- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/822/79
- Title:
- YSOs search in LDN 1340 in optical
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/822/79
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed an optical spectroscopic and photometric search for young stellar objects associated with the molecular cloud Lynds 1340, and examined the structure of the cloud by constructing an extinction map, based on SDSS data. The new extinction map suggests a shallow, strongly fragmented cloud, having a mass of some 3700M_{sun}_. Longslit spectroscopic observations of the brightest stars over the area of L1340 revealed that the most massive star associated with L1340 is a B4-type, ~5M_{sun}_ star. The new spectroscopic and photometric data of the intermediate-mass members led to a revised distance of 825_-80_^+110^pc, and revealed seven members of the young stellar population with M>~2M_{sun}_. Our search for H{alpha} emission line stars, conducted with the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 on the 2.2m telescope of the University of Hawaii and covering a 30'x40' area, resulted in the detection of 75 candidate low-mass pre-main sequence stars, 58 of which are new. We constructed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of our target stars, based on SDSS, 2MASS, Spitzer, and WISE photometric data, derived their spectral types, extinctions, and luminosities from BVRIJ fluxes, estimated masses by means of pre-main sequence evolutionary models, and examined the disk properties utilizing the 2-24{mu}m interval of the SED. We measured the equivalent width of the H{alpha} lines and derived accretion rates. The optically selected sample of pre-main sequence stars has a median effective temperature of 3970K, a stellar mass of 0.7M_{sun}_, and an accretion rate of 7.6x10^-9^M_{sun}_/yr.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/836/98
- Title:
- YSOs search in Stock 8 with opt. to IR photom.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/836/98
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The evolution of H II regions/supershells can trigger a new generation of stars/clusters at their peripheries, with environmental conditions that may affect the initial mass function, disk evolution, and star formation efficiency. In this paper we study the stellar content and star formation processes in the young cluster Stock 8, which itself is thought to be formed during the expansion of a supershell. We present deep optical photometry along with JHK and 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m photometry from UKIDSS and Spitzer-IRAC. We use multicolor criteria to identify the candidate young stellar objects in the region. Using evolutionary models, we obtain a median log(age) of ~6.5 (~3.0Myr) with an observed age spread of ~0.25dex for the cluster. Monte Carlo simulations of the population of Stock 8, based on estimates for the photometric uncertainty, differential reddening, binarity, and variability, indicate that these uncertainties introduce an age spread of ~0.15dex. The intrinsic age spread in the cluster is ~0.2dex. The fraction of young stellar objects surrounded by disks is ~35%. The K-band luminosity function of Stock 8 is similar to that of the Trapezium cluster. The initial mass function (IMF) of Stock 8 has a Salpeter-like slope at >0.5M_{Sun}_ and flattens and peaks at ~0.4M_{Sun}_, below which it declines into the substellar regime. Although Stock 8 is surrounded by several massive stars, there seems to be no severe environmental effect in the form of the IMF due to the proximity of massive stars around the cluster.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/150/145
- Title:
- YSOVAR infrared photometry in GGD12-15
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/150/145
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an IR-monitoring survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the star-forming region GGD 12-15. More than 1000 objects were monitored, including about 350 objects within the central 5', which is found to be especially dense in cluster members. The monitoring took place over 38 days and is part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability project. The region was also the subject of a contemporaneous 67 ks Chandra observation. The field includes 119 previously identified pre-main sequence star candidates. X-rays are detected from 164 objects, 90 of which are identified with cluster members. Overall, we find that about half the objects in the central 5' are young stellar objects (YSOs) based on a combination of their spectral energy distribution, IR variability, and X-ray emission. Most of the stars with IR excess relative to a photosphere show large amplitude (>0.1 mag) mid-infrared (mid-IR) variability. There are 39 periodic sources, and all but one is found to be a cluster member. Almost half of the periodic sources do not show IR excesses. Overall, more than 85% of the Class I, flat spectrum, and Class II sources are found to vary. The amplitude of the variability is larger in more embedded YSOs. Most of the Class I/II objects exhibit redder colors in a fainter state, which is compatible with time-variable extinction. A few become bluer when fainter, which can be explained with significant changes in the structure of the inner disk. A search for changes in the IR due to X-ray events is carried out, but the low number of flares prevented an analysis of the direct impact of X-ray flares on the IR light curves. However, we find that X-ray detected Class II sources have longer timescales for change in the MIR than a similar set of non-X-ray detected Class IIs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/150/118
