- Copyright © 2018-2023 Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey. All Rights Reserved.1
- Copyright © 2018-2024 Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey. All Rights Reserved.1
- Copyright © 2025-2025 MUlti-epoch Disparity Examination of H-Alpha and infraRed (MUDEHaR) Survey. All Rights Reserved.1
- Data in this service is licensed under the `Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>`_
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:alt: [CC-BY]
- H.E.S.S. collaboration, 2018.
The data and documentation is publicly released by the H.E.S.S.
collaboration as a contribution to the ongoing efforts to define a
common open format for data level 3 of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov
telescopes (IACTs) and IACT open-source science tool development, to
enlarge the community involved in IACT data analysis.
No scientific publications may be derived from the data. Using the
data for new claims about the astrophysical sources is not permitted.
When using this data, please include the following attribution:
"This work made use of data from the H.E.S.S. DL3 public test data
release 1 (HESS DL3 DR1, H.E.S.S. collaboration, 2018)".
Alternatively, use the following shorter version, e.g. for
"HESS DL3 DR1, H.E.S.S. collaboration".
These terms of use must be included in all copies in full or part of
the data.1
- If this table has been useful to you, please acknowledge: This
research has benefitted from the M, L, and T dwarf compendium housed
at DwarfArchives.org and maintained by Chris Gelino, Davy Kirkpatrick,
and Adam Burgasser.1
- If you use
this data, please
acknowledge: "This work made use of the HDAP which was produced at
Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl under grant No. 00.071.2005
of the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation."
The data in this service was calibrated using Astrometry.net,
- If you use the data or software distributed here, please reference
2012MNRAS.424.2316P. This research was funded in part by SFB 881 "The
Milky Way Galaxy".1
- If you use this data in a paper, please include the following
acknowledgement: “This paper makes use of data from the AAVSO
Photometric All Sky Survey, whose funding has been provided by the
Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund and from the NSF (AST-1412587).”1
- If you use this data in published research, please let
antares.spokesperson@in2p3.fr know.1
- If you use this data, please cite the paper Maturi et al, 2014, given
in the source metadata1
- Lightcurve computed by Robert Schmidt. If you use this data, please
acknowledge this web page. Visualization by M. Demleitner/U.Stampa.1
- OpenNGC is licensed under the `Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>`_
.. image:: /static/img/ccbysa.png
:alt: [CC-BY-SA]
- Public Domain (CC0)1
- The Gaia eDR3 (photo-) geometric distances catalogue. is licensed under the `Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>`_
.. image:: /static/img/ccby.png
:alt: [CC-BY]
- The SuperCOSMOS source table is merely mirrored here. See
http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/sss/index.html for more information and
usage conditions.1
- The data was obtained from
http://dr5.lamost.org/v3/ – terms and condition may apply.
The metadata descriptions were provided in part by the Czech VO,
in particular Petr Skoda and Jiri Nadvornik.1
- This data set has been provided by the IceCube collaboration. It is
also available at http://icecube.wisc.edu/science/data/ic40.1
- This data set has been provided by the IceCube collaboration. It is
available at http://icecube.wisc.edu/science/data/amanda/.1
- This data set has been provided by the Pierre Auger Collaboration. It
is also available at http://auger.colostate.edu/ED/_data.php?dos=1.1