Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
GAVO at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
The GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the exotopo schema, epn_core from the pretharsis schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
This service implements the Identifiers 2.0
suggestion for how to resolve an IVOA publisher dataset identifier;
that is, it tries to resolve the registry part to Datalink,
SSAP, or Obscore capabilities and tries those to find access URLs.
If that fails, it repeats this procedure for services that the
base resource declares as served-by.
The code used here is available at
See also Examples_
.. _Examples:
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.