- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VIII/75
- Title:
- HI survey of the sky DE<+25{deg}
- Short Name:
- VIII/75
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the final data release of the high sensitivity {lambda}21-cm neutral hydrogen survey of the sky south of {delta}<=-25{deg}. A total of 50980 positions lying on a galactic coordinate grid with points spaced by ({Delta}l, {Delta}b)=(0.5{deg}/cosb, 0.5{deg}) were observed with the 30m dish of the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomica (IAR). The angular resolution of the survey is HPBW=0.5{deg} and the velocity coverage spans the interval -450km/s to +400km/s (LSR). The velocity resolution is 1.27km/s and the final rms noise of the entire database is 0.07K. The data are corrected for stray radiation and converted to brightness temperatures.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/644/A120
- Title:
- HL TAU and IRAS04302+2247 H2CS ALMA images
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/644/A120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Planet formation starts around Sun-like protostars with ages <=1Myr, but the chemical compositions of the surrounding discs remains unknown. We aim to trace the radial and vertical spatial distribution of a key species of S-bearing chemistry, namely H_2_CS, in protoplanetary discs. We also aim to analyse the observed distributions in light of the H_2_CS binding energy in order to discuss the role of thermal desorption in enriching the gas disc component. In the context of the ALMA chemical survey of disk-outflow sources in the Taurus star forming region (ALMA-DOT), we observed five Class I or early Class II sources with the o-H_2_CS(7_1,6_-6_1,5_) line. ALMA-Band 6 was used, reaching spatial resolutions ~=40au, that is, Solar System spatial scales. We also estimated the binding energy of H2CS using quantum mechanical calculations, for the first time, for an extended, periodic, crystalline ice. We imaged H2CS emission in two rotating molecular rings in the HL Tau and IRAS04302+2247 discs, the outer radii of which are ~140au (HL Tau) and 115 au (IRAS 04302+2247). The edge-on geometry of IRAS 04302+2247 allows us to reveal that H2CS emission peaks at radii of 60-115au, at z=+/-50au from the equatorial plane. Assuming LTE conditions, the column densities are 10^14^cm^-2^. We estimate upper limits of a few 10^13^cm^-2^ for the H2CS column densities in DG Tau, DG Tau B, and Haro 6-13 discs. For HL Tau, we derive, for the first time, the [H_2_CS]/[H] abundance in a protoplanetary disc (~10^-14^). The binding energy of H2CS computed for extended crystalline ice and amorphous ices is 4258K and 3000-4600K, respectively, implying thermal evaporation where dust temperatures are 50-80K. H_2_CS traces the so-called warm molecular layer, a region previously sampled using CS and H_2_CO. Thioformaldehyde peaks closer to the protostar than H_2_CO and CS, plausibly because of the relatively high excitation level of the observed 7_1,6_-6_1,5_ line (60K). The H_2_CS binding energy implies that thermal desorption dominates in thin, au-sized, inner and/or upper disc layers, indicating that the observed H2CS emitting up to radii larger than 100au is likely injected in the gas phase due to non-thermal processes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/658/A104
- Title:
- HL Tau SO2 14(0-14)-13(1,13) datacube
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/658/A104
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Planet-forming disks are not isolated systems. Their interaction with the surrounding medium affects their mass budget and chemical content. In the context of the ALMA-DOT program, we obtained high-resolution maps of assorted lines from six disks that are still partly embedded in their natal envelope. In this work, we examine the SO and SO_2_ emission that is detected from four sources: DG Tau, HL Tau, IRAS 04302+2247, and T Tau. The comparison with CO, HCO^+^, and CS maps reveals that the SO and SO_2_ emission originates at the intersection between extended streamers and the planet-forming disk. Two targets, DG Tau and HL Tau, offers clear cases of inflowing material inducing an accretion shock on the disk material. The measured rotational temperatures and radial velocities are consistent with this view. In contrast to younger Class 0 sources, these shocks are confined to the specific disk region impacted by the streamer. In HL Tau, the known accreting streamer induces a shock in the disk outskirt, and the released SO and SO_2_ molecules spiral toward the star in a few hundreds years. These results suggest that shocks induced by late accreting material may be common in the disks of young star-forming regions with possible consequences on the chemical composition and mass content of the disk. They also highlight the importance of SO and SO_2_ line observations to probe accretion shocks from a larger sample.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/769/82
- Title:
- H_2_ masses in a broad sample of galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/769/82
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To assess how external factors such as local interactions and fresh gas accretion influence the global interstellar medium of galaxies, we analyze the relationship between recent enhancements of central star formation and total molecular-to-atomic (H_2_/HI) gas ratios, using a broad sample of field galaxies spanning early-to-late type morphologies, stellar masses of 10^7.2^-10^11.2^M_{sun}_, and diverse stages of evolution. We find that galaxies occupy several loci in a "fueling diagram" that plots H_2_/HI ratio versus mass-corrected blue-centeredness, a metric tracing the degree to which galaxies have bluer centers than the average galaxy at their stellar mass. Spiral galaxies of all stellar masses show a positive correlation between H_2_/HI ratio and mass-corrected blue-centeredness. When combined with previous results linking mass-corrected blue-centeredness to external perturbations, this correlation suggests a systematic link between local galaxy interactions and molecular gas inflow/replenishment. Intriguingly, E/S0 galaxies show a more complex picture: some follow the same correlation, some are quenched, and a distinct population of blue-sequence E/S0 galaxies (with masses below key scales associated with transitions in gas richness) defines a separate loop in the fueling diagram. This population appears to be composed of low-mass merger remnants currently in late- or post-starburst states, in which the burst first consumes the H_2_ while the galaxy center keeps getting bluer, then exhausts the H_2_, at which point the burst population reddens as it ages. Multiple lines of evidence suggest connected evolutionary sequences in the fueling diagram. In particular, tracking total gas-to-stellar mass ratios within the fueling diagram provides evidence of fresh gas accretion onto low-mass E/S0s emerging from their central starburst episodes. Drawing on a comprehensive literature search, we suggest that virtually all galaxies follow the same evolutionary patterns found in our broad sample.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/361/1079
