- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/644/A163
- Title:
- Pan-STARRS lens candidates from neural networks
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/644/A163
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a systematic search for wide-separation (with Einstein radius ~1.5"), galaxy-scale strong lenses in the 30000 sq.deg of the Pan-STARRS 3pi survey on the Northern sky. With long time delays of a few days to weeks, these types of systems are particularly well-suited for catching strongly lensed supernovae with spatially-resolved multiple images and offer new insights on early-phase supernova spectroscopy and cosmography. We produced a set of realistic simulations by painting lensed COSMOS sources on Pan-STARRS image cutouts of lens luminous red galaxies (LRGs) with redshift and velocity dispersion known from the sloan digital sky survey (SDSS). First, we computed the photometry of mock lenses in gri bands and applied a simple catalog-level neural network to identify a sample of 1050207 galaxies with similar colors and magnitudes as the mocks. Second, we trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) on Pan-STARRS gri image cutouts to classify this sample and obtain sets of 105760 and 12382 lens candidates with scores of pCNN>0.5 and >0.9, respectively. Extensive tests showed that CNN performances rely heavily on the design of lens simulations and the choice of negative examples for training, but little on the network architecture. The CNN correctly classified 14 out of 16 test lenses, which are previously confirmed lens systems above the detection limit of Pan-STARRS. Finally, we visually inspected all galaxies with pCNN>0.9 to assemble a final set of 330 high-quality newly-discovered lens candidates while recovering 23 published systems. For a subset, SDSS spectroscopy on the lens central regions proves that our method correctly identifies lens LRGs at z~0.1-0.7. Five spectra also show robust signatures of high-redshift background sources, and Pan-STARRS imaging confirms one of them as a quadruply-imaged red source at z_s_=1.185, which is likely a recently quenched galaxy strongly lensed by a foreground LRG at z_d_=0.3155. In the future, high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic follow-up will be required to validate Pan-STARRS lens candidates and derive strong lensing models. We also expect that the efficient and automated two-step classification method presented in this paper will be applicable to the ~4 mag deeper gri stacks from the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) with minor adjustments.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/559/A43
- Title:
- Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) observations of the Hyades
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/559/A43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We performed a kinematic and photometric search for Hyades members using the PPMXL and Pan-STARRS1 sky surveys, up to 30pc from the cluster centre, down to masses of 0.1M_{sun}_. We exclude some candidates previously identified in Roeser et al. (2011, Cat. J/A+A/531/A92). We discovered 62 new Hyades member candidates with velocity perpendicular to the Hyades motion up to 4km/s. They have mass estimates between 0.43 and 0.09M_{sun}_, for a total mass of 10M_{sun}_.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/463/296
- Title:
- PanSTARRS-1 slow-blue nuclear hypervariables
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/463/296
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We discuss 76 large amplitude transients ({Delta}m>1.5) occurring in the nuclei of galaxies, nearly all with no previously known active galactic nucleus (AGN). They have been discovered as part of the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) 3{pi} survey, by comparison with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry a decade earlier, and then monitored with the Liverpool Telescope, and studied spectroscopically with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). Based on colours, light-curve shape, and spectra, these transients fall into four groups. A few are misclassified stars or objects of unknown type. Some are red/fast transients and are known or likely nuclear supernovae. A few are either radio sources or erratic variables and so likely blazars. However the majority (~66 per cent) are blue and evolve slowly, on a time-scale of years. Spectroscopy shows them to be AGN at z ~0.3-1.4, which must have brightened since the SDSS photometry by around an order of magnitude. It is likely that these objects were in fact AGN a decade ago, but too weak to be recognized by SDSS; they could then be classed as 'hypervariable' AGN. By searching the SDSS Stripe 82 quasar database, we find 15 similar objects. We discuss several possible explanations for these slow-blue hypervariables - (i) unusually luminous tidal disruption events; (ii) extinction events; (iii) changes in accretion state; and (iv) large amplitude microlensing by stars in foreground galaxies. A mixture of explanations (iii) and (iv) seems most likely. Both hold promise of considerable new insight into the AGN phenomenon.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/794/23
