- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/404/1321
- Title:
- TiII in Milky way and Magellanic clouds
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/404/1321
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We discuss several sets of TiII absorption-line data, which probe a variety of interstellar environments in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds. Comparisons of high-resolution [full width at half-maximum (FWHM)~1.3-1.5km/s] TiII spectra of Galactic targets with corresponding high-resolution spectra of NaI, KI and CaII reveal both similarities and differences in the detailed structure of the absorption-line profiles - reflecting component-to-component differences in the ionization and depletion behaviour of those species. Moderate-resolution (FWHM~3.4-4.5km/s) spectra of more heavily reddened Galactic stars provide more extensive information on the titanium depletion in colder, denser clouds - where more than 99.9 per cent of the Ti may be in the dust phase. Moderate-resolution (FWHM~4.5-8.7km/s) spectra of stars in the Magellanic Clouds suggest that the titanium depletion is generally much less severe in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds than in our Galaxy [for a given N(Htot), E(B-V), or molecular fraction f(H2)]- providing additional evidence for differences in depletion patterns in those two lower-metallicity galaxies. We briefly discuss possible implications of these results for the interpretation of gas-phase abundances in quasi-stellar object absorption-line systems and of variations in the D/H ratio in the local Galactic interstellar medium.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/228/11
- Title:
- Time-dependent cooling in photoionized plasma
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/228/11
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- I explore the thermal evolution and ionization states in gas cooling from an initially hot state in the presence of external photoionizing radiation. I compute the equilibrium and nonequilibrium cooling efficiencies, heating rates, and ion fractions for low-density gas cooling while exposed to the ionizing metagalactic background radiation at various redshifts (z=0-3), for a range of temperatures (10^8^-10^4^K), densities (10^-7^-10^3^cm^-3^), and metallicities (10^-3^-2 times solar). The results indicate the existence of a threshold ionization parameter, above which the cooling efficiencies are very close to those in photoionization equilibrium (so that departures from equilibrium may be neglected), and below which the cooling efficiencies resemble those in collisional time-dependent gas cooling with no external radiation (and are thus independent of density).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/558/A44
- Title:
- TMC-1N mapping in JHK bands
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/558/A44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Mapping of the near-infrared (NIR) scattered light is a recent method for the study of interstellar clouds, complementing other, more commonly used methods, like dust emission and extinction. Our goal is to study the usability of this method on larger scale, and compare the properties of a filamentary structure using infrared scattering and other methods. We also study the radiation field and differences in grain emissivity between diffuse and dense areas. We have used scattered NIR J, H, and K band surface brightness observations with WFCAM instrument to map a filament TMC-1N in Taurus Molecular Cloud, covering an area of 1{deg}x1{deg} corresponding to ~(2.44pc). We have converted the data into an optical depth map and compared the results with NIR extinction and Herschel observations of sub-mm dust emission. We have also modelled the filament with 3D radiative transfer calculations of scattered light.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/653/A87
- Title:
- TOPGot sample, SEDs and CH3CN analysis
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/653/A87
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The TOPGot project targets a sample of 86 high-mass star-forming regions in different evolutionary stages from starless cores to ultra compact HII regions. The aim of the survey is to analyze different molecular species in a statistically significant sample to study the chemical evolution in high-mass star-forming regions, and identify chemical tracers of the different phases. In the first paper we present the sample and analyze the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the TOPGot sources to derive physical parameters. We also use the MADCUBA software to analyze the emission of methyl cyanide (CH_3_CN), a well-known tracer of high-mass star formation. The emission of the CH_3_CN(5K-4K) K-transitions has been detected towards 73 sources (85% of the sample). The emission of CH_3_CN has been detected towards all evolutionary stages, with the mean abundances showing a clear increase of an order of magnitude from high-mass starless-cores to later evolutionary stages. We found a conservative abundance upper limit for high-mass starless cores of X_CH_3_CN_<4.0x10^-11^, and a range in abundance of 4.0x10^-11^<X_CH_3_CN_<7.0x10^-11^ for those sources that are likely high-mass starless cores or very early high-mass protostellar objects. In fact, in this range of abundance we have identified five sources previously not classified as being in a very early evolutionary stage. The abundance of CH_3_CN can thus be used to identify high-mass star-forming regions in early phases of star-formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/38/15
- Title:
- Total-to-selective extinction ratio within 700pc
