- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cr261cxo
- Title:
- Collinder 261 Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- CR261CXO
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains some of the results from the first X-ray study of Collinder 261 (Cr 261), which at an age of 7 Gyr is one of the oldest open clusters known in the Galaxy. This observation with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory was aimed at uncovering the close interacting binaries in Cr 261, and reached a limiting X-ray luminosity of L<sub>X</sub> ~ 4 x 10<sup>29</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup> (0.3-7 keV) for stars in the cluster. The authors detected 107 sources within the cluster half-mass radius r<sub>h</sub>, and they estimate that among the sources with L<sub>X</sub> >~ 10<sup>30</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup>, about 26 are associated with the cluster. They identify a mix of active binaries and candidate active binaries, candidate cataclysmic variables, and stars that have "straggled" from the main locus of CR 261 in the color-magnitude diagram. Based on a deep optical source catalog of the field, the authors estimate that Cr 261 has an approximate mass of 6500 M<sub>sun</sub>, roughly the same as the old open cluster NGC 6791. The X-ray emissivity of Cr 261 is similar to that of other old open clusters, supporting the trend that they are more luminous in X-rays per unit mass than old populations of higher (globular clusters) and lower (the local neighborhood) stellar density. This implies that the dynamical destruction of binaries in the densest environments is not solely responsible for the observed differences in X-ray emissivity. Cr 261 was observed with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on board Chandra starting 2009 November 9 14:50 UTC, for a total exposure time of 53.8 ks (ObsID 11308). The observation was made in Very Faint, Timed exposure mode, with a single frame exposure time of 3.2 s. Kharchenko et al. (2013, A&A, 558, A53) estimate that the radius of Cr 261 is ~ 14.1 arcminutes. This is considerably larger than a single ACIS chip (8 4 x 8 4 arcminute<sup>2</sup>) and therefore the authors placed the center of the cluster (J2000.0 RA = 12<sup>h</sup> 38<sup>m</sup> 06.0<sup>s</sup>, Dec = -68<sup>o</sup> 22' 01" according to Kharchenko et al. 2013) close to the I3 aimpoint so that a larger contiguous part of the cluster could be imaged (see Figure 1 in the reference paper). The CCDs used were I0, I1, I2, and I3 from the ACIS-I array, and S2 and S3 from the ACIS-S array. The authors limited the X-ray analysis to the data from chips I0, I1, I2, and I3. The S2 and S3 chips lie far from the I3 aimpoint, giving rise to large positional errors on any sources detected on them. Such large errors make it hard to identify optical counterparts, and thus to classify the sources. Source detection was done in soft (0.3-2.0 keV), hard (2-7 keV) and broad (0.3-7 keV) energy bands. The CIAO source detection routine wavdetect was run for eight wavelet scales ranging from 1.0 to 11.3 pixels. The wavdetect detection threshold (sigthresh) was set at 10<sup>-7</sup>. The corresponding expected number of spurious detections per wavelet scale is 0.42 for all four ACIS chips combined, or 3.35 in total for all wavelet scales. The authors ran wavdetect for the three different energy bands and then cross-correlated the resulting source lists to obtain a master X-ray source list. They detected 113 distinct X-ray sources. To check if any real sources were missed, they ran wavdetect again with a detection threshold of 10<sup>-6</sup>, which increased the expected total number of spurious detections to 33.5, and found a total of 151 distinct X-ray sources with more than two counts (0.3-7 keV) in this case. The positions of 7 of the extra 38 sources were found to match those of short-period binaries discovered by Mazur et al. (1995, MNRAS, 273, 59; see Section 3.4). Close, interacting binaries are plausible real X-ray sources, and indeed the expected number of chance alignments between the Chandra detections and the binaries in the Mazur catalog is very low, as discussed in Section 3.5 of the reference paper. It is therefore likely that at least these seven additional sources are real, but given the ~ 34 spurious detections that are expected, the authors do not believe that there are many more real sources among the extra detections. They flagged the sources that are only found for sigthresh = 10<sup>-6</sup>, but kept them in the master source list. This HEASARC table contains the list of 151 X-ray sources found by wavdetect using a detection threshold of 10<sup>-6</sup> from Table 1 of the reference paper. Information about the 135 optical counterparts to these X-ray sources is available in the HEASARC table CR261OID (based on Table 2 of the reference paper) to which this current table has links. This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2017 based upon the machine-readable version of Table 1 from the reference paper, the catalog of Chandra sources in Cr 261, that was obtained from the ApJ web site. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cr261oid
