- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/123/455
- Title:
- LH 47 UVBRI photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/123/455
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Table 3 lists the final photometric data of our observations. The UBVRI observations were done with the 1.54m Danish telescope at ESO on October 3rd and 4th, 1992. The CCD was ESO#28, a TEK 1024x1024 with a pixel size of 24mue corresponding to 0.377" per pixel. The total field of view is 6.4'x6.4'. A standard reduction was done with MIDAS and IRAF, the photometry was performed with DAOPHOT within IRAF. The images of Oct 4th have been calibrated using the calibration field around PG 0231+051 (Landolt 1992, Cat. <II/183>). The images of Oct 3rd have then been adopted to the system of Oct 4th. The final Table 3 lists 4613 stars with V and B-V information. In addition U-B is available for 1159 of these stars, V-R for 3519 and V-I for 2854 stars. Table 4 gives those stars from our field of view which are present in the MACS (Magellanic Catalogue of Stars; Tucholke et al. 1996, Cat. <I/221>). The table contains the MACS Id., our x and y position and our UBV photometry, and right ascension and declination from the MACS. These stars may serve to calculate an exact position for every star from Table 3 or to define a coordinate grid for comparison with other observations, such as radio or X-ray data.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/871/108
- Title:
- Lick AGN monitoring project 2011: V band
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/871/108
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In Spring 2011, the Lick AGN Monitoring Project observed a sample of 15 bright, nearby Seyfert 1 galaxies in the V band as part of a reverberation mapping campaign. The observations were taken at six ground-based telescopes, including the West Mountain Observatory 0.91m telescope, the 0.76m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope, 0.6m Super-LOTIS (Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System) at Kitt Peak, the Palomar 60inch telescope, and the 2m Faulkes telescopes North and South. The V-band light curves measure the continuum variability of our sample of Seyferts on an almost daily cadence for 2-3 months. We use image-subtraction software to isolate the variability of the Seyfert nucleus from the constant V-band flux of the host galaxy for the most promising targets, and we adopt standard aperture photometry techniques for the targets with smaller levels of variability. These V-band light curves will be used, with measurements of the broad emission line flux, to measure supermassive black hole masses and to constrain the geometry and dynamics of the broad-line region through dynamical modeling techniques.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/654/L25
- Title:
- Light-curve data for GRB 050319
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/654/L25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Multiwavelength observations of the optical afterglow of GRB 050319 were performed from 1.31 to 9.92hr after the burst. Our R-band light curves, combined with other published data, can be described by the smooth broken power-law function, with {alpha}_1_=-0.84+/-0.02 to {alpha}_2_=-0.48+/-0.03, 0.04 days after the gamma-ray burst. The optical light curves are characterized by shallow decays as was also observed in the X-rays which may have a similar origin, related to energy injection. However, our observations indicate that there is still a puzzle concerning the chromatic breaks in the R-band light curve (at 0.04 days) and the X-ray light curve (at 0.004 days) that remains to be solved.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/15
- Title:
- Light curve of the dwarf nova AT 2020iko
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/15
- Date:
- 08 Dec 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ongoing Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey is generating a massive alert rate from a variety of optical transients and variable stars, which are being filtered down to subsets meeting user-specified criteria by broker systems such as the Arizona-NOIRLab Temporal Analysis and Response to Events System (ANTARES). In a beta implementation of the algorithm of Soraisam et al. on ANTARES, we flagged AT 2020iko from the ZTF real-time alert stream as an anomalous source. This source is located close to a red extended Sloan Digital Sky Survey source. In the first few epochs of detection, it exhibited a V-shaped brightness profile, preceded by nondetections both in ZTF and in the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae extending to 2014. Its full light curve shows a precursor event, followed by a main superoutburst and at least two rebrightenings. A low-resolution spectrum of this source points to a dwarf nova (DN) nature. Although some of the features of AT 2020iko