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/38/15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Multicolor photometry from the Tycho-2 and 2MASS catalogues for 11990 OB (2008AstL...34....7G; 2012AstL...38..694G) and 30671 K-type red giant branch stars (2011AstL...37..707G) is used to detect systematic large-scale variations of the interstellar extinction law within the nearest kiloparsec. The characteristic of the extinction law, the total-to-selective extinction ratio Rv, which also characterizes the size and other properties of interstellar dust grains, has been calculated for various regions of space by the extinction law extrapolation method. The results for the two classes of stars agree: the standard deviation of the "red giants minus OB" Rv differences within 500pc of the Sun is 0.2. The detected Rv variations between 2.2 and 4.4 not only manifest themselves in individual clouds but also span the entire space near the Sun, following Galactic structures. In the Local Bubble within about 100 pc of the Sun, Rv has a minimum. In the inner part of the Gould Belt and at high Galactic latitudes, at a distance of about 150 pc from the Sun, Rv reaches a maximum and then decreases to its minimum in the outer part of the Belt and other directions at a distance of about 500 pc from the Sun, returning to its mean values far from the Sun. The detected maximum of Rv at high Galactic latitudes is important when allowance is made for the interstellar extinction toward extragalactic objects. In addition, a monotonic increase in Rv by 0.3 per kpc toward the Galactic center has been found near the Galactic equator. It is consistent with the result obtained by Zasowski et al. (2009ApJ...707..510Z) for much of the Galaxy. Ignoring the Rv variations and traditionally using a single value for the entire space must lead to systematic errors in the calculated distances reaching 10%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/643/A141
- Title:
- Tracing total molecular gas in galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/643/A141
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Molecular gas is a necessary fuel for star formation. The CO (1-0) transition is often used to deduce the total molecular hydrogen, but is challenging to detect in low metallicity galaxies, in spite of the star formation taking place. In contrast, the [CII] 158um is relatively bright, highlighting a potentially important reservoir of H_2_ that is not traced by CO (1-0), but residing in the [CII] - emitting regions.Here we aim to explore a method to quantify the total H_2_ mass (MH_2_) in galaxies and learn what parameters control the CO-dark reservoir. We present Cloudy grids of density, radiation field and metallicity in terms of observed quantities, such as [OI], [CI], CO (1-0), [CII] and L_TIR_ and the total MH_2_. We provide recipes based on these models to derive total MH_2_ mass estimates from observations. We apply the models to the Herschel Dwarf Galaxy Survey, extracting the total MH_2_ for each galaxy and compare this to the H_2_ determined from the observed CO (1-0) line. This allows us to quantify the reservoir of H_2_ that is CO-dark and traced by the [CII]158um. We demonstrate that while the H2 traced by CO(1-0) can be negligible, the [CII] 518um can trace the total H2. We find 70% to 100 % of the total H2 mass is not traced by CO (1-0) in the dwarf galaxies, but is well-traced by [CII] 158um. The CO-dark gas mass fraction correlates with the observed L[CII]/LCO(1-0) ratio. A conversion factor for [CII] 158um to total H_2_ and a new CO-to-total-MH_2_ as a function of metallicity, is presented. While low metallicity galaxies may have a feeble molecular reservoir as surmised from CO observations, the presence of an important reservoir of molecular gas, not detected by CO, can exist. We suggest a general recipe to quantify the total mass of H2 in galaxies, taking into account the CO and [CII] observations. Accounting for this CO-dark H_2_ gas, we find that the star forming dwarf galaxies now fall on the Schmidt-Kennicuttrelation. Their star-forming efficiency is rather normal, since the reservoir from which they form stars is now more massive when introducing the [CII] measures of the total H_2_, compared to the little amount of H_2_ in the CO-emitting region.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/803/97
- Title:
- Transitions of methyl formate toward Orion KL
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/803/97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We recently reported the first identification of rotational transitions of methyl formate (HCOOCH_3_) in the second torsionally excited state toward Orion Kleinmann-Low (KL), observed with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope. In combination with the identified transitions of methyl formate in the ground state and the first torsional excited state, it was found that there is a difference in rotational temperature and vibrational temperature, where the latter is higher. In this study, high spatial resolution analysis by using Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) science verification data was carried out to verify and understand this difference. Toward the Compact Ridge, two different velocity components at 7.3 and 9.1 km/s were confirmed, while a single component at 7.3 km/s was identified toward the Hot Core. The intensity maps in the ground, first, and second torsional excited states have quite similar distributions. Using extensive ALMA data, we determined the rotational and vibrational temperatures for the Compact Ridge and Hot Core by the conventional rotation diagram method. The rotational temperature and vibrational temperatures agree for the Hot Core and for one component of the Compact Ridge. At the 7.3 km/s velocity component for the Compact Ridge, the rotational temperature was found to be higher than the vibrational temperature. This is different from what we obtained from the results by using the single-dish observation. The difference might be explained by the beam dilution effect of the single-dish data and/or the smaller number of observed transitions within the limited range of energy levels (<=30 K) of E_u_ in the previous study.
