GAVO at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
Operators of publishing registries
can use this service to request a re-harvest of their registry by pasting
in their registry's IVOID below. If you paste in the magic value
``ivo://``, we will also fetch new registries from the
You usually want to use this when you want to see the effect of some
change in your registry on, say, TOPCAT. Note that you cannot start
a full re-harvest of a registry from this interface. Contact the
operators if you think you need that.
Operators of publishing registries
can use this service to request a re-harvest of their registry by pasting
in their registry's IVOID below. If you paste in the magic value
``ivo://``, we will also fetch new registries from the
You usually want to use this when you want to see the effect of some
change in your registry on, say, TOPCAT. Note that you cannot start
a full re-harvest of a registry from this interface. Contact the
operators if you think you need that.
The IAP - DaCHS Services's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the cpstasm schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the thmsm schema, epn_core from the thmwp3 schema.
Identifying Brown Dwarf candidates in 2MASS and SDSS
27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial is a comprehensive scientific usecase in which brown
dwarf candidates in 2MASS and SDSS are identyfied. The surveys are
queried using ADQL, and unncertainties in the data are solved with
TOPCAT and Aladin.
IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center TAP service
Short Name:
16 Nov 2023 16:51:52
The IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the eit_syn schema, epn_core from the gaia_dem schema, epn_core from the omega_cubes schema, epn_core from the omega_maps schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
The INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the artecs schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.