- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/820/1
- Title:
- Kepler light curve of the EB star KIC 9532219
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/820/1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- KIC 9532219 is a W UMa-type eclipsing binary with an orbital period of 0.1981549days that is below the short-period limit (~0.22days) of the period distribution for contact binaries. The Kepler light curve of the system exhibits striking changes in both eclipse depths and light maxima. Applying third-body and spot effects, the light-curve synthesis indicates that the eclipsing pair is currently in a marginal contact stage with a mass ratio of q=1.20, an orbital inclination of i=66.0{deg}, a temperature difference of T_1_-T_2_=172K, and a third light of l_3_=75.9%. To understand the light variations with time, we divided up the light curve into 312 segments and analyzed them separately. The results reveal that variation of eclipse depth is primarily caused by changing amounts of contamination due to the nearby star KIC 9532228 between the Kepler Quarters and that the variable O'Connell effect originates from the starspot activity on the less massive primary component. Based on our light-curve timings, a period study of KIC 9532219 indicates that the orbital period has varied as a combination of a downward parabola and a light-travel-time (LTT) effect due to a third body, which has a period of 1196 days and a minimum mass of 0.0892M_{sun}_ in an orbit of eccentricity 0.150. The parabolic variation could be a small part of a second LTT orbit due to a fourth component in a wider orbit, instead of either mass transfer or angular momentum loss.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/254/7
- Title:
- Kepler light curves of Jovian Trojan asteroids
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/254/7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Various properties of Jovian Trojan asteroids such as composition, rotation periods, and photometric amplitudes, or the rate of binarity in the population, can provide information and constraints on the evolution of the group and of the solar system itself. Here we present new photometric properties of 45 Jovian Trojans from the K2 mission of the Kepler space telescope, and present phase-folded light curves for 44 targets, including (11351) Leucus, one of the targets of the Lucy mission. We extend our sample to 101 asteroids with previous K2 Trojan measurements, then compare their combined amplitude and frequency distributions to other ground-based and space data. We show that there is a dichotomy in the periods of Trojans with a separation at ~100hr. We find that 25% of the sample are slow rotators (P>=30hr), an excess that can be attributed to binary objects. We also show that 32 systems can be classified as potential detached binary systems. Finally, we calculate density and rotation constraints for the asteroids. Both the spin barrier and fits to strengthless ellipsoid models indicate low densities and thus compositions similar to populations of comets and trans-Neptunian objects throughout the sample. This supports the scenario of outer solar system origin for Jovian Trojans.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/626/A38
- Title:
- Kepler-17 long-term photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/626/A38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The study of young Sun-like stars is of fundamental importance to understand the magnetic activity and rotational evolution of the Sun. Space-borne photometry by the Kepler telescope provides unprecedented datasets to investigate these phenomena in Sun-like stars. We present a new analysis of the entire Kepler photometric time series of the moderately young Sun-like star Kepler-17 that is accompanied by a transiting hot Jupiter. We applied a maximum-entropy spot model to the long-cadence out-of-transit photometry of the target to derive maps of the starspot filling factor versus the longitude and the time. These maps are compared to the spots occulted during transits to validate our reconstruction and derive information on the latitudes of the starspots. We find two main active longitudes on the photosphere of Kepler-17, one of which has a lifetime of at least ~1400 days, although with a varying level of activity. The latitudinal differential rotation is of solar type, that is, with the equator rotating faster than the poles. We estimate a minimum relative amplitude {DELTA}{OMEGA}/{OMEGA} between ~0.08+/-0.05 and 0.14+/-0.05, our determination being affected by the finite lifetime of individual starspots and depending on the adopted spot model parameters. We find marginal evidence of a short-term intermittent activity cycle of ~48-days and an indication of a longer cycle of 400-600 days characterized by an equatorward migration of the mean latitude of the spots as in the Sun. The rotation of Kepler-17 is likely to be significantly affected by the tides raised by its massive close-by planet. We confirm the reliability of maximum-entropy spot models to map starspots in young active stars and characterize the activity and differential rotation of this young Sun-like planetary host.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/813/130
