- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/600/A141
- Title:
- Orion A integral shaped filament image
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/600/A141
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the fragmentation of the nearest high line-mass filament, the integral shaped filament (ISF, line-mass ~400M_{sun}_/pc) in the Orion A molecular cloud. We have observed a 1.6pc long section of the ISF with the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at 3mm continuum emission, at a resolution of ~3" (1200AU). We identify from the region 43 dense cores with masses about a solar mass. 60% of the ALMA cores are protostellar and 40% are starless. The nearest neighbour separations of the cores do not show a preferred fragmentation scale; the frequency of short separations increases down to 1200AU. We apply a two-point correlation analysis on the dense core separations and show that the ALMA cores are significantly grouped at separations below ~17000AU and strongly grouped below ~6000AU. The protostellar and starless cores are grouped differently: only the starless cores group strongly below ~6000AU. In addition, the spatial distribution of the cores indicates periodic grouping of the cores into groups of ~30000AU in size, separated by ~50000AU. The groups coincide with dust column density peaks detected by Herschel. These results show hierarchical, two-mode fragmentation in which the maternal filament periodically fragments into groups of dense cores. Critically, our results indicate that the fragmentation models for lower line-mass filaments (~16M_{sun}_/pc) fail to capture the observed properties of the ISF. We also find that the protostars identified with Spitzer and Herschel in the ISF are grouped at separations below ~17000AU. In contrast, young stars with disks do not show significant grouping. This suggests that the grouping of dense cores is partially retained over the protostar lifetime, but not over the lifetime of stars with disks. This is in agreement with a scenario where protostars are ejected from the maternal filament by the slingshot mechanism, a model recently proposed for the ISF. The separation distributions of the dense cores and protostars may also provide an evolutionary tracer of filament fragmentation.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/538/A137
- Title:
- Orion B9 dense cores maps
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/538/A137
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We aim to further constrain the properties and evolutionary stages of dense cores in Orion B9. The central part of Orion B9 was mapped at 350 micron with APEX/SABOCA. A sample of nine cores in the region were observed in C^17^O(2-1), H^13^CO^+^(4-3) (towards 3 sources), DCO^+^(4-3), N_2_H^+^(3-2), and N_2_D^+^(3-2) with APEX/SHFI. These data are used in conjunction with our previous APEX/LABOCA 870-micron dust continuum data. Many of the LABOCA cores show evidence of substructure in the higher-resolution SABOCA image.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/532/A90
- Title:
- PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP-DR1) catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/532/A90
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Deep far-infrared photometric surveys studying galaxy evolution and the nature of the cosmic infrared background are a key strength of the Herschel mission. We describe the scientific motivation for the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) guaranteed time key program and its role within the entire set of Herschel surveys, and the field selection that includes popular multiwavelength fields such as GOODS, COSMOS, Lockman Hole (LH), ECDFS (Extended Chandra Deep Field South), and EGS (Extended Groth Strip). We present results from the deepest Herschel-PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer) far-infrared blank field extragalactic survey, obtained by combining observations of the GOODS (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey) fields from the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) and GOODS-Herschel key programmes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/794/152
- Title:
- PACS observations of Herschel-BAT sample
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/794/152
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Far-Infrared (FIR) photometry from the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer on the Herschel Space Observatory is presented for 313 nearby, hard X-ray selected galaxies from the 58 month Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) Active Galactic Nuclei catalog. The present data do not distinguish between the FIR luminosity distributions at 70 and 160{mu}m for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies. This result suggests that if the FIR emission is from the nuclear obscuring material surrounding the accretion disk, then it emits isotropically, independent of orientation. Alternatively, a significant fraction of the 70 and 160{mu}m luminosity could be from star formation, independent of active galactic nucleus (AGN) type. Using a non-parametric test for partial correlation with censored data, we find a statistically significant correlation between the AGN intrinsic power (in the 14-195keV band) and the FIR emission at 70 and 160{mu}m for Seyfert 1 galaxies. We find no correlation between the 14-195keV and FIR luminosities in Seyfert 2 galaxies. The observed correlations suggest two possible scenarios: (1) if we assume that the FIR luminosity is a good tracer of star formation, then there is a connection between star formation and the AGN at sub-kiloparsec scales, or (2) dust heated by the AGN has a statistically significant contribution to the FIR emission. Using a Spearman rank-order analysis, the 14-195keV luminosities for the Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies are weakly statistically correlated with the F_70_/F_160_ratios.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/640/A13