- Title:
- Collinder 261 Chandra X-Ray Source Optical Counterparts Catalog
- Short Name:
- CR261OID
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains some of the results from the first X-ray study of Collinder 261 (Cr 261), which at an age of 7 Gyr is one of the oldest open clusters known in the Galaxy. This observation with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory was aimed at uncovering the close interacting binaries in Cr 261, and reached a limiting X-ray luminosity of L<sub>X</sub> ~ 4 x 10<sup>29</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup> (0.3-7 keV) for stars in the cluster. The authors detected 107 sources within the cluster half-mass radius r<sub>h</sub>, and they estimate that among the sources with L<sub>X</sub> >~ 10<sup>30</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup>, about 26 are associated with the cluster. They identify a mix of active binaries and candidate active binaries, candidate cataclysmic variables, and stars that have "straggled" from the main locus of CR 261 in the color-magnitude diagram. Based on a deep optical source catalog of the field, the authors estimate that Cr 261 has an approximate mass of 6500 M<sub>sun</sub>, roughly the same as the old open cluster NGC 6791. The X-ray emissivity of Cr 261 is similar to that of other old open clusters, supporting the trend that they are more luminous in X-rays per unit mass than old populations of higher (globular clusters) and lower (the local neighborhood) stellar density. This implies that the dynamical destruction of binaries in the densest environments is not solely responsible for the observed differences in X-ray emissivity. Cr 261 was observed with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on board Chandra starting 2009 November 9 14:50 UTC, for a total exposure time of 53.8 ks (ObsID 11308). The observation was made in Very Faint, Timed exposure mode, with a single frame exposure time of 3.2 s. Kharchenko et al. (2013, A&A, 558, A53) estimate that the radius of Cr 261 is ~ 14.1 arcminutes. This is considerably larger than a single ACIS chip (8 4 x 8 4 arcminute<sup>2</sup>) and therefore the authors placed the center of the cluster (J2000.0 RA = 12<sup>h</sup> 38<sup>m</sup> 06.0<sup>s</sup>, Dec = -68<sup>o</sup> 22' 01" according to Kharchenko et al. 2013) close to the I3 aimpoint so that a larger contiguous part of the cluster could be imaged (see Figure 1 in the reference paper). The CCDs used were I0, I1, I2, and I3 from the ACIS-I array, and S2 and S3 from the ACIS-S array. The authors limited the X-ray analysis to the data from chips I0, I1, I2, and I3. The S2 and S3 chips lie far from the I3 aimpoint, giving rise to large positional errors on any sources detected on them. Such large errors make it hard to identify optical counterparts, and thus to classify the sources. The authors retrieved optical images of Cr 261 in the B and V bands from the ESO public archive. These data were taken as part of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS; program ID 164.O-0561). The observations of Cr 261 were made using the Wide Field Imager (WFI), mounted on the 2.2 m MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla, Chile. After correcting the X-ray source positions for the (almost negligible) boresight correction (0.06 =/- 0.07 arcseconds in RA and 0.09 +/- 0.08 arcseconds in Dec), the authors matched their X-ray source list with the entire optical source list, using 95% match radii. For 89 unique X-ray sources, they found 124 optical matches; of the latter, 104 are present in both the V and B images, while for 20 there is only a V or B detection. The authors also inspected the area around each X-ray source in the WFI images by eye, and discovered that five more X-ray sources have candidate optical counterparts that are saturated and therefore missing from their optical catalog. Finally, they added to the list of candidate counterparts six optical sources that lay just outside the 95% match radius, but inside the 3-sigma radius. In total, 98 of the 151 unique X-ray sources were thus matched to one or more optical sources. This HEASARC table contains the list of the 135 optical counterparts to 98 of the 151 X-ray sources from Table 2 of the reference paper. Information about the 151 X-ray sources is available in the HEASARC table CR261CXO (based on Table 1 of the reference paper) to which this current table has links. This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2017 primarily based upon the machine-readable version of Table 2 from the reference paper, the catalog of optical counterparts to Chandra sources in Cr 261, that was obtained from the ApJ web site. The information on the X-ray source positions was taken from the machine-readable version of Table 1 from the reference paper that was also obtained from the ApJ web site. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/coll69oid
- Title:
- Collinder 69 Cluster Optical/IR Counterparts to XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Sources