- Title:
- YSOVAR infrared photometry in IRAS 20050+2720
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/150/118
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a time-variability study of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the cluster IRAS 20050+2720, performed at 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m with the Spitzer Space Telescope; this study is part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR) project. We have collected light curves for 181 cluster members over 60 days. We find a high variability fraction among embedded cluster members of ca. 70%, whereas young stars without a detectable disk display variability less often (in ca. 50% of the cases) and with lower amplitudes. We detect periodic variability for 33 sources with periods primarily in the range of 2-6 days. Practically all embedded periodic sources display additional variability on top of their periodicity. Furthermore, we analyze the slopes of the tracks that our sources span in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). We find that sources with long variability time scales tend to display CMD slopes that are at least partially influenced by accretion processes, while sources with short variability timescales tend to display extinction-dominated slopes. We find a tentative trend of X-ray detected cluster members to vary on longer timescales than the X-ray undetected members.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/148/122
- Title:
- YSOVAR: infrared photometry in Lynds 1688
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/148/122
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The emission from young stellar objects (YSOs) in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) is dominated by the inner rim of their circumstellar disks. We present IR data from the Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR) survey of ~800 objects in the direction of the Lynds 1688 (L1688) star-forming region over four visibility windows spanning 1.6yr using the Spitzer Space Telescope in its warm mission phase. Among all light curves, 57 sources are cluster members identified based on their spectral energy distribution and X-ray emission. Almost all cluster members show significant variability. The amplitude of the variability is larger in more embedded YSOs. Ten out of 57 cluster members have periodic variations in the light curves with periods typically between three and seven days, but even for those sources, significant variability in addition to the periodic signal can be seen. No period is stable over 1.6yr. Nonperiodic light curves often still show a preferred timescale of variability that is longer for more embedded sources. About half of all sources exhibit redder colors in a fainter state. This is compatible with time-variable absorption toward the YSO. The other half becomes bluer when fainter. These colors can only be explained with significant changes in the structure of the inner disk. No relation between mid-IR variability and stellar effective temperature or X-ray spectrum is found.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/150/175
- Title:
- YSOVAR: infrared photometry in NGC 1333
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/150/175
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- As part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR) program, we monitored NGC 1333 for ~35 days at 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m using the Spitzer Space Telescope. We report here on the mid-infrared variability of the point sources in the ~10'x~20' area centered on 03:29:06, +31:19:30 (J2000). Out of 701 light curves in either channel, we find 78 variables over the YSOVAR campaign. About half of the members are variable. The variable fraction for the most embedded spectral energy distributions (SEDs) (Class I, flat) is higher than that for less embedded SEDs (Class II), which is in turn higher than the star-like SEDs (Class III). A few objects have amplitudes (10-90th percentile brightness) in [3.6] or [4.5]>0.2mag; a more typical amplitude is 0.1-0.15mag. The largest color change is >0.2mag. There are 24 periodic objects, with 40% of them being flat SED class. This may mean that the periodic signal is primarily from the disk, not the photosphere, in those cases. We find 9 variables likely to be "dippers", where texture in the disk occults the central star, and 11 likely to be "bursters", where accretion instabilities create brightness bursts. There are 39 objects that have significant trends in [3.6]-[4.5] color over the campaign, about evenly divided between redder-when-fainter (consistent with extinction variations) and bluer-when-fainter. About a third of the 17 Class 0 and/or jet-driving sources from the literature are variable over the YSOVAR campaign, and a larger fraction (~half) are variable between the YSOVAR campaign and the cryogenic-era Spitzer observations (6-7 years), perhaps because it takes time for the envelope to respond to changes in the central source. The NGC 1333 brown dwarfs do not stand out from the stellar light curves in any way except there is a much larger fraction of periodic objects (~60% of variable brown dwarfs are periodic, compared to ~30% of the variables overall).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/753/149
