- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/883/94
- Title:
- Optical and UV follow-up of 1ES 1927+654
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/883/94
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the sudden optical and ultraviolet (UV) brightening of 1ES1927+654, which until now was known as a narrow-line active galactic nucleus (AGN). 1ES 1927+654 was part of the small and peculiar class of "true Type-2" AGNs that lack broad emission lines and line-of-sight obscuration. Our high-cadence spectroscopic monitoring captures the appearance of a blue, featureless continuum, followed several weeks later by the appearance of broad Balmer emission lines. This timescale is generally consistent with the expected light travel time between the central engine and the broadline emission region in (persistent) broadline AGN. Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy reveals no evidence for broad UV emission lines (e.g., CIV{lambda}1549, CIII]{lambda}1909, MgII{lambda}2798), probably owing to dust in the broadline emission region. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case where the lag between the change in continuum and in broadline emission of a "changing look" AGN has been temporally resolved. The nature and timescales of the photometric and spectral evolution disfavor both a change in line-of-sight obscuration and a change of the overall rate of gas inflow as driving the drastic spectral transformations seen in this AGN. Although the peak luminosity and timescales are consistent with those of tidal disruption events seen in inactive galaxies, the spectral properties are not. The X-ray emission displays a markedly different behavior, with frequent flares on timescales of hours to days, and will be presented in a companion publication.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/151/125
- Title:
- Optical and UV photometry of SN 2013dy
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/151/125
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Extensive and independent observations of Type Ia supernova (SNIa) SN2013dy are presented, including a larger set of UBVRI photometry and optical spectra from a few days before the peak brightness to ~200days after explosion, and ultraviolet (UV) photometry spanning from t~-10days to t~+15days refers to the B band maximum. The peak brightness (i.e., M_B_=-19.65+/-0.40mag; L_max_=[1.95+/-0.55]*10^43^/ergs) and the mass of synthesized ^56^Ni (i.e., M(^56^Ni)=0.90+/-0.26M_{Sun}_) are calculated, and they conform to the expectation for an SNIa with a slow decline rate (i.e., {Delta}m_15_(B)=0.90+/-0.03mag). However, the near infrared (NIR) brightness of this SN (i.e., M_H_=-17.33+/-0.30mag) is at least 1.0mag fainter than usual. Besides, spectroscopy classification reveals that SN2013dy resides on the border of "core normal" and "shallow silicon" subclasses in the Branch et al. classification scheme, or on the border of the "normal velocity" SNeIa and 91T/99aa-like events in the Wang et al. system. These suggest that SN2013dy is a slow-declining SNIa located on the transitional region of nominal spectroscopic subclasses and might not be a typical normal sample of SNeIa.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/310/384
- Title:
- Optical brightness of 3 ROSAT Seyfert galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/310/384
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The printed version of this paper describes the X-ray and optical properties of four new active galaxies discovered in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. While one object (RX J1257.5+2412) is identified as a BL Lac object, the other three (RX J1239.3+2431, RX J1225.7+2055, and RX J1250.2+1923) are narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Three of these four objects are bright enough to be studied on archival photographic plates of Sonneberg Observatory. The present list contains the individual brightness measurements of these objects all of which turned out to be variable on timescales of weeks to years. Some lightcurves (long-term as well as short-term) are given in the printed version.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/190/166
- Title:
- Optical catalog of AKARI NEP-wide survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/190/166
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the source catalog and the properties of the B-, R-, and I-band images obtained to support the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Wide (NEP-Wide) survey. The NEP-Wide is an AKARI infrared imaging survey of the north ecliptic pole covering a 5.8deg^2^ area over 2.5-6um wavelengths. The optical imaging data were obtained at the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan using the Seoul National University 4kx4k Camera on the 1.5m telescope. These images cover 4.9deg^2^ where no deep optical imaging data are available. Our B-, R-, and I-band data reach the depths of ~23.4, ~23.1, and ~22.3mag(AB) at 5{sigma}, respectively. The source catalog contains 96460 objects in the R band, and the astrometric accuracy is about 0.15" at 1{sigma} in each RA and DEC direction. These photometric data will be useful for many studies including identification of optical counterparts of the infrared sources detected by AKARI, analysis of their spectral energy distributions from optical through infrared, and the selection of interesting objects to understand the obscured galaxy evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/449/1380
- Title:
- Optical chromospheric activity of V711 Tau
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/449/1380
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present long-term high-resolution spectroscopic observations of the very active RS Canum Venaticorum-type star V711 Tau, obtained during several observing runs from 1998 to 2004, and study its chromospheric activity. Using the spectral subtraction technique, several optical chromospheric activity indicators [including the He I D_3_, Na I D_1_, D_2_, H{alpha} and Ca II infrared triplet (IRT) lines] formed at different atmospheric heights are analysed. Strong chromospheric emission supports earlier results that indicate that V711 Tau is a very active system. Two large optical flares were detected during our observations. The results suggest that the main part of chromospheric emission is attributed to the primary star of the system. The secondary also presents weak emission but is less active. The ratios of EW_8542_/EW_8498_ indicate that CaII IRT emission arises predominantly from plage-like regions. We have found rotational modulation of chromospheric activity in the H{alpha} and CaII IRT lines, which suggests the presence of the chromospheric active longitudes over the surface of V711 Tau. Two active longitudes separated by about 180{deg} were observed to dominate the activity, and the so-called flip-flop phenomenon was seen during our observations. Moreover, the chromospheric activity level shows a long-term variation that gradually increases from a deep minimum near the year 2002. A close spatial connection of photospheric spots and chromospheric active regions in both short and long timescales was found for V711 Tau.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/214/10
