- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/490/3806
- Title:
- Exoplanets & variable stars in 47 Tuc field
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/490/3806
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The TESS mission will survey ~85 per cent of the sky, giving us the opportunity of extracting high-precision light curves of millions of stars, including stellar cluster members. In this work, we present our project 'A PSF-based Approach to TESS High quality data Of Stellar clusters' (PATHOS), aimed at searching and characterize candidate exoplanets and variable stars in stellar clusters using our innovative method for the extraction of high-precision light curves of stars located in crowded environments. Our technique of light-curve extraction involves the use of empirical point spread functions (PSFs), an input catalogue and neighbour-subtraction. The PSF-based approach allows us to minimize the dilution effects in crowded environments and to extract high-precision photometry for stars in the faint regime (G>13). For this pilot project, we extracted, corrected, and analysed the light curves of 16641 stars located in a dense region centred on the globular cluster 47 Tuc. We were able to reach the TESS magnitude T~16.5 with a photometric precision of ~1 per cent on the 6.5-h time-scale; in the bright regime we were able to detect transits with depth of ~34 parts per million. We searched for variables and candidate transiting exoplanets. Our pipeline detected one planetary candidate orbiting a main-sequence star in the Galactic field. We analysed the period-luminosity distribution for red-giant stars of 47 Tuc and the eclipsing binaries in the field. Light curves are uploaded on the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes under the project PATHOS.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/228/19
- Title:
- Exploring the SDSS data set. I. EMP & CV stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/228/19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a search for extremely metal-poor (EMP), carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP), and cataclysmic variable (CV) stars using a new exploration tool based on linked scatter plots (LSPs). Our approach is especially designed to work with very large spectrum data sets such as the SDSS, LAMOST, RAVE, and Gaia data sets, and it can be applied to stellar, galaxy, and quasar spectra. As a demonstration, we conduct our search using the SDSS DR10 data set. We first created a 3326-dimensional phase space containing nearly 2 billion measures of the strengths of over 1600 spectral features in 569738 SDSS stars. These measures capture essentially all the stellar atomic and molecular species visible at the resolution of SDSS spectra. We show how LSPs can be used to quickly isolate and examine interesting portions of this phase space. To illustrate, we use LSPs coupled with cuts in selected portions of phase space to extract EMP stars, CEMP stars, and CV stars. We present identifications for 59 previously unrecognized candidate EMP stars and 11 previously unrecognized candidate CEMP stars. We also call attention to 2 candidate He II emission CV stars found by the LSP approach that have not yet been discussed in the literature.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/237/38
- Title:
- Extended abundance analysis of KOIs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/237/38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Accurate stellar parameters and precise elemental abundances are vital pieces to correctly characterize discovered planetary systems, better understand planet formation, and trace galactic chemical evolution. We have performed a uniform spectroscopic analysis for 1127 stars, yielding accurate gravity, temperature, and projected rotational velocity in addition to precise abundances for 15 elements (C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Y). Most of the stars in this sample are Kepler Objects of Interest, observed by the California-Kepler Survey, and include 1003 stars hosting 1562 confirmed planets. This catalog extends the uniform analysis of our previous catalog, bringing the total number of homogeneously analyzed stars to almost 2700 F, G, and K dwarfs. To ensure consistency between the catalogs, we performed an analysis of our ability to recover parameters as a function of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and present individual uncertainties as well as functions to calculate uncertainties for parameters derived from lower S/N spectra. With the updated parameters, we used isochrone fitting to derive new radii, masses, and ages for the stars. We use our abundance analysis to support the finding that the radius gap is likely a result of evolution rather than the result of primordial compositional differences between the two populations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/244/32
- Title:
- Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/244/32
