lower than +/-15 degrees on the DENIS J and K-band images. This paper presents a list of 2028 objects that were serendipitously detected throughout the DENIS survey. Cross-identification with galaxy entries in the LEDA Database has been performed. Comparison with the second release of the 2MASS survey led to a satisfactory agreement of J band magnitudes (std. dev.=0.3mag). The distribution of galaxy candidates along the Galactic Plane shows a concentration near the galactic longitude l=305deg. As a by product of this inspection of J and K images some interesting galactic objects were found (star clusters and nebulae).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/668/1042
- Title:
- Dense cores in Perseus molecular cloud
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/668/1042
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We survey the kinematics of over 150 candidate (and potentially star-forming) dense cores in the Perseus molecular cloud with pointed N_2_H^+^(1-0) and simultaneous C^18^O(2-1) observations. Our detection rate of N_2_H^+^ is 62%, rising to 84% for SCUBA-selected targets. In agreement with previous observations, we find that the dense N_2_H^+^ targets tend to display nearly thermal line widths, particularly those that appear to be starless (using Spitzer data), indicating that turbulent support on the small scales of molecular clouds is minimal. For those N_2_H^+^ targets that have an associated SCUBA dense core, we find that their internal motions are more than sufficient to provide support against the gravitational force on the cores.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/372/85
- Title:
- Detected sources at 12{mu}m in 47 Tuc
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/372/85
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The present paper investigates the properties of the dust mass loss in stars populating the giant branch of the globular cluster 47 Tuc, by combining ISOCAM and DENIS data. Raster maps of 5 fields covering areas ranging from 4x4 to 15x15arcmin^2^ at different distances from the center of the cluster have been obtained with ISOCAM at 11.5{mu}m (LW10 filter). The covered fields include most of the red variables known in this cluster. A detection threshold of about 0.2 mJy is achieved, allowing us to detect giant stars at 11.5{mu}m all the way down to the horizontal branch. No dust-enshrouded asymptotic giant branch stars have been found in the observed fields, contrary to the situation encountered in LMC/SMC globular clusters with larger turnoff masses. The color index [12]-[2] (based on the ISO 11.5{mu}m flux and on the DENIS K_S_ magnitude) is used as a diagnostic of dust emission (and hence dust mass loss). Its evolution with luminosity along the giant branch reveals that dust mass loss is only present in V3 (the only cluster Mira variable observed in the present study) and in V18, a star presenting intermittent variability. This conclusion confirms the importance of stellar pulsations in the dust formation and ensuing mass loss.