- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AZh/78/1135
- Title:
- Spectrophotometric standards near DE=+40{deg}
- Short Name:
- J/AZh/78/1135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The second stage to compile a list of regional intermediate-brightness spectrophotometric standards has been completed. It includes the spectral energy distribution for 24 stars with magnitudes 7.0-8.5 near +40{deg} declination. The range 3100-7600{AA} was studied with a spectral resolution of 50{AA}. All the stars are referenced to a single standard the circumpolar star HD 221525. The energy distributions were used to compute color indices in the UBV, WBVR, and UPXYZVS systems,as well as in the system (BT,VT) of the TYCHO catalog.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/114/699
- Title:
- Spectrophotometry in open clusters
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/114/699
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spectrophotometry is presented for 237 stars in 7 nearby open clusters: Hyades, Pleiades, Alpha Persei, Praesepe, Coma Berenices, IC 4665, and M39. The observations were taken by Lee McDonald and David Burstein using the Wampler single-channel scanner on the Crossley 0.9m telescope at Lick Observatory from 1973 July through 1974 December. Sixteen bandpasses spanning the spectral range 3500-7780{AA} were observed for each star, with bandwidths 32, 48, or 64{AA}. Data are standardized to the Hayes-Latham system to mutual accuracy of 0.016mag per passband. The accuracy of the spectrophotometry is assessed in three ways on a star-by-star basis. First, comparisons are made with previously published spectrophotometry for 19 stars observed in common. Second, (B-V) colors and uvby colors are compared for 236 stars and 221 stars, respectively. Finally, comparisons are made for 200 main sequence stars to the spectral synthesis models of Kurucz, fixing logg=4.0 and [Fe/H]=0.0, and only varying effective temperature. The accuracy of tests using uvby colors and the Kurucz models are shown to track each other closely, yielding an accuracy estimate (1{sigma}) of 0.01mag for the 13 colors formed from bandpasses longward of the Balmer jump, and 0.02mag for the 3 colors formed from the three bandpasses below the Balmer jump. In contrast, larger scatter is found relative to the previously published spectrophotometry of Bohm-Vitense & Johnson (1977ApJS...35..461B) (16 stars in common) and Gunn & Stryker (1983, Cat. <III/88>) (3 stars). We also show that the scatter in the fits of the spectrophotometric colors and the uvby filter colors is a reasonable way to identify the observations of which specific stars are accurate to 1{sigma}, 2{sigma}, .... As such, the residuals from both the filter color fits and the Kurucz model fits are tabulated for each star where it was possible to make a comparison, so users of these data can choose stars according to the accuracy of the data that is appropriate to their needs. The very good agreement between the models and these data verifies the accuracy of these data, and also verifies the usefulness of the Kurucz models to define spectrophotometry for stars in this temperature range (>5000K). These data define accurate spectrophotometry of bright, open cluster stars that can be used as a secondary flux calibration for CCD-based spectrophotometric surveys. (c) 1997 American Astronomical Society.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/691/1145
- Title:
- Spectrophotometry of TrES-3 and TrES-4
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/691/1145
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report new spectroscopic and photometric observations of the parent stars of the recently discovered transiting planets TrES-3 and TrES-4. A detailed abundance analysis based on high-resolution spectra yields [Fe/H]=-0.19+/-0.08, Teff=5650+/-75K, and logg=4.4+/-0.1 for TrES-3, and [Fe/H]=+0.14+/-0.09, Teff=6200+/-75K, and logg=4.0+/-0.1 for TrES-4. The accuracy of the effective temperatures is supported by a number of independent consistency checks. The spectroscopic orbital solution for TrES-3 is improved with our new radial velocity measurements of that system, as are the light-curve parameters for both systems based on newly acquired photometry for TrES-3 and a reanalysis of existing photometry for TrES-4. With these revised stellar parameters, we obtain improved values for the planetary masses and radii. We find M_p_=1.910^+0.075^_-0.080_M_Jup_, R_p_=1.336^+0.031^_-0.036_R_Jup_ for TrES-3, and M_p_=0.925+/-0.082M_Jup_, R_p_=1.783^+0.093^_-0.086_R_Jup_ for TrES-4. We confirm TrES-4 as the planet with the largest radius among the currently known transiting hot Jupiters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/147/16
- Title:
- Spectroscocpy of planetary nebulae in M31
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/147/16
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have developed a method to identify planetary nebula (PN) candidates in imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This method exploits the SDSS's five-band sampling of emission lines in PN spectra, which results in a color signature distinct from that of other sources. Selection criteria based on this signature can be applied to nearby galaxies in which PNe appear as point sources. We applied these criteria to the whole area of M31 as scanned by the SDSS, selecting 167 PN candidates that are located in the outer regions of M31. The spectra of 80 selected candidates were then observed with the 2.2m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. These observations and cross-checks with literature data show that our method has a selection rate efficiency of about 90%, but the efficiency is different for the different groups of PN candidates. In the outer regions of M31, PNe trace different well-known