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Kepler Space Telescope observed thousands of RR Lyrae stars in the K2 mission. In this paper, we present our photometric solutions using extended apertures in order to conserve the flux of the stars to the highest possible extent. With this method, we are able to avoid most of the problems that RR Lyrae light curves produced by other pipelines suffer from. For post-processing, we apply the K2SC pipeline to our light curves. We provide the EAP (Extended Aperture Photometry) of 432 RR Lyrae stars observed in campaigns 3, 4, 5, and 6. We also provide subclass classifications based on Fourier parameters. We investigated in particular the presence of the Blazhko effect in the stars and found it to be 44.7% among the RRab stars, in agreement with results from independent samples. We found that the amplitude and phase modulation in the Blazhko stars may behave rather differently, at least over the length of a K2 Campaign. We also identified four anomalous Cepheid candidates in the sample, one of which is potentially the first Blazhko-modulated member of its class.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/498/5720
- Title:
- Extended Breakthrough Listen sample
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/498/5720
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We extend the source sample recently observed by the Breakthrough Listen Initiative by including additional stars (with parallaxes measured by Gaia) that also reside within the FWHM of the GBT and Parkes radio telescope target fields. These stars have estimated distances as listed in the extensions of the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Enlarging the sample from 1327 to 288315 stellar objects permits us to achieve substantially better Continuous Waveform Transmitter Rate Figures of Merit (CWTFM) than any previous analysis, and allows us to place the tightest limits yet on the prevalence of nearby high-duty-cycle extraterrestrial transmitters. The results suggest <~0.0660(+0.0004,-0.0003)% of stellar systems within 50 pc host such transmitters (assuming an EIRP>~10^13^W) and <~0.039(+0.004,-0.008)% within 200pc (assuming an EIRP>~2.5*10^14^W). We further extend our analysis to much greater distances, though we caution that the detection of narrow-band signals beyond a few hundred pc may be affected by interstellar scintillation. The extended sample also permits us to place new constraints on the prevalence of extraterrestrial transmitters by stellar type and spectral class. Our results suggest targeted analyses of SETI radio data can benefit from taking into account the fact that in addition to the target at the field centre, many other cosmic objects reside within the primary beam response of a parabolic radio telescope. These include foreground and background galactic stars, but also extragalactic systems. With distances measured by Gaia, these additional sources can be used to place improved limits on the prevalence of extraterrestrial transmitters, and extend the analysis to a wide range of cosmic objects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/137D
- Title:
- Extended Hipparcos Compilation (XHIP)
- Short Name:
- V/137D
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Extended Hipparcos Compilation (XHIP) cross-references the New Hipparcos Reduction (HIP2, Cat. I/311) with relatable data from a broad survey of presently available sources. The resulting collection uniquely assigns 116,096 spectral classifications, 46,392 radial velocities, and 19,097 iron abundances [Fe/H] to Hipparcos stars. Stellar classifications from SIMBAD and indications of multiplicity from either CCDM (Cat. I/274) or WDS (Cat. B/wds) are provided. Parameters for solar encounters and Galactic orbits are calculated for a subset of stars that can be made kinematically complete. Memberships in open clusters and stellar associations are assigned. We also provide stellar ages from The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood III (Cat. V/130), identifications of exoplanet host stars, and supplemental photometry from 2MASS (Cat. II/246) and SIMBAD.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/786/113
- Title:
- Extinction law in the Cep OB3b young cluster
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/786/113
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We determine the extinction law through Cep OB3b, a young cluster of 3000 stars undergoing gas dispersal. The extinction is measured toward 76 background K giants identified with MMT/Hectospec spectra. Color excess ratios were determined toward each of the giants using V and R photometry from the literature, g, r, i, and z photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and J, H, and K_s_ photometry from the Two Micron All Sky Survey. These color excess ratios were then used to construct the extinction law through the dusty material associated with Cep OB3b. The extinction law through Cep OB3b is intermediate between the R_V_=3.1 and R_V_=5 laws commonly used for the diffuse atomic interstellar medium and dense molecular clouds, respectively. The dependence of the extinction law on line-of-sight A_V_ is investigated and we find the extinction law becomes shallower for regions with A_V_>2.5 mag. We speculate that the intermediate dust law results from dust processing during the dispersal of the molecular cloud by the cluster.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/131/2859
- Title:
- Extragalactic First Look Survey: 24{mu}m data
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/131/2859
