This is a view of the dust maps in the five orders, generated by
splitting the larger pixels from the higher orders into HEALPixes of
order 10. This means, in particular, that the spatial resolution for
all pixels with original_order!=10. Use this for convenient joins to
other tables.
The Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille constitutes one of the more important institutes of public research within France for cosmology, the physics and evolution of galaxies, the interstellar medium, the formation of planets and stellar systems, the Solar system, and optical astronomy. A department of scientific informatics specializes in the development of new image processing algorithms, the production of data processing pipelines, and the deployment of databases for access throught the virtual observatory.
LAMOST DR1 totally releases 2,204,860 spectra, include 717,660 objects of the pilot survey (2011-10-24~2012-06-30), and 1,487,200 objects of the regular survey (2012-09-28~2013-06-30). DR1 includes two types of data: optical spectra (flux- and wavelength-calibrated, sky-subtracted), and catalog data, which includes both parameters measure from spectra, such as redshifts and signal to noise ratios, and parameters inherited from input catalogs. You should keep in mind that LAMOST is a spectral survey telescope, and the parameters related to photometry, which you get here, all come from other surveys.