- Title:
- Par-Lup3-4 CO ALMA images
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/640/A13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Very low-mass stars are known to have jets and outflows, which is indicative of a scaled-down version of low-mass star formation. However, only very few outflows in very low-mass sources are well characterized. We characterize the bipolar molecular outflow of the very low-mass star Par-Lup3-4, a 0.12M_{sun}_ object known to power an optical jet. We observed Par-Lup3-4 with ALMA in Bands 6 and 7, detecting both the continuum and CO molecular gas. In particular, we studied three main emission lines: CO(2-1), CO(3-2), and ^13^CO(3-2). Our observations reveal for the first time the base of a bipolar molecular outflow in a very low-mass star, as well as a stream of material moving perpendicular to the primary outflow of this source. The primary outflow morphology is consistent with the previously determined jet orientation and disk inclination. The outflow mass is 9.5x10^-7^M_{sun}_, with an outflow rate of 4.3x10^-9^M_{sun}_/yr. A new fitting to the spectral energy distribution suggests that Par-Lup3-4 may be a binary system. We have characterized Par-Lup3-4 in detail, and its properties are consistent with those reported in other very low-mass sources. This source provides further evidence that very low-mass sources form as a scaled-down version of low-mass stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/462/L11
- Title:
- Passive spiral galaxy cand. multi-phot.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/462/L11
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have identified a population of passive spiral galaxies from photometry and integral field spectroscopy. We selected z<0.035 spiral galaxies that have WISE colours consistent with little mid-infrared emission from warm dust. Matched aperture photometry of 51 spiral galaxies in ultraviolet, optical and mid-infrared show these galaxies have colours consistent with passive galaxies. Six galaxies form a spectroscopic pilot study and were observed using the Wide-Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) to check for signs of nebular emission from star formation. We see no evidence of substantial nebular emission found in previous red spiral samples. These six galaxies possess absorption line spectra with 4000{AA} breaks consistent with an average luminosity-weighted age of 2.3Gyr. Our photometric and IFU spectroscopic observations confirm the existence of a population of local passive spiral galaxies, implying that transformation into early-type morphologies is not required for the quenching of star formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/236/51
- Title:
- PGCCs in lambda Orionis complex. II. Cores at 850um
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/236/51
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Based on the 850{mu}m dust continuum data from SCUBA-2 at James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), we compare overall properties of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCCs) in the {lambda} Orionis cloud to those of PGCCs in the Orion A and B clouds. The Orion A and B clouds are well-known active star-forming regions, while the {lambda} Orionis cloud has a different environment as a consequence of the interaction with a prominent OB association and a giant HII region. PGCCs in the {lambda} Orionis cloud have higher dust temperatures (T_d_=16.13+/-0.15K) and lower values of dust emissivity spectral index ({beta}=1.65+/-0.02) than PGCCs in the Orion A (T_d_=13.79+/-0.21K, {beta}=2.07+/-0.03) and Orion B (T_d_=13.82+/-0.19K, {beta}=1.96+/-0.02) clouds. We find 119 substructures within the 40 detected PGCCs and identify them as cores. Out of a total of 119 cores, 15 cores are discovered in the {lambda} Orionis cloud, while 74 and 30 cores are found in the Orion A and B clouds, respectively. The cores in the {lambda} Orionis cloud show much lower mean values of size R=0.08pc, column density N(H_2_)=(9.5+/-1.2)x10^22^cm^-2^, number density n(H_2_)=(2.9+/-0.4)x10^5^cm^-3^, and mass M_core_=1.0+/-0.3M_{sun}_ compared to the cores in the Orion A [R=0.11pc, N(H_2_)=(2.3+/-0.3)x10^23^cm^-2^, n(H_2_)=(3.8+/-0.5)x10^5^cm^-3^, and M_core_=2.4+/-0.3M_{sun}_] and Orion B [R=0.16pc, N(H_2_)=(3.8+/-0.4)x10^23^cm^-2^, n(H_2_)=(15.6+/-1.8)x10^5^cm^-3^, and M_core_=2.7+/-0.3M_{sun}_] clouds. These core properties in the {lambda} Orionis cloud can be attributed to the photodissociation and external heating by the nearby H II region, which may prevent the PGCCs from forming gravitationally bound structures and eventually disperse them. These results support the idea of negative stellar feedback on core formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/628/A110
- Title:
- Photometry of submm cores in Vela C
