- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/617/A33
- Title:
- HRS sample stellar, dust, gas mass functions
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/617/A33
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We discuss the results of the relationships between the K-band and stellar mass, far-infrared luminosities, star formation rate, dust and gas masses of nearby galaxies computing the bivariate K-band Luminosity Function (BLF) and bivariate K-band Mass Function (BMF) of the Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), a volume-limited sample with full wavelength coverage. We derive the BLFs and BMFs from the K-band and stellar mass, far-infrared luminosities, star formation rate, dust and gas masses cumulative distributions using a copula method which is outlined in detail. The use of the bivariate computed taking into account the upper limits allows us to derive on a more solid statistical ground the relationship between the observed physical quantities. The analysis shows that the behaviour of the morphological (optically selected) subsamples is quite different. A statistically meaningful result can be obtained over the whole HRS sample only from the relationship between the K-band and the stellar mass, while for the remaining physical quantities (dust and gas masses, far-IR luminosity and star formation rate), the analysis is distinct for late-type (LT) and early-type galaxies (ETG). However, the number of ETGs is small to perform a robust statistical analysis, and in most of the case results are discussed only for the LTG subsample. The Luminosity and Mass Functions (LFs, MFs) of LTGs are generally dependent on the K-band and the various dependencies are discussed in detail. We are able to derive the corresponding LFs and MFs and compare them with those computed with other samples. Our statistical analysis allows us to characterise the HRS, that, although non homogeneously selected and partially biased towards low IR luminosities, may be considered as representative of the local LT galaxy population.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/103
- Title:
- HSC search of SDSS and GAMA dwarf gal. mergers
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/103
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Like massive galaxies, dwarf galaxies are expected to undergo major mergers with other dwarfs. However, the end state of these mergers and the role that merging plays in regulating dwarf star formation are uncertain. Using imaging from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program, we construct a sample of dwarf-dwarf mergers and examine the star formation and host properties of the merging systems. These galaxies are selected via an automated detection algorithm from a sample of 6875 spectroscopically selected isolated dwarf galaxies at z<0.12 and log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)<9.6 from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly and Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopic campaigns. We find a total tidal feature detection fraction of 3.29% (6.1% when considering only galaxies at z<0.05). The tidal feature detection fraction rises strongly as a function of star formation activity; 15%-20% of galaxies with extremely high H{alpha} equivalent width (EW_H{alpha}_>250{AA}) show signs of tidal debris. Galaxies that host tidal debris are also systematically bluer than the average galaxy at fixed stellar mass. These findings extend the observed dwarf-dwarf merger sequence with a significant sample of dwarf galaxies, indicating that star formation triggered in mergers between dwarf galaxies continues after coalescence.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/653/L6
- Title:
- HSC-SSP lens candidates from neural networks
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/653/L6
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have carried out a systematic search for galaxy-scale strong lenses in multiband imaging from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. Our automated pipeline, based on realistic strong-lens simulations, deep neural network classification, and visual inspection, is aimed at efficiently selecting systems with wide image separations (Einstein radii ~1.0-3.0"), intermediate redshift lenses (z~0.4-0.7), and bright arcs for galaxy evolution and cosmology. We classified gri images of all 62.5 million galaxies in HSC Wide with i-band Kron radius >0.8" to avoid strict preselections and to prepare for the upcoming era of deep, wide-scale imaging surveys with Euclid and Rubin Observatory. We obtained 206 newly-discovered candidates classified as definite or probable lenses with either spatially-resolved multiple images or extended, distorted arcs. In addition, we found 88 high-quality candidates that were assigned lower confidence in previous HSC searches, and we recovered 173 known systems in the literature. These results demonstrate that, aided by limited human input, deep learning pipelines with false positive rates as low as ~0.01% can be very powerful tools for identifying the rare strong lenses from large catalogs, and can also largely extend the samples found by traditional algorithms. We provide a ranked list of candidates for future spectroscopic confirmation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/780/34
- Title:
- H_160_-selected catalog of galaxies in the HUDF
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/780/34
