Within this use case you learn about motion of the planets both
around the Sun and in the sky, planetary conjunctions and what might
have been the Star of Bethlehem.
Within this use case you learn about Kepler's laws, a cornerstone of
astronomy and a fundamental brick of both Newton's and Einstein's
theories of gravitation. This use case is complemented by use cases 10
and 16 (at different levels of difficulty.
Within this case you learn that stars that seem "fixed" on the sky
may actually move, even if their motion is so slow for the naked eye
to be undetectable. You compare two photographs of the Barnard's Star
taken several years apart and will be able to estimate its
displacement on the sky. Your estimate will be very close to actual
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del Pais Vasco /
University of the Basque Country
Images, maps, photometries and other kind of planetary graphic
platforms made by amateur astronomers. Data is received by the
astronomers themselves and can be subject of change
PVO Spacecraft VSO Ephemeris and Spacecraft Orientation ASCII Data
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:27:35
Planetary Data System
This collection includes Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) ephemeris,
spacecraft position and orientation data in Venus Solar Orbital (VSO)
coordinates. This collection is sampled every 12 seconds near
periapsis, and at 1 minute or 10 minute rates in the solar wind, the
lowest rates near apoapsis. Planetocentric and heliocentric position
vectors and solar zenith angle (Sun-Venus-PVO) are also provided. The
VSO parameters are derived from the PVO Supplemental Experimenter Data
Records (SEDR), other parameters are taken directly from the SEDR
dataset. The original data were all binary and contained a
non-standard time representation. No software was provided to convert
these data to ASCII. PDS created ASCII versions of these files in
response to user concerns regarding the ease of use of these data.
PVO Spacecraft VSO Ephemeris and Spacecraft Orientation Original
Binary Data Collection
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:28:02
Planetary Data System
This collection includes Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) ephemeris,
spacecraft position and orientation data in Venus Solar Orbital (VSO)
coordinates. This collection is sampled every 12 seconds near
periapsis, and at 1 minute or 10 minute rates in the solar wind, the
lowest rates near apoapsis. Planetocentric and heliocentric position
vectors and solar zenith angle (Sun-Venus-PVO) are also provided. The
VSO parameters are derived from the PVO Supplemental Experimenter Data
Records (SEDR), other parameters are taken directly from the SEDR
dataset. The original data files submitted to the PDS are IGPP
flatfiles. An IGPP flatfile is a collection of 2 files, each of which
could be considered a table. The data file (.FFD) is a binary table of
data values. The header file (.FFH) is an ASCII table which describes
the data file (.FFD) and is used by the UCLA/IGPP Data Flow System (a
software package).