- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/897/83
- Title:
- Component structure in the neightborhood of IC 443
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/897/83
- Date:
- 11 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a detailed investigation into the physical conditions in interstellar material interacting with the supernova remnant (SNR) IC443. Our analysis is based on a comprehensive examination of high-resolution far-ultraviolet spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope of two stars behind IC443. One of our targets (HD43582) probes gas along the entire line of sight through the SNR, while the other (HD254755) samples material located ahead of the primary supernova shock front. We identify low-velocity quiescent gas in both directions and find that the densities and temperatures in these components are typical of diffuse atomic and molecular clouds. Numerous high- velocity components are observed in the absorption profiles of neutral and singly ionized atomic species toward HD43582. These components exhibit a combination of greatly enhanced thermal pressures and significantly reduced dust-grain depletions. We interpret this material as cooling gas in a recombination zone far downstream from shocks driven into neutral gas clumps. The pressures derived for a group of ionized gas components at high positive velocity toward HD43582 are lower than those of the other shocked components, pointing to pressure inhomogeneities across the remnant. A strong, very high velocity component near -620km/s is seen in the absorption profiles of highly ionized species toward HD43582. The velocity of this material is consistent with the range of shock velocities implied by observations of soft thermal X-ray emission from IC443. Moderately high velocity gas toward HD254755 may represent shocked material from a separate foreground SNR.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/454/333
- Title:
- Computed Hbeta indices from ATLAS9 model
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/454/333
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Grids of H{beta} indices based on updated (new-ODF) ATLAS9 model atmospheres were computed for solar and scaled solar metallicities [+0.5], [+0.2], [0.0], [-0.5], [-1.0], [-1.5], [-2.0], [-2.5] and for alpha enhanced compositions [+0.5a], [0.0a], [-0.5a], [-1.0a], [-1.5a], [-2.0a], [-2.5a], and [-4.0a]. Indices for Teff>5000K were computed with the same methods as described by Lester, Gray & Kurucz (1986ApJS...61..509L) (LGK86) except for a different normalization of the computed natural system to the standard system. LGK86 used special ODFs to compute the fluxes. For Teff less or equal to 5000K we computed the fluxes using the synthetic spectrum method. In order to assess the accuracy of the computed indices comparisons were made with the indices computed by Smalley & Dworetsky (1995A&A...293..446S) (MD95) and with the empirical relations Teff-H{beta} given by Alonso et al. (1996A&A...313..873A) for several metallicities. Furthermore, for cool stars, temperatures inferred from the computed indices were compared with those of the fundamental stars listed by MD95. The same kind of comparison was made between gravities for B-type stars. The temperatures from the computed indices are in good agreement, within the error limits, with the literature values for Teff between 4750K and 8000K, while the gravities agree for Teff>9000K. The computed H{beta} indices for the Sun and for Procyon are very close to the observed values. The comparison between the observed and computed H{beta} indices as function of the observed H{beta} has shown a very small trend which almost completely disappears when only stars hotter than 10000K are considered. The trend due to the cool stars is probably related with the low accuracy of the fundamental Teff which are affected by large errors for most of the stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/890/148
- Title:
- Concentration-mass relation for XXL clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/890/148
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a weak-lensing analysis of X-ray galaxy groups and clusters selected from the XMM-XXL survey using the first-year data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program. Our joint weak-lensing and X-ray analysis focuses on 136 spectroscopically confirmed X-ray-selected systems at 0.031<=z<=1.033 detected in the 25deg^2^ XXL-N region, which largely overlaps with the HSC-XMM field. With high-quality HSC weak-lensing data, we characterize the mass distributions of individual clusters and establish the concentration-mass (c-M) relation for the XXL sample, by accounting for selection bias and statistical effects and marginalizing over the remaining mass calibration uncertainty. We find the mass-trend parameter of the c-M relation to be {beta}=-0.07+/-0.28 and the normalization to be c_200_=4.8+/-1.0(stat)+/-0.8(syst) at M_200_=10^14^h^-1^M_{sun}_ and z=0.3. We find no statistical evidence for redshift evolution. Our weak-lensing results are in excellent agreement with dark-matter-only c-M relations calibrated for recent {Lambda}CDM cosmologies. The level of intrinsic scatter in c200 is constrained as {sigma}(lnc_200_)<24% (99.7% CL), which is smaller than predicted for the full population of {Lambda}CDM halos. This is likely caused in part by the X-ray selection bias in terms of the cool-core or relaxation state. We determine the temperature-mass (T_X_-M_500_) relation for a subset of 105 XXL clusters that have both measured HSC lensing masses and X-ray temperatures. The resulting TX-M500 relation is consistent with the self-similar prediction. Our TX-M500 relation agrees with the XXL DR1 results at group scales but has a slightly steeper mass trend, implying a smaller mass scale in the cluster regime. The overall offset in the TX-M500 relation is at the ~1.5{sigma} level, corresponding to a mean mass offset of 34%+/-20%. We also provide bias-corrected, weak-lensing-calibrated M200 and M500 mass estimates of individual XXL clusters based on their measured X-ray temperatures.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/443/2561