morphological features like the Northern Spur, the NGC 205 Loop, the G1 Clump, etc. In general, the distribution of PNe in the outer region 8<R<20kpc along the minor axis shows the "extended disk"-a rotationally supported low surface brightness structure with an exponential scale length of 3.21+/-0.14kpc and a total mass of ~10^10^M_{sun}_, which is equivalent to the mass of M33. We report the discovery of three PN candidates with projected locations in the center of Andromeda NE, a very low surface brightness giant stellar structure in the outer halo of M31. Two of the PNe were spectroscopically confirmed as genuine PNe. These two PNe are located at projected distances along the major axis of ~48Kpc and ~41Kpc from the center of M31 and are the most distant PNe in M31 found up to now. With the new PN data at hand we see the obvious kinematic connection between the continuation of the Giant Stream and the Northern Spur. We suggest that 20%-30% of the stars in the Northern Spur area may belong to the Giant Stream. In our data we also see a possible kinematic connection between the Giant Stream and PNe in Andromeda NE, suggesting that Andromeda NE could be the core or remnant of the Giant Stream. Using PN data we estimate the total mass of the Giant Stream progenitor to be {approx}10^9^M_{sun}_. About 90% of its stars appear to have been lost during the interaction with M31.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/43
- Title:
- Spectroscopically identified CVs from LAMOST survey. I.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A sample of cataclysmic variables (CVs) is presented including spectroscopically identified 380 spectra of 245 objects, of which 58 CV candidates are new discoveries. The BaggingTopPush and the Random Forest algorithms are applied to the Fifth Data Release (DR5) of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) to retrieve CVs with strong emission lines and with broad absorption lines respectively. Based on spectroscopic classification, 134 dwarf novae, 41 nova-like variables, and 19 magnetic CVs are identified from the sample. In addition, 89 high-inclination systems and 33 CVs showing companion stars are recognized and discussed for their distinct spectral characteristics. Comparisons between CVs from LAMOST and from published catalogs are made in spatial and magnitude distribution, and the difference of their locus in the Gaia color-absolute magnitude diagram (CaMD) are also investigated. More interestingly, for two dwarf novae observed through LAMOST and SDSS in different epochs, their spectra both in quiescence phase and during outburst are exhibited.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/850/181
- Title:
- Spectroscopic analysis of EDisCS clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/850/181
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A major question in galaxy formation is how the gas supply that fuels activity in galaxies is modulated by their environment. We use spectroscopy of a set of well-characterized clusters and groups at 0.4<z<0.8 from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey and compare it to identically selected field galaxies. Our spectroscopy allows us to isolate galaxies that are dominated by old stellar populations. Here we study a stellar-mass-limited sample (log(M*/M_{sun}_)>10.4) of these old galaxies with weak [OII] emission. We use line ratios and compare to studies of local early-type galaxies to conclude that this gas is likely excited by post-AGB stars and hence represents a diffuse gas component in the galaxies. For cluster and group galaxies the fraction with EW([OII])>5{AA} is f[OII]=0.08_-0.02_^+0.03^ and f[OII]=0.06_-0.04_^+0.07^, respectively. For field galaxies we find f[OII]=0.27_-0.06_^+0.07^, representing a 2.8{sigma} difference between the [OII] fractions for old galaxies between the different environments. We conclude that a population of old galaxies in all environments has ionized gas that likely stems from stellar mass loss. In the field galaxies also experience gas accretion from the cosmic web, and in groups and clusters these galaxies have had their gas accretion shut off by their environment. Additionally, galaxies with emission preferentially avoid the virialized region of the cluster in position-velocity space. We discuss the implications of our results, among which is that gas accretion shutoff is likely effective at group halo masses (logM/M_{sun}_>12.8) and that there are likely multiple gas removal processes happening in dense environments.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/875/29
- Title:
- Spectroscopic analysis of the CKS sample. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/875/29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from a quantitative spectroscopic analysis conducted on archival Keck/HIRES high-resolution spectra from the California-Kepler Survey (CKS) sample of transiting planetary host stars identified from the Kepler mission. The spectroscopic analysis was based on a carefully selected set of FeI and FeII lines, resulting in precise values for the stellar parameters of effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (logg). Combining the stellar parameters with Gaia DR2 parallaxes and precise distances, we derived both stellar and planetary radii for our sample, with a median internal uncertainty of 2.8% in the stellar radii and 3.7% in the planetary radii. An investigation into the distribution of planetary radii confirmed the bimodal nature of this distribution for the small-radius planets found in previous studies, with peaks at ~1.47+/-0.05 and ~2.72+/-0.10R_{Earth}_ with a gap at ~1.9R_{Earth}_. Previous studies that modeled planetary formation that is dominated by photoevaporation predicted this bimodal radii distribution and the presence of a radius gap, or photoevaporation valley. Our results are in overall agreement with these models, as well as core powered mass-loss models. The high internal precision achieved here in the derived planetary radii clearly reveal the presence of a slope in the photoevaporation valley for the CKS sample, indicating that the position of the radius gap decreases with orbital period; this decrease was fit by a power law of the form R_pl_{propto}P^-0.11^, which is consistent with both photoevaporation and core powered mass-loss models of planet formation, with Earth-like core compositions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/866/22
