- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/401/1429
- Title:
- WiggleZ dark energy survey (DR1)
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/401/1429
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey is a survey of 240000 emission-line galaxies in the distant Universe, measured with the AAOmega spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The primary aim of the survey is to precisely measure the scale of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) imprinted on the spatial distribution of these galaxies at look-back times of 4-8Gyr. The target galaxies are selected using ultraviolet (UV) photometry from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer satellite, with a flux limit of NUV<22.8mag. We also require that the targets are detected at optical wavelengths, specifically in the range 20.0<r<22.5mag. We use the Lyman break method applied to the UV colours, with additional optical colour limits, to select high-redshift galaxies. The galaxies generally have strong emission lines, permitting reliable redshift measurements in relatively short exposure times on the AAT. The median redshift of the galaxies is z_med_=0.6. The redshift range containing 90 per cent of the galaxies is 0.2<z<1.0. The survey will sample a volume of ~1Gpc^3^ over a projected area on the sky of 1000deg^2^, with an average target density of 350deg^-2^.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/474/4151
- Title:
- WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey final DR
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/474/4151
- Date:
- 02 Mar 2022 00:09:00
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey measured the redshifts of over 200000 ultraviolet (UV)-selected (N_UV_<22.8mag) galaxies on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. The survey detected the baryon acoustic oscillation signal in the large-scale distribution of galaxies over the redshift range 0.2<z<1.0, confirming the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe and measuring the rate of structure growth within it. Here, we present the final data release of the survey: a catalogue of 225415 galaxies and individual files of the galaxy spectra. We analyse the emission-line properties of these UV-luminous Lyman-break galaxies by stacking the spectra in bins of luminosity, redshift, and stellar mass. The most luminous (-25mag<M_FUV_< -22mag) galaxies have very broad H{beta} emission from active nuclei, as well as a broad second component to the [OIII] (495.9nm, 500.7nm) doublet lines that is blueshifted by 100km/s, indicating the presence of gas outflows in these galaxies. The composite spectra allow us to detect and measure the temperature-sensitive [OIII] (436.3nm) line and obtain metallicities using the direct method. The metallicities of intermediate stellar mass (8.8<log(M*/M_{sun}_)<10) WiggleZ galaxies are consistent with normal emission-line galaxies at the same masses. In contrast, the metallicities of high stellar mass (10<log(M*/M_{sun}_)<12) WiggleZ galaxies are significantly lower than for normal emission-line galaxies at the same masses. This is not an effect of evolution as the metallicities do not vary with redshift; it is most likely a property specific to the extremely UV-luminous WiggleZ galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/633/A104
- Title:
- WINGS cluster galaxies structural parameters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/633/A104
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a multi-wavelength analysis of the galaxies in nine clusters selected from the WINGS dataset, examining how galaxy structure varies as a function of wavelength and environment using the state of the art software galapagos-2. We simultaneously fit single-Sersic functions on three optical (u, B and V) and two near-infrared (J and K) bands thus creating a wavelength-dependent model of each galaxy. We measure the magnitudes, effective radius (Re), the Sersic index (n), axis ratio, and position angle in each band. The sample contains 790 cluster members (located close to the cluster centre <0.64xR200) and 254 non-member galaxies that we further separate based on their morphology into ellipticals, lenticulars, and spirals. We find that the Sersic index of all galaxies inside clusters remains nearly constant with wavelength while Re decreases as wavelength increases for all morphological types. We do not observe a significant variation on n and Re as a function of projected local density and distance from the clusters centre. Comparing the n and Re of bright cluster galaxies with a subsample of non-member galaxies we find that bright cluster galaxies are more concentrated (display high n values) and are more compact (low Re). Moreover, the light profile (N) and size (R) of bright cluster galaxies does not change as a function of wavelength in the same manner as non-member galaxies.