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/628/A110
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a study of the population of compact submm cores in Vela C, one of the molecular clouds making up the Vela Molecular Ridge, a nearby (~700pc) star forming region in the Galactic plane. A large scale map of dust emission at 345GHz was obtained with LABOCA at the APEX telescope. Core retrieval and photometry were performed with the algorithms CuTEx and CLUMPFIND. Table 1 lists the sources retrieved by CuTEx. Table 2 lists the sources retrieved by CLUMPFIND.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/655/A86
- Title:
- PILS-Cygnus. observations of CygX-N30
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/655/A86
- Date:
- 10 Mar 2022 07:33:06
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Complex organic molecules (COMs) are commonly detected in and near star-forming regions. However, the dominant process in the release of these COMs from the icy grains -- where they predominately form -- to the gas phase is still an open question. We investigate the origin of COM emission in a high-mass protostellar source, CygX-N30 MM1, through high-angular-resolution interferometric observations over a continuous broad frequency range. We used 32 GHz Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations with continuous frequency coverage from 329 to 361GHz at an angular resolution of ~1'' to do a line survey and obtain a chemical inventory of the source. The line emission in the frequency range was used to determine column densities and excitation temperatures for the COMs. We also mapped out the intensity distribution of the different species. We identified approximately 400 lines that can be attributed to 29 different molecular species and their isotopologues. We find that the molecular peak emission is along a linear gradient, and coincides with the axis of red- and blue- shifted H_2_CO and CS emission. Chemical differentiation is detected along this gradient, with the O-bearing molecular species peaking towards one component of the system and the N- and S-bearing species peaking towards the other. The chemical gradient is offset from but parallel to the axis through the two continuum sources. The inferred column densities and excitation temperatures are compared to other sources where COMs are abundant. Only one deuterated molecule is detected, HDO, while an upper limit for CH_2_DOH is derived, leading to a D/H ratio of <0.1%. We conclude that the origin of the observed COM emission is probably a combination of the young stellar sources along with accretion of infalling material onto a disc-like structure surrounding a young protostar and located close to one of the continuum sources. This disc and protostar are associated with the O-bearing molecular species, while the S- and N- bearing species on the other hand are associated with the other continuum core, which is probably a protostar that is slightly more evolved than the other component of the system. The low D/H ratio likely reflects a pre- stellar phase where the COMs formed on the ices at warm temperatures (~30K), where the deuterium fractionation would have been inefficient. The observations and results presented here demonstrate the importance of good frequency coverage and high angular resolution when disentangling the origin of COM emission.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/604/A65
- Title:
- Planck and Herschel images combination
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/604/A65
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Herschel has revolutionized our ability to measure column densities (N_H_) and temperatures (T) of molecular clouds thanks to its far infrared multiwavelength coverage. However, the lack of a well defined background intensity level in the Herschel data limits the accuracy of the NH and T maps. We aim to provide a method that corrects the missing Herschel background intensity levels using the Planck model for foreground Galactic thermal dust emission. For the Herschel/PACS data, both the constant-offset as well as the spatial dependence of the missing background must be addressed. For the Herschel/SPIRE data, the constant-offset correction has already been applied to the archival data so we are primarily concerned with the spatial dependence, which is most important at 250um. We present a Fourier method that combines the publicly available Planck model on large angular scales with the Herschel images on smaller angular scales. We have applied our method to two regions spanning a range of Galactic environments: Perseus and the Galactic plane region around l=11{deg} (HiGal-11). We post-processed the combined dust continuum emission images to generate column density and temperature maps. We compared these to previously adopted constant-offset corrections. We find significant differences (>~20%) over significant (~15%) areas of the maps, at low column densities (N_H_<~10^22^cm^-2^) and relatively high temperatures (T>~20K). We have also applied our method to synthetic observations of a simulated molecular cloud to validate our method. Our method successfully corrects the Herschel images, including both the constant-offset intensity level and the scale-dependent background variations measured by Planck. Our method improves the previous constant-offset corrections, which did not account for variations in the background emission levels.