- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/174
- Title:
- HARPS radial velocity follow up of GJ 1214
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/174
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 00:16:00
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an intensive effort to refine the mass and orbit of the enveloped terrestrial planet GJ1214b using 165 radial velocity (RV) measurements taken with the HARPS spectrograph over a period of 10years. We conduct a joint analysis of the RVs with archival Spitzer/IRAC transits and measure a planetary mass and radius of 8.17{+/-}0.43M{Earth} and 2.742-_0.053_^+0.050^R{Earth}. Assuming that GJ1214b is an Earth-like core surrounded by a H/He envelope, we measure an envelope mass fraction of X_env_=5.24_-0.29_^+0.30^%. GJ1214b remains a prime target for secondary eclipse observations of an enveloped terrestrial, the scheduling of which benefits from our constraint on the orbital eccentricity of <0.063 at 95% confidence, which narrows the secondary eclipse window to 2.8hr. By combining GJ1214 with other mid-M-dwarf transiting systems with intensive RV follow up, we calculate the frequency of mid-M-dwarf planetary systems with multiple small planets and find that 90_-21_^+5^% of mid-M dwarfs with a known planet with mass [1,10]M{Earth} and orbital period [0.5,50]days, will host at least one additional planet. We rule out additional planets around GJ1214 down to 3M{Earth} within 10days, such that GJ1214 is a single-planet system within these limits. This result has a 44_-5_^+9^ probability given the prevalence of multiplanet systems around mid-M dwarfs. We also investigate mid-M-dwarf RV systems and show that the probability that all reported RV planet candidates are real planets is <12% at 99% confidence, although this statistical argument is unable to identify the probable false positives.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/79
- Title:
- HARPS radial velocity follow up of TOI-1634
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/79
- Date:
- 11 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Studies of close-in planets orbiting M dwarfs have suggested that the M-dwarf radius valley may be well explained by distinct formation timescales between enveloped terrestrials and rocky planets that form at late times in a gas-depleted environment. This scenario is at odds with the picture that close-in rocky planets form with a primordial gaseous envelope that is subsequently stripped away by some thermally driven mass-loss process. These two physical scenarios make unique predictions of the rocky/enveloped transition's dependence on orbital separation such that studying the compositions of planets within the M-dwarf radius valley may be able to establish the dominant physics. Here, we present the discovery of one such keystone planet: the ultra-short-period planet TOI-1634b (P=0.989days, F=121F{Earth}, r_p_=1.790_-0.081_^+0.080^R{Earth}) orbiting a nearby M2 dwarf (K_s_=8.7, R_s_=0.450R{sun}, M_s_=0.502M{sun}) and whose size and orbital period sit within the M-dwarf radius valley. We confirm the TESS-discovered planet candidate using extensive ground-based follow-up campaigns, including a set of 32 precise radial velocity measurements from HARPS-N. We measure a planetary mass of 4.91_-0.70_^+0.68^M{Earth}, which makes TOI-1634b inconsistent with an Earth-like composition at 5.9{sigma} and thus requires either an extended gaseous envelope, a large volatile-rich layer, or a rocky composition that is not dominated by iron and silicates to explain its mass and radius. The discovery that the bulk composition of TOI-1634b is inconsistent with that of Earth supports the gas-depleted formation mechanism to explain the emergence of the radius valley around M dwarfs with M_s_<~0.5M{sun}.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/200/15
- Title:
- HARPS-TERRA project. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/200/15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Doppler spectroscopy has uncovered or confirmed all the known planets orbiting nearby stars. Two main techniques are used to obtain precision Doppler measurements at optical wavelengths. The first approach is the gas cell method, which consists of least-squares matching of the spectrum of iodine imprinted on the spectrum of the star. The second method relies on the construction of a stabilized spectrograph externally calibrated in wavelength. The most precise stabilized spectrometer in operation is the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), operated by the European Southern Observatory in La Silla Observatory, Chile. The Doppler measurements obtained with HARPS are typically obtained using the cross-correlation function (CCF) technique. This technique consists of multiplying the stellar spectrum by a weighted binary mask and finding the minimum of the product as a function of the Doppler shift. It is known that CCF is suboptimal in exploiting the Doppler information in the stellar spectrum. Here we describe an algorithm to obtain precision radial velocity measurements using least-squares matching of each observed spectrum to a high signal-to-noise ratio template derived from the same observations. This algorithm is implemented in our software HARPS-TERRA (Template-Enhanced Radial velocity Re-analysis Application). New radial velocity measurements on a representative sample of stars observed by HARPS are used to illustrate the benefits of the proposed method. We show that, compared with CCF, template matching provides a significant improvement in accuracy, especially when applied to M dwarfs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/244