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains some of the results from the first paper of a series devoted to the Lambda Orionis star-forming region, Orion's Head, from the X-ray perspective. The final aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive view of this complex region, which includes several distinct associations and dark clouds. The authors aim to uncover the population of the central, young star cluster Collinder 69, and in particular to find those diskless Class III pre-main sequence objects which have not been identified by previous surveys based on near- and mid-infrared searches, and to establish the X-ray luminosity function for the association. The authors have combined two exposures taken with the XMM-Newton satellite with an exhaustive data set of optical, near- and mid-infrared photometry to assess the membership of the X-ray sources based on different color-color and color-magnitude diagrams, as well as other properties, such as effective temperatures, masses and bolometric luminosities derived from spectral energy distribution fitting and comparison with theoretical isochrones. The presence of circumstellar disks is discussed using mid-infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The authors searched for optical and IR counterparts for their X-ray detections, using a radius of 5.1 arcseconds. This search radius is motivated by the astrometry of XMM-Newton (~ 1-2 arcsec) and the statistical errors of the X-ray sources (<= 4 arcsecs). Multiple counterparts were found for several X-ray sources within their search radius. The visual inspection of all optical and IR images indicated that in a few cases there were additional possible counterparts even slightly beyond this search radius. In order to be as comprehensive as possible, the authors have also retained them. They compiled a master catalog with all sources that were present in at least one of the mappings (optical, near-IR or mid-IR) and extracted the photometry from these surveys. The photometry of all possible counterparts to X-ray sources is listed in this table. The reference sources for the optical and infrared magnitudes are discussed in Section 3 of the reference paper. In this table, they are coded as follows: <pre> Code Reference Source 1 = 2MASS Catalog, <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/II/246">CDS Cat. II/246</a> 2 = XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (XMM OM) 3 = Spitzer 4 = Omega 2000 Camera photometry in 2005 5 = CFHT1999 Survey 6 = Barrado y Navascues et al. (2004 ApJ, 610, 1064; 2007 ApJ, 664, 481) 7 = Dolan & Mathieu (1999 AJ, 118, 2409; 2001 AJ, 121, 2124) 8 = Dolan & Mathieu (2002 AJ, 123, 387) 9 = Omega 2000 Camera photometry in 2007 </pre> Thus, this table contains optical and infrared data, as well as membership information, on 205 possible counterparts to the 164 XMM-Newton X-ray sources detected in EPIC observations of the Collinder 69, East and West Fields (C69E and C69W), respectively, with maximum likelihood (ML) values > 15.0. A companion HEASARC Browse table COLL69XMM contains the X-ray data for these X-ray sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2011 based on the electronic versions of Tables 5, 6, 8 and 9 from the reference paper which were obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/A+A/526/A21 files table5.dat, table6.dat, table8.dat and table9.dat). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/coll69xmm
- Title:
- Collinder 69 Cluster XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains some of the results from the first paper of a series devoted to the Lambda Orionis star-forming region, Orion's Head, from the X-ray perspective. The final aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive view of this complex region, which includes several distinct associations and dark clouds. The authors aim to uncover the population of the central, young star cluster Collinder 69, and in particular to find those diskless Class III pre-main sequence objects which have not been identified by previous surveys based on near- and mid-infrared searches, and to establish the X-ray luminosity function for the association. The authors have combined two exposures taken with the XMM-Newton satellite with an exhaustive data set of optical, near- and mid-infrared photometry to assess the membership of the X-ray sources based on different color-color and color-magnitude diagrams, as well as other properties, such as effective temperatures, masses and bolometric luminosities derived from spectral energy distribution fitting and comparison with theoretical isochrones. The presence of circumstellar disks is discussed using mid-infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope. This table contains the XMM-Newton X-ray point source catalog for all sources detected in the EPIC observations of the Collinder 69, East and West Fields (C69E and C69W), respectively, with maximum likelihood (ML) values > 15.0. A companion HEASARC Browse table COLL69OID contains optical and infrared data as well as membership information on counterparts to these X-ray sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2011 based on the electronic versions of Tables 3 and 4 from the reference paper which were obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/A+A/526/A21 files table3.dat and table4.dat). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cosmosvlba
