- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/845/157
- Title:
- IMF in 3 low-redshift strong lenses from SNELLS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/845/157
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new observations of the three nearest early-type galaxy (ETG) strong lenses discovered in the SINFONI Nearby Elliptical Lens Locator Survey (SNELLS). Based on their lensing masses, these ETGs were inferred to have a stellar initial mass function (IMF) consistent with that of the Milky Way, not the bottom-heavy IMF that has been reported as typical for high-{sigma} ETGs based on lensing, dynamical, and stellar population synthesis techniques. We use these unique systems to test the consistency of IMF estimates derived from different methods. We first estimate the stellar M*/L using lensing and stellar dynamics. We then fit high-quality optical spectra of the lenses using an updated version of the stellar population synthesis models developed by Conroy & van Dokkum. When examined individually, we find good agreement among these methods for one galaxy. The other two galaxies show 2-3{sigma} tension with lensing estimates, depending on the dark matter contribution, when considering IMFs that extend to 0.08M_{sun}_. Allowing a variable low-mass cutoff or a nonparametric form of the IMF reduces the tension among the IMF estimates to <2{sigma}. There is moderate evidence for a reduced number of low-mass stars in the SNELLS spectra, but no such evidence in a composite spectrum of matched-{sigma} ETGs drawn from the SDSS. Such variation in the form of the IMF at low stellar masses (m<~0.3M_{sun}_), if present, could reconcile lensing/dynamical and spectroscopic IMF estimates for the SNELLS lenses and account for their lighter M*/L relative to the mean matched-{sigma} ETG. We provide the spectra used in this study to facilitate future comparisons.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/686/749
- Title:
- Improved cosmological constraints from SNe
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/686/749
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new compilation of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), a new data set of low-redshift nearby-Hubble-flow SNe, and new analysis procedures to work with these heterogeneous compilations. This "Union" compilation of 414 SNe Ia, which reduces to 307 SNe after selection cuts, includes the recent large samples of SNe Ia from the Supernova Legacy Survey and ESSENCE Survey, the older data sets, as well as the recently extended data set of distant supernovae observed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). A single, consistent, and blind analysis procedure is used for all the various SN Ia subsamples, and a new procedure is implemented that consistently weights the heterogeneous data sets and rejects outliers. We present the latest results from this Union compilation and discuss the cosmological constraints from this new compilation and its combination with other cosmological measurements (CMB and BAO).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/862/33
- Title:
- Improved & expanded membership catalog for NGC752
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/862/33
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The nearby open cluster NGC 752 presents a rare opportunity to study stellar properties at ages >1Gyr. However, constructing a membership catalog for it is challenging; most surveys have been limited to identifying its giants and dwarf members earlier than mid-K. We supplement past membership catalogs with candidates selected with updated photometric and proper-motion criteria, generating a list of 258 members, a >50% increase over previous catalogs. Using a Bayesian framework to fit MESA Isochrones & Stellar Tracks evolutionary models to literature photometry and the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution data available for 59 cluster members, we infer the age of and distance to NGC 752: 1.34+/-0.06Gyr and 438_-6_^+8^pc. We also report the results of our optical monitoring of the cluster using the Palomar Transient Factory. We obtain rotation periods for 12 K and M cluster members, the first periods measured for such low-mass stars with a well-constrained age >1Gyr. We compare these new periods to data from the younger clusters Praesepe and NGC 6811, and to a theoretical model for angular momentum loss, to examine stellar spin-down for low-mass stars over their first 1.3Gyr. While on average NGC 752 stars are rotating more slowly than their younger counterparts, the difference is not significant. Finally, we use our spectroscopic observations to measure H{alpha} for cluster stars, finding that members earlier than ~M2 are magnetically inactive, as expected at this age. Forthcoming Gaia data should solidify and extend the membership of NGC 752 to lower masses, thereby increasing its importance for studies of low-mass stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/230/9
- Title:
- Improved multi-band photometry from SERVS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/230/9
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We apply The Tractor image modeling code to improve upon existing multi-band photometry for the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS). SERVS consists of post-cryogenic Spitzer observations at 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m over five well-studied deep fields spanning 18deg^2^. In concert with data from ground-based near-infrared (NIR) and optical surveys, SERVS aims to provide a census of the properties of massive galaxies out to z~5. To accomplish this, we are using The Tractor to perform "forced photometry." This technique employs prior measurements of source positions and surface brightness profiles from a high-resolution fiducial band from the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey to model and fit the fluxes at lower-resolution bands. We discuss our implementation of The Tractor over a square-degree test region within the XMM Large Scale Structure field with deep imaging in 12 NIR/optical bands. Our new multi-band source catalogs offer a number of advantages over traditional position-matched catalogs, including (G1) consistent source cross-identification between bands, (2) de-blending of sources that are clearly resolved in the fiducial band but blended in the lower resolution SERVS data, (3) a higher source detection fraction in each band, (4) a larger number of candidate galaxies in the redshift range 5<z<6, and (5) a statistically significant improvement in the photometric redshift accuracy as evidenced by the significant decrease in the fraction of outliers compared to spectroscopic redshifts. Thus, forced photometry using The Tractor offers a means of improving the accuracy of multi-band extragalactic surveys designed for galaxy evolution studies. We will extend our application of this technique to the full SERVS footprint in the future.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/119/1448
