We present a catalog of 5039 broad absorption line (BAL) quasars (QSOs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5 (DR5) QSO catalog that have absorption troughs covering a continuous velocity range >=2000km/s. We have fitted ultraviolet (UV) continua and line emission in each case, enabling us to report common diagnostics of BAL strengths and velocities in the range -25000 to 0km/s for SiIV1400, CIV1549, AlIII1857, and MgII2799. We calculate these diagnostics using the spectrum listed in the DR5 QSO catalog, and also for spectra from additional SDSS observing epochs when available. In cases where BAL QSOs have been observed with Chandra or XMM-Newton, we report the X-ray monochromatic luminosities of these sources. We confirm and extend previous findings that BAL QSOs are more strongly reddened in the rest-frame UV than non-BAL QSOs, and that BAL QSOs are relatively X-ray weak compared to non-BAL QSOs.
BANYAN All-Sky Survey (BASS) catalog. V. Nearby YMGs
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21 Oct 2021
We present the BANYAN All-Sky Survey (BASS) catalog, consisting of 228 new late-type (M4-L6) candidate members of nearby young moving groups (YMGs) with an expected false-positive rate of ~13%. This sample includes 79 new candidate young brown dwarfs and 22 planetary-mass objects. These candidates were identified through the first systematic all-sky survey for late-type low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in YMGs. We cross-matched the Two Micron All Sky Survey and AllWISE catalogs outside of the galactic plane to build a sample of 98970 potential >=M5 dwarfs in the solar neighborhood and calculated their proper motions with typical precisions of 5-15mas/yr. We selected highly probable candidate members of several YMGs from this sample using the Bayesian Analysis for Nearby Young AssociatioNs II tool (BANYAN II, see Gagne+, 2014, J/ApJ/783/121). We used the most probable statistical distances inferred from BANYAN II to estimate the spectral type and mass of these candidate YMG members. We used this unique sample to show tentative signs of mass segregation in the AB Doradus moving group and the Tucana-Horologium and Columba associations. The BASS sample has already been successful in identifying several new young brown dwarfs in earlier publications, and will be of great interest in studying the initial mass function of YMGs and for the search of exoplanets by direct imaging; the input sample of potential close-by >=M5 dwarfs will be useful to study the kinematics of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs and search for new proper motion pairs.
We present the results of a near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic follow-up survey of 182 M4-L7 low-mass stars and brown dwarfs (BDs) from the BANYAN All-Sky Survey (BASS) for candidate members of nearby, young moving groups (YMGs). We confirm signs of low gravity for 42 new BD discoveries with estimated masses between 8 and 75M_Jup_ and identify previously unrecognized signs of low gravity for 24 known BDs. We refine the fraction of low-gravity dwarfs in the high-probability BASS sample to ~82%. We use this unique sample of 66 young BDs, supplemented with 22 young BDs from the literature, to construct new empirical NIR absolute magnitude and color sequences for low-gravity BDs. We show that low-resolution NIR spectroscopy alone cannot differentiate between the ages of YMGs younger than ~120Myr, and that the BT-Settl atmosphere models do not reproduce well the dust clouds in field or low-gravity L-type dwarfs. We obtain a spectroscopic confirmation of low gravity for 2MASS J14252798-3650229, which is a new ~27M_Jup_, L4 {gamma} bona fide member of AB Doradus. We identify a total of 19 new low-gravity candidate members of YMGs with estimated masses below 13M_Jup_, 7 of which have kinematically estimated distances within 40pc. These objects will be valuable benchmarks for a detailed atmospheric characterization of planetary-mass objects with the next generation of instruments. We find 16 strong candidate members of the Tucana-Horologium association with estimated masses between 12.5 and 14M_Jup_, a regime where our study was particularly sensitive. This would indicate that for this association there is at least one isolated object in this mass range for every 17.5_-5.0_^+6.6^ main-sequence stellar member, a number significantly higher than expected based on standard log-normal initial mass function, however, in the absence of radial velocity and parallax measurements for all of them, it is likely that this over-density is caused by a number of young interlopers from other associations.
We quantify the luminosity contribution of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the 12{mu}m, mid-infrared (MIR; 5-38{mu}m), and total IR (5-1000{mu}m) emission in the local AGNs detected in the all-sky 70 month Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) ultrahard X-ray survey. We decompose the IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 587 objects into the AGN and starburst components using templates for an AGN torus and a star-forming galaxy. This enables us to recover the emission from the AGN torus including the low-luminosity end, down to log(L_14-150_/erg/s)~41, which typically has significant host galaxy contamination. The sample demonstrates that the luminosity contribution of the AGN to the 12{mu}m, the MIR, and the total IR bands is an increasing function of the 14-150keV luminosity. We also find that for the most extreme cases, the IR pure-AGN emission from the torus can extend up to 90{mu}m. The total IR AGN luminosity obtained through the IR SED decomposition enables us to estimate the fraction of the sky obscured by dust, i.e., the dust covering factor. We demonstrate that the median dust covering factor is always smaller than the median X-ray obscuration fraction above an AGN bolometric luminosity of log(L_bol_^(AGN)^/erg/s)~42.5. Considering that the X-ray obscuration fraction is equivalent to the covering factor coming from both the dust and gas, this indicates that an additional neutral gas component, along with the dusty torus, is responsible for the absorption of X-ray emission.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. XVIII. Periodic var.