4684. WINGS-SPE II catalog
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/526/A45
- Title:
- WINGS-SPE II catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/526/A45
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The WIde-field Nearby Galaxy clusters Survey (WINGS) is a project whose primary goal is to study the galaxy populations in clusters in the local universe, and of the influence of environment on their stellar populations. This survey has provided the astronomical community with a high quality set of photometric and spectroscopic data for 77 and 48 nearby galaxy clusters, respectively. We present the catalog containing the properties of galaxies observed by the wings spectroscopic survey, which were derived using stellar populations synthesis modelling approach. We also check the consistency of our results with other data in the literature. Using a spectrophotometric model that reproduces the main features of observed spectra by summing the theoretical spectra of simple stellar populations of different ages, we derive the stellar masses, star formation histories, average age and dust attenuation of galaxies in our sample. ~5300 spectra were analyzed with spectrophotometric techniques, and this allowed to derive the star formation history, stellar masses and ages, and extinction for the wings spectroscopic sample that we present in this paper. The comparison with the total mass values of the same galaxies derived by other authors based on sdss data, confirms the reliability of the adopted methods and data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/620/A51
- Title:
- WIRCam Ultra Deep Survey photometric catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/620/A51
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The aim of this paper is to introduce the WIRCam Ultra Deep Survey (WUDS), a near-IR photometric survey carried out at the CFH Telescope in the field of the CFHTLS-D3 field (Groth Strip). WUDS includes four near-IR bands (Y, J, H and Ks) over a field of view of ~400arcmin^2^. The typical depth of WUDS data reaches between ~26.8 in Y and J, and ~26 in H and Ks (AB, 3{sigma} in 1.3" aperture), whereas the corresponding depth of the CFHTLS-D3 images in this region ranges between 28.6 and 29 in ugr, 28.2 in i and 27.1 in z (same S/N and aperture). The area and depth of this survey were specifically tailored to set strong constraints on the cosmic star formation rate and the luminosity function brighter or around L* in the z~6-10 redshift domain, although these data are also useful for a variety of extragalactic projects. This first paper is intended to present the properties of the public WUDS survey in details: catalog building, completeness and depth, number counts, photometric redshifts, and global properties of the galaxy population. We have also concentrated on the selection and characterization of galaxy samples at z~[4.5-7] in this field. For these purposes, we include an adjacent shallower area of ~1260arcmin^2^ in this region, extracted from the WIRCam Deep Survey (WIRDS), and observed in J, H and Ks bands. UV luminosity functions were derived at z~5 and z~6 taking advantage from the fact that WUDS covers a particularly interesting regime at intermediate luminosities, which allows a combined determination of M* and {PHI}* with increased accuracy. Our results on the luminosity function are consistent with a small evolution of both M* and {PHI}* between z=5 and z=6, irrespective of the method used to derive them, either photometric redshifts applied to blindly-selected dropout samples or the classical Lyman Break Galaxy color-preselected samples. Our results lend support to higher {PHI}* determinations at z=6 than usually reported. The selection and combined analysis of different galaxy samples at z>=7 will be presented in a forthcoming paper, as well as the evolution of the UV luminosity function between z~4.5 and 9. WUDS is intended to provide a robust database in the near-IR for the selection of targets for detailed spectroscopic studies, in particular for the EMIR/GTC GOYA Survey.
- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/ssap/hpol
- Title:
- Wisconsin Halfwave Spectropolarimeter
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 21:56:07
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- Spectra from the Univsity of Wisconsin Pine Bluff Observatory in the 3,200 - 7,750 Å range, resolution ~ 80, V_max ~ 15, ~ 2800 observations of ~ 400 targets, 1989-1998. Note spectropolarimetry data is also included. Observations complement those obtained from the ASTRO WUPPE project.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/866/44
- Title:
- WISE/DEIMOS Redshift Catalog DR2 & extended data
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/866/44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The WISE satellite surveyed the entire sky multiple times in four infrared (IR) wavelengths (3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22{mu}m). This all-sky IR photometric survey makes it possible to leverage many of the large publicly available spectroscopic redshift surveys to measure galaxy properties in the IR. While characterizing the cross-matching of WISE data to a single survey is a straightforward process, doing it with six different redshift surveys takes a fair amount of space to characterize adequately, because each survey has unique caveats and characteristics that need addressing. This work describes a data set that results from matching five public redshift surveys with the AllWISE data release, along with a reanalysis of the data described in Lake+ (2012, J/AJ/143/7). The combined data set has an additional flux limit of 80{mu}Jy (19.14 AB mag) in WISE's W1 filter, imposed in order to limit it to targets with high completeness and reliable photometry in the AllWISE data set. Consistent analysis of all of the data is only possible if the color bias discussed in Ilbert+ (2004MNRAS.351..541I) is addressed (e.g., the techniques explored in Lake+ 2017AJ....153..189L). The sample defined herein is used in a companion paper in this series to measure the luminosity function of galaxies at 2.4{mu}m rest-frame wavelength, and the selection process of the sample is optimized for this purpose.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/835/280
