A new catalog of 8382 close quasar-galaxy pairs is presented. The catalog was composed using published catalogued quasars and active galactic nuclei containing 11358 objects, as well as the LEDA catalog of galaxies, which contains on the order of 100000 objects.
A sample of quasars is selected from a 10-yr sequence of 30 UK Schmidt plates. Luminosity functions are derived in several redshift intervals, which in each case show a featureless power-law rise towards low luminosities. There is no sigh of the 'break' found in the recent UVX sample of Boyle, Shanks & Peterson. It is suggested that reasons for the disagreement are connected with biases in the selection of the UVX sample. The question of the nature of quasar evolution appears to be still unresolved.
We determine the number counts and z=0-5 luminosity function for a well-defined, homogeneous sample of quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We conservatively define the most uniform statistical sample possible, consisting of 15343 quasars within an effective area of 1622{deg}^2^ that was derived from a parent sample of 46420 spectroscopically confirmed broad-line quasars in the 5282{deg}^2^ of imaging data from SDSS Data Release 3. The sample extends from i=15 to 19.1 at z<~3 and to i=20.2 for z>~3.
The hosts of luminous z~2 quasars evolve into today's massive elliptical galaxies. Current theories predict that the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of these massive, dark matter halos (M_DM_~10^12.5^M_{sun}_) should be dominated by a T~10^7^K virialized plasma. We test this hypothesis with observations of 74 close-projected quasar pairs, using spectra of the background QSO to characterize the CGM of the foreground one. Surprisingly, our measurements reveal a cool (T~10^4^K), massive (M_CGM_>10^10^M_{sun}_), and metal-enriched (Z>~0.1Z_{sun}_) medium extending to at least the expected virial radius (r_vir_=160kpc). Furthermore, we conservatively estimate that the quasar CGM has a 64^+6^_-7_% covering fraction of optically thick gas (N_HI_>10^17.2^/cm^2^) within r_vir_; this covering factor is twice that of the contemporaneous Lyman break galaxy population. This unexpected reservoir of cool gas is rarely detected "down-the-barrel" to quasars, and hence it is likely that our background sight lines intercept gas that is shadowed from the quasar ionizing radiation by the same obscuring medium often invoked in models of active galactic nucleus unification. Because the high-z halos inhabited by quasars predate modern groups and clusters, these observations are also relevant to the formation and enrichment history of the intragroup/intracluster medium.
Table 2 contains optical (V) polarimetric measurements for 42 optically selected QSOs including 29 broad absorption line QSOs. Table 3 contains a series of spectral indices characterizing the broad absorption line QSOs.
This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. The recent release of the final release of the 2dF quasar catalogue and of the first part of the SLOAN catalogue, almost doubling the number of known QSOs, led us to prepare an updated version of our Catalogue of quasars and active nuclei, which now contains 48921 quasars, 876 BL Lac objects and 15069 active galaxies (including 11777 Seyfert 1). Like the tenth edition, it includes position and redshift as well as photometry (U, B, V) and 6 and 11 cm flux densities when available. The present edition this catalogue contains the quasars with measured redshift known prior to August 1st, 2003.
This catalogue is an update of the the previous versions. It contains 8609 (+172) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 2833 (+978) AGNs (defined as fainter than absolute B magnitude -23), 220 (+49) BL Lac objects from 1662 (+176) references.
This catalogue is an update of the previous versions; as in the previous editions no information about absorption lines of X-ray properties are given, but absolute magnitudes are given, assuming Ho=50km/s/Mpc and q_0_=0. In this edition the 20cm radio flux is listed when available, in place of the 11cm flux. The present edition of this catalogue contains the quasars with measured redshift known prior to January 1st, 2006. It contains 85221 quasars, 1122 BL Lac objects and 21737 active galaxies (including 9628 Seyfert 1s), almost doubling the number listed in the 11th edition. Lists of known lensed quasars (table2.dat) and double quasars (table3.dat) are also given here.
This catalogue is a compilation of all known AGNs presented in a compact and convenient form. It is an update of the previous versions; and as in the previous editions no information about absorption lines of X-ray properties are given, but absolute magnitudes are given, assuming Ho=71km/s/Mpc and q_0_=0 (notice the change of cosmology: Ho was assumed to be 50km/s/Mpc in the previous editions). When available, the 20cm and 6cm radio flux are given. The present edition of this catalogue contains the quasars with measured redshift known prior to July 1st, 2009. It contains 133336 quasars, 1374 BL Lac objects and 34231 active galaxies (including 15627 Seyfert 1's), almost doubling the number listed in the 12th edition. Lists of known lensed quasars (table2.dat) and double quasars (table3.dat) are also given here.