- Title:
- Kepler multiple transiting planet systems
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/813/130
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Kepler mission provides a wealth of multiple transiting planet systems (MTPSs). The formation and evolution of multi-planet systems are likely to be influenced by companion stars given the abundance of multiple stellar systems. We study the influence of stellar companions by measuring the stellar multiplicity rate of MTPSs. We select 138 bright (K_P_<13.5) Kepler MTPSs and search for stellar companions with adaptive optics (AO) imaging data and archival radial velocity data. We obtain new AO images for 73 MTPSs. Other MTPSs in the sample have archival AO imaging data from the Kepler Community Follow-up Observation Program. From these imaging data, we detect 42 stellar companions around 35 host stars. For stellar separation 1 AU<a<100 AU, the stellar multiplicity rate is 5.2+/-5.0% for MTPSs, which is 2.8{sigma} lower than 21.1+/-2.8% for the control sample, i.e., the field stars in the solar neighborhood. We identify two origins for the deficit of stellar companions within 100 AU of MTPSs: (1) a suppressive planet formation and (2) the disruption of orbital coplanarity due to stellar companions. To distinguish between the two origins, we compare the stellar multiplicity rates of MTPSs and single transiting planet systems (STPSs). However, current data are not sufficient for this purpose. For 100 AU<a<2000 AU, the stellar multiplicity rates are comparable for MTPSs (8.0+/-4.0%), STPSs (6.4+/-5.8%), and the control sample (12.5+/-2.8%).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/871/174
- Title:
- Kepler rapid rotators and Ks-band excesses
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/871/174
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Tens of thousands of rotation periods have been measured in the Kepler fields, including a substantial fraction of rapid rotators. We use Gaia parallaxes to distinguish photometric binaries (PBs) from single stars on the unevolved lower main sequence, and compare their distribution of rotation properties to those of single stars both with and without Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) spectroscopic characterization. We find that 59% of stars with 1.5day<P<7day lie 0.3mag above the main sequence, compared with 28% of the full rotation sample. The fraction of stars in the same period range is 1.7{+/-}0.1% of the total sample analyzed for rotation periods. Both the PB fraction and the fraction of rapid rotators are consistent with a population of non-eclipsing short-period binaries inferred from Kepler eclipsing binary data after correcting for inclination. This suggests that the rapid rotators are dominated by tidally synchronized binaries rather than single stars obeying traditional angular momentum evolution. We caution against interpreting rapid rotation in the Kepler field as a signature of youth. Following up on this new sample of 217 candidate tidally synchronized binaries will help further understand tidal processes in stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/426/91
- Title:
- Kepler stars with infrared excess
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/426/91
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We describe a search for infrared excess emission from dusty circumstellar material around 180000 stars observed by the Kepler and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer missions. This study is motivated by (i) the potential to find bright warm discs around planet host stars, (ii) a need to characterize the distribution of rare warm discs and (iii) the possible identification of candidates for discovering transiting dust concentrations. We find about 8000 stars that have excess emission, mostly at 12um.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/152/105
- Title:
- Kepler-80 transit timing observations
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/152/105
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Kepler has discovered hundreds of systems with multiple transiting exoplanets which hold tremendous potential both individually and collectively for understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems. Many of these systems consist of multiple small planets with periods less than ~50 days known as Systems with Tightly spaced Inner Planets, or STIPs. One especially intriguing STIP, Kepler-80 (KOI-500), contains five transiting planets: f, d, e, b, and c with periods of 1.0, 3.1, 4.6, 7.1, and 9.5 days, respectively. We provide measurements of transit times and a transit timing variation (TTV) dynamical analysis. We find that TTVs cannot reliably detect eccentricities for this system, though mass estimates are not affected. Restricting the eccentricity to a reasonable range, we infer masses for the outer four planets (d, e, b, and c) to be 6.75_-0.51_^+0.69^, 4.13_-0.95_^+0.81^, 6.93_-0.70_^+1.05^, and 6.74_-0.86_^+1.23^ Earth masses, respectively. The similar masses but different radii are consistent with terrestrial compositions for d and e and ~2% H/He envelopes for b and c. We confirm that the outer four planets are in a rare dynamical configuration with four interconnected three-body resonances that are librating with few degree amplitudes. We present a formation model that can reproduce the observed configuration by starting with a multi-resonant chain and introducing dissipation. Overall, the information-rich Kepler-80 planets provide an important perspective into exoplanetary systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/208/16