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the reduction of the 24{mu}m data obtained during the first cosmological survey performed by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Images of a region of sky at moderately high Galactic latitude (l=88.3{deg}, b=+34.9{deg}) were obtained on 2003 December 9-11. The survey consists of a shallow observation of 2.5x2{deg}^2^ centered at 17:18 +59:30 (main survey) and a deeper observation of 1{deg}x0.5{deg} centered at 17:17 +59:45 (verification survey). Issues with the reduction of the 24{mu}m MIPS data are discussed and solutions to attenuate instrumental effects are proposed and applied to the data. Approximately 17000 sources are extracted with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) greater than 5. The photometry of the point sources is evaluated through point-spread function (PSF) fitting using an empirical PSF derived from the data. Aperture corrections and the absolute calibration have been checked using stars in the field. Astrometric and photometric errors depend on the S/N of the source varying between 0.35"-1" and 5%-15%, respectively, for sources detected at 20-5{sigma}. The fluxes of the 123 extended sources have been estimated through aperture photometry. The extended sources cover less than 0.3% of the total area of the survey. Based on simulations, the main and verification surveys are 50% complete at 0.3 and 0.15mJy, respectively. Counterparts have been searched for in optical and radio catalogs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/287
- Title:
- Extragalactic linear polarization meas. agglomeration
- Short Name:
- VII/287
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In the framework of the Standard Model Extension (SME), we present improved constraints on anisotropic Lorentz invariance and Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) violation by searching for astrophysical signals of cosmic vacuum birefringence with broadband optical polarimetry of high redshift astronomical sources, including Active Galactic Nuclei and Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows. We generalize Kislat (Constraints on lorentz invariance violation from optical polarimetry of astrophysical objects. Symmetry, 10(11), 2018. ISSN 2073-8994. doi:10.3390/sym10110596), which studied the SME mass dimension d=4 case, to arbitrary mass dimension for both the CPT-even and CPT-odd cases. We then present constraints on all 10, 16, and 42 anisotropic birefringent SME coefficients for dimension d=4, d=5, and d=6 models respectively, using 7554 observations for odd d and 7376 observations for even d of 1278 unique sources on the sky, which, to our knowledge comprises the most complete catalog of optical polarization from extragalactic sources in the literature to date. Compared to the smaller sample of 44 and 45 broadband optical polarimetry observations analyzed in Kislat (Constraints on lorentz invariance violation from optical polarimetry of astrophysical objects. Symmetry, 10(11), 2018. ISSN 2073-8994. doi:10.3390/sym10110596) and Kislat et al. (2017 Phys. Rev. D, 95(8):083013, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.083013), our dimension d=4 and d=5 average constraints are more sensitive by factors of 35 and 10, corresponding to a reduction in allowed SME parameter space volume for these studies of 15 and 16 orders of magnitude, respectively. Constraints from individual lines of sight can be significantly stronger using spectropolarimetry, due to the steep energy dependence of birefringence effects at increasing mass dimension. Nevertheless, due to the increased number of observations and lines of sight in our catalog, our average d=4 and d=5 broadband constraints are within factors of 2 and 12 of previous constraints using spectropolarimetry from Kislat (Constraints on lorentz invariance violation from optical polarimetry of astrophysical objects. Symmetry, 10(11), 2018. ISSN 2073-8994. doi:10.3390/sym10110596) and Kislat et al. (2017, Phys. Rev. D 95(8):083013, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.083013), respectively, using an independent data set and an improved analysis method. By contrast, our anisotropic constraints on all 42 birefringent SME coefficients for d=6 are the first to be presented in the literature.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/847/38
- Title:
- Extreme emission line galaxies at z<~0.05
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/847/38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Searching for extreme emission line galaxies allows us to find low-mass metal-poor galaxies that are good analogs of high redshift Ly{alpha} emitting galaxies. These low-mass extreme emission line galaxies are also potential Lyman-continuum leakers. Finding them at very low redshifts (z<~0.05) allows us to be sensitive to even lower stellar masses and metallicities. We report on a sample of extreme emission line galaxies at z<~0.05 (blueberry galaxies). We selected them from SDSS broadband images on the basis of their broadband colors and studied their properties with MMT spectroscopy. From the entire SDSS DR12 photometric catalog, we found 51 photometric candidates. We spectroscopically confirm 40 as blueberry galaxies. These blueberries are dwarf starburst galaxies with very small sizes (<1kpc) and very high ionization ([OIII]/[OII]~10-60). They also have some of the lowest stellar masses (log(M/M_{sun}_)~6.5-7.5) and lowest metallicities (7.1<12+log(O/H)<7.8) of starburst galaxies. Thus, they are small counterparts to green pea galaxies and high redshift Ly{alpha} emitting galaxies.