- Title:
- COSMOS Field VLBA Observations 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains the results of a project using wide-field Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations at 1.4 GHz of 2,865 known radio sources in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field, a field which has exceptional multi-wavelength coverage. The main objective of this study is to identify the active galactic nuclei (AGN) in this field. Wide-field VLBI observations were made of all known radio sources in the COSMOS field at 1.4 GHz using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). The authors also collected complementary multiwavelength information from the literature for the VLBA-detected sources.The combination of the number of sources, sensitivity, angular resolution and the area covered by this project are unprecedented. A catalog which contains the VLBI-detected sources is presented, the main purpose of which is to be used as an AGN catalog. the complementary multiwavelength (optical, infrared and X-ray) information of the VLBI-detected sources is also presented. The authors have detected 468 radio sources, expected to be AGN, with the VLBA. This is, to date, the largest sample assembled of VLBI-detected sources in the sub-mJy regime. They find a detection fraction of 20% +/- 1%, considering only those sources from the input catalog which were in principle detectable with the VLBA (2,361). As a function of the VLA flux density, the detection fraction is higher for higher flux densities, since at high flux densities a source could be detected even if the VLBI core accounts for a small percentage of the total flux density. As a function of redshift, the authors see no evolution of the detection fraction over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 3. In addition, they find that faint radio sources typically have a greater fraction of their radio luminosity in a compact core: ~70% of the sub-mJy sources detected with the VLBA have more than half of their total radio luminosity in a VLBI-scale component, whereas this is true for only ~30% of the sources that are brighter than 10 mJy. This suggests that fainter radio sources differ intrinsically from brighter ones. Across the entire sample, the authors find the predominant morphological classification of the host galaxies of the VLBA-detected sources to be early type (57%), although this varies with redshift and at z > 1.5 they find that spiral galaxies become the most prevalent (48%). The number of detections is high enough to study the faint radio population with statistically significant numbers. The authors demonstrate that wide-field VLBI observations, together with new calibration methods such as multi-source self-calibration and mosaicking, result in information which is difficult or impossible to obtain otherwise. This table contains 504 entries, including the 468 VLBA-detected sources and, for sources with multiple components, entries for the individual components. Among the detected sources, there are 452 single, 13 double, 2 triple and 1 quadruple source. Source entries have no suffix in their vlba_source_id, e.g., 'C3293', whereas component entries have a, b, c or d suffixes, e.g., 'C0090a' (and a value of 2 for the multi_cpt_flag parameter). This table was created by the HEASARC in December 2017 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/J/A+A/607/A132">CDS Catalog J/A+A/607/A132</a> files vlba_cat.dat and vlba_mw.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/crates
- Title:
- CRATES Flat-Spectrum Radio Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The authors have assembled an 8.4 GHz survey of bright, flat-spectrum (alpha > -0.5) radio sources with nearly uniform extragalactic (|b| > 10 degrees) coverage for sources brighter than a 4.8 GHz flux density S_4.8GHz = 65 mJy. The catalog is assembled from existing observations (especially the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey, CLASS, and the Wright et al. PMN-CA survey), augmented by reprocessing of archival VLA and ATCA data and by new observations to fill in coverage gaps. The authors refer to this program as CRATES, the Combined Radio All-Sky Targeted Eight-GHz Survey. The resulting catalog provides precise positions, subarcsecond structures, and spectral indices for some 11,000 sources. The authors describe the morphology and spectral index distribution of the sample and comment on the survey's power to select several classes of interesting sources, especially high-energy blazars. Comparison of CRATES with other high-frequency surveys also provides unique opportunities for identification of high-power radio sources. This table contains 14467 entries, where each entry corresponds to an 8.4-GHz counterpart source (or absence thereof) to one of 11,131 4.8-GHz sources. The number of entries exceeds the number of 4.8-GHz sources because there are many cases in which there are multiple (from 2 - 20) 8.4-GHz counterparts to a single 4.8-GHz source. There are also 762 entries in which no 8.4-GHz counterpart was detected (morph_type = 'N'). This table was created by the HEASARC in August 2007 based on the electronic version of Table 5 obtained from the electronic ApJ web site. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/rrs8c38mhz