- Title:
- Optical counterparts of Chandra GBS sources
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/214/10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present optical light curves of variable stars consistent with the positions of X-ray sources identified with the Chandra X-ray Observatory for the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS). Using data from the Mosaic-II instrument on the Blanco 4m Telescope at CTIO, we gathered time-resolved photometric data on timescales from ~2hr to 8 days over the 3/4 of the X-ray survey containing sources from the initial GBS catalog. Among the light curve morphologies we identify are flickering in interacting binaries, eclipsing sources, dwarf nova outbursts, ellipsoidal variations, long period variables, spotted stars, and flare stars. Eighty-seven percent of X-ray sources have at least one potential optical counterpart. Twenty-seven percent of these candidate counterparts are detectably variable; a much greater fraction than expected for randomly selected field stars, which suggests that most of these variables are real counterparts. We discuss individual sources of interest, provide variability information on candidate counterparts, and discuss the characteristics of the variable population.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/899/14
- Title:
- Optical & FeII sources in Supernova remnant with HST
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/899/14
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 07:07:21
- Publisher:
- Description:
- NGC6946 is a high-star-formation-rate, face-on, spiral galaxy that has hosted 10 supernovae since 1917. Not surprisingly, a large number of supernova remnants and candidates have been identified either as optical nebulae with high [SII]:H{alpha} line ratios (147) or as compact non-thermal radio sources (35). However, there are only seven overlaps between these two samples. Here, we apply [FeII] 1.644{mu}m emission as a new diagnostic to search for supernova remnants in an attempt to resolve this discrepancy. [FeII] is expected to be relatively strong in the radiative shocks of supernova remnants and almost absent in HII regions. It is less susceptible to the effects of absorption along the line of sight than the optical lines normally used to identify remnants. Using data from the WFC3 camera on Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we identify 132 [FeII] emission nebulae in NGC6946 as likely supernova remnants. Of these, 54 align with previously known optical supernova remnants. The remaining 78 objects are new; of these 44 are visible in new HST imagery in H{alpha} and [SII]. This brings the total number of supernova remnant candidates (from optical and/or IR data) in NGC6946 to 225. A total of 14 coincidences with radio supernova remnant candidates (out of 30 in our search area) are found in this expanded list. The identification of so many new remnant candidates validates the use of [FeII] imagery for finding remnants, and suggests that previous remnant searches in other galaxies may be far from complete.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/327/1114
- Title:
- Optical flares on EV Lac in 1967-1977
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/327/1114
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on a large sample of homogeneous photoelectric data obtained by monitoring the red dwarf flare star EV Lac. The data were collected in 10 years (1967-77) at Catania Astrophysical Observatory on Mt. Etna. The peak luminosity, the total energy emitted, the rise and decay times were measured for each flare.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/876/115
- Title:
- Optical follow-up of ASAS-SN M dwarf flares
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/876/115
- Date:
- 18 Jan 2022 15:06:46
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The All-sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) is the only project in existence to scan the entire sky in optical light approximately every day, reaching a depth of g~18mag. Over the course of its first 4yr of transient alerts (2013-2016), ASAS-SN observed 53 events classified as likely M dwarf flares. We present follow-up photometry and spectroscopy of all 53 candidates, confirming flare events on 47 M dwarfs, one K dwarf, and one L dwarf. The remaining four objects include a previously identified T Tauri star, a young star with outbursts, and two objects too faint to confirm. A detailed examination of the 49 flare star light curves revealed an additional six flares on five stars, resulting in a total of 55 flares on 49 objects ranging in V-band contrast from {Delta}V=-1 to -10.2mag. Using an empirical flare model to estimate the unobserved portions of the flare light curve, we obtain lower limits on the V-band energy emitted during each flare, spanning log(E_V_/erg)=32-35, which are among the most energetic flares detected on M dwarfs. The ASAS-SN M dwarf flare stars show a higher fraction of H{alpha} emission, as well as stronger H{alpha} emission, compared to M dwarfs selected without reference to activity, consistent with belonging to a population of more magnetically active stars. We also examined the distribution of tangential velocities, finding that the ASAS-SN flaring M dwarfs are likely to be members of the thin disk and are neither particularly young nor old.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/540/A132
- Title:
- Optical follow-up of Q0957+561 in 2005-2010
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/540/A132
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The optical variability database of the two images (A and B) of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q0957+561 is based on frames taken with the Liverpool Robotic Telescope in the 2005-2010 period, as part of the Liverpool Quasar Lens Monitoring (LQLM) project (Goicoechea et al. 2010AdAst2010E..29G). A crowded-field photometry pipeline produced instrumental fluxes of both quasar images, and only frames with signal-to-noise ratio above 80 over Q0957+561A were passed through a transformation pipeline. This pipeline transformed instrumental magnitudes into SDSS magnitudes (the calibration-correction scheme is described in Appendix A of Shalyapin et al. (2008A&A...492..401S) and the main text of the paper). We also turned SDSS magnitudes into physical fluxes using suitable conversion equations (SDSS Photometric Flux Calibration 2007, http://www.sdss.org/dr7/algorithms/fluxcal.html). Table 1 contains g-band fluxes for 357 different nights, while Table 2 includes r-band fluxes for 371 observation nights.