- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/391/641
- Title:
- Spectroscopic study of sigma Geminorum from IUE
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/391/641
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The IUE spectra of {sigma} Gem have been taken from the NASA IUE archive using IDL (Interactive Data Language). The spectra have been observed in 1979-1986 period. All the spectra analysed in the present study have NEWSIPS reductions and consist of 25 LWP, 8 LWR and 5 SWP images in high resolution, and 2 LWP and 14 SWP images in low dispersion. The emission lines, identified as activity indicators and originating in the chromosphere and transition region, are seen in the spectra. The emission line fluxes and equivalent widths are computed based on Gaussian profile fitting procedures to examine the existence of any line flux variation that depends on time or orbital phase. It was found that there is a flux variation with time and orbital phase that is in good agreement with the photometric light curve variation. By comparing the flux variation with simultaneous light curve variation, it can be shown that there is a relation between the ultraviolet flux variation and the spot activity of the system, as shown by Ayres et al. (1984ApJ...279..197A) and Engvold et al. (1988A&A...192..234E) based on their IUE (with IUESIPS reduction) spectral analysis. Moreover, it was inferred that there is no ultraviolet excess in {sigma} Gem by comparing the spectra of {beta} Gem taken as a comparison star. The Mg II h and k radial velocity curves of {sigma} Gem were in a good agreement with data obtained by Eker (1986MNRAS.221..947E) and Duemmler et al. (1997A&AS..123..209D).
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/420/183
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey in solar neighborhood
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/420/183
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of a high-resolution spectroscopic survey of all the stars more luminous than M_V_=6.5mag within 14.5pc from the Sun. The Hipparcos catalog's completeness limits guarantee that our survey is comprehensive and free from some of the selection effects in other samples of nearby stars. The resulting spectroscopic database, which we have made publicly available, includes spectra for 118 stars obtained with a resolving power of R~50000, continuous spectral coverage between ~362-921nm, and typical signal-to-noise ratios in the range 150-600. We derive stellar parameters and perform a preliminary abundance and kinematic analysis of the F-G-K stars in the sample. The inferred metallicity ([Fe/H]) distribution is centered at about -0.1dex, and shows a standard deviation of 0.2dex.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/743/138
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey of bright white dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/743/138
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted a spectroscopic survey of over 1300 bright (V<=17.5), hydrogen-rich white dwarfs based largely on the last published version of the McCook & Sion (1999ApJS..121....1M, Cat. III/235) catalog. The complete results from our survey, including the spectroscopic analysis of over 1100 DA white dwarfs, are presented. High signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra were obtained for each star and were subsequently analyzed using our standard spectroscopic technique where the observed Balmer line profiles are compared to synthetic spectra computed from the latest generation of model atmospheres appropriate for these stars. First, we present the spectroscopic content of our sample, which includes many misclassifications as well as several DAB, DAZ, and magnetic white dwarfs. Next, we look at how the new Stark broadening profiles affect the determination of the atmospheric parameters. When necessary, specific models and analysis techniques are used to derive the most accurate atmospheric parameters possible. In particular, we employ M dwarf templates to obtain better estimates of the atmospheric parameters for those white dwarfs that are in DA+dM binary systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/498/195
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey of CL 1358+62
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/498/195
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a spectroscopic survey of the rich X-ray-selected galaxy cluster CL 1358+6245 at z=0.328. When our 173 new multislit spectra of cluster galaxies are combined with data from the literature, we produce a catalog of 232 cluster members in a region 10'x11' (3.5Mpcx3.8Mpc) surrounding the brightest cluster galaxy. These data are used to study the structure and dynamics of the cluster and to examine the radial and velocity distributions as a function of spectral type. We classify the spectral types of the cluster members according to the strengths of the Balmer absorption lines (H{delta}, H{gamma}, and H{beta}) and the [O II] 3727{AA} emission line.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/834/176
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey of M37 candidate members
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/834/176