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of an H_160_-selected photometric catalog of galaxies in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, using imaging from the WFC3/IR camera on the Hubble Space Telescope in combination with archival ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared imaging. Using these data, we measure the spectral energy distributions of ~1500 galaxies to a limiting H_160_ magnitude of 27.8, from which we fit photometric redshifts and stellar population estimates for all galaxies with well-determined Spitzer IRAC fluxes, allowing for the determination of the cumulative mass function within the range 1<z<6. By selecting samples of galaxies at a constant cumulative number density, we are able to explore the coevolution of stellar masses and star formation rates (SFRs) for progenitor galaxies and their descendants from z~6. We find a steady increase in the SFRs of galaxies at constant number density from z~6 to z~3, accompanied by gradually declining specific star formation rates (sSFRs) during this same period. The peak epoch of star formation is also found to shift to later times for galaxies with increasing number densities, in agreement with the expectations from cosmic downsizing. The observed SFRs can fully account for the mass growth to z~2 among galaxies with cumulative number densities greater than 10^-3.5^Mpc^-3^. For galaxies with a lower constant number density (higher mean mass), we find the observed stellar masses are ~three times greater than that which may be accounted for by the observed star formation alone at late times, implying that growth from mergers plays an important role at z<2. We additionally observe a decreasing sSFR, equivalent to approximately one order of magnitude, from z~6 to z~2 among galaxies with number densities less than 10^-3.5^Mpc^3^, along with significant evidence that at any redshift the sSFR is higher for galaxies at higher number density. The combination of these findings can qualitatively explain the previous findings of a specific star formation rate plateau at high redshift. Tracing the evolution of the fraction of quiescent galaxies for samples matched in cumulative number density over this redshift range, we find no unambiguous examples of quiescent galaxies at z>4.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/191/143
- Title:
- HST/ACS Coma cluster survey. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/191/143
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Coma cluster, Abell 1656, was the target of an HST-ACS Treasury program designed for deep imaging in the F475W and F814W passbands. Although our survey was interrupted by the ACS instrument failure in early 2007, the partially completed survey still covers ~50% of the core high-density region in Coma. Observations were performed for 25 fields that extend over a wide range of cluster-centric radii (1.75Mpc or 1{deg}) with a total coverage area of 274arcmin^2^. The majority of the fields are located near the core region of Coma (19/25 pointings) with six additional fields in the southwest region of the cluster. In this paper, we present reprocessed images and SEXTRACTOR source catalogs for our survey fields, including a detailed description of the methodology used for object detection and photometry, the subtraction of bright galaxies to measure faint underlying objects, and the use of simulations to assess the photometric accuracy and completeness of our catalogs. We also use simulations to perform aperture corrections for the SEXTRACTOR Kron magnitudes based only on the measured source flux and its half-light radius. We have performed photometry for 73,000 unique objects; approximately one-half of our detections are brighter than the 10{sigma} point-source detection limit at F814W=25.8mag(AB). The slight majority of objects (60%) are unresolved or only marginally resolved by ACS. We estimate that Coma members are 5%-10% of all source detections, which consist of a large population of unresolved compact sources (primarily globular clusters but also ultra-compact dwarf galaxies) and a wide variety of extended galaxies from a cD galaxy to dwarf low surface brightness galaxies. The red sequence of Coma member galaxies has a color-magnitude relation with a constant slope and dispersion over 9mag (-21<M_I_<-13). The initial data release for the HST-ACS Coma Treasury program was made available to the public in 2008 August. The images and catalogs described in this study relate to our second data release.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/414/3052
- Title:
- HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. VI.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/414/3052
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using deep, high-spatial-resolution imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST/ACS) Coma Cluster Treasury Survey, we determine colour profiles of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. From 176 galaxies brighter than MF814W(AB)=-15mag that are either spectroscopically confirmed members of Coma or identified by eye as likely members from their low surface brightness, data are provided for 142 early-type galaxies. Typically, colour profiles are linear against log (R), sometimes with a nuclear region of distinct, often bluer colour associated with nuclear clusters. Colour gradients are determined for the regions outside the nuclear components. We find that almost all colour gradients are negative, both for elliptical and for lenticular galaxies. Most likely, earlier studies that report positive colour gradients in dwarf galaxies are affected by the bluer colours of the nuclear clusters, underlining that high-resolution data are essential to disentangle the colour properties of the different morphological components in galaxies. Colour gradients of dwarf galaxies form a continuous sequence with those of elliptical galaxies, becoming shallower towards fainter magnitudes. Interpreting the colours as metallicity tracers, our data suggest that dwarfs as well as giant early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster are less metal rich in their outer parts. We do not find evidence for environmental influence on the gradients, although we note that most of our galaxies are found in the central regions of the cluster. For a subset of galaxies with known morphological types, S0 galaxies have less steep gradients than elliptical galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/2385
- Title:
- HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. X.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/2385