- Title:
- CONCH-SHELL catalog of nearby M dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/443/2561
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an all-sky catalogue of 2970 nearby (d<~50pc), bright (J<9) M- or late K-type dwarf stars, 86% of which have been confirmed by spectroscopy. This catalogue will be useful for searches for Earth-size and possibly Earth-like planets by future space-based transit missions and ground-based infrared Doppler radial velocity surveys. Stars were selected from the SUPERBLINK proper motion catalogue (Cat. I/298) according to absolute magnitudes, spectra, or a combination of reduced proper motions and photometric colours. From our spectra, we determined gravity-sensitive indices, and identified and removed 0.2% of these as interloping hotter or evolved stars. 13% of the stars exhibit H{alpha} emission, an indication of stellar magnetic activity and possible youth. The mean metallicity is [Fe/H]=-0.07 with a standard deviation of 0.22dex, similar to nearby solar-type stars. We determined stellar effective temperatures by least-squares fitting of spectra to model predictions calibrated by fits to stars with established bolometric temperatures, and estimated radii, luminosities, and masses using empirical relations. 6% of stars with images from integral field spectra are resolved doubles. We inferred the planet population around M dwarfs using Kepler data and applied this to our catalogue to predict detections by future exoplanet surveys.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/4678
- Title:
- 9380 contact binaries from CRTS VSC
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/4678
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We construct a sample of 9380 contact binaries (W UMa systems) by using the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey Variables Sources Catalogue. By measuring brightness change rates, light-curve statistics, and temperatures for this sample, we improve the understanding of contact binary light-curve characteristics, and luminosity variability on decadal time-scales. We show that binaries with convective outer envelopes have a different distribution of light-curve amplitudes and magnitude differences between eclipse minima than binaries with radiative outer envelopes. We find that more than 2000 binaries exhibit a linear change in mean brightness over the 8-yr timespan of observations with at least 3{sigma} significance. We note that 25.9 per cent of binaries with convective outer envelopes exhibit a significant change in brightness, while only 10.5 per cent of radiative binaries exhibit a significant change in brightness. In 205 binaries (2.2 per cent), we find that a sinusoid model better describes the luminosity trend within the 8-yr observation timespan. For these binaries, we report the amplitudes and periods (as estimated using observed half-periods) of this sinusoidal brightness variation and discuss possible mechanisms driving the variation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/849/20
- Title:
- Contents of RESOLVE & ECO galaxy groups
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/849/20
- Date:
- 18 Nov 2021 00:26:09
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We examine the z=0 group-integrated stellar and cold baryonic (stars + cold atomic gas) mass functions (group SMF and CBMF) and the baryonic collapse efficiency (group cold baryonic to dark matter halo mass ratio) using the RESOLVE and ECO survey galaxy group catalogs and a GALFORM semi-analytic model (SAM) mock catalog. The group SMF and CBMF fall off more steeply at high masses and rise with a shallower low-mass slope than the theoretical halo mass function (HMF). The transition occurs at the group-integrated cold baryonic mass M_bary_^cold^~10^11^M_{sun}_. The SAM, however, has significantly fewer groups at the transition mass ~10^11^M_{sun}_ and a steeper low-mass slope than the data, suggesting that feedback is too weak in low-mass halos and conversely too strong near the transition mass. Using literature prescriptions to include hot halo gas and potential unobservable galaxy gas produces a group BMF with a slope similar to the HMF even below the transition mass. Its normalization is lower by a factor of ~2, in agreement with estimates of warm-hot gas making up the remaining difference. We compute baryonic collapse efficiency with the halo mass calculated two ways, via halo abundance matching (HAM) and via dynamics (extended all the way to three-galaxy groups using stacking). Using HAM, we find that baryonic collapse efficiencies reach a flat maximum for groups across the halo mass range of M_halo_~10^11.4-12^M_{sun}_, which we label "nascent groups". Using dynamics, however, we find greater scatter in baryonic collapse efficiencies, likely indicating variation in group hot-to-cold baryon ratios. Similarly, we see higher scatter in baryonic collapse efficiencies in the SAM when using its true groups and their group halo masses as opposed to friends-of-friends groups and HAM masses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/836/186
- Title:
- Continuum-band lags in SDSS QSOs from PS1 obs.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/836/186
