Pic du Midi de Bigorre in the French Pyrenees is the place where coronagraphic images were first realized, by Bernard Lyot in the 1930s. Since then, the solar instruments at Pic du Midi regularly provide images of the solar disc, solar prominences and solar corona.
VO-compliant publication of Schmidt survey ESO-R of the southern sky digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer at the Observatoire de Paris Image Analysis Centre (CAI).
This resource describes the community webapplication at MSSL. It hosts all the accounts and secure accounts of people organized at MSSL. And possibly other outside people of MSSL but associated with projects of MSSL.
A catalogue of 541 nearby (within 10pc of the sun) stars, brown
dwarfs, and confirmed exoplanets in 336 systems, as well 21
candidates, compiled from SIMBAD and several other sources. Where
available, astrometry and photometry from Gaia eDR3 has been inserted.