- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/hbc
- Title:
- Herbig&BellCatalogofOrionPop.Emission-LineStars
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This database table contains the Third Catalog of Emission-Line Stars of the Orion Population (Herbig and Bell (1988)) which lists 735 pre-main sequence stars, members of the Orion Population, that have been observed with slit spectrographs or at equivalent resolution. It is intended to replace the Second Catalog of Herbig and Rao (1972). It gives accurate coordinates (many determined especially for this Catalog); light ranges for known variables; UBVRI data near maximum light; references to ultraviolet, X-ray, and radio observations, and to light curves; value of v sin i and the radial velocity when known; spectral type; equivalent width of the H-alpha emission line; references to spectral reproductions or scans and spectroscopic studies and to identification charts; and a classification (as a T Tau star, FU Ori object, etc.). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/hic
- Title:
- Hipparcos Input Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This database table contains the Hipparcos Input Main Cataloge of 118209 stars. The Hipparcos Input Catalogue was constructed as the observing program for the European Space Agency's Hipparcos astrometry mission. The requirements of the project in terms of completeness, sky coverage, astrometric and photometric accuracy, as well as the necessary optimization of the scientific impact, resulted in an extended effort to compile and homogenize existing data, to clarify sources and identifications, and, where needed, to collect new data matching the required accuracy. This has resulted in an unprecedented catalog of stellar data including up-to-date information of positions, proper motions, magnitudes and colors, and (wherever available) spectral types, radial velocities, multiplicity and variability information. The catalog is complete to well-defined magnitude limits and includes a substantial sampling of the most important stellar categories present in the solar neighborhood beyond these limits. The magnitudes vary from 7.3 to 9 mag as a function of galactic latitude and spectral type, and there are no stars fainter than about V=13 mag. The 118209 stars of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue were selected from some 214000 distinct candidates contained in some 214 observations programs. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/hipparcos
- Title:
- Hipparcos Main Catalog
- Short Name:
- Hipparcos
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues are the primary products of the European Space Agency's astrometric mission, Hipparcos. The satellite, which operated for four years, returned high quality scientific data from November 1989 to March 1993. Each of the catalogues contains a large quantity of very high quality astrometric and photometric data. In addition there are associated annexes featuring variability and double/multiple star data, and solar system astrometric and photometric measurements. In the case of the Hipparcos Catalogue, the principal parts are provided in both printed and machine-readable form (on CDROM). In the case of the Tycho Catalogue, results are provided in machine-readable form only (on CDROM). Although in general only the final reduced and calibrated astrometric and photometric data are provided, some auxiliary files containing results from intermediate stages of the data processing, of relevance for the more-specialised user, have also been retained for publication. (Some, but not all, data files are available from the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg.) The global data analysis tasks, proceeding from nearly 1000 Gbit of raw satellite data to the final catalogues, was a lengthy and complex process, and was undertaken by the NDAC and FAST Consortia, together responsible for the production of the Hipparcos Catalogue, and the Tycho Consortium, responsible for the production of the Tycho Catalogue. A fourth scientific consortium, the INCA Consortium, was responsible for the construction of the Hipparcos observing programme, compiling the best-available data for the selected stars before launch into the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The production of the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues marks the formal end of the involvement in the mission by the European Space Agency and the four scientific consortia. For much more information about this catalog, such as fuller descriptions of the parameters, the user is urged to check the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogs website at <a href="https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/hipparcos/catalogues">https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/hipparcos/catalogues</a>. This database table was created by the HEASARC in April 2000 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/I/239">CDS Catalog I/239</a> file hip_main.dat.gz, the Hipparcos Main Catalog. It was updated in October 2002 to fix some entries which were missing coordinates. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/hipnewcat
- Title:
- Hipparcos New Astrometric Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A new reduction of the astrometric data as produced by the Hipparcos mission has been published, claiming accuracies for nearly all stars brighter than Hipparcos magnitude H_p = 8 to be better, by up to a factor 4, than in the original catalog. The new Hipparcos astrometric catalog has been checked for the quality of the data and the consistency of the formal errors as well as the possible presence of error correlations. The differences with the earlier publication of the Hipparcos Catalog are explained in the reference paper. The internal errors are followed through the reduction process, and the external errors are investigated on the basis of a comparison with radio observations of a small selection of stars, and the distribution of negative parallaxes. Error correlation levels are investigated and the reduction by more than a factor 10 as obtained in the new catalog is explained. The formal errors on the parallaxes for the new catalog are confirmed. The presence of a small amount of additional noise, though unlikely, cannot be ruled out. The new reduction of the Hipparcos astrometric data provides an improvement by a factor 2.2 in the total weight compared to the Hipparcos catalog published in 1997, and, according to the author, provides much improved data for a wide range of studies on stellar luminosities and local galactic kinematics. Note that this catalog version is slightly different from the one published in the book, as an error that sometimes affected the goodness of fit value for the solution was corrected. The first version of these data archived at the CDS (between June and 15 September 2008) also contained errors which were corrected after this date. This table was created by the HEASARC in August 2009 based on the <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/I/311">CDS Catalog I/311</a> file hip2.dat, "the Astrometric Catalogue". This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://svo.cab/models/husfeld
- Title:
- Husfeld et al models for non-LTE Helium-rich stars
- Short Name:
- Husfeld
- Date:
- 04 Sep 2019 08:28:51
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Husfeld et al models for non-LTE Helium-rich stars
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/intomcvs
- Title:
- INTEGRAL OMC First Catalog of Optically Variable Sources
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) on board the high-energy INTEGRAL satellite provides photometry in the Johnson V-band within a 5 by 5 degree field of view. The OMC is able to detect optical sources brighter than around V ~ 18, from a previously selected list of potential targets of interest. After more than nine years of observations, the OMC database contains light curves for more than 70 000 sources (with more than 50 photometric points each). The objectives of the present work have been to characterize the potential variability of the objects monitored by OMC, to identify periodic sources and to compute their periods, taking advantage of the stability and long monitoring time of the OMC. The first catalog of variable sources observed by OMC has been developed with observations from October 2002 to February 2010. To detect potential variability, the authors have performed a chi-squared test, finding 5263 variable sources, for 1337 of which the periods have been determined, out of an initial sample of 6071 objects with good photometric quality and more than 300 data points each. They have studied the potential periodicity of these sources using a method based on the phase dispersion minimization technique, optimized to handle light curves with very different shapes. For each object in the catalog, the median of the visual magnitude, the magnitude at maximum and minimum brightness in the light curve during the window of observations and the period, when found, are provided. The types of variable objects in the catalogue include eclipsing binaries, pulsating stars, rotating stars, eruptive stars, extragalactic objects, X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables, Be stars and other objects with unknown kinds of variability. Links to charts for each object, including the DSS image around the target, the unfolded and folded light curves with the periods that the authors have derived and/or with the cataloged ones are provided in this database. This table was created by the HEASARC in January 2013 based on the <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/J/A+A/548/A79">CDS Catalog J/A+A/548/A79</a> file omc-var.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://svo.cab/models/kurucz2003all
- Title:
- Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER (2003)
- Short Name:
- Kurucz2003all
- Date:
- 27 Sep 2022 13:40:47
- Publisher:
- Description:
- ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
- ID:
- ivo://svo.cab/models/kurucz2003alp
- Title:
- Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER (2003) alpha:0.4
- Short Name:
- Kurucz2003a04
- Date:
- 27 Sep 2022 13:46:53
- Publisher:
- Description:
- ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
- ID:
- ivo://svo.cab/models/kurucz2003
- Title:
- Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER (2003) alpha:0.0
- Short Name:
- Kurucz2003
- Date:
- 27 Sep 2022 13:46:24
- Publisher:
- Description:
- ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
- ID:
- ivo://svo.cab/models/kurucz
- Title:
- Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models
- Short Name:
- Kurucz
- Date:
- 04 Sep 2019 08:29:03
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used. (The convective treatment is described in Castelli et al. 1997, AA 318, 841.)