- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/153/147
- Title:
- The orbits of Jupiter's irregular satellites
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/153/147
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on the improved ephemerides for the irregular Jovian satellites. We used a combination of numerically integrated equations of motion and a weighted least-squares algorithm to fit the astrometric measurements. The orbital fits for 59 satellites are summarized in terms of state vectors, post-fit residuals, and mean orbital elements. The current data set appears to be sensitive to the mass of Himalia, which is constrained to the range of GM=0.13-0.28 km^3^/s^2^. Here, GM is the product of the Newtonian constant of gravitation, G and the body's mass, M. Our analysis of the orbital uncertainties indicates that 11 out of 59 satellites are lost owing to short data arcs. The lost satellites hold provisional International Astronomical Union (IAU) designations and will likely need to be rediscovered.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/60
- Title:
- Thermal model fits for short-arc NEOs with NEOWISE
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Automated asteroid detection routines set requirements on the number of detections, signal-to-noise ratio, and the linearity of the expected motion in order to balance completeness, reliability, and time delay after data acquisition when identifying moving object tracklets. However, when the full-frame data from a survey are archived, they can be searched later for asteroids that were below the initial detection thresholds. We have conducted such a search of the first three years of the reactivated Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer data, looking for near-Earth objects discovered by ground-based surveys that have previously unreported thermal infrared data. Using these measurements, we can then perform thermal modeling to measure the diameters and albedos of these objects. We present new physical properties for 116 Near-Earth Objects found in this search.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/625/A139
- Title:
- Thermal properties of slow asteroids
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/625/A139
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Earlier work suggests that slowly rotating asteroids should have higher thermal inertias than faster rotators because the heat wave penetrates deeper into the subsurface. However, thermal inertias have been determined mainly for fast rotators due to selection effects in the available photometry used to obtain shape models required for thermophysical modelling (TPM). Our aims are to mitigate these selection effects by producing shape models of slow rotators, to scale them and compute their thermal inertia with TPM, and to verify whether thermal inertia increases with the rotation period. To decrease the bias against slow rotators, we conducted a photometric observing campaign of main-belt asteroids with periods longer than 12h, from multiple stations worldwide, adding in some cases data from WISE and Kepler space telescopes. For spin and shape reconstruction we used the lightcurve inversion method, and to derive thermal inertias we applied a thermophysical model to fit available infrared data from IRAS, AKARI, and WISE. We present new models of 11 slow rotators that provide a good fit to the thermal data. In two cases, the TPM analysis showed a clear preference for one of the two possible mirror solutions. We derived the diameters and albedos of our targets in addition to their thermal inertias, which ranged between 3_-3_^+33^ and 45_-30_^+60^J/m^2^/s^1/2^/K. Together with our previous work, we have analysed 16 slow rotators from our dense survey with sizes between 30 and 150 km. The current sample thermal inertias vary widely, which does not confirm the earlier suggestion that slower rotators have higher thermal inertias.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/658/A109
- Title:
- The SkyMapper DR3 SSOs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/658/A109
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The populations of small bodies of the Solar System (asteroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt objects) are used to constrain the origin and evolution of the Solar System. Their orbital distribution and composition distribution are both required to track the dynamical pathway from their formation regions to their current locations. We aim to increase the sample of Solar System objects (SSOs) that have multifilter photometry and compositional taxonomy. Methods. We searched for moving objects in the SkyMapper Southern Survey. We used the predicted SSO positions to extract photometry and astrometry from the SkyMapper frames. We then applied a suite of filters to clean the catalog from false-positive detections. We finally used the near-simultaneous photometry to assign a taxonomic class to objects. We release a catalog of 880,528 individual observations, consisting of 205515 known and unique SSOs. The catalog completeness is estimated to be about 97% down to V=18mag and the purity is higher than 95% for known SSOs. The near-simultaneous photometry provides either three, two, or a single color that we use to classify 117356 SSOs with a scheme consistent with the widely used Bus-DeMeo taxonomy. The present catalog contributes significantly to the sample of asteroids with known surface properties (about 40% of main-belt asteroids down to an absolute magnitude of 16). We will release more observations of SSOs with future SkyMapper data releases.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/120/409
