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- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/374/1049
- Title:
- Photometry of FK Com for 1993-2001
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/374/1049
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report 8 years of previously unpublished photometric observations of FK Com. The observations have been carried out between 1993 and 2001 with six different telescopes: 60 cm at Mt. Maidanak (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Phoenix 10, Wolfgang and Amadeus located in Arizona, USA, and 20cm and 60 cm KVA on La Palma, Spain. Observations contain measurements at the following bands: Johnson U, B, V and R, Bessel R, Cousins I and Stromgren b and y. The observations are differential photometry in respect to the primary comparison star HD 117567. NOTE: Table 1 in the paper contains some small misprints in the Julian dates. Also for Wolfgang and Amadeus the number of observations given in Table1 at each band is slightly less than actually given in Table2c and Table2d. This is caused by accidentally using a limiting error of 0.01 in magnitudes when creating Table 1. In Table 2 the limiting error for Wolfgang and Amadeus is 0.02 mag, as mentioned in the paper itself. In Table2a-e 99.0000 means that no observations were available at that time at that band or that the error in the magnitude was larger than 0.02.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/551/A102
- Title:
- Photometry of 16 Flora family asteroids
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/551/A102
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- It is known that the Yarkovsky effect moves small asteroids to larger/smaller semimajor axes depending on their prograde/retrograde spins. The YORP effect influences asteroid spin periods and spin axis orientations so that they evolve in time. The alignment of the spin vectors and correlations of the spin rates, now known as Slivan states and observed among members of the Koronis family, are interpreted in terms of the YORP effect and spin-orbit resonances. Splitting asteroid families into prograde and retrograde groups has recently been proposed as a result of the Yarkovsky effect. Prograde and retrograde asteroids drift in different directions, and this has never been observed directly. The influence of the Yarkovsky and YORP effects should be observable among objects in asteroid families, especially in the Flora family, which lies close to the Sun and consists of many small objects. The Flora family asteroids were modelled using the lightcurve inversion technique. As a result the orientation of spin vectors, shapes, and sidereal periods of rotation were obtained.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/742/116
- Title:
- Photometry of four massive transiting exoplanets
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/742/116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery of four relatively massive (2-7M_J_) transiting extrasolar planets. HAT-P-20b orbits the moderately bright V=11.339 K3 dwarf star GSC 1910-00239 on a circular orbit, with a period P=2.875317+/-0.000004 days. The planetary companion has a mass of 7.246+/-0.187M_J_ and a radius of 0.867+/-0.033R_J_ yielding a mean density of 13.78+/-1.50g/cm^3^. HAT-P-21b orbits the V=11.685 G3 dwarf star GSC 3013-01229 on an eccentric (e=0.228+/-0.016) orbit, with a period P=4.124481+/-0.000007 days. The planetary companion has a mass of 4.063+/-0.161M_J_ and a radius of 1.024+/-0.092R_J_ yielding a mean density of 4.68^+1.59^_-0.99_g/cm^3^. HAT-P-21b is a borderline object between the pM and pL class planets, and the transits occur near apastron. HAT-P-22b orbits the bright V=9.732 G5 dwarf star HD 233731 on a circular orbit, with a period P=3.212220+/-0.000009 days. The planet has a mass of 2.147+/-0.061M_J_ and a compact radius of 1.080+/-0.058R_J_ yielding a mean density of 2.11^+0.40^_-0.29_g/cm^3^. The host star also harbors an M-dwarf companion at a wide separation. Finally, HAT-P-23b orbits the V=12.432 G0 dwarf star GSC 1632-01396 on a close to circular orbit, with a period P=1.212884+/-0.000002 days. The planetary companion has a mass of 2.090+/-0.111M_J_ and a radius of 1.368+/-0.090R_J_ yielding a mean density of 1.01+/-0.18g/cm^3^. HAT-P-23b is an inflated and massive hot Jupiter on a very short period orbit, and has one of the shortest characteristic infall times (7.5^+2.9^_-1.8_Myr) before it gets engulfed by the star.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/184/271
- Title:
- Photometry of galaxies in 3 clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/184/271
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the data processing and analysis techniques we are using to determine the structural and photometric properties of galaxies in our Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project sample. The goal of this study is to understand cluster galaxy evolution in terms of scaling relations and structural properties of cluster galaxies at redshifts 0.15<z<1.0. To derive parameters such as total magnitude, half-light radius, effective surface brightness, and Sersic n, we fit r^1/4^ law and Sersic function two-dimensional surface brightness profiles to each of the galaxies in our sample. Using simulated galaxies, we test how the assumed profile affects the derived parameters and how the uncertainties affect our Fundamental Plane results. A catalog of photometry and surface brightness profile parameters is presented for three of the clusters in our sample, RX J0142.0+2131, RX J0152.7-1357, and RX J1226.9+3332 at redshifts 0.28, 0.83, and 0.89, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/169/225
- Title:
- Photometry of galaxies in the Coma cluster
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/169/225
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a set of UBVRIzJHKs photometry for 745 J+H-band-selected objects in a 22.5'x29.2' region centered on the core of the Coma Cluster. This includes 516 galaxies and is at least 80% complete to H=16, with a spectroscopically complete sample of 111 cluster members (nearly all with morphological classification) for H<14.5. For each object we present total Kron (1980ApJS...43..305K) magnitudes and aperture photometry. As an example, we use these data to derive color-magnitude relations for Coma early-type galaxies, measure the intrinsic scatter of these relations and its dependence on galaxy mass, and address the issue of color gradients.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/568/A19
- Title:
- Photometry of 3 {gamma}-ray burst supernovae
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/568/A19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry for three gamma-ray burst supernovae (GRB-SNe): GRB 120729A, GRB 130215A/SN 2013ez and GRB 130831A/SN 2013fu. For GRB 130215A/SN 2013ez, we also present optical spectroscopy at t-t0=16.1d, which covers rest-frame 3000-6250{AA}. Based on FeII (5169) and SiII (6355), our spectrum indicates an unusually low expansion velocity of 4000-6350km/s, the lowest ever measured for a GRB-SN. Additionally, we determined the brightness and shape of each accompanying SN relative to a template supernova (SN 1998bw), which were used to estimate the amount of nickel produced via nucleosynthesis during each explosion. We find that our derived nickel masses are typical of other GRB-SNe, and greater than those of SNe Ibc that are not associated with GRBs. For GRB 130831A/SN 2013fu, we used our well-sampled R-band light curve (LC) to estimate the amount of ejecta mass and the kinetic energy of the SN, finding that these too are similar to other GRB-SNe. For GRB 130215A, we took advantage of contemporaneous optical/NIR observations to construct an optical/NIR bolometric LC of the afterglow. We fit the bolometric LC with the millisecond magnetar model of Zhang & Meszaros (2001ApJ...552L..35Z), which considers dipole radiation as a source of energy injection to the forward shock powering the optical/NIR afterglow. Using this model we derive an initial spin period of P=1ms and a magnetic field of B=1.1x10^15^G, which are commensurate with those found for proposed magnetar central engines of other long-duration GRBs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/525/A19
- Title:
- Photometry of globulars in early galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/525/A19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The combination of optical and near-infrared (NIR) colours has the potential to break the age/metallicity degeneracy and offers a better metallicity sensitivity than optical colours alone. Previous studies of extragalactic globular clusters (GCs) with this colour combination, however, have suffered from small samples or have been restricted to a few galaxies. We compile a homogeneous and representative sample of GC systems with multi-band photometry to be used in subsequent papers where ages and metallicity distributions will be studied.
5099. Photometry of GRB 071025
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/406/2473
- Title:
- Photometry of GRB 071025
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/406/2473
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present observations and analysis of the broad-band afterglow of Swift GRB 071025. Using optical and infrared (RIYJHK) photometry, we derive a photometric redshift of 4.4<z<5.2; at this redshift our simultaneous multicolour observations begin at ~30s after the gamma-ray burst trigger in the host frame, during the initial rising phase of the afterglow.
5100. Photometry of HD 3831
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/459/278
- Title:
- Photometry of HD 3831
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/459/278
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We demonstrate a new approach for probing the atmospheres of selected chemically peculiar magnetic stars. Using the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) 1.0 and 1.5m telescopes simultaneously on two nights in 1991, we obtained optical and infrared high-speed photometry of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HR 3831 (=HD 83368), which pulsates with a period of ~11.8 minutes. Oscillation amplitudes (or upper limits) in each of eight bandpasses were measured by Fourier analysis, revealing the very steep decline in amplitude with increasing wavelength characteristic of roAp stars. Matthews and coworkers have shown that this can be explained by the wavelength dependence of limb darkening and its filtering effect on the integrated amplitude of an (l,m)=(1,0) nonradial pulsation mode. Since the eigenfrequency spectrum of HR 3831 is dominated by just such a dipole mode, it is possible to infer limb-darkening coefficients beta(lambda) for its atmosphere from our amplitude measurements. These coefficients are used to derive a source function through the Eddington-Barber relation, which leads to a relation for temperature versus optical depth in the stellar photosphere. Our results show that the T-Tau(5000) curve is much steeper for HR 3831 than for the Sun (at least at the rotational phase when the star's magnetic pole dominates the visible hemisphere). We also calculate the gradient dT/dtau as a function of wavelength to compare with the curve expected for H- continuous opacity. This type of diagnostic may become a useful tool for checking the predictions of diffusion theory.