- Title:
- WISE MIR properties of galaxies in compact groups
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/835/280
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of galaxies in compact groups and their environmental dependence using the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data. We use a volume-limited sample of 670 compact groups and their 2175 member galaxies with M_r_<-19.77 and 0.01<z<0.0741, drawn from Sohn+ (2016, J/ApJS/225/23), which were identified using a friends-of-friends algorithm. Among the 2175 galaxies, 1541 galaxies are detected at WISE 12um with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 3. Among the 1541 galaxies, 433 AGN-host galaxies are identified by using both optical and MIR classification schemes. Using the remaining 1108 non-AGN galaxies, we find that the MIR [3.4]-[12] colors of compact group early-type galaxies are on average bluer than those of cluster early-type galaxies. When compact groups have both early- and late-type member galaxies, the MIR colors of the late-type members in those compact groups are bluer than the MIR colors of cluster late-type galaxies. As compact groups are located in denser regions, they tend to have larger early-type galaxy fractions and bluer MIR color galaxies. These trends are also seen for neighboring galaxies around compact groups. However, compact group member galaxies always have larger early-type galaxy fractions and bluer MIR colors than their neighboring galaxies. Our findings suggest that the properties of compact group galaxies depend on both internal and external environments of compact groups, and that galaxy evolution is faster in compact groups than in the central regions of clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/792/129
- Title:
- WISE W1/W2 Tully-Fisher relation calibrator data
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/792/129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In order to explore local large-scale structures and velocity fields, accurate galaxy distance measures are needed. We now extend the well-tested recipe for calibrating the correlation between galaxy rotation rates and luminosities-capable of providing such distance measures-to the all-sky, space-based imaging data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) W1 (3.4 {mu}m) and W2 (4.6 {mu}m) filters. We find a correlation of line width to absolute magnitude (known as the Tully-Fisher relation, TFR) of M_W1_^b,i,k,a^=-20.35-9.56(logW_mx_^i^-2.5) (0.54 mag rms) and M_W2_^b,i,k,a^=-19.76-9.74(logW_mx_^i^-2.5) (0.56 mag rms) from 310 galaxies in 13 clusters. We update the I-band TFR using a sample 9% larger than in Tully & Courtois (2012ApJ...749...78T). We derive M_l_^b,i,k^=-21.34-8.95(logW_mx_^i^-2.5) (0.46 mag rms). The WISE TFRs show evidence of curvature. Quadratic fits give M_W1_^b,i,k,a^=-20.48-8.36(logW_mx_^i^-2.5)+3.60(loglogW_mx_^i^-2.5)^2^ (0.52 mag rms) and M_W2_^b,i,k,a^=-19.91-8.40(logW_mx_^i^-2.5)+ 4.32(loglogW_mx_^i^ -2.5)^2^ (0.55 mag rms). We apply an I-band -WISE color correction to lower the scatter and derive M_Cw1_=-20.22-9.12(logW_mx_^i^-2.5) and M_Cw2_=-19.63-9.11(logW_mx_^i^-2.5) (both 0.46 mag rms). Using our three independent TFRs (W1 curved, W2 curved, and I band), we calibrate the UNION2 Type Ia supernova sample distance scale and derive H_0_=74.4+/-1.4(stat)+/-2.4(sys) km/s/Mpc with 4% total error.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/148/51
- Title:
- WIYN Open Cluster. LXI. NGC 6819 photometry
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/148/51
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- NGC 6819 is a richly populated, older open cluster situated within the Kepler field. A CCD survey of the cluster on the uvbyCaH{beta} system, coupled with proper-motion membership, has been used to isolate 382 highly probable, single-star unevolved main-sequence members over a 20' field centered on the cluster. From 278 F dwarfs with high precision photometry in all indices, a mean reddening of E(b-y)=0.117+/-0.005 or E(B-V)=0.160+/-0.007 is derived, where the standard errors of the mean include both internal errors and the photometric zero-point uncertainty. With the reddening fixed, the metallicity derived from the same 278 stars is [Fe/H]=-0.116+/-0.101 from m_1_ and -0.055+/-0.033 from hk, for a weighted average of [Fe/H]=-0.06+/-0.04, where the quoted standard errors of the mean include the internal errors from the photometric scatter plus the uncertainty in the photometric zero points. If metallicity is derived using individual reddening values for each star to account for potential reddening variation across the face of the cluster, the analogous result is unchanged. The cluster members at the turnoff of the color-magnitude diagram are used to test and confirm the recently discovered variation in reddening across the face of the cluster, with a probable range in the variation of {Delta}E(B-V)=0.045+/-0.015. With the slightly higher reddening and lower [Fe/H] compared to commonly adopted values, isochrone fitting leads to an age of 2.3+/-0.2Gyr for an apparent modulus of (m-M)=12.40+/-0.12.