- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/Nat/494.65
- Title:
- SN 2010mc outburst before explosion
- Short Name:
- J/other/Nat/494.
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Some observations suggest that very massive stars experience extreme mass-loss episodes shortly before they explode as supernovae as do several models. Establishing a causal connection between these mass-loss episodes and the final explosion would provide a novel way to study pre-supernova massive-star evolution. Here we report observations of a mass-loss event detected 40 days before the explosion of the type IIn supernova SN 2010mc (also known as PTF 10tel).
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/655/A105
- Title:
- 3 SN multiwavelength light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/655/A105
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discovery and extensive follow-up observations of SN 2020jfo, a Type IIP supernova (SN) in the nearby (14.5Mpc) galaxy M61. Optical light curves (LCs) and spectra from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), complemented with data from Swift/UVOT and near-infrared photometry is presented. These are used to model the 350-day duration bolometric light curve, which exhibits a relatively short (~65 days) plateau. This implies a moderate ejecta mass (~5M_{sun}_) at the time of explosion, whereas the deduced amount of ejected radioactive nickel is ~0.025M_{sun}_. An extensive series of spectroscopy is presented, including spectropolarimetric observations. The nebular spectra are dominated by H{alpha} but also reveal emission lines from oxygen and calcium. Comparisons to synthetic nebular spectra indicate an initial progenitor mass of ~12M_{sun}_. We also note the presence of stable nickel in the nebular spectrum, and SN 2020jfo joins a small group of SNe that have inferred super-solar Ni/Fe ratios. Several years of pre-discovery data are examined, but no signs of pre-cursor activity is found. Pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope imaging reveals a probable progenitor star, detected only in the reddest band (M_F814W_~-5.8) and is fainter than expected for stars in the 10-15M_{sun}_ range. There is thus some tension between the LC analysis, the nebular spectral modeling and the pre-explosion imaging. To compare and contrast, we present two additional core-collapse SNe monitored by the ZTF, which also have nebular H{alpha}-dominated spectra. This illustrates how the absence or presence of interaction with circumstellar material (CSM) affect both the LCs and in particular the nebular spectra. Type II SN 2020amv has a LC powered by CSM interaction, in particular after ~40-days when the LC is bumpy and slowly evolving. The late-time spectra show strong H{alpha} emission with a structure suggesting emission from a thin, dense shell. The evolution of the complex three-horn line profile is reminiscent of that observed for SN 1998S. Finally, SN 2020jfv has a poorly constrained early-time LC, but is of interest because of the transition from a hydrogen-poor Type IIb to a Type IIn, where the nebular spectrum after the light-curve rebrightening is dominated by H{alpha}, although with an intermediate line width.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/37/837
- Title:
- SN 2009nr UBVRI light curves
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/37/837
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of our UBVRI CCD photometry for the second brightest supernova of 2009, SN 2009nr, discovered during a sky survey with the telescopes of the MASTER robotic network. Its light and color curves and bolometric light curves have been constructed. The light-curve parameters and the maximum luminosity have been determined. SN 2009nr is shown to be similar in light-curve shape and maximum luminosity to SN 1991T, which is the prototype of the class of supernovae Ia with an enhanced luminosity. SN 2009nr exploded far from the center of the spiral galaxy UGC 8255 and most likely belongs to its old halo population. We hypothesize that this explosion is a consequence of the merger of white dwarfs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/611/A58
- Title:
- SN 2007on and SN 2011iv light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/611/A58
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared observations of the fast-declining Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) 2007on and 2011iv, hosted by the Fornax cluster member NGC 1404. The B-band light curves of SN 2007on and SN 2011iv are characterised by {Delta}m15(B) decline-rate values of 1.96mag and 1.77mag, respectively. Although they have similar decline rates, their peak B- and H-band magnitudes differ by ~0.60mag and ~0.35mag, respectively. After correcting for the luminosity vs. decline rate and the luminosity vs. colour relations, the peak B-band and H-band light curves provide distances that differ by ~14% and ~9%, respectively. These findings serve as a cautionary tale for the use of transitional SNe Ia located in early-type hosts in the quest to measure cosmological parameters. Interestingly, even though SN 2011iv is brighter and bluer at early times, by three weeks past maximum and extending over several months, its B-V colour is 0.12mag redder than that of SN 2007on. To reconcile this unusual behaviour, we turn to guidance from a suite of spherical one-dimensional Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-detonation explosion models. In this context, ^56^Ni production depends on both the so-called transition density and the central density of the progenitor white dwarf. To first order, the transition density drives the luminosity-width relation, while the central density is an important second-order parameter. Within this context, the differences in the B-V colour evolution along the Lira regime suggest that the progenitor of SN 2011iv had a higher central density than SN 2007on.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/437/656
- Title:
- SN PS1-11ap light curves
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/437/656
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present optical photometric and spectroscopic coverage of the superluminous supernova (SLSN) PS1-11ap, discovered with the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey at z=0.524. This intrinsically blue transient rose slowly to reach a peak magnitude of M_u_=-21.4mag and bolometric luminosity of 8x10^43^erg/s before settling on to a relatively shallow gradient of decline. The observed decline is significantly slower than those of the SLSNe-Ic which have been the focus of much recent attention. Spectroscopic similarities with the lower redshift SN2007bi and a decline rate similar to 56Co decay time-scale initially indicated that this transient could be a candidate for a pair instability supernova (PISN) explosion. Overall the transient appears quite similar to SN2007bi and the lower redshift object PTF12dam. The extensive data set, from 30d before peak to 230d after, allows a detailed and quantitative comparison with published models of PISN explosions. We find that the PS1-11ap data do not match these model explosion parameters well, supporting the recent claim that these SNe are not pair instability explosions. We show that PS1-11ap has many features in common with the faster declining SLSNe-Ic, and the light-curve evolution can also be quantitatively explained by the magnetar spin-down model. At a redshift of z=0.524, the observer-frame optical coverage provides comprehensive rest-frame UV data and allows us to compare it with the SLSNe recently found at high redshifts between z=2 and 4. While these high-z explosions are still plausible PISN candidates, they match the photometric evolution of PS1-11ap and hence could be counterparts to this lower redshift transient.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/645/488