878. UBV photometry in W3
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/129/393
- Title:
- UBV photometry in W3
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/129/393
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- It is generally believed that expanding superbubbles and mechanical feedback from massive stars trigger star formation, because there are numerous examples of superbubbles showing secondary star formation at their edges. However, although these systems show an age sequence, they do not provide strong evidence of a causal relationship. The W3/W4 Galactic star-forming complex suggests a three-generation hierarchy: the supergiant shell structures correspond to the oldest generation; these triggered the formation of IC 1795 in W3, the progenitor of a molecular superbubble that in turn triggered the current star-forming episodes in the embedded regions W3-North, W3-Main, and W3-OH. We present UBV photometry and spectroscopic classifications for IC 1795, which show an age of 3-5 Myr. This age is intermediate between the reported 6-20 Myr age of the supergiant shell system and the extremely young ages (10^4^-10^5^yr) for the embedded knots of the ultracompact HII regions, W3-North, W3-Main, and W3-OH. Thus, an age sequence is indeed confirmed for the entire W3/W4 hierarchical system. This therefore provides some of the first convincing evidence that superbubble action and mechanical feedback are indeed a triggering mechanism for star formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/245/14
- Title:
- 8um cores in the spiral arms of nearby galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/245/14
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spitzer Space Telescope observations of 15 spiral galaxies show numerous dense cores at 8{mu}m that are revealed primarily in unsharp mask images. The cores are generally invisible in optical bands because of extinction, and they are also indistinct at 8{mu}m alone because of contamination by more widespread diffuse emission. Several hundred core positions, magnitudes, and colors from the four InfraRed Array Camera bands are measured and tabulated for each galaxy. The larger galaxies, which tend to have longer and more regular spiral arms, often have their infrared cores aligned along these arms, with additional cores in spiral arm spurs. Galaxies without regular spirals have their cores in more irregular spiral-like filaments, with typically only one or two cores per filament. Nearly every elongated emission feature has 8{mu}m cores strung out along its length. The occurrence of dense cores in long and thin filaments is reminiscent of filamentary star formation in the solar neighborhood, although on a scale 100 times larger in galaxies. The cores most likely form by gravitational instabilities and cloud agglomeration in the filaments. The simultaneous occurrence of several cores with regular spacings in some spiral arms suggests that in these cases, all of the cores formed at about the same time and the corresponding filaments are young. Total star formation rates for the galaxies correlate with the total embedded stellar masses in the cores with an average ratio corresponding to a possible age between 0.2 and 2Myr. This suggests that the identified cores are the earliest phase for most star formation.
880. UMIST database. 1995
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/121/139
- Title:
- UMIST database. 1995
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/121/139
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the release of a new version of the UMIST database for astrochemistry. The database contains the rate coefficients of 3864 gas-phase reactions important in interstellar and circumstellar chemistry and involves 395 species and 12 elements. The previous (1990, Millar et al. 1991A&AS...87..585M) version of this database has been widely used by modellers. In addition to the rate coefficients, we also tabulate permanent electric dipole moments of the neutral species and heats of formation. A numerical model of the chemical evolution of a dark cloud is calculated and important differences to that calculated with the previous database noted.