- Title:
- Pan-STARRS1 transients optical photometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/794/23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In the past decade, several rapidly evolving transients have been discovered whose timescales and luminosities are not easily explained by traditional supernovae (SNe) models. The sample size of these objects has remained small due, at least in part, to the challenges of detecting short timescale transients with traditional survey cadences. Here we present the results from a search within the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1-MDS) for rapidly evolving and luminous transients. We identify 10 new transients with a time above half-maximum (t_1/2_) of less than 12 days and -16.5>M>-20 mag. This increases the number of known events in this region of SN phase space by roughly a factor of three. The median redshift of the PS1-MDS sample is z=0.275 and they all exploded in star-forming galaxies. In general, the transients possess faster rise than decline timescale and blue colors at maximum light (g_P1_-r_P1_<~-0.2). Best-fit blackbodies reveal photospheric temperatures/radii that expand/cool with time and explosion spectra taken near maximum light are dominated by a blue continuum, consistent with a hot, optically thick, ejecta. We find it difficult to reconcile the short timescale, high peak luminosity (L>10^43^ erg/s), and lack of UV line blanketing observed in many of these transients with an explosion powered mainly by the radioactive decay of ^56^Ni. Rather, we find that many are consistent with either (1) cooling envelope emission from the explosion of a star with a low-mass extended envelope that ejected very little (<0.03 M_{sun}_) radioactive material, or (2) a shock breakout within a dense, optically thick, wind surrounding the progenitor star. After calculating the detection efficiency for objects with rapid timescales in the PS1-MDS we find a volumetric rate of 4800-8000 events/yr/Gpc^3^ (4%-7% of the core-collapse SN rate at z=0.2).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/493/L27
- Title:
- Parallaxes of 10 ultracool subdwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/493/L27
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We measure absolute trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions with respect to many background galaxies for a sample of ten ultracool subdwarfs. Observations were taken in the H-band with the OMEGA2000 camera on the 3.5 m-telescope at Calar Alto, Spain during a time period of 3.5-years. For the first time, the reduction of the astrometric measurements was carried out directly with respect to background galaxies. We obtained absolute parallaxes with mean errors ranging between 1 and 3mas.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/13
- Title:
- Parameters estimation for 173 eclipsing binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/13
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 00:50:18
- Publisher:
- Description:
- High precision CCD observations of six totally eclipsing contact binaries were presented and analyzed. It is found that only one target is an A-type contact binary (V429Cam), while the others are W-type contact ones. By analyzing the times of light minima, we discovered that two of them exhibit secular period increase while three manifest long-term period decrease. For V1033Her, a cyclic variation superimposed on the long-term increase was discovered. By comparing the Gaia distances with those calculated by the absolute parameters of 173 contact binaries, we found that the Gaia distance can be applied to estimate the absolute parameters for most contact binaries. The absolute parameters of our six targets were estimated using their Gaia distances. The evolutionary status of contact binaries was studied, and we found that the A- and W-subtype contact binaries may have different formation channels. The relationship between the spectroscopic and photometric mass ratios for 101 contact binaries was presented. It was discovered that the photometric mass ratios are in good agreement with the spectroscopic ones for almost all of the totally eclipsing systems, which is corresponding to the results derived by Pribulla et al. and Terrell & Wilson.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/466/546
- Title:
- Parameters for the 172 {lambda} Boo stars
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/466/546
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The evolutionary status of the chemically peculiar class of {lambda} Boo stars has been intensely debated. It is now agreed that the {lambda} Boo phenomenon affects A stars of all ages, from star formation to the terminal age main sequence, but the cause of the chemical peculiarity is still a puzzle. We revisit the debate of their ages and temperatures in order to shed light on the phenomenon, using the new parallaxes in Gaia Data Release 1 with existing Hipparcos parallaxes and multicolour photometry. We find that no single formation mechanism is able to explain all the observations, and suggest that there are multiple channels producing {lambda} Boo spectra. The relative importance of these channels varies with age, temperature and environment.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/450/2692
