- ID:
- ivo://bira-iasb/gem_mars/q/epn_core
- Title:
- GEM-Mars GCM profiles
- Short Name:
- gem_mars.epn_cor
- Date:
- 08 Oct 2024 09:26:16
- Publisher:
- Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Description:
- Profiles of pressure, temperature and species of the Martian atmosphere simulated with the GEM-Mars general circulation model. See for the main model descritpion Neary, L., et al. 2018. The GEM-Mars general circulation model for Mars: Description and evaluation. Icarus 300, 458-476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.028. See for the chemistry description Dearden, F. et al., 2019, Mars atmospheric chemistry simulations with the GEM-Mars general circulation model, Icarus, 326, 197-224, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.02.030.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://padc.obspm.planeto/hst_planeto/q/epn_core
- Title:
- HST observations of planets and satellites
- Short Name:
- HST Planeto
- Date:
- 26 Feb 2025 08:36:10
- Publisher:
- Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA
- Description:
- HST observations of planets, dwarf planets, and satellites, extracted from the CADC database catalogue (with daily updates). Data are linked to the CADC repository, with file names common to all HST archives. Both calibrated and derived products are included. The main target is identified. Physical ephemeris and thumbnails are provided when available. Files and previews are not accessible during the proprietary period.
- ID:
- ivo://idoc/psup/omega_cubes/q/epn_core
- Title:
- L3 Omega Cubes - Mars Express
- Date:
- 12 Mar 2021 16:07:42
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Mars Express - Omega Cubes
- ID:
- ivo://bira-iasb/nomad/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars atmospheric profiles - From NOMAD/TGO
- Short Name:
- nomad.epn_core
- Date:
- 11 Oct 2024 00:52:36
- Publisher:
- Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Description:
- Derived data from measurements of the NOMAD instrument on board ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter. For more info on NOMAD, see Vandaele et al. (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-018-0517-2 Vertical profiles of CO2 density and temperature of the Martian atmosphere: See papers Trompet et al. (2023a,b) https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007277, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007279. Vertical profiles of H2O density: see paper Aoki et al. (2022) https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007231. Vertical profiles of O3 density: see paper Piccialli et al. (2022) https://doi. org/10.1029/2022EA002429 Vertical profiles of aerosols: see paper Flimon et al. (in rev.)
5. Mars Craters
- ID:
- ivo://padc.obspm.planeto/mars_craters/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars Craters
- Short Name:
- mars_craters.epn
- Date:
- 16 Jul 2024 13:55:02
- Publisher:
- Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
- Description:
- The Mars Crater Catalog by S.J. Robbins was generated from THEMIS Daytime IR and Viking MDIM 2.1 global mosaics of Mars. Craters were selected using 5 points along the rim. The table is statistically complete to the diameter of ~1.0 km. The table contains morphologic and morphometric data for craters with diameter larger than 3 km. The Prometheus basin has been excluded from the Catalog due to technical issues. Reference: "A New Global Database of Mars Impact Craters ≥1 km: (1) Database Creation, Properties, and Parameters", S.J. Robbins and B.M. Hynek, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, v.117. (2012) DOI: 10.1029/2011JE003966
6. Mars Craters
- ID:
- ivo://jacobsuni/mars_craters/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars Craters
- Short Name:
- mars_craters.epn
- Date:
- 07 Jun 2023 14:24:21
- Publisher:
- JacobsUni EPN node
- Description:
- Mars Crater Catalog by S.J. Robbins was generated from THEMIS Daytime IR and Viking MDIM 2.1 global mosaics of Mars. Craters were selected using 5 points along the rim. Table is statistically complete to the diameter of ~1.0 km. Table contains morphologic and morphometric data for craters with diameter larger than 3 km. Prometheus basin has been excluded from the Catalog due to technical issues. Reference: "A New Global Database of Mars Impact Craters ≥1 km: (1) Database Creation, Properties, and Parameters", S.J. Robbins and B.M. Hynek, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, v.117. (2012) DOI: 10.1029/2011JE003966
- ID:
- ivo://padc.obspm.planeto/mars_craters_lagain/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars Craters Lagain
- Short Name:
- mars_craters_lag
- Date:
- 16 Jul 2024 13:55:03
- Publisher:
- Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
- Description:
- A catalogue of Mars craters by Lagain et al. (2020), extending the previous catalogue from Robbins and Hynek (2012, DOI:10.1029/2011JE003966). 185 craters were added by Lagain, the object IDs are compatible with the previous work. Reference: "Impact cratering rate consistency test from ages of layered ejecta on Mars", Lagain et al., Planetary and Space Science, v.180. (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104755
- ID:
- ivo://jacobsuni/mars_craters_lagain/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars Craters Lagain
- Short Name:
- mars_craters_lag
- Date:
- 07 Jun 2023 14:24:39
- Publisher:
- JacobsUni EPN node
- Description:
- A catalogue of Mars craters by Lagain et al. (2020), extending the previous catalogue from Robbins and Hynek (2012, DOI:10.1029/2011JE003966). 185 craters were added by Lagain, the object IDs are compatible with the previous work. Reference: "Impact cratering rate consistency test from ages of layered ejecta on Mars", Lagain et al., Planetary and Space Science, v.180. (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104755
9. mars_dust
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/mars_dust/q/epn_core
- Title:
- mars_dust
- Date:
- 19 Apr 2024 00:00:02
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- Mars_dust provides a multiannual climatology of Martian airborne dust as measured by various space missions. The retrieved column dust optical depth is mapped for each Martian year and formatted as cubes with time in the 3rd dimension. Two versions are available: irregularly gridded maps, and regular maps produced by kriging. These latter maps are used as column-integrated dust scenarios in the Mars Climate Database (MCD v5). The detailed description of the methodology and dataset can be found in: Montabone et al (2015) Icarus 251, pp. 65-95https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.12.034 ; Montabone et al (2020) JGR-Planets https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006111
10. mcd
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/mcd/q/epn_core
- Title:
- mcd
- Date:
- 28 Jan 2022 00:57:05
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- The database contains some outputs of the MCD for all the scenarios available, at different positions of latitude and longitude. These MCD outputs are provided as Votables containing profiles of temperatures, pressures, density and abundances of O2 and O3 for altitudes between 0 and 249.5 km from the surface.