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a spectroscopic survey to characterize chromospheric activity, as measured by H{alpha} emission, in low-mass members of the 500Myr old open cluster M37. Combining our new measurements of H{alpha} luminosities (L_H{alpha}_) with previously cataloged stellar properties, we identify saturated and unsaturated regimes in the dependence of the L_H{alpha}_-to-bolometric luminosity ratio, L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_, on the Rossby number R_o_. All rotators with R_o_ smaller than 0.03+/-0.01 converge to an activity level of L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_=(1.27+/-0.02)x10^-4^. This saturation threshold (R_o,sat_=0.03+/-0.01) is statistically smaller than that found in most studies of the rotation-activity relation. In the unsaturated regime, slower rotators have lower levels of chromospheric activity, with L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_(R_o_) following a power-law of index {beta}=-0.51+/-0.02, slightly shallower than that found for a combined ~650Myr old sample of Hyades and Praesepe stars. By comparing this unsaturated behavior to that previously found for coronal activity in M37 (as measured via the X-ray luminosity, L_X_), we confirm that chromospheric activity decays at a much slower rate than coronal activity with increasing R_o_. While a comparison of L_H{alpha}_ and L_X_ for M37 members with measurements of both reveals a nearly 1:1 relation, removing the mass-dependencies by comparing instead L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_ and L_X_/L_bol_ does not provide clear evidence for such a relation. Finally, we find that R_o,sat_ is smaller for our chromospheric than for our coronal indicator of activity (R_o,sat_=0.03+/-0.01 versus 0.09+/-0.01). We interpret this as possible evidence for coronal stripping.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/612/A96
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey of youngest field stars II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/612/A96
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Star formation in the solar neighborhood is mainly traced by young stars in open clusters, associations, and in the field, which can be identified, for example, by their X-ray emission. The determination of stellar parameters for the optical counterparts of X-ray sources is crucial for a full characterization of these stars. This work extends the spectroscopic study of the RasTyc sample, obtained by the cross-correlation of the TYCHO and ROSAT All-Sky Survey catalogs, to stars fainter than V=9.5mag and aims to identify sparse populations of young stars in the solar neighborhood. We acquired 625 high-resolution spectra for 443 presumably young stars with four different instruments in the northern hemisphere. The radial and rotational velocity (vsini) of our targets were measured by means of the cross-correlation technique, which is also helpful to discover single-lined (SB1), double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2), and multiple systems. We used the code ROTFIT to perform an MK spectral classification and to determine the atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, [Fe/H]) and and vsini of the single stars and SB1 systems. For these objects, we used the spectral subtraction of slowly rotating templates to measure the equivalent widths of the H{alpha} and LiI-6708A lines, which enabled us to derive their chromospheric activity level and lithium abundance. We made use of Gaia DR1 parallaxes and proper motions to locate the targets in the HR diagram and to compute the space velocity components of the youngest objects. We find a remarkable percentage (at least 35%) of binaries and multiple systems. On the basis of the lithium abundance, the sample of single stars and SB1 systems appears to be mostly (about 60%) composed of stars younger than the members of the UMa cluster. The remaining sources are in the age range between the UMa and Hyades clusters (about 20%) or older (20%). In total, we identify 42 very young (PMS-like) stars, which lie above or very close to the Pleiades upper envelope of the lithium abundance. A significant percentage (about 12%) of evolved stars (giants and subgiants) is also present in our sample. Some of these stars are also lithium rich (A(Li)>1.4).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/838/110
- Title:
- Spectroscopic survey of ZwCl 0008.8+5215
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/838/110
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present and analyze a rich data set including Subaru/SuprimeCam, HST/Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3, Keck/DEIMOS, Chandra/ACIS-I, and JVLA/C and D array for the merging cluster of galaxies ZwCl 0008.8+5215. With a joint Subaru+HST weak gravitational lensing analysis, we identify two dominant subclusters and estimate the masses to be M_200_=5.7_-1.8_^+2.8^x10^14^M_{sun}_ and 1.2_-0.6_^+1.4^x10^14^M_{sun}_. We estimate the projected separation between the two subclusters to be 924_-206_^+243^kpc. We perform a clustering analysis of spectroscopically confirmed cluster member galaxies and estimate the line-of-sight velocity difference between the two subclusters to be 92+/-164km/s. We further motivate, discuss, and analyze the merger scenario through an analysis of the 42ks of Chandra/ACIS-I and JVLA/C and D array polarization data. The X-ray surface brightness profile reveals a merging gas-core reminiscent of the Bullet Cluster. The global X-ray luminosity in the 0.5-7.0keV band is 1.7+/-0.1x10^44^erg/s and the global X-ray temperature is 4.90+/-0.13keV. The radio relics are polarized up to 40% , and along with the masses, velocities, and positions of the two subclusters, we input these quantities into a Monte Carlo dynamical analysis and estimate the merger velocity at pericenter to be 1800_-300_^+400^km/s. This is a lower-mass version of the Bullet Cluster and therefore may prove useful in testing alternative models of dark matter (DM). We do not find significant offsets between DM and galaxies, but the uncertainties are large with the current lensing data. Furthermore, in the east, the BCG is offset from other luminous cluster galaxies, which poses a puzzle for defining DM-galaxy offsets.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/188
