- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/146/78
- Title:
- Long-term Swift monitoring of WPVS 007
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/146/78
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on multi-wavelength observations of the X-ray transient Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxy WPVS007. The galaxy was monitored with Swift between 2005 October and 2013 July, after it had previously undergone a dramatic drop in its X-ray flux. For the first time, we are able to repeatedly detect this NLS1 in X-rays again. This increased number of detections in the last couple of years may suggest that the strong absorber that has been found in this active galactic nucleus (AGN) is starting to become leaky and may eventually disappear. The X-ray spectra obtained for WPVS007 are all consistent with a partial covering absorber model. A spectrum based on the data during the extreme low X-ray flux states shows that the absorption column density is of the order of 4x10^23^/cm2 with a covering fraction of 95%. WPVS007 also displays one of the strongest UV variabilities seen in NLS1s. The UV continuum variability anti-correlates with the optical/UV slope {alpha}_UV_, which suggests that the variability may be primarily due to reddening. The UV variability timescales are consistent with moving dust "clouds" located beyond the dust sublimation radius of R_sub_{approx}20lt-days. We present for the first time near-infrared JHK data of WPVS007, which reveal a rich emission-line spectrum. Recent optical spectroscopy does not indicate significant variability in the broad permitted and FeII emission lines, implying that the ionizing continuum seen by those gas clouds has not significantly changed over the last decades. All X-ray and UV observations are consistent with a scenario in which an evolving broad absorption line (BAL) flow obscures the continuum emission. As such, WPVS007 is an important target for our understanding of BAL flows in low-mass AGNs.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/563/A57
- Title:
- Long-term variability of AGN at hard X-rays
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/563/A57
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Variability at all observed wavelengths is a distinctive property of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Hard X-rays provide us with a view of the innermost regions of AGN, mostly unbiased by absorption along the line of sight. Characterizing the intrinsic hard X-ray variability of a large AGN sample and comparing it to the results obtained at lower X-ray energies can significantly contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the high-energy radiation. Swift/BAT provides us with the unique opportunity to follow, on time scales of days to years and with regular sampling, the 14-195keV emission of the largest AGN sample available up to date for this kind of investigation. As a continuation of an early work using the first 9 months of BAT data, we study the amplitude of the variations and their dependence on subclass and on energy, for a sample of 110 radio quiet and radio loud AGN selected from the BAT 58-month survey.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/561/A140
- Title:
- Low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/561/A140
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Recognizing the properties of the host galaxies of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) is essential to understand the suspected coevolution of central supermassive black holes (BHs) and their host galaxies. We selected a subsample of the Hamburg/ESO survey for bright UV-excess QSOs, containing only the 99 nearest QSOs with redshift z<=0.06, that are close enough to allow detailed structural analysis. From this "low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample", we observed 20 galaxies and performed aperture photometry and bulge-disk-bar-AGN-decomposition with BUDDA on near-infrared J, H, K band images. From the photometric decomposition of these 20 objects and visual inspection of images of another 26, we find that ~50% of the hosts are disk galaxies and most of them (86%) are barred. Stellar masses, calculated from parametric models based on inactive galaxy colors, range from 2x10^9^M_{sun}_ to 2x10^11^M_{sun}_. Black hole masses measured from single epoch spectroscopy range from 1x10^6^M_{sun}_ to 5x10^8^M_{sun}_. In comparison to higher luminosity QSO samples, LLQSOs tend to have lower stellar and BH masses. Also, in the effective radius vs. mean surface-brightness projection of the fundamental plane, they lie in the transition area between luminous QSOs and "normal" galaxies. This can be seen as further evidence that they can be pictured as a "bridge" between the local Seyfert population and luminous QSOs at higher redshift. Eleven low-luminosity QSOs for which we have reliable morphological decompositions and BH mass estimations lie below the published BH mass vs. bulge luminosity relations for inactive galaxies. This could be partially explained by bulges of active galaxies containing much younger stellar populations than bulges of inactive galaxies. Also, one could suspect that their BHs are undermassive. This might hint at the growth of the host spheroid to precede that of the BH.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/587/A138
- Title:
- Low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample. V.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/587/A138
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present near-infrared (NIR) H+K-band long-slit spectra of eleven galaxies that were obtained with SOFI at the NTT (ESO). The galaxies are chosen from the low-luminosity type-1 quasi-stellar object (LLQSO) sample, which comprises the 99 closest (z<=0.06) QSOs from the Hamburg/ESO survey for bright UV-excess QSOs. These objects are ideal targets to study the gap between local Seyfert galaxies and high-redshift quasars because they show much stronger AGN activity than local objects, but are still close enough for a detailed structural analysis. We fit hydrogen recombination, molecular hydrogen, and [FeII] lines after carefully subtracting the continuum emission. From the broad Pa{alpha} components, we estimated black hole masses and enlarged the sample of LLQSOs that deviate from the MBH-Lbulge relations of inactive galaxies from 12 to 16 objects. All objects show emission from hot dust (T~1200K) as well as stellar contribution. However, the respective fractions vary strongly among the objects. More than half of the objects show H_2_ emission lines, which indicate a large reservoir of molecular gas that is needed to feed the AGN and star formation. In the NIR diagnostic diagram all objects lie in the location of AGN-dominated objects. However, most of the objects show indications of star formation activity, suggesting that their offset location with respect to MBH-Lbulge relations of inactive galaxies may be a consequence of overluminous bulges.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/622/A146
- Title:
- MAGNUM survey galaxies images
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/622/A146