- Title:
- Kepler transit timing observations. VIII.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/208/16
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Following the works of Ford et al. (2011, Cat. J/ApJS/197/2; 2012ApJ...756..185F) and Steffen et al. (2012ApJ...756..186S) we derived the transit timing of 1960 Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) using the pre-search data conditioning light curves of the first twelve quarters of the Kepler data. For 721 KOIs with large enough signal-to-noise ratios, we obtained also the duration and depth of each transit. The results are presented as a catalog for the community to use. We derived a few statistics of our results that could be used to indicate significant variations. Including systems found by previous works, we have found 130 KOIs that showed highly significant times of transit variations (TTVs) and 13 that had short-period TTV modulations with small amplitudes. We consider two effects that could cause apparent periodic TTV -- the finite sampling of the observations and the interference with the stellar activity, stellar spots in particular. We briefly discuss some statistical aspects of our detected TTVs. We show that the TTV period is correlated with the orbital period of the planet and with the TTV amplitude.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/900/L44
- Title:
- Kepler TTVs for 6 exomoon candidates
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/900/L44
- Date:
- 15 Feb 2022 13:03:49
- Publisher:
- Description:
- It has been recently claimed that KOIs-268.01, 303.01, 1888.01, 1925.01, 2728.01, and 3320.01 are exomoon candidates, based on an analysis of their transit timing. Here, we perform an independent investigation, which is framed in terms of three questions: (1) Are there significant transit timing variations (TTVs)? (2) Is there a significant periodic TTV? (3) Is there evidence for a nonzero moon mass? We applied rigorous statistical methods to these questions alongside a reanalysis of the Kepler photometry and find that none of the Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) satisfy our three tests. Specifically, KOIs-268.01 and 3220.01 pass none of the tests and KOIs-303.01, 1888.01, and 1925.01 pass a single test each. Only KOI-2728.01 satisfies two, but fails the cross-validation test for predictions. Further, detailed photodynamical modeling reveals that KOI-2728.01 favors a negative-radius moon (as does KOI-268.01). We also note that we find a significant photoeccentric effect for KOI-1925.01 indicating an eccentric orbit of at least e>(0.62+/-0.06). For comparison, we applied the same tests to Kepler-1625b, which reveals that (1) and (3) are passed, but (2) cannot be checked with the cross- validation method used here, due to the limited number of available epochs. In conclusion, we find no compelling evidence for exomoons among the six KOIs. Despite this, we were able to derive exomoon mass upper limits versus semimajor axis, with KOI-3220.01 leading to particularly impressive constraints of MS/MP<0.4% [2{sigma}] at a similar semimajor to that of the Earth-Moon.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/835/83
- Title:
- K2 GAP data release. I. Campaign 1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/835/83
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- NASA's K2 mission is observing tens of thousands of stars along the ecliptic, providing data suitable for large-scale asteroseismic analyses to inform galactic archaeology studies. Its first campaign covered a field near the north Galactic cap, a region never covered before by large asteroseismic-ensemble investigations, and was therefore of particular interest for exploring this part of our Galaxy. Here we report the asteroseismic analysis of all stars selected by the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program during the mission's "north Galactic cap" campaign 1. Our consolidated analysis uses six independent methods to measure the global seismic properties, in particular the large frequency separation and the frequency of maximum power. From the full target sample of 8630 stars we find about 1200 oscillating red giants, a number comparable with estimates from galactic synthesis modeling. Thus, as a valuable by-product we find roughly 7500 stars to be dwarfs, which provide a sample well suited for galactic exoplanet occurrence studies because they originate from our simple and easily reproducible selection function.