The Earth rotates around its polar axis and orbits around the Sun:
the sky above us (the celestial sphere) is in constant apparent
motion. Stellarium is the perfect tool to demonstrate the motions of
the sky, the use of coordinates and to illustrate constellations.
Stars have different colors and luminosities. Following this tutorial
we will learn what star luminosity and color are, and which
information about stellar evolution we can obtain from them.
This tutorial will show how tabular data can be easily transferred
from Topcat to Aladin or the other way, and it will illustrate the
benefits of this inter-client communication for VO users. This is
shown with a quick look at filtering members of the Coma Cluster from
VOTT is a formatted list of educational/outreach texts on using the
VO: use cases, tutorials, courses, and such. VOTT contains material
for all settings, from pre-school to graduate. It is generated from
the documents known to the VO Registry.