- Title:
- Improved properties for cool stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/119/1448
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new grids of colors and bolometric corrections for F-K stars having 4000 K {<=} Teff {<=} 6500 K, 0.0 {<=} log(g) {<=} 4.5, and -3.0 {<=} [Fe/H] {<=} 0.0. Colors are tabulated for Johnson U-V and B-V, Cousins V-R and V-I, Johnson-Glass V-K, J-K, and H-K, and CIT/CTIO V-K, J-K, H-K, and CO. We have developed these color-temperature relations by convolving synthetic spectra with the best-determined, photometric filter transmission profiles. The synthetic spectra have been computed with the SSG spectral synthesis code (Bell & Gustafsson 1978; Gustafsson & Bell 1979) using MARCS stellar atmosphere models (Gustafsson et al. 1975; Bell et al. 1976) as input. Both of these codes have been improved substantially, especially at low temperatures, through the incorporation of new opacity data. The resulting synthetic colors have been put onto the observational systems by applying color calibrations derived from models and photometry of field stars that have effective temperatures determined by the infrared flux method. These color calibrations have zero points that change most of the original synthetic colors by less than 0.02 mag, and the corresponding slopes generally alter the colors by less than 5%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/842/42
- Title:
- Improved reddenings for 59 Galactic Cepheids
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/842/42
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new photometric method by which improved high-precision reddenings and true distance moduli can be determined to individual Galactic Cepheids once distance measurements are available. We illustrate that the relative positioning of stars in the Cepheid period-luminosity (PL) relation (Leavitt law) is preserved as a function of wavelength. This information then provides a powerful constraint for determining reddenings to individual Cepheids, as well as their distances. As a first step, we apply this method to the 59 Cepheids in the compilation of Fouque et al. Updated reddenings, distance moduli (or parallaxes), and absolute magnitudes in seven (optical through near-infrared) bands are given. From these intrinsic quantities, multiwavelength PL and color-color relations are derived. We find that the V-band period-luminosity-color relation has an rms scatter of only 0.06mag, so that individual Cepheid distances can be measured to 3%, compared with dispersions of 6 to 13% for the one-parameter K through B PL relations, respectively. This method will be especially useful in conjunction with the new accurate parallax sample upcoming from Gaia.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/707/671
- Title:
- IM Vir BVRI photometry and radial velocities
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/707/671
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report extensive spectroscopic and differential photometric BVRI observations of the active, detached, 1.309-day double-lined eclipsing binary IM Vir, composed of a G7-type primary and a K7 secondary. With these observations, we derive accurate absolute masses and radii of M1=0.981+/-0.012M_{sun}_, M2=0.6644+/-0.0048M_{sun}_, R1=1.061+/-0.016R_{sun}_, and R2=0.681+/-0.013R_{sun}_ for the primary and secondary, with relative errors under 2%. The effective temperatures are 5570+/-100K and 4250+/-130K, respectively. The significant difference in mass makes this a favorable case for comparison with stellar evolution theory. We find that both stars are larger than the models predict, by 3.7% for the primary and 7.5% for the secondary, as well as cooler than expected, by 100K and 150K, respectively. These discrepancies are in line with previously reported differences in low-mass stars, and are believed to be caused by chromospheric activity, which is not accounted for in current models. The effect is not confined to low-mass stars: the rapidly rotating primary of IM Vir joins the growing list of objects of near-solar mass (but still with convective envelopes) that show similar anomalies. The comparison with the models suggests an age of 2.4Gyr for the system, and a metallicity of [Fe/H]~-0.3 that is consistent with other indications, but requires confirmation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/154
- Title:
- Individual UBV Observations of LSS Stars
- Short Name:
- II/154
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- UBV Photometry of Stars from "Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way" by J.S. Drilling, Louisiana State University Observatory, 22 July 1989.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/31/332
- Title:
- Infrared Luminosities of Local Galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/31/332
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Based on data from 2MASS (<II/246>) we analyzed the infrared properties of 451 Local-Volume galaxies at distances D<=10Mpc.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/104/1349
- Title:
- Infrared-luminous giants in M32
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/104/1349
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A previously unknown population of very luminous, red, asymptotic-giant-branch stars has been identified as a result of near-infrared (JHK) imaging in the dwarf elliptical galaxy M32. Situated above the tip of the normal first red giant branch, these stars are intrinsically brighter than the most luminous normal giants in old Galactic globular clusters by approximately 2 bolometric magnitudes. Moreover, they are a full bolometric magnitude brighter than the brightest giants observed in our own Galactic bulge. Several possible explanations for this population are examined, including old long-period variables, binary mergers, supermetallicity, and intermediate-age stars. It is suggested that the simplest explanation at present, is that M32 had a star formation episode less than about 5 billion years ago. These stars would then be the evolved extended asymptotic giant branch population resulting from that event (similar to those stars observed in the intermediate-age clusters in the Magellanic Clouds). This population may be similar to that in the M31 bulge, recently observed by Rich and Mould. The detection of a young component in M32 is of particular interest because historically, M32 has been a fiducial galaxy for population synthesis techniques. An understanding of M32 remains crucial for our understanding of distant and more luminous elliptical galaxies.