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03 Dec 2021 13:15:09
Theory predicts that a supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) could be observed as a luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN) that periodically varies on the order of its orbital timescale. In X-rays, periodic variations could be caused by mechanisms including relativistic Doppler boosting and shocks. Here we present the first systematic search for periodic AGNs using 941 hard X-ray light curves (14-195keV) from the first 105 months of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey (2004-2013). We do not find evidence for periodic AGNs in Swift-BAT, including the previously reported SMBHB candidate MCG+11-11-032. We find that the null detection is consistent with the combination of the upper-limit binary population in AGNs in our adopted model, their expected periodic variability amplitudes, and the BAT survey characteristics. We have also investigated the detectability of SMBHBs against normal AGN X-ray variability in the context of the extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) survey. Under our assumptions of a binary population and the periodic signals they produce, which have long periods of hundreds of days, up to 13% true periodic binaries can be robustly distinguished from normal variable AGNs with the ideal uniform sampling. However, we demonstrate that realistic eROSITA sampling is likely to be insensitive to long-period binaries because longer observing gaps reduce their detectability. In contrast, large observing gaps do not diminish the prospect of detecting binaries of short, few-day periods, as 19% can be successfully recovered, the vast majority of which can be identified by the first half of the survey.
We present the host-galaxy molecular gas properties of a sample of 213 nearby (0.01<z<0.05) hard-X-ray-selected active galactic nucleus (AGN) galaxies, drawn from the 70-month catalog of Swift's Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), with 200 new CO(2-1) line measurements obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope. We find that AGN in massive galaxies (log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>10.5) tend to have more molecular gas and higher gas fractions than inactive galaxies matched in stellar mass. When matched in star formation, we find AGN galaxies show no difference from inactive galaxies, with no evidence that AGN feedback affects the molecular gas. The higher molecular gas content is related to AGN galaxies hosting a population of gas-rich early types with an order of magnitude more molecular gas and a smaller fraction of quenched, passive galaxies (~5% versus 49%) compared to inactive galaxies. The likelihood of a given galaxy hosting an AGN (L_bol_>10^44^erg/s) increases by ~10-100 between a molecular gas mass of 10^8.7^M_{sun}_ and 10^10.2^M_{sun}_. AGN galaxies with a higher Eddington ratio (log(L/L_Edd_)>-1.3) tend to have higher molecular gas masses and gas fractions. The log(NH/cm^-2^)>23.4) of AGN galaxies with higher column densities are associated with lower depletion timescales and may prefer hosts with more gas centrally concentrated in the bulge that may be more prone to quenching than galaxy-wide molecular gas. The significant average link of host-galaxy molecular gas supply to supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth may naturally lead to the general correlations found between SMBHs and their host galaxies, such as the correlations between SMBH mass and bulge properties, and the redshift evolution of star formation and SMBH growth.
We applied the maximum likelihood (ML) method, as an image reconstruction algorithm, to the BAT (Burst Alert Telescope) X-Ray Survey (BXS). This method was specifically designed to preserve the full statistical information in the data and to avoid mosaicking of many exposures with different pointing directions, thus reducing systematic errors when co-adding images. We reconstructed, in the 14-170keV energy band, the image of a 90x90deg^2^ sky region, centered on (RA, DE)=(105{deg}, -25{deg}), which BAT surveyed with an exposure time of ~1Ms (in 2005 November). The best sensitivity in our image is ~0.85mCrab or 2.0x10^-11^ergs/cm^2^. We detect 49 hard X-ray sources above the 4.5{sigma} level; of these, only 12 were previously known as hard X-ray sources (>15keV). Swift XRT observations allowed us to firmly identify the counterparts for 15 objects, while 2 objects have Einstein IPC counterparts (Harris et al., 1990, in Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Achievements, ed. M. Elvis (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 309); in addition to those, we found a likely counterpart for 13 objects by correlating our sample with the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog (Voges et al., 1999, Cat. <IX/10>). Seven objects remain unidentified.
We present the results of a major high-resolution spectropolarimetric BCool project magnetic survey of 170 solar-type stars. Surface magnetic fields were detected on 67 stars, with 21 classified as mature solar-type stars, a result that increases by a factor of 4 the number of mature solar-type stars on which magnetic fields have been observed. In addition, a magnetic field was detected for 3 out of 18 of the subgiant stars surveyed. For the population of K-dwarfs, the mean value of |Bl| (|Bl|_mean_) was also found to be higher (5.7G) than |Bl|_mean_ measured for the G-dwarfs (3.2G) and the F-dwarfs (3.3G). For the sample as a whole, |Bl|_mean_ increases with rotation rate and decreases with age, and the upper envelope for |Bl| correlates well with the observed chromospheric emission. Stars with a chromospheric S-index greater than about 0.2 show a high magnetic field detection rate and so offer optimal targets for future studies. This survey constitutes the most extensive spectropolarimetric survey of cool stars undertaken to date, and suggests that it is feasible to pursue magnetic mapping of a wide range of moderately active solar-type stars to improve our understanding of their surface fields and dynamos.
The sky north of declination -40 deg. was observed in the 21 cm line of atomic hydrogen with the FWHM = 2 deg. beam of the 20 foot horn reflector at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill. The survey covers a velocity range of 654 km/s centered on the Galactic standard of rest, with 5.3 km/s wide filters. This survey is distinguished by its sensitivity to low surface brightness features (antenna temperature about 50 mK) and relative freedom from sidelobe contamination. The high-velocity cloud list was extracted and catalogued automatically from the survey data.
This survey consists of H I 21-cm spectra covering galactic latitudes |b|>10degrees, North of Declination -40deg, observed with the 20-foot horn reflector at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill. The instrument beam is 2{deg} (FWHM). The data consist of 124-channel profiles sorted in Galactic latitude and longitude; each channel has a width of 5.3km/s. The data were obtained by holding the telescope fixed and letting the sky drift through. Then the natural coordinate system for the data is in equatorial coordinates, so the data are not gridded in Galactic coordinates. Note that this catalog represents the Bell Laboratories H I Survey in a preliminary version; it is superseded by Catalog VIII/28.