Introduction to Simulation Databases - Density Fields and Dark Matter
27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial was created for a physics teacher workshop (~ high
school level). It shows how to extract density fields and information
on dark matter halos from the CosmoSim database using SQL queries. It
is optimized for brevity.
Introduction to Simulation Databases Using CosmoSim
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial shows how to do first SQL-queries on cosmological
databases, including retrieving mass functions, extracting merger
trees or particles of a specific dark matter halo.
Multi-instrument, multi-wavelength study of high energy sources with
the Virtual Observatory
27 Dec 2024 08:31:04
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial demonstrates how to use several standard tools of the
Virtual Observatory (VO) for data mining and multiple waveband data
analysis. The step-by-step application below focuses on towards
applications in the gamma-ray and high energy domain, but also
involves observational data from other wavebands.
Outlier Analysis in Low-Resolution Spectra: DFBS and Beyond
27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
The GAVO DC team
Low-resolution spectra like those resulting from objective prism
observations or the RP/BP instrument on board of the Gaia astrometry
satellite enable a wealth of interesting science. This use case
investigates one use leading up to combining many VO resources: The
identification of misclassified objects from reference databases.
Within this use case you learn about motion of the planets both
around the Sun and in the sky, planetary conjunctions and what might
have been the Star of Bethlehem.
Within this use case you learn about Kepler's laws, a cornerstone of
astronomy and a fundamental brick of both Newton's and Einstein's
theories of gravitation. This use case is complemented by use cases 10
and 16 (at different levels of difficulty.
This tutorial introduces a few techniques for working with image
services in the Virtual Observatory (VO) in general, using services
containing plate scans as examples. It will discuss both exploratory,
interactive use, and scripting using pyVO.
Within this case you learn that stars that seem "fixed" on the sky
may actually move, even if their motion is so slow for the naked eye
to be undetectable. You compare two photographs of the Barnard's Star
taken several years apart and will be able to estimate its
displacement on the sky. Your estimate will be very close to actual
Within this use case you learn about the difference between intrinsic
linear size and apparent angular size, a difference that is frequently
at the center of astronomical problems. Star clusters are the objects
used to illustrate this difference. You also learn some basic facts
about star clusters, whose distribution in space has helped us to
understand the structure of our Milky Way. Thanks to Aladin, you will
be able to explore their distribution on the sky on your own.