- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/701/428
- Title:
- The Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/701/428
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) is a four-epoch infrared survey of 10deg^2^ in the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey using the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope. SDWFS, a Spitzer Cycle 4 Legacy project, occupies a unique position in the area-depth survey space defined by other Spitzer surveys. The four epochs that make up SDWFS permit-for the first time-the selection of infrared-variable and high proper motion objects over a wide field on timescales of years. Because of its large survey volume, SDWFS is sensitive to galaxies out to z~3 with relatively little impact from cosmic variance for all but the richest systems. The SDWFS data sets will thus be especially useful for characterizing galaxy evolution beyond z~1.5. This paper explains the SDWFS observing strategy and data processing, presents the SDWFS mosaics and source catalogs, and discusses some early scientific findings. The publicly released, full-depth catalogs contain 6.78, 5.23, 1.20, and 0.96x10^5^ distinct sources detected to the average 5{sigma}, 4"-diameter, aperture-corrected limits of 19.77, 18.83, 16.50, and 15.82 Vega mag at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0um, respectively. The SDWFS number counts and color-color distribution are consistent with other, earlier Spitzer surveys. At the 6 minute integration time of the SDWFS IRAC imaging, >50% of isolated Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm radio sources and >80% of on-axis XBootes sources are detected out to 8.0um. Finally, we present the four highest proper motion IRAC-selected sources identified from the multi-epoch imaging, two of which are likely field brown dwarfs of mid-T spectral class.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/693/1821
- Title:
- The Spitzer infrared nearby galaxies survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/693/1821
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- High-resolution mid-infrared spectra are presented for 155 nuclear and extranuclear regions from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS). The fluxes for nine atomic forbidden and three molecular hydrogen mid-infrared emission lines are also provided, along with upper limits in key lines for infrared-faint targets. The SINGS sample shows a wide range in the ratio of [SIII]18.71um/[SIII]33.48um, but the average ratio of the ensemble indicates a typical interstellar electron density of 300-400cm^-3^ on ~23x15" scales and 500-600cm^-3^ using ~11x9" apertures, independent of whether the region probed is a star-forming nuclear, a star-forming extranuclear, or an active galactic nuclei (AGN) environment.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/218/6
- Title:
- The Spitzer Interacting Galaxies Survey (SIGS)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/218/6
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Spitzer Interacting Galaxies Survey is a sample of 103 nearby galaxies in 48 systems, selected using association likelihoods and therefore free from disturbed morphology biases. All galaxies have been observed with Infrared Array Camera and MIPS 24{mu}m bands from the Spitzer Space Telescope. This catalog presents the global flux densities and colors of all systems and correlations between the interacting systems and their specific star formation rate (sSFR). This sample contains a wide variety of galaxy interactions with systems ranging in mass, mass ratios, and gas-content as well as interaction strength. This study seeks to identify the process of triggering star formation in galaxy interactions, therefore, we focus on the non-active galactic nucleus spiral galaxies only. From this subset of 70 spiral galaxies we have determined that this sample has enhanced sSFR compared to a sample of non-interacting field galaxies. Through optical data we have classified each system by "interaction strength"; the strongly interacting (Stage 4) galaxies have higher sSFR values than the weakly (Stage 2) and moderately (Stage 3) interacting systems. However, the Stage 2 and 3 systems have statistically identical sSFR properties, despite the lack of optical interaction signatures exhibited by the Stage 2 galaxies. We suggest that the similarity of sSFR in these stages could be a consequence of some of these Stage 2 systems actually being post-perigalactic and having had sufficient time for their tidal features to fade to undetectable levels. This interpretation is consistent with the correlation of sSFR with separation, which we have determined to have little variation up to 100kpc.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/254/11
- Title:
- The Spitzer Kepler Survey (SpiKeS) catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/254/11
- Date:
- 17 Jan 2022 00:38:57
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ~200000 targets monitored for photometric variability during the Kepler prime mission include the best-studied group of stars in the sky, due both to the extensive time history provided by Kepler and to the substantial amount of ancillary data provided by other investigators or compiled by the Kepler team. To complement this wealth of data, we surveyed the entire Kepler field using the 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m bands of the Warm Spitzer Space Telescope, obtaining photometry in both bands for almost 170000 objects. We demonstrate relative photometric precision ranging from better than ~1.5% for the brighter stars down to slightly greater than ~2% for the faintest stars monitored by Kepler. We describe the data collection and analysis phases of this work and identify several stars with large infrared excess, although none that is also known to be the host of an exoplanetary system.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/703/517
- Title:
- The Spitzer Local Volume Legacy: IR photometry
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/703/517
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The survey description and the near-, mid-, and far-infrared flux properties are presented for the 258 galaxies in the Local Volume Legacy (LVL). LVL is a Spitzer Space Telescope legacy program that surveys the local universe out to 11Mpc, built upon a foundation of ultraviolet, H{alpha}, and Hubble Space Telescope imaging from 11HUGS (11Mpc H{alpha} and Ultraviolet Galaxy Survey, Cat. J/ApJS/178/247) and ANGST (ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury, 2009ApJS..183...67D). LVL covers an unbiased, representative, and statistically robust sample of nearby star-forming galaxies, exploiting the highest extragalactic spatial resolution achievable with Spitzer.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/741/79