- Title:
- 8C Revised Rees Survey 38-MHz Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains a revised machine-readable source list for the Rees 38-MHz (or '8C') survey with improved positions and no redundancy. The Rees 38-MHz survey covers an area of about 1 sr north of declination +60 degrees. The angular resolution is 4.5 x 4.5 cosec(Dec) arcmin<sup>2</sup> and the limiting flux density over much of the survey area is about 1 Jy. Both of these figures were an improvement by nearly an order of magnitude on previous surveys at this frequency. Users of these data should consult and cite the original survey paper by Rees as primary reference (1990MNRAS.244..233R) with the present publication (1995MNRAS.274..447H) as a supplementary revision. The recommended style of reference is thus: "The revised Rees 38-MHz survey (Rees 1990, catalogue revised Hales et. al 1995)." In the Hales et al. (1995) paper, the authors aimed to improve the accuracy of the source positions to <~ 1 arcminute, so that a search radius smaller than the survey resolution of 4.5 arcminutes was practicable everywhere. Note that for interest the source list includes data on some sources at declinations lower than +60 degrees, but that the right ascension coverage is not complete below +60 degrees. This table was created in November 2010 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/VIII/31">CDS catalog VIII/31</a> file 8c.dat. Some of the values for the name parameter in the HEASARC's implementation of this table were corrected in April 2018. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/ami10c15gz
- Title:
- 10C Survey at 15.7 GHz Radio Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- AMI10C15GZ
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In a previous paper (AMI Consortium 2011, MNRAS, 415, 2699: Paper I), the observational, mapping and source-extraction techniques used for the Tenth Cambridge (10C) Survey of Radio Sources were described. Here, the first results from the survey, carried out using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Large Array (LA) at an observing frequency of 15.7 GHz, are presented. The survey fields cover an area of ~ 27 deg<sup>2</sup> to a flux-density completeness of 1 mJy. Results for some deeper areas, covering ~ 12 deg<sup>2</sup>, which are wholly contained within the total areas and complete to 0.5 mJy, are also presented. The completeness for both areas is estimated to be at least 93 per cent. The 10C survey is the deepest radio survey of any significant extent (>~ 0.2 deg<sup>2</sup>) above 1.4 GHz. The 10C source catalogue contains 1897 entries detected above a flux density threshold of > 4.62 sigma, and is available here and at the authors' web site <a href="http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/10C">http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/10C</a>. The source catalog has been combined with that of the Ninth Cambridge Survey to calculate the 15.7-GHz source counts. A broken power law is found to provide a good parametrization of the differential count between 0.5 mJy and 1 Jy. The measured source count has been compared with that predicted by de Zotti et al. (2005, A&A, 431, 893, and the model is found to display good agreement with the data at the highest flux densities. However, over the entire flux-density range of the measured count (0.5 mJy to 1 Jy), the model is found to underpredict the integrated count by ~ 30 per cent. Entries from the source catalog have been matched with those contained in the catalogues of the NRAO VLA Sky Survey and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey (both of which have observing frequencies of 1.4 GHz). This matching provides evidence for a shift in the typical 1.4-GHz spectral index to 15.7-GHz spectral index of the 15.7-GHz-selected source population with decreasing flux density towards sub-mJy levels - the spectra tend to become less steep. Automated methods for detecting extended sources, developed in Paper I, have been applied to the data; ~ 5 per cent of the sources are found to be extended relative to the LA-synthesized beam of ~ 30 arcsec. Investigations using higher resolution data showed that most of the genuinely extended sources at 15.7 GHz are classical doubles, although some nearby galaxies and twin-jet sources were also identified. This table was created by the HEASARC in August 2011 based on an electronic version of Table 1 of the reference paper which was obtained from the 10C Survey web site <a href="http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/10C/">http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/10C/</a>. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cygob2cxo2
- Title:
- Cygnus OB2 Association Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog 2