- Title:
- HAT-P-11b spectroscopic light curve fit results
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/244
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first comprehensive look at the 0.35-5 {mu}m transmission spectrum of the warm (~800 K) Neptune HAT-P-11b derived from 13 individual transits observed using the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. Along with the previously published molecular absorption feature in the 1.1-1.7 {mu}m bandpass, we detect a distinct absorption feature at 1.15 {mu}m and a weak feature at 0.95 {mu}m, indicating the presence of water and/or methane with a combined significance of 4.4{sigma}. We find that this planet's nearly flat optical transmission spectrum and attenuated near-infrared molecular absorption features are best matched by models incorporating a high-altitude cloud layer. Atmospheric retrievals using the combined 0.35-1.7 {mu}m Hubble Space Telescope (HST) transmission spectrum yield strong constraints on atmospheric cloud-top pressure and metallicity, but we are unable to match the relatively shallow Spitzer transit depths without underpredicting the strength of the near-infrared molecular absorption bands. HAT-P-11b's HST transmission spectrum is well matched by predictions from our microphysical cloud models. Both forward models and retrievals indicate that HAT-P-11b most likely has a relatively low atmospheric metallicity (<4.6 Z_{sun}_ and <86 Z_{sun}_ at the 2{sigma} and 3{sigma} levels respectively), in contrast to the expected trend based on the solar system planets. Our work also demonstrates that the wide wavelength coverage provided by the addition of the HST STIS data is critical for making these inferences.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/204
- Title:
- HAT-P-41b transmission spectra with HST WFC3/UVIS
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/204
- Date:
- 09 Dec 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ultraviolet-visible wavelength range holds critical spectral diagnostics for the chemistry and physics at work in planetary atmospheres. To date, time-series studies of exoplanets to characterize their atmospheres have relied on several combinations of modes on the Hubble Space Telescope's STIS/COS instruments to access this wavelength regime. Here for the first time, we apply the Hubble WFC3/UVIS G280 grism mode to obtain exoplanet spectroscopy from 200 to 800nm in a single observation. We test the G280 grism mode on the hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b over two consecutive transits to determine its viability for the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. We obtain a broadband transit depth precision of 29-33ppm and a precision of on average 200ppm in 10nm spectroscopic bins. Spectral information from the G280 grism can be extracted from both the positive and negative first-order spectra, resulting in a 60% increase in the measurable flux. Additionally, the first Hubble Space Telescope orbit can be fully utilized in the time-series analysis. We present detailed extraction and reduction methods for use by future investigations with this mode, testing multiple techniques. We find the results to be fully consistent with STIS measurements of HAT-P-41b from 310 to 800nm, with the G280 results representing a more observationally efficient and precise spectrum. HAT-P-41b's transmission spectrum is best fit with a model with Teq=2091K, high metallicity, and significant scattering and cloud opacity. With these first-of-their-kind observations, we demonstrate that WFC3/UVIS G280 is a powerful new tool to obtain UV-optical spectra of exoplanet atmospheres, adding to the UV legacy of Hubble and complementing future observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/468/3907
- Title:
- HAT-P-18b wavelength binned light curves
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/468/3907
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed ground-based transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-18b using the ACAM instrument on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). Differential spectroscopy over an entire night was carried out at a resolution of R~400 using a nearby comparison star. We detect a bluewards slope extending across our optical transmission spectrum which runs from 4750{AA} to 9250{AA}. The slope is consistent with Rayleigh scattering at the equilibrium temperature of the planet (852K). We do not detect enhanced sodium absorption, which indicates a high altitude haze is masking the feature and giving rise to the Rayleigh slope. This is only the second discovery of a Rayleigh scattering slope in a hot Jupiter atmosphere from the ground, and our study illustrates how ground-based observations can provide transmission spectra with precision comparable to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/147/128
- Title:
- HAT-P-44, HAT-P-45, and HAT-P-46 follow-up
