- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/249/22
- Title:
- Radial velocity variable stars from LAMOST DR4
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/249/22
- Date:
- 25 Oct 2021 00:46:50
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Radial velocity (RV) variable stars are important in astrophysics. The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) spectroscopic survey has provided ~6.5 million stellar spectra in its Data Release 4 (DR4). During the survey ~4.7 million unique sources were targeted and ~1 million stars observed repeatedly. The probabilities of stars being RV variables are estimated by comparing the observed RV variations with simulated ones. We build a catalog of 80702 RV variable candidates with probability greater than 0.60 by analyzing the multi-epoch sources covered by LAMOST DR4. Simulations and cross-identifications show that the purity of the catalog is higher than 80%. The catalog consists of 77% binary systems and 7% pulsating stars as well as 16% pollution by single stars. 3138 RV variables are classified through cross-identifications with published results in literatures. By using the 3138 sources common in both LAMOST and a collection of published RV variable catalogs, we are able to analyze LAMOST's RV variable detection rate. The efficiency of the method adopted in this work relies not only on the sampling frequency of observations but also periods and amplitudes of RV variables. With the progress of LAMOST, Gaia, and other surveys, more and more RV variables will be confirmed and classified.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/629/A134
- Title:
- Radiative contribution from stripped stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/629/A134
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Stars stripped of their envelopes from interaction with a binary companion emit a significant fraction of their radiation as ionizing photons. They are potentially important stellar sources of ionizing radiation, however, they are still often neglected in spectral synthesis simulations or simulations of stellar feedback. In anticipating the large datasets of galaxy spectra from the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, we modeled the radiative contribution from stripped stars by using detailed evolutionary and spectral models. We estimated their impact on the integrated spectra and specifically on the emission rates of HI-, HeI-, and HeII-ionizing photons from stellar populations. We find that stripped stars have the largest impact on the ionizing spectrum of a population in which star formation halted several Myr ago. In such stellar populations, stripped stars dominate the emission of ionizing photons, mimicking a younger stellar population in which massive stars are still present. Our models also suggest that stripped stars have harder ionizing spectra than massive stars. The additional ionizing radiation, with which stripped stars contribute affects observable properties that are related to the emission of ionizing photons from stellar populations. In co-eval stellar populations, the ionizing radiation from stripped stars increases the ionization parameter and the production efficiency of hydrogen ionizing photons. They also cause high values for these parameters for about ten times longer than what is predicted for massive stars. The effect on properties related to non-ionizing wavelengths is less pronounced, such as on the ultraviolet continuum slope or stellar contribution to emission lines. However, the hard ionizing radiation from stripped stars likely introduces a characteristic ionization structure of the nebula, which leads to the emission of highly ionized elements such as O^2+^ and C^3+^. We, therefore, expect that the presence of stripped stars affects the location in the BPT diagram and the diagnostic ratio of OIII to OII nebular emission lines. Our models are publicly available through CDS database and on the STARBURST99 website.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/141/182
- Title:
- Radio and optical properties of QSOs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/141/182
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using the largest homogeneous quasar sample with high-quality optical spectra and robust radio morphology classifications assembled to date, we investigate relationships between radio and optical properties with unprecedented statistical power. The sample consists of 4714 radio quasars from FIRST with S_20_>=2mJy and with spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Radio morphology classes include core-only (core), core-lobe (lobe), core-jet (jet), lobe-core-lobe (triple), and double-lobe.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/701/1922
- Title:
- Radio interferometric planet search. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/701/1922
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Radio astrometry of nearby, low-mass stars has the potential to be a powerful tool for the discovery and characterization of planetary companions. We present a Very Large Array survey of 172 active M dwarfs at distances of less than 10pc. Twenty-nine stars were detected with flux densities greater than 100uJy. We observed seven of these stars with the Very Long Baseline Array at milliarcsecond resolution in three separate epochs. With a detection threshold of 500uJy in images of sensitivity 1{sigma}~100uJy, we detected three stars three times (GJ 65B, GJ 896A, GJ 4247), one star twice (GJ 285), and one star once (GJ 803). Two stars were undetected (GJ 412B and GJ 1224). For the four stars detected in multiple epochs, residuals from the optically determined apparent motions have an root-mean-square deviation of ~0.2 milliarcseconds, consistent with statistical noise limits. Combined with previous optical astrometry, these residuals provide acceleration upper limits that allow us to exclude planetary companions more massive than 3-6M_Jup_ at a distance of ~1AU with a 99% confidence level.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/618/A92
- Title:
- Radio-loud NLSy1 galaxies optical polarisation
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/618/A92