indicate an SU UMa-type DN, its large amplitude, presence of rebrightenings, and inferred supercycle period of >~6yr are in favor of AT 2020iko being a new WZ Sge- type DN candidate, a subset of rare DNe consisting of extreme mass-ratio (<0.1) binaries with an orbital period around the period minimum. The precusor event of AT 2020iko brightened by 6.5mag, while its decay spanned 3-5mag. We speculate this superoutburst is associated with a less expanded accretion disk than in typical superoutbursts in WZ Sge systems, with the large depth of the precursor decay implying an extremely small mass ratio. To the best of our knowledge, such a precursor event has not been recorded for any DN. This result serves to demonstrate the efficacy of our real-time anomaly search algorithm.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/773/55
- Title:
- Light curve of T Pyx from 1890 to 2011
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/773/55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery by M. Linnolt on JD 2455665.7931 (UT 2011 April 14.29) of the sixth eruption of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis. This discovery was made just as the initial fast rise was starting, so with fast notification and response by observers worldwide, the entire initial rise was covered (the first for any nova), and with high time resolution in three filters. The speed of the rise peaked at 9mag/day, while the light curve is well fit over only the first two days by a model with a uniformly expanding sphere. We also report the discovery by R. Stubbings of a pre-eruption rise starting 18 days before the eruption, peaking 1.1mag brighter than its long-time average, and then fading back toward quiescence 4 days before the eruption. This unique and mysterious behavior is only the fourth known (with V1500 Cyg, V533 Her, and T CrB) anticipatory rise closely spaced before a nova eruption. We present 19 timings of photometric minima from 1986 to 2011 February, where the orbital period is fast increasing with P/dot{P}=+313000yr. From 2008 to 2011, T Pyx had a small change in this rate of increase, so that the orbital period at the time of eruption was 0.07622950+/-0.00000008 days. This strong and steady increase of the orbital period can only come from mass transfer, for which we calculate a rate of (1.7-3.5)x10^-7^M_{sun}_/yr. We report 6116 magnitudes between 1890 and 2011, for an average B=15.59+/-0.01 from 1967 to 2011, which allows for an eruption in 2011 if the blue flux is nearly proportional to the accretion rate. The ultraviolet-optical-infrared spectral energy distribution is well fit by a power law with f_{nu}_{prop.to}{nu}^1.0^, although the narrow ultraviolet region has a tilt with a fit of f_{nu}_{prop.to}{nu}^1/3^.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/147/66
- Title:
- Light curves of Algol-type binaries. VII. V404 And
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/147/66
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new CCD light curves of the short-period Algol-type eclipsing binary V404 And obtained in 2009-2011. The time-resolving multiple BVRI color light curves of the year 2011 with full phase coverage were analyzed simultaneously using the latest Wilson-Devinney program. We concluded that the configuration of two starspots on the primary is the most reliable explanation for the light curve distortions observed in 2011. Based on the new photometric solution, we further applied the spot model to explain the other light curves, including the previously published R-band light curves. We revealed that the starspots changed on a long timescale in terms of the spot parameters and the differences between Max.I and Max.II. Moreover, the O-C diagram spanning about 15yr shows an upward parabola, which indicates a secular increase in the orbital period of V404 And. The orbital period increases at a rate of dP/dt=5.3(0.3)x10^-7^days/yr, which might be interpreted by the angular momentum exchange via magnetic activity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/50
- Title:
- Light curves of AV Hya and DZ Cas
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/50
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present BVR photometric observations and several eclipsing times for AV Hya and DZ Cas from 2004 to 2011. Using the Wilson-Devinney method, the photometric solutions with hot spots were deduced from their asymmetric light curves. The results indicate that both stars are Algol-type binaries, whose mass ratio, q_ph_, and fill-out factor of the primary, f_1_, are q_ph_=0.255(+/-0.002) and f_1_=81.2(+/-0.2)% for AV Hya, and q_ph_=0.093(+/-0.003) and f_1_=98.7(+/-0.3)% for DZ Cas. Based on all available light minimum times, it is discovered that the O-C curve of each star could be described by a light-time orbit overlying on a downward parabola. Their periods and amplitudes are P_3_=37.2(+/-0.7)yr and A=0.0095'(+/-0.0006') for AV Hya, and P_3_=62.5(+/-1.0)yr and A=0.0183'(+/-0.0007') for DZ Cas. Cyclic variations may result from the light-time effect due to the third body. The secular period decrease rates are dP/dt=-1.47(+/-0.04)x10^-7^days/yr for AV Hya and dP/dt=-0.92(+/-0.04)x10^-7^days/yr for DZ Cas. This may be interpreted using mass and angular momentum loss from the system. With decreasing period, the fill-out factor of the primary increases and it may finally fill its inner Roche lobe. Therefore, AV Hya and DZ Cas with a secular period decrease will evolve from semi-detached configurations into contact ones.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/148/126