- Title:
- The SMM Atlas of Gamma-Ray flares
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/120/409
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a compilation of data for all 258 gamma-ray flares detected above 300 keV by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission satellite. This gamma-ray flare sample was collected during the period from 1980 February to 1989 November; covering the latter half of the 21st solar sunspot cycle and the onset of the 22d solar sunspot cycle. We describe the SMM/GRS instrument, its in-orbit operation, and the principal data reduction methods used to derive the gamma-ray flare properties. Utilizing measurements for 185 flares that were sufficiently intense to allow the derivation of gamma-ray spectra, we present an atlas of time profiles and gamma-ray spectra. The flare parameters derived from the gamma-ray spectra include bremsstrahlung fluence and best-fit power-law parameters, narrow nuclear line fluence, positron annihilation line fluence, neutron capture line fluence, and an indication of whether or not emissions greater than 10 MeV were present. Since a uniform methodology was adopted for deriving the parameters, this atlas should be very useful for future statistical and correlative studies of solar flares.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/643/A146
- Title:
- The solar gravitational redshift
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/643/A146
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The General Theory of Relativity predicts the redshift of spectral lines in the solar photosphere, as a consequence of the gravitational potential of the Sun. This effect can be measured from a solar disk-integrated flux spectrum of the Sun's reflected light on solar system bodies. The laser frequency comb (LFC) calibration system attached to the HARPS spectrograph offers the possibility to perform an accurate measurement of the solar gravitational redshift (GRS) by observing the Moon or other solar system bodies. We have analysed the line shift observed in Fe absorption lines from five high-quality HARPS-LFC spectra of the Moon. We select an initial sample of 326 photospheric Fe lines in the spectral range 476-585nm and measure their line positions and equivalent widths (EWs). Accurate line shifts are derived from the wavelength position of the core of the lines compared with the laboratory wavelengths of Fe lines. We also use a CO^5^BOLD 3D hydrodynamical model atmosphere of the Sun to compute 3D synthetic line profiles of a subsample of about 200 spectral Fe lines centred at their laboratory wavelengths. We fit the observed relatively weak spectral Fe lines (with EW<180m{AA}) with the 3D synthetic profiles. Convective motions in the solar photosphere do not affect the line cores of Fe lines stronger than about 150m{AA}. In our sample, only 15 FeI lines have EWs in the range 150<EW(m{AA})<550, providing a measurement of the solar GRS at 639+/-14m/s, consistent with the expected theoretical value on Earth of 633.1m/s. A final sample of about 98 weak Fe lines with EW<180m{AA} allows us to derive a mean global line shift of 638+/-6m/s in agreement with the theoretical solar GRS. These are the most accurate measurements of the solar GRS so far. Ultrastable spectrographs calibrated with the LFC over a larger spectral range, such as HARPS or ESPRESSO, together with a further improvement on the laboratory wavelengths, could provide a more robust measurement of the solar GRS and further tests for the 3D hydrodynamical models.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/641/A116
- Title:
- Titan middle atmosphere thermal field
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/641/A116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of the seasonal evolution of Titan's thermal field and distributions of haze, C_2_H_2_, C_2_H_4_, C_2_H_6_, CH_3_C_2_H, C_3_H_8_, C_4_H_2_, C_6_H_6_, HCN, and HC_3_N from March 2015 (Ls=66{deg}) to September 2017 (Ls=93{deg}) (i.e., from the last third of northern spring to early summer). We analyzed thermal emission of Titan's atmosphere acquired by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) with limb and nadir geometry to retrieve the stratospheric and mesospheric temperature and mixing ratios pole-to-pole meridional cross sections from 5mbar to 50ubar (120-650km). The southern stratopause varied in a complex way and showed a global temperature increase from 2015 to 2017 at high-southern latitudes. Stratospheric southern polar temperatures, which were observed to be as low as 120K in early 2015 due to the polar night, showed a 30K increase (at 0.5mbar) from March 2015 to May 2017 due to adiabatic heating in the subsiding branch of the global overturning circulation. All photochemical compounds were enriched at the south pole by this subsidence. Polar cross sections of these enhanced species, which are good tracers of the global dynamics, highlighted changes in the structure of the southern polar vortex. These high enhancements combined with the unusually low temperatures (<120K) of the deep stratosphere resulted in condensation at the south pole between 0.1 and 0.03mbar (240-280km) of HCN, HC_3_N, C_6_H_6_ and possibly C4H2 in March 2015 (Ls=66{deg}). These molecules were observed to condense deeper with increasing distance from the south pole. At high-northern