The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument
onboard the Cassini spacecraft observed the system of Saturn,
acquiring spectral cubes in the range 0.4-5.2 microns. This service
focuses on Saturn satellites, and provides access to calibrated and
ancillary data, computed as described here: It also provides
direct links to a larger web site with previews.
Main characteristics of Solar System planets. Data are included in
the table, which includes non-standard EPN-TAP parameters. Data are
retrieved from Archinal et al 2018 (IAU report 2015,
2018CeMDA.130...22A) [radii] and Cox et al 2000 (Allen's astrophysical
quantities, [masses, heliocentric distances, and
rotation periods].
Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
GMap provides planetary geological maps of different Solar System
bodies, developed by an open community, reviewed by scientists. GMap
inherits its data model from Planmap, most of the maps provide
morphological information, some provide stratigraphic or compositional
information too. Each original data packages provided is a collection
of vector, raster, and, in some cases, 3D models. In this EPN-TAP
service, the data records (`granule_uid`) refer to each of the data
files in the whole of GMAP archive, grouped by (`granule_gid`) the
data package --map-- they compose.
HST observations of planets, dwarf planets, and satellites, extracted
from the CADC database catalogue (with daily updates). Data are linked
to the CADC repository, with file names common to all HST archives.
Both calibrated and derived products are included. The main target is
identified. Physical ephemeris and thumbnails are provided when
available. Files and previews are not accessible during the
proprietary period.
Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board
the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies
Node data set (2011 reformatted version) and updated. The data set
consists in 101 tables providing the radiance spectrum of comet Halley
from various distances, plus two composite spectra. For details and
further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.5-12 micron
Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76,
404-436 [1988Icar...76..404C]
Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
The Mars Crater Catalog by S.J. Robbins was generated from THEMIS
Daytime IR and Viking MDIM 2.1 global mosaics of Mars. Craters were
selected using 5 points along the rim. The table is statistically
complete to the diameter of ~1.0 km. The table contains morphologic
and morphometric data for craters with diameter larger than 3 km. The
Prometheus basin has been excluded from the Catalog due to technical
Reference: "A New Global Database of Mars Impact Craters ≥1 km: (1)
Database Creation, Properties, and Parameters", S.J. Robbins and B.M.
Hynek, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, v.117. (2012) DOI:
Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
A catalogue of Mars craters by Lagain et al. (2020), extending the previous
catalogue from Robbins and Hynek (2012, DOI:10.1029/2011JE003966). 185 craters
were added by Lagain, the object IDs are compatible with the previous work.
Reference: "Impact cratering rate consistency test from ages of layered ejecta on Mars",
Lagain et al., Planetary and Space Science, v.180. (2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2019.104755
Mars_dust provides a multiannual climatology of Martian airborne dust as measured by various space missions. The retrieved column dust optical depth is mapped for each Martian year and formatted as cubes with time in the 3rd dimension. Two versions are available: irregularly gridded maps, and regular maps produced by kriging. These latter maps are used as column-integrated dust scenarios in the Mars Climate Database (MCD v5). The detailed description of the methodology and dataset can be found in: Montabone et al (2015) Icarus 251, pp. 65-95 ; Montabone et al (2020) JGR-Planets