The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) provides a comprehensive fusion
of multi-wavelength data for hundreds of millions of objects located beyond
the Milky Way galaxy. As new observations are published in NASA mission
archives, journal articles and sky survey catalogs, they are cross-identified
with prior measurements and integrated in a unified database. Numerous derived
quantities are also provided to facilitate scientific research. For more
information see
NED service to query for Objects by Reference Code:
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) provides a comprehensive fusion
of multi-wavelength data for hundreds of millions of objects located beyond
the Milky Way galaxy.
This service searches NED's master list of extragalactic objects by (19 digit)
journal reference code. It returns object names, positions, and
redshifts if available. It also returns counts of bibliographic references, notes,
photometry, positions, redshifts, diameters, and positional associations.
VOTT is a formatted list of educational/outreach texts on using the
VO: use cases, tutorials, courses, and such. VOTT contains material
for all settings, from pre-school to graduate. It is generated from
the documents known to the VO Registry.