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We quantify the temporal behaviour of the optical polarisation fraction and angle for a selected sample of radio-loud NLSy1s. We also search for rotations of the polarisation plane similar to those commonly observed in blazars. The dataset was obtained with the RoboPol polarimeter of the Skinakas observatory as well as the KANATA, Perkins, and Steward observatories. We carried out numerical simulations to assess the probability that long rotations of the polarisation plane were caused by intrinsically evolving electric vector position angles (EVPAs) instead of observational noise. We conclude that it is much more likely that intrinsic rotations are responsible for the observed phenomenology.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/842/87
- Title:
- Radio luminosity function of FSRQs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/842/87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the radio luminosity function (LF) of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ), using the largest and most complete sample to date. Cross-matching between the FIRST 20cm and GB6 6cm radio surveys, we find 638 flat-spectrum radio sources above 220mJy at 1.4GHz; of these, 327 are classified and verified using optical spectroscopy data, mainly from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12. We also considered flat-spectrum radio sources that lack both literature references and optical spectroscopy, and we identified 12 out of the 43 such sources to potentially be FSRQs, using their WISE colors. From the fully identified sample of 242 FSRQs, we derived the radio LF and cosmic evolution of blazars at 1.4GHz, finding good agreement with previous work at 5GHz. The number density of FSRQs increases dramatically to a redshift of z~2 and then declines for higher redshifts. Furthermore, the redshift at which the quasar density peaks is clearly dependent on luminosity, with more luminous sources peaking at higher redshifts. The approximate best-fit LF for a luminosity-dependent evolutionary model is a broken power-law with slopes ~0.7 and ~1.7 below and above the break luminosity, logL_1.4_~43.8erg/s, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/390/289
- Title:
- Radio observations of A3158
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/390/289
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present 1.4- and 2.5-GHz Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the galaxy cluster A3158 (z=0.0597) which is located within the central part of the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS). Spectroscopic data for the central part of the HRS suggest that A3158 is in a dynamically important position within the supercluster and that it is moving toward the double cluster system A3125/A3128 which marks the centre of the HRS. A total of 110 radio galaxies are detected in a 35-arcmin radius about the cluster at 1.4GHz, of which 30 are also detected at 2.5GHz.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/135/2470
- Title:
- Radio observations of the HDFS region. IV.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/135/2470
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South (ATHDF-S) survey of the Hubble Deep Field-South (HDF-S) reaches sensitivities of ~10uJy at 1.4, 2.5, 5.2, and 8.7GHz, making the ATHDF-S one of the deepest surveys ever performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Here, we present the optical identifications of the ATHDF-S radio sources using data from the literature. We find that ~66% of the radio sources have optical counterparts to I=23.5mag. Deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of the area identifies a further 12% of radio sources. We present new spectroscopic observations for 98 of the radio sources and supplement these spectroscopic redshifts with photometric ones calculated from five-band optical imaging.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/167/103
- Title:
- Radio/Optical catalog of the SSA 13 field
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/167/103
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a 1.4GHz catalog of 810 radio sources (560 sources in the complete sample) found in the SSA 13 field (RA=13:12, DE=42:38). The 1.4GHz radio image was obtained from a 91hr VLA integration with an rms noise level of 4.82uJy/beam at the field center. Optical images in the R band (6300{AA}) and z band (9200{AA}) with 3{sigma} detection magnitudes of 26.1 and 24.9, respectively, were obtained from three observing nights on the 8m Subaru Telescope. We find that 88%+/-2% of the radio sources are identified with an optical counterpart.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/903/132
- Title:
- Radio & optical observations of supernova SN2020oi
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/903/132
- Date:
- 15 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery and panchromatic follow-up observations of the young Type Ic supernova (SNIc) SN2020oi in M100, a grand-design spiral galaxy at a mere distance of 14Mpc. We followed up with observations at radio, X-ray, and optical wavelengths from only a few days to several months after explosion. The optical behavior of the supernova is similar to those of other normal SNeIc. The event was not detected in the X-ray band but our radio observations revealed a bright mJy source (L_{nu}_~1.2x10^27^erg/s/Hz). Given the relatively small number of stripped envelope SNe for which radio emission is detectable, we used this opportunity to perform a detailed analysis of the comprehensive radio data set we obtained. The radio-emitting electrons initially experience a phase of inverse Compton cooling, which leads to steepening of the spectral index of the radio emission. Our analysis of the cooling frequency points to a large deviation from equipartition at the level of {epsilon}_e_/{epsilon}_B_>~200, similar to a few other cases of stripped envelope SNe. Our modeling of the radio data suggests that the shock wave driven by the SN ejecta into the circumstellar matter (CSM) is moving at ~3x10^4^km/s. Assuming a constant mass loss from the stellar progenitor, we find that the mass-loss rate is M~1.4x10^-4^M{sun}/yr for an assumed wind velocity of 1000km/s. The temporal evolution of the radio emission suggests a radial CSM density structure steeper than the standard r-2.