- Title:
- Spectroscopic transit depths of LHS 3844b
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/188
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Atmospheric studies of spectroscopically accessible terrestrial exoplanets lay the groundwork for comparative planetology between these worlds and the solar system terrestrial planets. LHS3844b is a highly irradiated terrestrial exoplanet (R=1.303{+/-}0.022R{Earth}) orbiting a mid-M dwarf 15parsecs away. Work based on near-infrared Spitzer phase curves ruled out atmospheres with surface pressures >~10bars on this planet. We present 13 transit observations of LHS3844b taken with the Magellan Clay telescope and the LDSS3C multi-object spectrograph covering 620-1020nm. We analyze each of the 13 data sets individually using a Gaussian process regression, and present both white and spectroscopic light curves. In the combined white light curve we achieve an rms precision of 65ppm when binning to 10minutes. The mean white light-curve value of (Rp/Rs)^2^ is 0.4170{+/-}0.0046%. To construct the transmission spectrum, we split the white light curves into 20 spectrophotometric bands, each spanning 20nm, and compute the mean values of (Rp/Rs)^2^ in each band. We compare the transmission spectrum to two sets of atmospheric models. We disfavor a clear, solar composition atmosphere ({mu}=2.34) with surface pressures >~0.1bar to 5.2{sigma} confidence. We disfavor a clear, H2O steam atmosphere ({mu}=18) with surface pressures >~0.1bar to low confidence (2.9{sigma}). Our observed transmission spectrum favors a flat line. For solar composition atmospheres with surface pressures >~1bar we rule out clouds with cloud-top pressures of 0.1bar (5.3{sigma}), but we cannot address high-altitude clouds at lower pressures. Our results add further evidence that LHS3844b is devoid of an atmosphere.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/256
- Title:
- Spectroscopic validation of RAVE metal-poor stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/256
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from a medium-resolution (R~2000) spectroscopic follow-up campaign of 1694 bright (V<13.5), very metal-poor star candidates from the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). Initial selection of the low-metallicity targets was based on the stellar parameters published in RAVE Data Releases 4 (Cat. III/272) and 5 (Cat. III/279). Follow up was accomplished with the Gemini-N and Gemini-S, the ESO/NTT, the KPNO/Mayall, and the SOAR telescopes. The wavelength coverage for most of the observed spectra allows for the determination of carbon and {alpha}-element abundances, which are crucial for considering the nature and frequency of the carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars in this sample. We find that 88% of the observed stars have [Fe/H]=< -1.0, 61% have [Fe/H]=< -2.0, and 3% have [Fe/H]=< -3.0 (with four stars at [Fe/H]=< -3.5). There are 306 CEMP star candidates in this sample, and we identify 169 CEMP Group I, 131 CEMP Group II, and 6 CEMP Group III stars from the A(C) versus [Fe/H] diagram. Inspection of the [{alpha}/C] abundance ratios reveals that five of the CEMP Group II stars can be classified as "mono-enriched second-generation" stars. Gaia DR1 matches were found for 734 stars, and we show that transverse velocities can be used as a confirmatory selection criteria for low-metallicity candidates. Selected stars from our validated list are being followed-up with high-resolution spectroscopy to reveal their full chemical-abundance patterns for further studies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/190/233
- Title:
- Spectroscopy and abundances of SINGS galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/190/233
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present intermediate-resolution optical spectrophotometry of 65 galaxies obtained in support of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS). For each galaxy we obtain a nuclear, circumnuclear, and semi-integrated optical spectrum designed to coincide spatially with mid- and far-infrared spectroscopy from the Spitzer Space Telescope. We make the reduced, spectrophotometrically calibrated one-dimensional spectra, as well as measurements of the fluxes and equivalent widths of the strong nebular emission lines, publically available. We use optical emission-line ratios measured on all three spatial scales to classify the sample into star-forming, active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and galaxies with a mixture of star formation and nuclear activity. We find that the relative fraction of the sample classified as star forming versus AGN is a strong function of the integrated light enclosed by the spectroscopic aperture. We supplement our observations with a large database of nebular emission-line measurements of individual HII regions in the SINGS galaxies culled from the literature. We use these ancillary data to conduct a detailed analysis of the radial abundance gradients and average HII-region abundances of a large fraction of the sample. We combine these results with our new integrated spectra to estimate the central and characteristic (globally averaged) gas-phase oxygen abundances of all 75 SINGS galaxies. We conclude with an in-depth discussion of the absolute uncertainty in the nebular oxygen abundance scale.