- Title:
- Parameters of galactic globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/450/2692
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use our Galactic Globular Cluster Catalog (G2C2) photometry for 111 Galactic globular clusters (GCs) in g and z, as well as r and i photometry for a subset of 60 GCs and u photometry for 22 GCs, to determine the structural parameters assuming King models. In general, the resulting core radii are in good comparison with the current literature values. However, our half-light radii are slightly lower than the literature. The concentrations (and therefore also the tidal radii) are poorly constrained mostly because of the limited radial extent of our imaging. Therefore, we extensively discuss the effects of a limited field of view on the derived parameters using mosaicked Sloan Digital Sky Survey data, which do not suffer from this restriction. We also illustrate how red giant branch (RGB) stars in cluster cores can stochastically induce artificial peaks in the surface brightness profiles. The issues related to these bright stars are scrutinized based on both our photometry and simulated clusters. We also examine colour gradients and find that the strongest central colour gradients are caused by central RGB stars and thus not representative for the cluster light or colour distribution. We recover the known relation between the half-light radius and the Galactocentric distance in the g band, but find a lower slope for redder filters. We did not find a correlation between the scatter on this relation and other cluster properties. We find tentative evidence for a correlation between the half-light radii and the [Fe/H], with metal-poor GCs being larger than metal-rich GCs. However, we conclude that this trend is caused by the position of the clusters in the Galaxy, with metal-rich clusters being more centrally located.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/486/755
- Title:
- Parameters of galaxies in 8 Abell clusters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/486/755
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This paper is a continuation of an ongoing study of the evolutionary processes affecting cluster galaxies. Both CCD R band and Halpha narrow-band imaging was used to determine photometric parameters (m_r_, r_24_, Halpha flux, and equivalent width) and derive star formation rates for 227 CGCG galaxies in 8 low-redshift clusters. The galaxy sample is a subset of CGCG galaxies in an objective prism survey (OPS) of cluster galaxies for Halpha emission. It is found that detection of emission-line galaxies in the OPS is 85%, 70%, and 50% complete at the mean surface brightness values of 1.25x10^-19^, 5.19x10^-20^, and 1.76x10^-20^W/m^2^/arcsec^2^, respectively, measured within the R band isophote of 24mag/arcsec^2^ for the galaxy. The CCD data, together with matched data from a recent Halpha galaxy survey of UGC galaxies within 3000km/s, will be used for a comparative study of R band and Halpha surface photometry between cluster and field spirals.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/791/107
- Title:
- Parameters of NGC 5139 SGBs stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/791/107
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- {omega} Centauri is a peculiar globular cluster formed by a complex stellar population. To investigate it, we studied 172 stars belonging to the five SGBs that we can identify in our photometry, in order to measure their [Fe/H] content as well as estimate their age dispersion and the age-metallicity relation. The first important result is that all of these SGBs have a distribution in metallicity with a spread that exceeds the observational errors and typically displays several peaks that indicate the presence of several subpopulations. We were able to identify at least six of them based on their mean [Fe/H] content. These metallicity-based subpopulations are seen to varying extents in each of the five SGBs. Taking advantage of the age sensitivity of the SGB, we showed that, first of all, at least half of the subpopulations have an age spread of at least 2 Gyr. Then, we obtained an age-metallicity relation that is the most complete to date for this cluster. Interpretation of the age-metallicity relation is not straightforward, but it is possible that the cluster (or what we can call its progenitor) was initially composed of two populations with different metallicities. Because of their age, it is very unlikely that the most metal-rich derives from the most metal-poor by some kind of chemical evolution process, so they can be assumed to be two independent primordial objects, or perhaps two separate parts of a single larger object, that merged in the past to form the present-day cluster.