- Title:
- YSOVAR: six eclipsing binaries in Orion
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/753/149
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Eclipsing binaries (EBs) provide critical laboratories for empirically testing predictions of theoretical models of stellar structure and evolution. Pre-main-sequence (PMS) EBs are particularly valuable, both due to their rarity and the highly dynamic nature of PMS evolution, such that a dense grid of PMS EBs is required to properly calibrate theoretical PMS models. Analyzing multi-epoch, multi-color light curves for ~2400 candidate Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) members from our Warm Spitzer Exploration Science Program YSOVAR, we have identified 12 stars whose light curves show eclipse features. Four of these 12 EBs are previously known. Supplementing our light curves with follow-up optical and near-infrared spectroscopy, we establish two of the candidates as likely field EBs lying behind the ONC. We confirm the remaining six candidate systems, however, as newly identified ONC PMS EBs. These systems increase the number of known PMS EBs by over 50% and include the highest mass ({theta}^1^ Ori E, for which we provide a complete set of well-determined parameters including component masses of 2.807 and 2.797M_{sun}_) and longest-period (ISOY J053505.71-052354.1, P~20 days) PMS EBs currently known. In two cases ({theta}^1^ Ori E and ISOY J053526.88-044730.7), enough photometric and spectroscopic data exist to attempt an orbit solution and derive the system parameters. For the remaining systems, we combine our data with literature information to provide a preliminary characterization sufficient to guide follow-up investigations of these rare, benchmark systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASP/124/411
- Title:
- YY Cet UBV differential light curves
- Short Name:
- J/PASP/124/411
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- YY Cet is a 10.5 mag semidetached variable with a 19 hr orbital period. The Wilson-Devinney program is used to simultaneously solve two new sets of UBV light curves together with preexisting photometry and single-line radial velocity measurements . The system has the lower-mass component completely filling its Roche lobe. The resulting masses are M1=1.78+/-0.19M_{sun}_ and M2=0.92+/-0.10M_{sun}_, and the radii are R1=2.08+/-0.08R_{sun}_ and R2=1.62+/-0.06R_{sun}_. Its computed distance is 534+/-28pc. Light- and velocity-curve parameters, orbital elements, and absolute dimensions are presented. A study of published TOM observations indicates that the period changed around 1999.
8409. YY Eri & AE Phe
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/289/871
- Title:
- YY Eri & AE Phe
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/289/871
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- (no description available)
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/775/116
- Title:
- z<0.06 active black hole galaxies from SDSS-DR8
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/775/116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a sample of 151 dwarf galaxies (10^8.5^<~M_*_<~10^9.5^M_{sun}_) that exhibit optical spectroscopic signatures of accreting massive black holes (BHs), increasing the number of known active galaxies in this stellar-mass range by more than an order of magnitude. Utilizing data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8 and stellar masses from the NASA-Sloan Atlas, we have systematically searched for active BHs in ~25000 emission-line galaxies with stellar masses comparable to the Magellanic Clouds and redshifts z<0.055. Using the narrow-line [OIII]/H{beta} versus [NII]/H{alpha} diagnostic diagram, we find photoionization signatures of BH accretion in 136 galaxies, a small fraction of which also exhibit broad H{alpha} emission. For these broad-line active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates, we estimate BH masses using standard virial techniques and find a range of 10^5^<~M_BH_<~10^6^M_{sun}_ and a median of M_BH_~2x10^5^M_{sun}_. We also detect broad H{alpha} in 15 galaxies that have narrow-line ratios consistent with star-forming galaxies. Follow-up observations are required to determine if these are true type 1 AGN or if the broad H{alpha} is from stellar processes. The median absolute magnitude of the host galaxies in our active sample is M_g_=-18.1mag, which is ~1-2mag fainter than previous samples of AGN hosts with low-mass BHs. This work constrains the smallest galaxies that can form a massive BH, with implications for BH feedback in low-mass galaxies and the origin of the first supermassive BH seeds.