40 fully hydrodynamical numerical simulations of the intergalactic gas that gives rise to the Ly-alpha forest. The available data includes simulated spectra, fields such as temperature and density, and parameter files for the simulation. Links are provided to the simulation software (Enzo). This data is made available as a web supplement to astro-ph/0412557, "A Concordance Model of the Lyman- Alpha Forest at z =1.95".
Convolution of normalized synthetic stellar spectra.
Up to 3 successive convolutions are allowed on a adjustable portion of a synthetic spectrum, in order to mimic an observable.
These convolutions acount for macroturbulence velocity, rotational velocity and instrumental profile.
Finally, the output can be Doppler-shifted in order to take into account a stellar radial velocity.
TheoSSA provides spectral energy distributions based on model
atmosphere calculations. Currently, we serve results obtained using
the Tübingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package (TMAP) for hot compact
TheoSSA provides spectral energy distributions based on model
atmosphere calculations. Currently, we serve results obtained using
the Tübingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package (TMAP) for hot compact
TMAW -- Tübingen Model Atmosphere Package WWW Interface
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
The Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Package (`TMAP
<http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/%7ETMAP/TMAP.html>`_) is a tool to calculate
stellar atmospheres in spherical or plane-parallel geometry in hydrostatic
and radiative equilibrium allowing departures from local thermodynamic
equilibrium (LTE) for the population of atomic levels./TMAP/ is based on
the so-called Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) method and is able to
account for line blanketing by metals. All elements from hydrogen to nickel
may be included in the calculation with model atoms which are tailored for
the aims of the user.