- Title:
- Light curves of four overcontact binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/148/126
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze new, high quality multicolor light curves of four overcontact binaries: AK Her, HI Dra, V1128 Tau, and V2612 Oph, and determine their orbital and physical parameters using the modeling program of G. Djurasevic and recently published results of radial velocity studies. The achieved precision in absolute masses is between 10% and 20%, and the precision in absolute radii is between 5% and 10%. All four systems are W UMa-type binaries with bright or dark spots indicative of mass and energy transfer or surface activity. We estimate the distances and the ages of the systems using the luminosities computed through our analysis, and perform an O-C study for V1128 Tau, which reveals a complex period variation that can be interpreted in terms of mass loss/exchange and either the presence of the third body, or the magnetic activity on one of the components. We conclude that further observations of these systems are needed to deepen our understanding of their nature and variability.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/819/35
- Title:
- Light curves of four transients from PTF & SNLS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/819/35
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present observations of four rapidly rising (t_rise_~10days) transients with peak luminosities between those of supernovae (SNe) and superluminous SNe (M_peak_~-20) --one discovered and followed by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and three by the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). The light curves resemble those of SN 2011kl, recently shown to be associated with an ultra-long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB), though no GRB was seen to accompany our SNe. The rapid rise to a luminous peak places these events in a unique part of SN phase space, challenging standard SN emission mechanisms. Spectra of the PTF event formally classify it as an SN II due to broad H{alpha} emission, but an unusual absorption feature, which can be interpreted as either high velocity H{alpha} (though deeper than in previously known cases) or SiII (as seen in SNe Ia), is also observed. We find that existing models of white dwarf detonations, CSM interaction, shock breakout in a wind (or steeper CSM), and magnetar spin down cannot readily explain the observations. We consider the possibility that a "Type 1.5 SN" scenario could be the origin of our events.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/145/60
- Title:
- Light curves of GN Boo, BL Leo, and V1918 Cyg
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/145/60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new photometry for three short-period contact binaries, GN Boo, BL Leo, and V1918 Cyg, observed from 2008 December to 2012 April using several small telescopes in China. Photometric models were deduced from new observations using the updated Wilson-Devinney Code. The results show that GN Boo and BL Leo are W-type contact binaries, while V1918 Cyg is an A-type one. The mass ratios and fill-out factors are q=0.320(+/-0.002) and f=5.8(+/-0.1)% for GN Boo, q=0.476(+/-0.005) and f=21.3(+/-1.1)% for BL Leo, q=0.264(+/-0.002), and f=49.7(+/-0.7)% for V1918 Cyg, respectively. From the (O-C) curves, it is discovered that the orbital periods of three binaries have varied in a complicated way, i.e., cyclic oscillation for GN Boo, long-term period decrease for BL Leo, and both for V1918 Cyg. The cyclic variations for GN Boo and V1918 Cyg may probably be attributed to the magnetic activity of the primary component or light-time effect due to the third body. Meanwhile, the secular period decreases for BL Leo and V1918 Cyg may result from mass transfer from the primary to the secondary, accompanying the mass and angular momentum loss from the central system. Finally, GN Boo, BL Leo, and V1918 Cyg will evolve into deep contact binaries. Additionally, a statistical study of 37 contact binaries with decreasing periods is given. We obtained the relations of q-f and q-dlnP/dt, and preliminarily determined the mass loss rate of dln M/dt from the binary system.