- Title:
- SN type Ia luminosities
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/645/488
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A sample of 109 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with recession velocity <~30000km/s is compiled from published SN Ia light curves to explore the expansion rate of the local universe. Based on the color parameter {Delta}C_12_ and the decline rate {delta}m15, we found that the average absorption-to-reddening ratios for SN Ia host galaxies are R_UBVI_=4.37+/-0.25, 3.33+/-0.11, 2.30+/-0.11, and 1.18+/-0.11, which are systematically lower than the standard values in the Galaxy. We investigated the correlations of the intrinsic luminosity with light-curve decline rate, color index, and SN environmental parameters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/602/A93
- Title:
- SN Type Ibn OGLE-2014-SN-131 lightcurves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/602/A93
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Type Ibn supernovae (SNe Ibn) are thought to be the core-collapse explosions of massive stars whose ejecta interact with He-rich circumstellar material (CSM). We report the discovery of a SN Ibn, with the longest rise-time ever observed, OGLE-2014-SN-131. We discuss the potential powering mechanisms and the progenitor nature of this peculiar stripped-envelope (SE), circumstellar-interacting SN. Optical photometry and spectroscopy were obtained with multiple telescopes including VLT, NTT, and GROND. We compare light curves and spectra with those of other known SNe Ibn and Ibc. CSM velocities are derived from the spectral analysis. The SN light curve is modeled under different assumptions about its powering mechanism (56Ni decay, CSM-interaction, magnetar) in order to estimate the SN progenitor parameters. OGLE-2014-SN-131 spectroscopically resembles SNe Ibn such as SN 2010al. Its peak luminosity and post-peak colors are also similar to those of other SNe Ibn. However, it shows an unprecedentedly long rise-time and a much broader light curve compared to other SNe Ibn. Its bolometric light curve can be reproduced by magnetar and CSM-interaction models, but not by a 56Ni-decay powering model. To explain the unusually long rise-time, the broad light curve, the light curve decline, and the spectra characterized by narrow emission lines, we favor a powering mechanism where the SN ejecta are interacting with a dense CSM. The progenitor of OGLE-2014-SN-131 was likely a Wolf-Rayet star with a mass greater than that of a typical SN Ibn progenitor, which expelled the CSM that the SN is interacting with.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/2440
- Title:
- SN with associated Planck CMB temperatures
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/2440
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- By using the Planck map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, we have checked and confirmed the existence of a correlation between supernova (SN) redshifts, z_SN_, and CMB temperature fluctuations at the SNe locations, T_SN_, which we previously reported for the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data. The Pearson correlation coefficient for the Planck data is r=+0.38+/-0.08, which indicates that the correlation is statistically significant (the signal is about 5{sigma} above the noise level). The correlation becomes even stronger for the Type Ia subsample of SNe, r_Ia_=+0.45+/-0.09, whereas for the rest of the SNe it is vanishing. By checking the slopes of the regression lines T_SN_/z_SN_ for Planck's different frequency bands, we have also excluded the possibility of this anomaly being caused by the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. The remaining possibility is some, unaccounted for, contribution to the CMB from distant (z>0.3) foreground through either the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect or thermal emission from intergalactic matter.
339. SN 2012Z spectra
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/573/A2
- Title:
- SN 2012Z spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/573/A2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present 8 unpublished low-resolution visual-wavelength spectra of the Type Iax supernova 2012Z ranging from +1.8d to +248.1d relative to B-band maximum. In addition a high-resolution spectrum is presented obtained on -6.4d. Accompanying these data are 7 low-resolution spectra ranging from -9.2d to +33.8d, which were previously published by Foley et al. (2013ApJ...767...57F). The Foley et al. spectra were provided in normalized ascii format, which we have convert to fits format. Finally, we present the most comprehensive set of near-infrared spectra yet obtained for a Type Ia supernova. This includes 10 epochs ranging from -7.3d to +268.8d relative to B-band maximum. For spectra taken with ESO facilities a single fits file is present for each instrumental setup, i.e., each grating has its own fits file. For the FIRE spectra the one-dimensional spectra are stored in fits files as 2048x3 arrays, corresponding to the wavelength, flux and error values for each of the 2048 pixels across the detector. The wavelength and flux are as observed.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/426/2668
- Title:
- Soft X-ray emission of Type Ia SN progenitors
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/426/2668
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of Chandra observations of the position of 10 nearby (<25Mpc) Type Ia supernovae, taken before the explosions. No sources corresponding to progenitors were found in any of the observations. We calculated upper limits on the bolometric luminosities of the progenitors assuming blackbody X-ray spectra with temperatures of 30-150eV. This is inspired by the fact that luminous super-soft X-ray sources have been suggested as the direct progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. The upper limits of two supernovae in our sample are comparable to the luminosities of the brightest observed super-soft sources, ruling out such sources as the progenitors of these supernovae. In contrast to Liu et al. (2012ApJ...749..141L), we find that for SN2011fe we can rule out Eddington luminosity systems for blackbody temperatures as low as 40eV. Our findings are consistent with statistical studies comparing the observed Type Ia supernova rate to the number of super-soft sources or the integrated X-ray luminosity in external galaxies. This suggests that either the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae are not accreting, nuclear burning white dwarfs or that they do not look like the classical super-soft sources, e.g. because they are obscured.