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/147/128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery by the HATNet survey of three new transiting extrasolar planets orbiting moderately bright (V=13.2, 12.8, and 11.9) stars. The planets have orbital periods of 4.3012, 3.1290, and 4.4631 days, masses of 0.35, 0.89, and 0.49M_J_, and radii of 1.24, 1.43, and 1.28R_J_. The stellar hosts have masses of 0.94, 1.26, and 1.28M_{sun}_. Each system shows significant systematic variations in its residual radial velocities, indicating the possible presence of additional components. Based on its Bayesian evidence, the preferred model for HAT-P-44 consists of two planets, including the transiting component, with the outer planet having a period of 872 days, eccentricity of 0.494+/-0.081, and a minimum mass of 4.0M_J_. Due to aliasing we cannot rule out alternative solutions for the outer planet having a period of 220 days or 438 days. For HAT-P-45, at present there is not enough data to justify the additional free parameters included in a multi-planet model; in this case a single-planet solution is preferred, but the required jitter of 22.5+/-6.3m/s is relatively high for a star of this type. For HAT-P-46 the preferred solution includes a second planet having a period of 78 days and a minimum mass of 2.0M_J_, however the preference for this model over a single-planet model is not very strong. While substantial uncertainties remain as to the presence and/or properties of the outer planetary companions in these systems, the inner transiting planets are well characterized with measured properties that are fairly robust against changes in the assumed models for the outer planets. Continued radial velocity monitoring is necessary to fully characterize these three planetary systems, the properties of which may have important implications for understanding the formation of hot Jupiters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/114
- Title:
- HAT-TR-318-007: a double-lined M dwarf binary
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/114
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery by the HATNet survey of HAT-TR-318-007, a P=3.34395390+/-0.00000020 day period detached double-lined M dwarf binary with total secondary eclipses. We combine radial velocity (RV) measurements from TRES/FLWO 1.5 m and time-series photometry from HATNet, FLWO 1.2 m, BOS 0.8 m, and NASA K2 Campaign 5, to determine the masses and radii of the component stars: M_A_=0.448+/-0.011 M_{sun}_^N^, M_B_=0.2721_-0.0042_^+0.0041^ M_{sun}_^N^, R_A_=0.4548_-0.0036_^+0.0035^ R_{sun}_^N^, and R_B_=0.2913_-0.0024_^+0.0023^ R_{sun}_^N^. We obtained a FIRE/Magellan near-infrared spectrum of the primary star during a total secondary eclipse, and we use this to obtain disentangled spectra of both components. We determine spectral types of ST_A_=M3.71+/-0.69 and ST_B_=M5.01+/-0.73 and effective temperatures of T_eff,A_=3190+/-110 K and T_eff,B_=3100+/-110 K for the primary and secondary star, respectively. We also measure a metallicity of [Fe/H]=+0.298+/-0.080 for the system. We find that the system has a small, but significant, nonzero eccentricity of 0.0136+/-0.0026. The K2 light curve shows a coherent variation at a period of 3.41315_-0.00032_^+0.00030^ days, which is slightly longer than the orbital period, and which we demonstrate comes from the primary star. We interpret this as the rotation period of the primary. We perform a quantitative comparison between the Dartmouth stellar evolution models and the seven systems, including HAT-TR-318-007, that contain M dwarfs with 0.2 M_{sun}_^N^<M<0.5 M_{sun}_^N^, have metallicity measurements, and have masses and radii determined to better than 5% precision. Discrepancies between the predicted and observed masses and radii are found for three of the systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/508/397
- Title:
- H-band Spectral Standards
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/508/397
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalogue of H-band spectra for 85 stars of approximately solar abundance observed at a resolving power of 3000 with the KPNO Mayall 4m Fourier Transform Spectrometer. The atlas covers spectral types O7-M5 and luminosity classes I-V as defined on the MK system. The final reduced spectra are available in addition to data products used in the analysis of the paper such as Tables of equivalent width measurements for spectral features of interest in deriving effective temperatures and estimating luminosity classes of stars. The final spectra cover wavelength range 1.52 to 1.79 microns.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/829/116
- Title:
- H-band spectroscopic analysis of 25 bright M31 GCs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/829/116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Chemical abundances are presented for 25 M31 globular clusters (GCs), based on moderately high resolution (R=22500) H-band integrated light (IL) spectra from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). Infrared (IR) spectra offer lines from new elements, lines of different strengths, and lines at higher excitation potentials compared to the optical. Integrated abundances of C, N, and O are derived from CO, CN, and OH molecular features, while Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, and Ti abundances are derived from atomic features. These abundances are compared to previous results from the optical, demonstrating the validity and value of IR IL analyses. The CNO abundances are consistent with typical tip of the red giant branch stellar abundances but are systematically offset from optical Lick index abundances. With a few exceptions, the other abundances agree between the optical and the IR within the 1{sigma} uncertainties. The first integrated K abundances are also presented and demonstrate that K tracks the {alpha} elements. The combination of IR and optical abundances allows better determinations of GC properties and enables probes of the multiple populations in extragalactic GCs. In particular, the integrated effects of the Na/O anticorrelation can be directly examined for the first time.