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the interstellar medium (ISM) properties of the disk and outflowing gas in the central regions of nine nearby Seyfert galaxies, all characterised by prominent single- or bi-conical outflows. These objects are part of the MAGNUM (Measuring Active Galactic Nuclei Under MUSE Microscope) survey, that aims at probing their physical conditions and ionisation mechanism, by exploiting the unprecedented sensitivity of the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), combined with its spatial and spectral coverage. Specifically, we study the different properties of the gas in the disk and in the outflow with spatially and kinematically resolved maps, by dividing the strongest emission lines in velocity bins. We associate the core of the lines to the disk, consistent with the stellar velocity, and the redshifted and the blueshifted wings to the outflow. We measure the reddening, density, ionisation parameter and dominant ionisation source of the emitting gas for both components in each galaxy. We find that the outflowing gas is characterised by higher values of density and ionisation parameter than the disk, which presents a higher dust extinction. Moreover, we distinguish high- and low-ionisation regions across the portion of spatially resolved narrow line region (NLR) traced by the outflowing gas. The high ionisation regions characterised by the lowest [NII]/H{alpha} and [SII]/H{alpha} line ratios, generally trace the innermost parts along the axis of the emitting cones, where the [SIII]/[SII] line ratio is enhanced, while the low ionisation ones follow the cone edges and/or the regions perpendicular to the axis of the outflows, characterised also by a higher [OIII] velocity dispersion. A possible scenario to explain these features relies on the presence of two distinct population of line emitting clouds: one is optically thin to the radiation and characterised by the highest excitation, while the other, optically thick, is impinged by a filtered - and thus harder - radiation field, which generates strong low-excitation lines. The highest values of [NII]/H{alpha} and [SII]/H{alpha} line ratios may be due to shocks and/or a hard filtered radiation field from the AGN.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/475/487
- Title:
- Mark 110 optical emission line spectrum
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/475/487
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyse in detail the rich emission line spectrum of Mark 110 to determine the physical conditions in the nucleus of this object, a peculiar NLS1 without any detectable Fe II emission associated with the broad line region and with a {lambda}5007/H{beta} line ratio unusually large for a NLS1. We use 24 spectra obtained with the Marcario Low Resolution Spectrograph attached at the prime focus of the 9.2m Hobby-Eberly telescope at the McDonald observatory. We fitted the spectrum by identifying all the emission lines (about 220) detected in the wavelength range 4200-6900{AA} (at rest).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/137/42
- Title:
- Matched SDSS and FIRST Sample
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/137/42
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The question as to whether the distribution of radio loudness in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is actually bimodal has been discussed extensively in the literature. Furthermore, there have been claims that radio loudness depends on black hole mass (M_BH_) and Eddington ratio (L_bol_/L_Edd_).We investigate these claims using the low- redshift broad line AGN sample of Greene & Ho (2007ApJ...667..131G), which consists of 8434 objects at z<0.35 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4). We obtained radio fluxes from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) survey for the SDSS AGN. Out of the 8434 SDSS AGNs, 821 have corresponding observed radio fluxes in the FIRST survey.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/530/A147
- Title:
- Megamaser detection in Seyfert galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/530/A147
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We revisit the relation between H_2_O maser detection rate and nuclear obscuration for a sample of 114 Seyfert galaxies, drawn from the CfA, 12um and IRAS F25/F60 catalogs. These sources have mid-infrared spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope and they are searched for X-ray and [OIII] (5007{AA}) fluxes from the literature. We use the strength of the [OIV] (25.9um) emission line as tracer for the intrinsic AGN strength. After normalization by [OIV] the observed X-ray flux provides information about X-ray absorption. The distribution of X-ray/[OIV] flux ratios is significantly different for masers and non-masers: The maser detected Seyfert-2s (Sy 1.8-2.0) populate a distinct X-ray/[OIV] range which is, on average, about a factor four lower than the range of Seyfert-2 non-masers and about a factor of ten lower than the range of Seyfert-1s (Sy 1.0-1.5). Non-masers are almost equally distributed over the entire X-ray/[OIV] range. This provides evidence that high nuclear obscuration plays a crucial role for the probability of maser detection. Furthermore, after normalization with [OIV], we find a similar but weaker trend for the distribution of the maser detection rate with the absorption of the 7um dust continuum. This suggests that the obscuration of the 7um continuum occurs on larger spatial scales than that of the X-rays. Hence, in the AGN unified model, at moderate deviation from edge-on, the 7um dust absorption may occur without proportionate X-ray absorption. The absorption of [OIII] appears unrelated to maser detections. The failure to detect masers in obscured AGN is most likely due to insufficient observational sensitivity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/171
- Title:
- Michigan Emission-Line Objects
- Short Name:
- VII/171
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The objects of this catalogue were detected by using the 61-cm aperture Curtis Schmidt telescope in combination with a thin objective prism (1.8{deg}) at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The low-dispersion spectra (174nm/mm at H{beta}) cover the wavelength range between 5350 and 3400 {AA}, where the emission lines such that those of [OII], [OIII] and Ly{alpha} are visible. The objects could be detected up to 18th magnitude. Note that the list archived here is not the same as the published lists (see the "References" section below): the positions in the "catalog.dat" file are generally more accurate than those in the original publication and the origin for these is not known. In the printed lists of papers , information presented for each object also includes image dimensions from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, an estimated continuum apparent magnitude, a redshift estimate when feasible, or (for galaxies) a spectral classification which involves compactness, color, and line-strength parameters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/418/465
- Title:
- Mid-infrared and hard X-ray emission in AGN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/418/465
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use mid-infrared spectral decomposition to separate the 6{mu}m mid-infrared AGN continuum from the host emission in the ISO low resolution spectra of 71 active galaxies and compare the results to observed and intrinsic 2-10keV hard X-ray fluxes from the literature.