- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/locdens
- Title:
- WINGS local densities (Mv<-19.5)
- Short Name:
- WINGSLocDens19.5
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:59:19
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- For each WINGS galaxy with V absolute magnitude brighter than -16, the local density calculated as the Log (decimal) of the number of galaxies with M_V <= -19.5 per Mpc**2 is given. It is computed from the circular area enclosing the first 10 closest galaxies, plus the background counts expected from Berta et al. (2006). The Local Densities are also corrected for border effects. The Coverage field fraction are also given, both at CCDX, i.e. the fraction of the circular area of radius CCDX and centered in the X-ray center, which is included in the field of the CCD mosaics, and at CCDB (centered in the BCG). For clusters without velocity dispersion the distances are given in pixels and NOT in R200. These clusters are A311, A2665, A3164, and Z1261.
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22. WINGS morphology
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/morphot
- Title:
- WINGS morphology
- Short Name:
- WINGSMorphot
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:59:29
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The catalogue contains a total number of ~39 900 galaxies, for which we provide the automated estimates of the morphological type, applying the purposely devised tool MORPHOT to the V-band WINGS imaging. The used tool is non-parametric and fully empirical. In particular, MORPHOT exploits 21 morphological diagnostics, directly and easily computable from the galaxy image, to provide two independent classifications: one based on a maximum likelihood (ML), semi- analytical technique and the other one on a neural network (NN) machine. A suitably selected sample of ∼1000 visually classified WINGS galaxies is used to calibrate the diagnostics for theML estimator and as a training set in the NN machine. The final morphological estimator combines the two techniques. (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.420..926F)
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/opt
- Title:
- WINGS Optical photometry
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 00:00:05
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- Optical (V, B) photometric catalog of WINGS detections (galaxies, stars, unclassified objects) in the 76 wide--fields of the WINGS survey of local clusters of galaxies. (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009A%26A...497..667V)
24. WINGS redshift
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/redshift
- Title:
- WINGS redshift
- Short Name:
- WINGSRedshift
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 00:00:14
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The catalog gives the redshifts for ~6000 galaxies of the WINGS survey. The given membership has been derived using as cluster velocity dispersion the new determination that takes into account literature as well as this dataset.(http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009A%26A...495..707C)
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/sfhist
- Title:
- WINGS star formation histories
- Short Name:
- WINGSSfhist
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 00:00:22
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The catalog gives the star formation history of WINGS galaxies, i.e. their metallicity (as the best fit metallicity obtained by running our code with 4 different values of global metallocity), the dust extinction (both total and from the youngest component), the star formation rate in four macro bins of age (i.e. 0-2e7; 2e7-6e8; 6e8-5.6e9; 5.6e9-17.8e9), three values of stellar mass (i.e. the mass of stars turned into stars globally, the mass in living stars + remnants and the mass in shining stars) both within the fiber and total. The total mass has been extrapolated from the data by rescaling the V flux to the one that we have from the photometry, i.e. assuming no color gradient from the aperture to the toal photometry. A color correction term has been then calculated using the color at 5 kpc and the calibration by Bell & deJong and is given as weel in the catalog. Finally we list the luminosity weighted age and the mass weighted age of our galaxies. (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011A%26A...526A..45F)
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/wings/cone/gasphotv
- Title:
- WINGS V surface photometry
- Short Name:
- WINGSGasphotv
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:59:00
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- This catalog contains the surface brightness measurements of ~42250 galaxies detected in the V images of the WINGS cluster survey. For each galaxy V magnitude, mean surface brightness, effective radius, Sersic index and axial ratio are given, together with their errors. These global parameters were obtained by simultaneously fitting the major and minor axis light growth curves of galaxies with a 2D flattened Sersic-law, convolved by the appropriate, space-varying PSF, which was previously evaluated by the tool itself. (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006A%26A...446..373P)
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