- Title:
- The Spitzer-SDSS-GALEX Spectroscopic Survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/741/79
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Spitzer-SDSS-GALEX Spectroscopic Survey (SSGSS) provides a new sample of 101 star-forming galaxies at z<0.2 with unprecedented multi-wavelength coverage. New mid- to far-infrared spectroscopy from the Spitzer Space Telescope is added to a rich suite of previous imaging and spectroscopy, including ROSAT, Galaxy Evolution Explorer, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Two Micron All Sky Survey, and Spitzer/SWIRE. Sample selection ensures an even coverage of the full range of normal galaxy properties, spanning two orders of magnitude in stellar mass, color, and dust attenuation. In this paper we present the SSGSS data set, describe the science drivers, and detail the sample selection, observations, data reduction, and quality assessment.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/368
- Title:
- The Spitzer (SEIP) source list (SSTSL2)
- Short Name:
- II/368
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Spitzer Science Center and IRSA have released a set of Enhanced Imaging Products (SEIP) from the Spitzer Heritage Archive. These include Super Mosaics and a Source List (SL) of photometry for compact sources. The primary requirement on the Source List is very high reliability -- with areal coverage, completeness, and limiting depth being secondary considerations. The SEIP include data from the four channels of IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8 microns) and the 24 micron channel of MIPS. The full set of products for the Spitzer cryogenic mission includes around 42 million sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/900/55
- Title:
- The SPT-SZ catalog at 95, 150, and 220GHz
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/900/55
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 09:29:14
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of emissive point sources detected in the SPT-SZ survey, a contiguous 2530 square degree area surveyed with the South Pole Telescope (SPT) from 2008-2011 in three bands centered at 95, 150, and 220GHz. The catalog contains 4845 sources measured at a significance of 4.5{sigma} or greater in at least one band, corresponding to detections above approximately 9.8, 5.8, and 20.4mJy in 95, 150, and 220GHz, respectively. The spectral behavior in the SPT bands is used for source classification into two populations based on the underlying physical mechanisms of compact, emissive sources that are bright at millimeter wavelengths: synchrotron radiation from active galactic nuclei and thermal emission from dust. The latter population includes a component of high-redshift sources often referred to as submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). In the relatively bright flux ranges probed by the survey, these sources are expected to be magnified by strong gravitational lensing. The survey also contains sources consistent with protoclusters, groups of dusty galaxies at high redshift undergoing collapse. We cross-match the SPT-SZ catalog with external catalogs at radio, infrared, and X-ray wavelengths and identify available redshift information. The catalog splits into 3980 synchrotron-dominated and 865 dust-dominated sources, and we determine a list of 506 SMGs. Ten sources in the catalog are identified as stars. We calculate number counts for the full catalog, and synchrotron and dusty components, using a bootstrap method and compare our measured counts with models. This paper represents the third and final catalog of point sources in the SPT-SZ survey.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/138/1243
- Title:
- The star formation history of the LMC
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/138/1243
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first ever global, spatially resolved reconstruction of the star formation history (SFH) of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), based on the application of our StarFISH analysis software to the multiband photometry of 20 million of its stars from the Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey (MCPS). The general outlines of our results are consistent with previously published results: following an initial burst of star formation, there was a quiescent epoch from approximately 12 to 5Gyr ago. Star formation then resumed and has proceeded until the current time at an average rate of roughly 0.2M_{sun}_/yr, with temporal variations at the factor of 2 level.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/868/47
- Title:
- The 1st year of the Swift SMC Survey (S-CUBED)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/868/47
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Swift Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Survey, S-CUBED, is a high-cadence shallow X-ray survey of the SMC. The survey consists of 142 tiled pointings covering the optical extent of the SMC, which is performed weekly by NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, with an exposure per tile of 60s. The survey is focused on discovery and monitoring of X-ray outbursts from the large known and unknown population of Be/X-ray binaries (BeXRBs) in the SMC. Given the very low background of Swift's X-ray telescope, even with a short exposure per tile, S-CUBED is typically sensitive to outbursts in the SMC at >1%-2% Eddington luminosity for a typical 1.4M_{sun}_ neutron star compact object. This sensitivity, combined with the high cadence and the fact that the survey can be performed all year round, makes it a powerful discovery tool for outbursting accreting X-ray pulsars in the SMC. In this paper we describe results from the first year of observations of S-CUBED, which includes the 1SCUBEDX catalog of 265 X-ray sources, 160 of which are not identified with any previously cataloged X-ray source. We report on bulk properties of sources in the 1SCUBEDX catalog. Finally, we focus on results of S-CUBED observations of several interesting sources, which includes discovery of three Type II outbursts from BeXRBs and the detection of Type I outbursts and orbital periods in six BeXRB systems.