Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC; INTA-CAB
The Cross section values's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, emptyobscore, obscore from the ivoa schema, epn_core from the abs_cs schema.
The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. The FBS has been carried out by B.E. Markarian, V.A. Lipovetski and J.A. Stepanian in 1965-1980 with the Byurakan Observatory 102/132/213 cm (40"/52"/84") Schmidt telescope using 1.5 deg. prism. Each FBS plate contains low-dispersion spectra of some 15,000-20,000 objects; the whole survey consists of about 20,000,000 objects.
VO-compliant publication of Schmidt survey ESO-R of the southern sky digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer at the Observatoire de Paris Image Analysis Centre (CAI).
ESO TAP_CAT: a TAP service to query the astronomical catalogs generated by ESO observers, including the catalogs of the ESO Public Surveys.
Short Name:
26 Jun 2024 14:26:53
European Southern Observatory
TAP_CAT is the ESO Science Archive service that provides programmatic access onto the
astronomical catalogues produced by the principal investigators of ESO programmes.
The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our astronomical catalogues. The queries must adhere to the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL, IVOA standard).
Table Upload is not currently supported, though it is foreseen for a next release.
This service provides limited support for spatial queries; only CONTAINS and CIRCLE are supported, as in this example:
CONTAINS(point('', catalog_rightascension, catalog_declination), CIRCLE('', user_defined_rightascension, user_defined_declination, userdefined_radius))= 1.
Please note that CONTAINS(...)=0 is not supported.
A sister service (Catalog Facility: provides a web interface to the same collection of catalogues; the web interface implements a well-defined but limited query model, while instead TAP_CAT provides full ADQL support, allowing users to build their own query constraints using expressions, combining different columns, or using boolean operators (NOT, OR, etc.).
A sibling service (TAP_OBS, endpoint: exists and can be used to query the raw and reduced data, and the atmospheric measurements taken at the La Silla Paranal Observatory (including APEX).
ESO TAP_OBS: a TAP service to browse and access raw and reduced data, and to query the ambient measurements, of the La Silla Paranal Observatory.
Short Name:
27 Nov 2024 10:24:04
European Southern Observatory
TAP_OBS is the ESO Science Archive TAP endpoint for observations (raw and reduced data) and ambient measurements (atmospheric seeing, turbulence, water vapour, relative humidity, air pressure, etc.) taken at the La Silla Paranal Observatory, including the Chajnantor (APEX) data.
The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, and inspect various metadata. Table Upload is not currently supported, though it is foreseen for a next release.
The IVOA ObsCore standard service is also provided (table name: ivoa.ObsCore), but currently only for reduced data.
Other tables exposed are the dbo.raw describing all the LPO observations, the ambient tables (in the asm schema), plus the provenance table to close the loop between the raw and the reduced data, but also to describe the relationships between reduced data (e.g. a source table originating from a reduced image, etc.).
A sibling service (TAP_CAT, endpoint: exists and can be used to query the astronomical catalogs produced by the principal investigators of ESO programmes (ESO public surveys included).
VO-compliant publication of the properties of the 3838 galaxies that were monitored for SNe events, including newly determined morphologies and their DENIS and POSS-II/UKST I, 2MASS and DENIS J and Ks and 2MASS H magnitudes.
The principal research topics of the GEPI (Galaxy - Star - Physics - Instrumentation) Laboratory are the formation and evolution of stars in our Galaxy as well as in numerous other galaxies, which constitute the luminous matter (baryonic matter) component of the Universe. This research calls upon many disciplines, from chemistry to physics, from instrumentation to data-processing engineering, and from project management to financial management within an international framework.