The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk,
using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared. With HST's resolution and sensitivity, the disk of M31 will be resolved
into more than 100 million stars, enabling a wide range of scientific endeavors.
United States Naval Observatory, Flagstaff Station
Short Name:
11 Apr 2007 08:52:38
US Naval Observatory
The USNO Flagstaff Station Image and Catalogue archive
provides access to digitized images of the major Schmidt photographic surveys of the sky (POSS-I, POSS-II, SERC-J, SERC-R, SERC-EJ, SERC-ER, AAO-R etc.) and to astrometric catalogues derived from these data, including USNO-A2, USNO-B1 and NOMAD. The site provides catalogue data, finding charts, image data and a merge of the three.
United States Naval Observatory, Flagstaff Station Naming Authority
Short Name:
11 Apr 2007 08:52:38
US Naval Observatory
The USNO Flagstaff Station Image and Catalogue archive
provides access to digitized images of the major Schmidt photographic surveys of the sky (POSS-I, POSS-II, SERC-J, SERC-R, SERC-EJ, SERC-ER, AAO-R etc.) and to astrometric catalogues derived from these data, including USNO-A2, USNO-B1 and NOMAD. The site provides catalogue data, finding charts, image data and a merge of the three.
Spectra from the Univsity of Wisconsin Pine Bluff Observatory
in the 3,200 - 7,750 Å range, resolution ~ 80, V_max ~ 15, ~ 2800 observations
of ~ 400 targets, 1989-1998. Note spectropolarimetry data is also included.
Observations complement those obtained from the ASTRO WUPPE project.