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table contains a catalog of 1696 X-ray sources detected in the massive star-forming region (SFR) Cygnus OB2 and extracted from two archival Chandra observations of the center of the region. A deep source extraction routine, exploiting the low background rates of Chandra observations was employed to maximize the number of sources extracted. Observations at other wavelengths were used to identify low count-rate sources and remove likely spurious sources. Monte Carlo simulations were also used to assess the authenticity of these sources. X-ray spectra were fitted with thermal plasma models to characterize the objects and X-ray light curves were analyzed to determine their variability. The authors used a Bayesian technique to identify optical or near-IR counterparts for 1501 (89%) of our sources, using deep observations from the INT Photometric H-alpha Survey, the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), and the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey-Galactic Plane Survey. 755 (45%) of these objects have six-band r', H-alpha, i', J, H, and K optical and near-IR photometry. From an analysis of the Poisson false-source probabilities for each source they estimate that their X-ray catalog includes <1% of false sources, and an even lower fraction when only sources with optical or near-IR associations are considered. A Monte Carlo simulation of the Bayesian matching scheme allows this method to be compared to more simplified matching techniques and enables the various sources of error to be quantified. The catalog of 1696 objects presented here includes X-ray broad-band fluxes, spectral model fits, and optical and near-IR photometry in what is one of the largest X-ray catalogs of a single SFR to date. The high number of stellar X-ray sources detected from relatively shallow observations confirms the status and importance of Cygnus OB2 as one of our Galaxy's most massive SFRs. This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2009 based on electronic versions of Tables 2, 3 and 4 from the reference paper which were obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/ApJS/184/84 files table2.dat, table3.dat and table4.dat). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cygob2cxo
- Title:
- Cygnus OB2 Association Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The aim of this study is to identify the so far unknown low mass stellar population of the ~2 Myr old Cygnus OB2 star forming region, and to investigate the X-ray and near-IR stellar properties of its members. The authors analyzed a 97.7ks Chandra ACIS-I observation pointed at the core of the Cygnus OB2 region. Sources were detected using the PWDETECT code and were positionally correlated with optical and near-IR catalogs from the literature. Source events were extracted with the ACIS EXTRACT package. X-ray variability was characterized through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and spectra were fitted using absorbed APEC thermal plasma models. The authors detected 1003 X-ray sources. Of these, 775 have near-IR counterparts and are expected to be almost all associated with Cygnus OB2 members. From near-IR color-color and color-magnitude diagrams, they estimate a typical absorption toward Cygnus OB2 of A<sub>V</sub> ~ 7.0 mag. Although the region is young, very few stars (~ 4.4%) show disk-induced excesses in the near-IR. X-ray variability is detected in ~ 13% of the sources, but this fraction increases, up to 50%, with increasing source statistics. Flares account for at least 60% of the variability. Despite being generally bright, all but 2 of the 26 detected O-type and early B-type stars are not significantly variable. Typical X-ray spectral parameters are log N<sub>H</sub> ~ 22.25 (cm<sup>-2</sup>) and kT ~ 1.35 keV with 1-sigma dispersion of 0.2 dex and 0.4 keV, respectively. Variable and flaring sources have harder spectra with median kT = 3.3 and 3.8 keV, respectively. OB stars are typically softer (kT ~ 0.75 keV). X-ray luminosities range between 10<sup>30</sup> and 10<sup>31</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup> for intermediate-mass and low-mass stars, and between 2.5 x 10<sup>30</sup> and 6.3 x 10<sup>33</sup> erg s<sup>-1</sup> for OB stars. Cygnus OB2 was observed with the ACIS detector on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) on 2004 January 16 (Obs.Id. 4511; PI: E. Flaccomio). The ACIS-I 17' x 17' field of view is covered by 4 chips each with 1024 x 1024 pixels (scale 0.49 arcseconds per pixel). The observation was pointed towards J2000.0 (RA,Dec) = (20 33 12.2, +41 15 00.7). An SNR threshold of 4.5 sigma was chosen which resulted in an initial source list of 1054 sources, 51 of which were subsequently rejected as either instrumental artifacts or multiple detections of the same source with different spatial scales. An additional 10 of the 1003 X-ray sources in the present table are likely spurious statistical fluctuations rather than real sources. This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2008 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/J/A+A/464/211">CDS catalog J/A+A/464/211</a> files table1.dat, table2.dat and table3.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .