- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/94
- Title:
- Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables
- Short Name:
- V/94
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This catalog contains data for 1020 cataclysmic variables (CVs). It includes coordinates measured in the reference frame of the Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Survey for non-novae and from the literature for novae. Also given are the variability type, the magnitude range, references to finding charts and spectroscopy, the galactic latitude and longitude, and the year of outburst for novae. The second edition includes plate identification information for the coordinate measurements, a reference to the classification, proper motion information where appropriate and a table showing the CVs observed by space-based observatories. This version of the catalog includes 195 new objects (172 CVs and 23 non-CVs), revised identifications for 57 objects, and revised classifications and spectral references where available.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/110
- Title:
- Catalog of Cataclysmic Variables
- Short Name:
- V/110
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables (Edition 1: Downes & Shara; Edition 2: Downes, Webbink, & Shara) has been a valuable source of information for the cataclysmic variable community. However, the goal of having a central location for all objects is slowly being lost as each new edition is generated. There can also be a long time delay between new information becoming available on an object and its publication in the catalog. To eliminate these concerns, as well as to make the catalog more accessible, we have created a Web site which will contain a "living" edition of the catalog. We have also added orbital period information, as well as finding charts for novae, to the catalog. This catalogue supersedes the previous versions of 1997 (Cat. <V/94>) and 1993 (Cat. <V/79>)
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/123A
- Title:
- Catalog of Cataclysmic Variables
- Short Name:
- V/123A
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables (Edition 1: Downes & Shara; Edition 2: Downes, Webbink, & Shara) has been a valuable source of information for the cataclysmic variable community. However, the goal of having a central location for all objects is slowly being lost as each new edition is generated. There can also be a long time delay between new information becoming available on an object and its publication in the catalog. To eliminate these concerns, as well as to make the catalog more accessible, we have created a Web site which will contain a "living" edition of the catalog. We have also added orbital period information, as well as finding charts for novae, to the catalog. This catalogue supersedes the previous versions of 1997 (Cat. <V/94>) and 1993 (Cat. <V/79>). This version is dated February 2006, and supersedes the 2001 version (Cat. <V/110>)
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/582/A86
- Title:
- Catalogue of features in the S4G
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/582/A86
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A catalogue of the features for the complete Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G), including 2352 nearby galaxies, is presented. The measurements are made using 3.6um images, largely tracing the old stellar population; at this wavelength the effects of dust are also minimal. The measured features are the sizes, ellipticities, and orientations of bars, rings, ringlenses, and lenses. Measured in a similar manner are also barlenses (lens-like structures embedded in the bars), which are not lenses in the usual sense, being rather the more face-on counterparts of the boxy/peanut structures in the edge-on view. In addition, pitch angles of spiral arm segments are measured for those galaxies where they can be reliably traced. More than one pitch angle may appear for a single galaxy. All measurements are made in a human- supervised manner so that attention is paid to each galaxy. We create a catalogue of morphological features in the complete S4G. We used isophotal analysis, unsharp masking, and fitting ellipses to measured structures. We find that the sizes of the inner rings and lenses normalized to barlength correlate with the galaxy mass: the normalized sizes increase toward the less massive galaxies; it has been suggested that this is related to the larger dark matter content in the bar region in these systems. Bars in the low mass galaxies are also less concentrated, likely to be connected to the mass cut-off in the appearance of the nuclear rings and lenses. We also show observational evidence that barlenses indeed form part of the bar, and that a large fraction of the inner lenses in the non-barred galaxies could be former barlenses in which the thin outer bar component has dissolved.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/70/481
- Title:
- Catalogue of Northern dwarf novae
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/70/481
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- An atlas of 90 northern dwarf novae (delta greater than 20{deg}) is presented. It is meant to supplement the Atlas of Southern and Equatorial Dwarf Novae of Vogt and Bateson (1982). Together, these publications represent a comprehensive collection of dwarf nova finding charts for the whole sky. In addition to the atlas, coordinates are given for most of the dwarf novae with accuracies significantly higher than published hitherto.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/590/A118
- Title:
- Differences of atlases of solar spectrum
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/590/A118
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The high-fidelity solar spectral atlas prepared by Delbouille et. al (1973, Liege atlas, Atlas photometrique du spectre solaire de {lambda} 3000 a {lambda} 10000, 1973apds.book.....D) and the atlas by Neckel (1999, Hamburg atlas, 1999SoPh..184..421N) are widely recognised as the most important collection of reference spectra of the Sun at disc centre in the visible wavelength range. The two datasets serve as fundamental resources for many researchers, in particular for chemical abundance analyses. But despite their similar published specifications (spectral resolution and noise level), the shapes of the spectral lines in the two atlases differ significantly and systematically. Knowledge of any instrumental degradations is imperative to fully exploit the information content of spectroscopic data. We seek to investigate the magnitude of these differences and explain the possible sources. We provide the wavelength-dependent correction parameters that need to be taken into account when the spectra are to be compared with synthetic data, for instance.
27. ELODIE archive
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/III/218
- Title:
- ELODIE archive
- Short Name:
- III/218
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a database of 908 stellar spectra of 709 stars in the wavelength range 410 to 680 nm obtained with the ELODIE spectrograph. The archive provides a large coverage of the space of stellar parameters: Spectral types O to M, luminosity classes V to I and metallicities [Fe/H] from -3.0 to +0.8. At the nominal resolution, R=42000, the mean signal-to-noise ratio is 150 per pixel. The spectra given at this resolution are normalized to their pseudo-continuum and are intended to serve for abundance studies, spectral classification and tests of stellar atmosphere models. A lower resolution version of the archive, R=10000, is calibrated in physical flux with a broad-band photometric precision of 2.5% and narrow-band precision of 0.5%. It is scoped for stellar population synthesis of galaxies and clusters, and for kinematical investigations of stellar systems. The archive is also distributed in FITS format through the HYPERCAT database http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/hypercat/spectrophotometry.html .
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/III/251
- Title:
- ELODIE library V3.1
- Short Name:
- III/251
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- ELODIE.3.1 is an updated release of the library published in Prugniel & Soubiran (2001A&A...369.1048P, Cat. III/218; and 2004 version, in astro-ph/0409214). The library includes 1959 spectra of 1388 stars obtained with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence 193cm telescope in the wavelength range 390 to 680 nm. It provides a wide coverage of atmospheric parameters: Teff from 3100K to 50000K, logg from -0.25 to 4.9 and [Fe/H] from -3 to +1. The library is given at two resolutions: R around 42000, with the flux normalized to the pseudo-continuum. A lower resolution version of the spectra (R around 10000), is calibrated in physical flux (reduced above earth atmosphere) with a broad-band photometric precision of 2.5% and narrow-band precision of 0.5%. In this new release the data-reduction (flux calibration, reconnection of the echelle orders) has been improved, and in particular the blue region, between 390 and 400nm has been added. The FITS files for each spectra, and the measured atmospheric parameters are publicly available. See the ELODIE.3.1 page for more details: http://www.obs.u-bordeaux1.fr/m2a/soubiran/elodie library.html
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/126/461
- Title:
- Equivalent Widths in the Spectrum of Sirius
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/126/461
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The equivalent widths of total 546 lines (26 elements are included) in the spectrum of the bright Am star Sirius from 380 to 930 nm are tabulated. The high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum was obtained with the Coude Echelle Spectrograph attached to the 2.16 m telescope at Beijing Astronomical Observatory (Xinglong, China). Here we also give the results of the equivalent widths comparison between our measurements and those of Strom et al. (=1966ApJ...146..880S) and Sadakane & Ueta (=1989PASJ...41..279S). Table 1. Observation Journal of Sirius: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectral Range Exposure Time Geocentric Radial Velocity (nm) Obs. Date (s) (km s-1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 386.5-572.1 1997 Feb 18/19 180 12.75 (0.45) 383.3-661.9 1997 Feb 18/19 40+40+30 12.37 (0.96) 378.9-551.6 1997 Feb 18/19 40+40 12.31 (0.82) 380.7-649.3 1997 Feb 18/19 40+40 12.42 (0.93) 623.8-922.7 1999 Apr 01/02 300+300 15.49 (0.52) 624.8-930.4 1999 Apr 01/02 300+300 15.58 (0.69) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/34C
- Title:
- ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas
- Short Name:
- VII/34C
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The survey is a joint project undertaken by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Uppsala Observatory to provide a systematic and homogeneous search of the ESO(B) Atlas (also known as the Quick Blue Survey). The ESO(B) Atlas, taken with the ESO 1-m Schmidt telescope at La Silla, Chile, covers 606 fields from -90 to -20 degrees of declination. The fields are similar in size and scale to those of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. Unsensitized IIa-O plates and a 2-mm GG385 filter were used to give a passband similar to the Johnson B color. The actual search was conducted at the Uppsala Observatory and resulted in a list of nonstellar objects including all NGC and IC galaxies between -20 and -30 degrees declination, all galaxies down to a limiting diameter of 1.0 arcmin, all disturbed galaxies as faint as possible, all star clusters in the Catalog of Star Clusters and Associations (Alter et al. 1970) and smaller and fainter clusters if recognizable and all planetary nebulae listed in the available catalogs. The catalog includes coordinates, identifications, diameters, position angles, morphological types, classifications, magnitudes, colors, and radial velocities.