This collection contains snapshots of MAG vector samples, or burst
sampling, over a time span of 8 minutes, at a rate of 20 samples per
second for a total of 9600 vector samples. The burst data give
information about waves and turbulent phenomena expected to occur at
the magnetospheric boundaries and elsewhere in association with pickup
processes of volatile species as they are photo-ionized. Typically one
burst period will be recorded every day of orbit operations.
MESSENGER MAG Raw Science Header Information Data Collection
Short Name:
03 Feb 2023 20:18:09
Planetary Data System
Captures the instrument state (health and mode) as reported by the
science packet. This information only changes on packet boundaries so
it is kept in a separate EDR, minimizing repetition of information.
Each row in the Science Header EDR corresponds to the information
extracted from one science packet.
MAG instrument raw status information, temperatures, voltage, command
status counts as well as low-resolution (14-bit) 3-axis magnetic field
samples as recorded by A/D converters integral to the Low Voltage
Power Supply (LVPS).
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated J2000 Coordinates Science Data
Short Name:
27 Dec 2022 02:13:02
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged spacecraft position and calibrated 3-axis magnetic
field samples in J2000 coordinates. The data are tagged with latency
corrected UTC and MET time stamps at the center of each interval. The
J2K RDR is derived from the Science CDR for this coordinate system
with time averages computed within 1, 5, 10, and 60 s intervals.
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated MBF Coordinates Science Data
Short Name:
16 Dec 2022 17:16:54
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged spacecraft position and calibrated 3-axis magnetic
field samples in Mercury Body Fixed (MBF) coordinates. The data are
tagged with latency corrected UTC and MET time stamps at the center of
each interval. The MBF CDR is derived from the Science CDR for this
coordinate system with time averages computed within 1, 5, 10, and 60
s intervals.
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated MSO Coordinates Science Data
Short Name:
06 Jan 2023 00:01:33
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged spacecraft position and calibrated 3-axis magnetic
field samples in Mercury Solar Orbital (MSO) coordinates. The data are
tagged with latency corrected UTC and MET time stamps at the center of
each interval. The MSO RDR is derived from the Science CDR for this
coordinate system with time averages computed within 1, 5, 10, and 60
s intervals.
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated RTN Coordinates Science Data
Short Name:
16 Dec 2022 17:17:45
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged spacecraft position and calibrated 3-axis magnetic
field samples in Radial-Tangential-Normal (RTN) coordinates. The
spacecraft postion is given by the radial distance from Sun center,
northward latitude above the instantaneous ecliptic plane, and azimuth
angle of the spacecraft in the instantaneous ecliptic plane with
respect to the Earth-Sun line, positive in direction of the Earth's
orbital motion. The data are tagged with latency corrected UTC and MET
time stamps at the center of each interval. The RTN RDR is derived
from the Science CDR for this coordinate system with time averages
computed within 1, 5, 10, and 60 s intervals.
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated Spacecraft Coordinates Science
Data Collection
Short Name:
16 Dec 2022 17:31:44
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged calibrated 3-axis magnetic field samples in sensor and
spacecraft coordinates. The data are tagged with latency corrected UTC
and MET time stamps at the center of each interval. The SC RDR is
derived from the Science CDR for this coordinate system with time
averages computed within 1 s intervals.
MESSENGER MAG Time-Averaged Calibrated VSO Coordinates Science Data
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:26:44
Planetary Data System
Time-averaged spacecraft position and calibrated 3-axis magnetic
field samples in Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates. The data are
tagged with latency corrected UTC and MET time stamps at the center of
each interval. The VSO RDR is derived from the Science CDR for this
coordinate system with time averages computed within 1, 5, 10, and 60
s intervals.