H.E.S.S. is a system of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes that investigates cosmic gamma rays in the 100 GeV to 100 TeV energy range. The name H.E.S.S. stands for High Energy Stereoscopic System.
HST observations of planets, dwarf planets, and satellites, extracted
from the CADC database catalogue (with daily updates). Data are linked
to the CADC repository, with file names common to all HST archives.
Both calibrated and derived products are included. The main target is
identified. Physical ephemeris and thumbnails are provided when
available. Files and previews are not accessible during the
proprietary period.
Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board
the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies
Node data set (2011 reformatted version) and updated. The data set
consists in 101 tables providing the radiance spectrum of comet Halley
from various distances, plus two composite spectra. For details and
further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.5-12 micron
Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76,
404-436 [1988Icar...76..404C]
The IMCCE is a research institute of the Paris Observatory, associated with the CNRS (UMR8028), whose work concerns mainly the dynamic and planetologic studies of the bodies of the solar system and of the terrestrial environment: planets, natural satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and space debris. The IMCCE, through its VO Solar System Portal, places at the disposal of the Virtual observatory its knowledge and its expertise which concern the dynamics and the physics of the bodies of the solar system through databases, ephemeris computation services, tools of simulation, and numerical computation services fully compliant with the interoperability concept of the Virtual Observatory.
INAF-OATs SVAS Educational Images SIAP service. Le Stelle Vanno A Scuola (SVAS) proposes a modern tool to support teaching of astronomy, through the study and experimentation of its observation methods. SVAS offers to schools and teachers a remote laboratory with which carry out real observation sessions, managed in real time by the students under the supervision of the teacher, in the classroom, and of an astronomer, at the OATs, thanks to the telematic link between the school and the observatory. Students and teachers experience real astronomical observations, through the interactive participation to the different steps of planning, observing and acquiring the data. The project is addressed to 13-18 yr students. Every observation is previously planned together with the teachers, according to age and curriculum of the students, with the aim to maximize the results. The observing activity, lasting about 90 minutes and led by an astronomer of the OATs, can be done during the morning (observation of the Sun) or in the evening (observation of stars, nebulae, clusters and galaxies). SVAS involves the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (OATs), the school (of every level) and the University of Trieste. SVAS is supported by the Consorzio per l’Incremento degli Studi e delle Ricerche dei Dipartimenti di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Trieste and by the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.