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present scaling relations between structural properties of nuclear star clusters and their host galaxies for a sample of early-type dwarf galaxies observed as part of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Coma Cluster Survey. We have analysed the light profiles of 200 early-type dwarf galaxies in the magnitude range 16.0<m_F814W_<22.6mag, corresponding to -19.0<M_F814W_<-12.4mag. Nuclear star clusters are detected in 80 percent of the galaxies, thus doubling the sample of HST-observed early-type dwarf galaxies with nuclear star clusters. We confirm that the nuclear star cluster detection fraction decreases strongly towards faint magnitudes. The luminosities of nuclear star clusters do not scale linearly with host galaxy luminosity. A linear fit yields L_nuc_~L_gal_^0.57^+/-0.05. The nuclear star cluster-host galaxy luminosity scaling relation for low-mass early-type dwarf galaxies is consistent with formation by globular cluster (GC) accretion. We find that at similar luminosities, galaxies with higher Sersic indices have slightly more luminous nuclear star clusters. Rounder galaxies have on average more luminous clusters. Some of the nuclear star clusters are resolved, despite the distance of Coma. We argue that the relation between nuclear star cluster mass and size is consistent with both formation by GC accretion and in situ formation. Our data are consistent with GC inspiralling being the dominant mechanism at low masses, although the observed trend with Sersic index suggests that in situ star formation is an important second-order effect.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/888/31
- Title:
- HST/ACS observations and SFH of Antlia B
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/888/31
- Date:
- 25 Oct 2021 10:03:38
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A census of the satellite population around dwarf galaxy primary hosts in environments outside the Local Group is essential to understanding {Lambda} cold dark matter galaxy formation and evolution on the smallest scales. We present deep optical Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the gas-rich, faint dwarf galaxy Antlia B (M_V_=-9.4) --a likely satellite of NGC 3109 (D=1.3Mpc)-- discovered as part of our ongoing survey of primary host galaxies similar to the Magellanic Clouds. We derive a new tip of the red giant branch distance of D=1.35+/-0.06Mpc (m-M=25.65+/-0.10), consistent with membership in the nearby NGC 3109 dwarf association. The color-magnitude diagram (CMD) shows both a prominent old, metal-poor stellar component and confirms a small population of young, blue stars with ages <~1Gyr. We use the CMD fitting algorithm MATCH to derive the star formation history (SFH) and find that it is consistent with the typical dwarf irregular or transitional dwarf galaxy (dTrans) in the Local Group. Antlia B shows relatively constant stellar mass growth for the first ~10-11Gyr and almost no growth in the last ~2-3Gyr. Despite being gas-rich, Antlia B shows no evidence of active star formation (i.e., no H{alpha} emission) and should therefore be classified as a dTrans dwarf. Both Antlia B and the Antlia dwarf (dTrans) are likely satellites of NGC3109, suggesting that the cessation of ongoing star formation in these galaxies may be environmentally driven. Future work studying the gas kinematics and distribution in Antlia B will explore this scenario in greater detail. Our work highlights the fact that detailed studies of nearby dwarf galaxies in a variety of environments may continue to shed light on the processes that drive the SFH and evolution of dwarf galaxies more generally.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/130/1693
- Title:
- HST-ACS observations of 5 globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/130/1693
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present color-magnitude diagrams of five Galactic globular clusters and one Galactic open cluster spanning a wide range of metallicity (-2.1<~[Fe/H]<~+0.3), as observed in the F606W (broad V) and F814W (I) bands with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope. These clusters are part of two large ACS programs measuring the star formation history in the Andromeda halo, tidal stream, and outer disk. In these programs, the clusters serve as empirical isochrones and as calibrators for the transformation of theoretical isochrones to the ACS bandpasses. To make these data more accessible to the community, for each cluster we provide a ridgeline tracing the stars on the main sequence, subgiant branch, and red giant branch, plus the locus of stars on the horizontal branch. In addition, we provide the transformation of the Victoria-Regina isochrones to the ACS bandpasses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/166/549
- Title:
- HST/ACS observations of NGC 346
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/166/549
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a photometric study of the star-forming region NGC 346 and its surrounding field in the Small Magellanic Cloud, using data taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The data set contains both short and long exposures for increased dynamic range, and photometry was performed using the ACS module of the stellar photometry package DOLPHOT. We detected almost 100,000 stars over a magnitude range of V~11 to V~28 mag, including all stellar types from the most massive young stars to faint lower main-sequence and pre-main-sequence stars. We find that this region, which is characterized by a plethora of stellar systems and interesting objects, is an outstanding example of mixed stellar populations. We take into account different features of the color-magnitude diagram of all the detected stars to distinguish the two dominant stellar systems: the stellar association NGC 346 and the old spherical star cluster BS 90. These observations provide a complete stellar sample of a field about 5'x5' around the most active star-forming region in this galaxy. Considering the importance of these data for various investigations in the area, we provide the full stellar catalog from our photometry. This paper is the first part of an ongoing study to investigate in detail the two dominant stellar systems in the area and their surrounding field.