UBVRI photoelectric sequences for three low-latitude galactic globular clusters. NGC 5286, NGC 5927, and NGC 6541, are presented herein. All include fields suitable for CCD coverage. The number of stars and the range of magnitudes and colors are: * NGC 5286: 8 stars 13.6<V<15.3, 0.6<B-V<1.3 (table2) * NGC 5927: 11 stars 11.3<V<14.9, 0.3<B-V<1.6 (table3) * NGC 6541: 16 stars 12.2<V<15.7, 0.2<B-V<1.6 (table4) The stars were measured an average of seven times on at least five different nights. To the best of our knowledge, none of these stars have UBVRI photoelectric measurements reported by other authors.
The catalog contains UBVRI photoelectric observations of 223 stars, mostly in an approximately 2-degree zone centered on the celestial equator. The catalog is intended to provide a uniform set of new standards, available to various sizes of telescopes in both hemispheres, on an internally consistent, homogeneous system. Most of the stars are in Selected Areas 92-115 and fall in the magnitude range of about 7 to 12.5 in V and color range -0.3 to +2.0 in B-V. The data include equatorial coordinates, photoelectric magnitudes and colors, numbers of observations, and computed internal errors. See the complete description by Wayne H. Warren Jr., either in plain ascii (file adc.doc) or in LaTeX format (file adc.tex)
New broadband UBVRI photoelectric observations on the Johnson-Kron-Cousins photometric system have been made of 202 stars around the sky, and centered at the celestial equator. These stars constitute both an update of and additions to a previously published list of equatorial photometric standard stars. The list is capable of providing, for both celestial hemispheres, an internally consistent homogeneous broadband standard photometric system around the sky. When these new measurements are included with those previously published by Landolt (1992, Cat. II/183), the entire list of standard stars in this paper encompasses the magnitude range 8.90<V<16.30, and the color index range -0.35<(B-V)<+2.30.
UBVRI photoelectric observations have been made of 109 stars around the sky, centered more or less at -50{deg} declination. The majority of the stars fall in the magnitude range 10.4<V<15.5 and in the color index range -0.33<(B-V)<+1.66. These new broadband photometric standard stars average 16.4 measurements each from data taken on 116 different nights over a period of 4yr. Similar data are tabulated for 19 stars of interest that were not observed often enough to make them well-defined standard stars.
High-quality CCD-based UBVRI photometry is presented for ~45000 stars distributed among 60 different fields centered on the celestial equator and at {delta}{approx}-50{deg}. This photometry has been calibrated to the standard Johnson UBV and Kron-Cousins RI systems via observations of the UBVRI standard stars presented in the works of Landolt. The majority of the stars in our photometric catalog fall in the magnitude range 12<~V<~22 and in the color range -0.3<~(B-V)<~1.8. Each star averages 67 measures in each UBVRI filter from data taken on 250 different photometric nights over a period of ~6.5yr from two different telescopes. Our final photometric database effectively extends the UBVRI standard star network defined by Landolt to much fainter magnitudes and increases the number density of stars within pre-existing standard fields. Hence, these new, fainter standards serve as suitable calibrators for investigators who employ either small or large-aperture telescopes for their observational projects.
UBVRI photoelectric observations have been made of 335 stars around the sky, and centered approximately at +50{deg} declination. The majority of the stars fall in the magnitude range 9<V<16, and in the color range -0.3<(B-V)<+1.8. Those 243 stars best suited as new broadband photometric standard stars average 12.5 measures each from data taken on 98 different nights over a period of 17 years at the Kitt Peak National and Lowell Observatories.
Photometry on the UBVRI Kron-Cousins system is presented for 102 stars covering the magnitude range 7 to 16 in the nine Harvard E-regions. These stars, at declination close to -45{deg}, are suitable for use as Southern Hemisphere standards in the photometry of faint stars and galaxies. The large magnitude range in most fields makes the sequences useful for the calibration of the Pickering-Racine wedge, a device widely used to extend photometric sequences to fainter limits on photographic plates. Positions accurate to a few arcseconds as well as identification charts are given for each star.
The UBVRI images of 26 bright spiral galaxies were decomposed in disks and bulges. Correlations of the resulting structural parameters are investigated, giving clues to the formation history of the bulges. We confirm that the large and bright bulges of early-type spirals are similar to elliptical galaxies. They were probably formed prior to the disks in a monolithic collapse or via early mergers. Late-type spirals have tiny and faint bulges with disk-like profiles. These bulges were probably formed after the disk in secular evolution processes, e.g. from a disk instability. The comparison of the color indices of corresponding spirals and bulges with population synthesis computations support above formation scenarios.
We present high-cadence UV, optical, and near-infrared data on the luminous Type II-P supernova SN2017gmr from hours after discovery through the first 180 days. SN 2017gmr does not show signs of narrow, high-ionization emission lines in the early optical spectra, yet the optical light-curve evolution suggests that an extra energy source from circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction must be present for at least 2 days after explosion. Modeling of the early light curve indicates a ~500R{sun} progenitor radius, consistent with a rather compact red supergiant, and late-time luminosities indicate that up to 0.130{+/-}0.026M{sun} of 56Ni are present, if the light curve is solely powered by radioactive decay, although the 56Ni mass may be lower if CSM interaction contributes to the post-plateau luminosity. Prominent multipeaked emission lines of H{alpha} and [O^I^] emerge after day 154, as a result of either an asymmetric explosion or asymmetries in the CSM. The lack of narrow lines within the first 2 days of explosion in the likely presence of CSM interaction may be an example of close, dense, asymmetric CSM that is quickly enveloped by the spherical supernova ejecta.
We present an optical and near-infrared catalog for the X-ray sources in the 2Ms Chandra observation of the Hubble Deep Field North region. We have high-quality multicolor imaging data for all 503 X-ray point sources in the X-ray-selected catalog and reliable spectroscopic redshifts for 284. We spectroscopically identify six high-redshift (z>1) type II quasars (L_2-8keV_>10^44^ergs/s) in our sample. Our spectroscopic completeness for the R<=24 sources is 87%. The spectroscopic redshift distribution shows two broad redshift spikes that have clearly grown over those originally seen in the 1Ms exposure. The spectroscopically identified extragalactic sources already comprise 75% of the measured 2-8keV light. Redshift slices versus 2-8keV flux show that an impressive 54% of the measured 2-8keV light arises from sources at z<1 and 68% from sources at z<2.