- Title:
- HNCO in massive galactic dense cores
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/361/1079
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We surveyed 81 dense molecular cores associated with regions of massive star formation and Sgr A in the J_(K_-1_K_1_)=5_(05)-4_(04)_ and 10_(010)-9_(09)_ lines of HNCO. Line emission was detected towards 57 objects. Selected subsamples were also observed in the 1_(01)-0_(00)_, 4_(04)-3_(03)_, 7_(07)-6_(06)_, 15_(015)-14_(014)_, 16_(016)-15_(015)_ and 21_(021)-20_(020)_ lines, covering a frequency range from 22 to 461 GHz. HNCO lines from the K_(-1)=2,3 ladders were detected in several sources. Towards Orion-KL, K_(-1)=5 transitions with upper state energies E_u/k~1100 and 1300K could be observed. The tables contain the source lists and the results of these SEST observations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/391/967
- Title:
- H2O and SiO masers in the Galactic center
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/391/967
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed targeted surveys for 22GHz H_2_O and 43GHz SiO maser emission in Galactic center OH/IR stars using the Very Large Array. Some of the detections have been used in a previous paper to investigate the possibility of measuring milli-arcsecond accurate positions (to obtain stellar proper motions) in the Galactic center. Here we report on the detection of at least 25 H_2_O masers and 18 SiO masers associated with stars within 2{deg} and 15' of Sgr A*, respectively. This survey has more than doubled the total number of proper motion candidates to at least about 50 stellar objects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/209/25
- Title:
- H_2_O + CH_3_OH maser survey of Orion protostars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/209/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The results of a maser survey toward 99 protostars in the Orion molecular cloud complex are presented. The target sources are low-mass protostars identified from infrared observations. Single-dish observations were carried out in the water maser line at 22GHz and the methanol class I maser lines at 44, 95, and 133GHz. Most of the detected sources were mapped to determine the source positions. Five water maser sources were detected, and they are excited by HH 1-2 VLA 3, HH 1-2 VLA 1, L1641N MM1/3, NGC 2071 IRS 1/3, and an object in the OMC 3 region. The water masers showed significant variability in intensity and velocity with time scales of 1 month or shorter. Four methanol emission sources were detected, and those in the OMC 2 FIR 3/4 and L1641N MM1/3 regions are probably masers. The methanol emission from the other two sources in the NGC 2071 IRS 1-3 and V380 Ori NE regions are probably thermal. For the water masers, the number of detections per protostar in the survey region is about 2%, which suggests that the water masers of low-mass protostars are rarely detectable. The methanol class I maser of low-mass protostars is an even rarer phenomenon, with a detection rate much smaller than 1%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/658/1096
- Title:
- H2O maser classification
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/658/1096
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of 22GHz H2O maser observations of a sample of 85 post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) candidate stars, selected on the basis of their OH 1612MHz maser and far-infrared properties. All sources were observed with the Tidbinbilla 70m radio telescope, and 21 detections were made; 86GHz SiO Mopra observations of a subset of the sample are also presented.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/669/424
- Title:
- H2O maser emissions of IRAS 19134+2131
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/669/424
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using the Very Long Baseline Array at six epochs, we have observed H_2_O maser emission in the preplanetary nebula IRAS 19134+2131 (I19134), in which the H_2_O maser spectrum has two groups of emission features separated in radial velocity by ~100km/s. We also obtained optical images of I19134 with the Hubble Space Telescope to locate the bipolar reflection nebula in this source for the first time.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/430/1309
- Title:
- H_2_O masers in AFGL 2591 VLA 3-N
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/430/1309
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we analyse multi-epoch very long baseline interferometry water maser observations carried out with the Very Long Baseline Array towards the high-mass star-forming region AFGL 2591. We detected maser emission associated with the radio continuum sources VLA 2 and VLA 3. In addition, a water maser cluster, VLA 3-N, was detected ~0.5arcsec north of VLA 3. We concentrate the discussion of this paper on the spatio-kinematical distribution of the water masers towards VLA 3-N. The water maser emission towards the region VLA 3-N shows two bow-shock-like structures, northern and southern, separated from each other by ~100mas (~330AU). The spatial distribution and kinematics of the water masers in this cluster have persisted over a time span of 7yr. The northern bow shock has a somewhat irregular morphology, while the southern one has a remarkably smooth morphology. We measured the proper motions of 33 water maser features, which have an average proper motion velocity of ~1.3mas/yr (~20km/s). The morphology and the proper motions of this cluster of water masers show systematic expanding motions that could imply one or two different centres of star formation activity. We made a detailed model for the southern structure, proposing two different kinematic models to explain the three-dimensional spatio-kinematical distribution of the water masers: (1) a static central source driving the two bow-shock structures and (2) two independent driving sources, one of them exciting the northern bow-shock structure, and the other one, a young runaway star moving in the local molecular medium exciting and moulding the remarkably smoother southern bow-shock structure. Future observations will be necessary to discriminate between the two scenarios, in particular by identifying the still unseen driving source(s).