latitudes, stratospheric enrichments remaining from the winter were observed below 300km between 2015 and May 2017 (Ls=90{deg}) for all chemical compounds and up to September 2017 (Ls=93{deg}) for C_2_H_2_, C_2_H_4_, CH_3_C_2_H, C_3_H_8_, and C_4_H_2_. In September 2017, these local enhancements were less pronounced than earlier for C_2_H_2_, C_4_H_2_, CH_3_C_2_H, HC_3_N, and HCN, and were no longer observed for C_2_H_6_ and C_6_H_6_, which suggests a change in the northern polar dynamics near the summer solstice. These enhancements observed during the entire spring may be due to confinement of this enriched air by a small remaining winter circulation cell that persisted in the low stratosphere up to the northern summer solstice, according to predictions of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Titan Global Climate Model (IPSL Titan GCM). In the mesosphere we derived a depleted layer in C_2_H_2_, HCN, and C_2_H_6_ from the north pole to mid-southern latitudes, while C_4_H_2_, C_3_H_4_, C_2_H_4_, and HC_3_N seem to have been enriched in the same region. In the deep stratosphere, all molecules except C_2_H_4_ were depleted due to their condensation sink located deeper than 5mbar outside the southern polar vortex. HCN, C_4_H_2_, and CH_3_C_2_H volume mixing ratio (VMR) cross section contours showed steep slopes near the mid-latitudes or close to the equator, which can be explained by upwelling air in this region. Upwelling is also supported by the cross section of the C_2_H_4_ (the only molecule not condensing among those studied here) volume mixing ratio observed in the northern hemisphere. We derived the zonal wind velocity up to mesospheric levels from the retrieved thermal field. We show that zonal winds were faster and more confined around the south pole in 2015 (Ls=67-72{deg}) than later. In 2016, the polar zonal wind speed decreased while the fastest winds had migrated toward low-southern latitudes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/120
- Title:
- TNOs and Centaurs observed within the DES
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are a source of invaluable information to access the history and evolution of the outer solar system. However, observing these faint objects is a difficult task. As a consequence, important properties such as size and albedo are known for only a small fraction of them. Now, with the results from deep sky surveys and the Gaia space mission, a new exciting era is within reach as accurate predictions of stellar occultations by numerous distant small solar system bodies become available. From them, diameters with kilometer accuracies can be determined. Albedos, in turn, can be obtained from diameters and absolute magnitudes. We use observations from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) from 2012 November until 2016 February, amounting to 4292847 charge-coupled device (CCD) frames. We searched them for all known small solar system bodies and recovered a total of 202 TNOs and Centaurs, 63 of which have been discovered by the DES collaboration as of the date of submission. Their positions were determined using the Gaia Data Release 2 (Cat. I/345) as reference and their orbits were refined. Stellar occultations were then predicted using these refined orbits plus stellar positions from Gaia. These predictions are maintained, and updated, in a dedicated web service. The techniques developed here are also part of an ambitious preparation to use the data from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), that expects to obtain accurate positions and multifilter photometry for tens of thousands of TNOs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VI/155
- Title:
- Topocentric positions of Pluto
- Short Name:
- VI/155
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Catalog of 90 astrometric positions of Pluto have been compiled with Tycho-2 as a reference frame from photographic observations obtained at the Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Astronomical Observatory of the Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Research Institute Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory and Baldone Observatory of the University of Latvia in 1961-1996. Astronegatives have been digitized with Epson Perfection V750 Pro and Epson Expression 10000XL commercial scanners in 16-bit grayscale with a resolution of 1200 dpi. (O-C) residuals obtained from the comparison with JPL PLU055/DE433 ephemeris are 0.09 ... 0.14 arcsec. Gallery of plate images used for catalog: http://gua.db.ukr-vo.org/catalog_gallery.php?catn=pluton_1961_1996
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/KFNT/33.70
- Title:
- Topocentric positions of Saturn's moons
- Short Name:
- J/other/KFNT/33.
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A catalog of 1399 astrometric positions of Saturn's moons S2-S9 has been compiled with Tycho-2 as a reference frame from photographic observations obtained at the Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 1961-1990. Astronegatives have been digitized with an Epson Expression 10000XL commercial scanner in 16-bit grayscale with a resolution of 1200 dpi. Reduction has been performed in the LINUX-MIDAS-ROMAFOT software supplemented with additional modules. The internal positional accuracy of the reduction is 0.09...0.23" for both coordinates and 0.27...0.37m for the photographic magnitudes of the Tycho-2 catalog. Gallery of plate images used for the catalog: http://gua.db.ukr-vo.org/catalog_gallery.php?catn=satmoons_1961_1990