- Title:
- Spectroscopic analysis of Tuc III stream
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/866/22
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a spectroscopic study of the tidal tails and core of the Milky Way satellite Tucana III, collectively referred to as the Tucana III stream, using the 2dF+AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope and the IMACS spectrograph on the Magellan Baade Telescope. In addition to recovering the brightest nine previously known member stars in the Tucana III core, we identify 22 members in the tidal tails. We observe strong evidence for a velocity gradient of 8.0+/-0.4km/s/deg over at least 3{deg} on the sky. Based on the continuity in velocity, we confirm that the Tucana III tails are real tidal extensions of Tucana III. The large velocity gradient of the stream implies that Tucana III is likely on a radial orbit. We successfully obtain metallicities for four members in the core and 12 members in the tails. We find that members close to the ends of the stream tend to be more metal-poor than members in the core, indicating a possible metallicity gradient between the center of the progenitor halo and its edge. The spread in metallicity suggests that the progenitor of the Tucana III stream is likely a dwarf galaxy rather than a star cluster. Furthermore, we find that with the precise photometry of the Dark Energy Survey data, there is a discernible color offset between metal-rich disk stars and metal-poor stream members. This metallicity-dependent color offers a more efficient method to recognize metal-poor targets and will increase the selection efficiency of stream members for future spectroscopic follow-up programs on stellar streams.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/63
- Title:
- Spectroscopic and photometric observations of V335 Ser
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- V335 Ser is now known to be an eccentric double-lined A1+A3 binary star with fairly deep (0.5mag) partial eclipses. Previous studies of the system are improved with 7456 differential photometric observations from the URSA WebScope and 5666 from the NFO WebScope, and 67 high-resolution spectroscopic observations from the Tennessee State University 2m automatic spectroscopic telescope. From dates of minima, the apsidal period is about 880 years. Accurate (better than 2%) masses and radii are determined from analysis of the two new light curves and the radial velocity curve. Theoretical models match the absolute properties of the stars at an age of about 380Myr, though the age agreement for the two components is poor. Tidal theory correctly confirms that the orbit should still be eccentric, but we find that standard tidal theory is unable to match the observed asynchronous rotation rates of the components' surface layers.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/151/6
- Title:
- Spectroscopic and photometric properties of Tombaugh 1
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/151/6
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Open clusters can be the key to deepening our knowledge on various issues involving the structure and evolution of the Galactic disk and details of stellar evolution because a cluster's properties are applicable to all its members. However, the number of open clusters with detailed analysis from high-resolution spectroscopy or precision photometry imposes severe limitations on studies of these objects. To expand the number of open clusters with well-defined chemical abundances and fundamental parameters, we investigate the poorly studied, anticenter open cluster Tombaugh 1. Using precision uvbyCaH{beta} photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy, we derive the cluster's reddening, obtain photometric metallicity estimates, and, for the first time, present a detailed abundance analysis of 10 potential cluster stars (nine clump stars and one Cepheid). Using the radial position from the cluster center and multiple color indices, we have isolated a sample of unevolved, probable single-star members of Tombaugh 1. From 51 stars, the cluster reddening is found to be E(b-y)=0.221+/-0.006 or E(B-V)=0.303+/-0.008, where the errors refer to the internal standard errors of the mean. The weighted photometric metallicity from m_1_ and hk is [Fe/H]=-0.10+/-0.02, while a match to the Victoria-Regina Stromgren isochrones leads to an age of 0.95+/-0.10 Gyr and an apparent modulus of (m-M)=13.10+/-0.10. Radial velocities identify six giants as probable cluster members, and the elemental abundances of Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Y, Ba, Ce, and Nd have been derived for both the cluster and the field stars. Tombaugh 1 appears to be a typical inner thin disk, intermediate-age open cluster of slightly subsolar metallicity, located just beyond the solar circle, with solar elemental abundance ratios except for the heavy s-process elements, which are a factor of two above solar. Its metallicity is consistent with a steep metallicity gradient in the galactocentric region between 9.5 and 12 kpc. Our study also shows that Cepheid XZ CMa is not a member of Tombaugh 1 and reveals that this Cepheid presents signs of barium enrichment, making it a probable binary star.