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the time lags between the continuum emission of quasars at different wavelengths, based on more than four years of multi-band (g, r, i, z) light curves in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Fields. As photons from different bands emerge from different radial ranges in the accretion disk, the lags constrain the sizes of the accretion disks. We select 240 quasars with redshifts of z~1 or z~0.3 that are relatively emission-line free. The light curves are sampled from day to month timescales, which makes it possible to detect lags on the scale of the light crossing time of the accretion disks. With the code JAVELIN, we detect typical lags of several days in the rest frame between the g band and the riz bands. The detected lags are ~2-3 times larger than the light crossing time estimated from the standard thin disk model, consistent with the recently measured lag in NGC 5548 and microlensing measurements of quasars. The lags in our sample are found to increase with increasing luminosity. Furthermore, the increase in lags going from g-r to g-i and then to g-z is slower than predicted in the thin disk model, particularly for high-luminosity quasars. The radial temperature profile in the disk must be different from what is assumed. We also find evidence that the lags decrease with increasing line ratios between ultraviolet Fe II lines and Mg II, which may point to changes in the accretion disk structure at higher metallicity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/866/133
- Title:
- Continuum-H{beta} light curves of 5 Seyfert 1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/866/133
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first results from a reverberation-mapping campaign undertaken during the first half of 2012, with additional data on one active galactic nucleus (AGN) (NGC 3227) from a 2014 campaign. Our main goals are (1) to determine the black hole masses from continuum-H{beta} reverberation signatures, and (2) to look for velocity-dependent time delays that might be indicators of the gross kinematics of the broad-line region. We successfully measure H{beta} time delays and black hole masses for five AGNs, four of which have previous reverberation mass measurements. The values measured here are in agreement with earlier estimates, though there is some intrinsic scatter beyond the formal measurement errors. We observe velocity-dependent H{beta} lags in each case, and find that the patterns have changed in the intervening five years for three AGNs that were also observed in 2007.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/624/A57
- Title:
- Convective blueshifts in solar atmos.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/624/A57
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Convective motions in the solar atmosphere cause spectral lines to become asymmetric and shifted in wavelength. For photospheric lines, this differential Doppler shift varies from the solar disk center to the limb. Precise and comprehensive observations of the convective blueshift and its center-to-limb variation improve our understanding of the atmospheric hydrodynamics and ensuing line formation, and provide the basis to refine 3D models of the solar atmosphere. We performed systematical spectroscopic measurements of the convective blueshift of the quiet Sun with the Laser Absolute Reference Spectrograph (LARS) at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope. The spatial scanning of the solar disk covered 11 heliocentric positions each along four radial (meridional and equatorial) axes. The high-resolution spectra of 26 photospheric to chromospheric lines in the visible range were calibrated with a laser frequency comb to absolute wavelengths at the 1m/s accuracy. Applying ephemeris and reference corrections, the bisector analysis provided line asymmetries and Doppler shifts with an uncertainty of only few m/s. To allow for a comparison with other observations, we convolved the results to lower spectral resolutions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/562/A24
- Title:
- Cool carbon stars in the halo and Fornax dSph
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/562/A24
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The population of cool carbon (C) stars located far from the galactic plane is probably made of debris of small galaxies such as the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr), which are disrupted by the gravitational field of the Galaxy. We aim to know this population better through spectroscopy, 2MASS photometric colours, and variability data. When possible, we compared the halo results to C star populations in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy, Sgr, and the solar neighbourhood. We first present a few new discoveries of C stars in the halo and in Fornax. The number of spectra of halo C stars is now 125. Forty percent show H{alpha} in emission. The narrow location in the JHK diagram of the halo C stars is found to differ from that of similar C stars in the above galaxies. The light curves of the Catalina and LINEAR variability databases were exploited to derive the pulsation periods of 66 halo C stars. A few supplementary periods were obtained with the TAROT telescopes. We confirm that the period distribution of the halo strongly resembles that of Fornax, and we found that it is very different from the C stars in the solar neighbourhood. There is a larger proportion of short-period Mira/SRa variables in the halo than in Sgr, but the survey for C stars in this dwarf galaxy is not complete, and the study of their variability needs to be continued to investigate the link between Sgr and the cool halo C stars.